In Flight Entertainment


Published on Sep 20, 2023


In Flight Entertainment, Chapter 7

OK all - thanks so much for the great feedback. This is the last chapter of IFE - I'm pretty certain this time! I hope you like it.

As always - email me your comments on

Remember this is a fantasy - safe, consensual sex is the best!

So here we were, at JFK airport, on our way back to Heathrow. Ben was beside me, wearing the now customary bright, skimpy clothing that I had bought for him. He was wearing a scoop-neck, sleeveless top that showed off his arms - and the fact that his chest and pits had been shaved.

I knew under his shorts he was tightly locked in a metal cock cage. I hadn't let him cum since he'd fucked Andy the night before.

Getting through security had been fun - for me. I'd left Ben in his metal cage, which of course had then set off the security scanners in the airport. Ben had flushed crimson with embarrassment as I saw him try and explain to the large, black security guard what he was hiding in his trousers.

I was already through security when I saw him get taken to one of the nearby private booths by the guard, who was densely muscled and a good foot taller than Ben.

I waited for about fifteen minutes when they both reappeared. The security guard looked smug and Ben was walking with a slight limp. When he caught up to me, he explained that the guard had given him a very thorough cavity search - first with his gloved hands and then with his cock.

I just laughed. I had other things on my mind - like getting my own cock released. It was still locked in a plastic cage and the key was in the pilot's top pocket. I really hoped that the captain hadn't been mistaken and that he was the pilot for our flight home too.

Fortunately, while we were waiting to board the plane, I watched the cabin crew file past us. I didn't recognise any of the stewards, but I did recognise the pilot. The captain was tall, muscular and handsome. His short, dark brown hair - greying at the temples - and perfect smile were exactly how I remembered.

He saw me as he walked past, he flashed those white teeth at me and patted his shirt pocket, bulging out over his defined pec. I felt my imprisoned cock churning, desperate for release after a week of denial. I'd never gone this long without cumming before and it was driving me wild.

But I had a plan. By the time we got back to Heathrow, that guy was going to be mine. My cock was going to be free.

And it was going to be buried deep inside him.

We boarded the plane and found our seats. Ben still looked uncomfortable - probably as the result of having the security guard's spunk buried deep inside his guts. I'd refused to allow him go to the toilet to let it out.

We were sat in first class, but I barely noticed the luxury. I hardly registered the stewards or the safety demonstrations. I just waited. It wouldn't be long now.

Time dragged on the flight. I wasn't feeling talkative, so I let Ben put on his headphones and start watching a movie. It gave me more time to get myself ready.

After about two hours, I noticed the co-pilot wandering down the aisle past me, towards the galley. This was it.

I pulled Ben's headphones out and whispered, "I'll be back in a bit."

I licked his ear quickly, making him gasp in surprise. I noticed a few people look over disapprovingly. I just smiled back at them. Ben blushed and asked if he could go back to his movie. He really was turning into a good boy. I ran my hand through his short blonde hair and nodded.

I saw a steward heading towards me from the front of the plane. He was a cute, tight-bodied guy - he was maybe 20 and about five foot eight. He had that look of youthful innocence that never seems to last past the early twenties.

Under normal circumstances I'd have taken him, bent him over something and fucked him till he cried. But maybe I'd do that later. For now - I had to deal with the cage imprisoning my dick.

The steward smiled cheerfully at me as he stooped over my seat. I could see the mounds of his little pecs through his waistcoat.

"The captain would like to see you," he said, his blue eyes twinkling at me, "He said you'd be expecting him?"

I nodded and smiled back. As I stood up, I let my hand graze the front of his trousers and I swear I saw him shudder slightly. Maybe I'd have him for dessert.

As the steward headed back towards the front of the plane, I swiftly slipped a couple of items from my hand luggage into my pockets. Then I followed after him.

The young steward - John - according to his name badge, opened the cockpit door and beckoned for me to go through. I walked through the door, groping his crotch firmly on the way past. John actually jumped. Definitely worth revisiting later. I flashed him a smile and was rewarded with a blush.

And there he was. The captain. ( He was standing facing me, with his thick arms folded across his chest. God this man was perfect. Even the faintly patronising smile across his handsome face was beautiful. If I hand't suffered at his hands for the entire last week, I wasn't sure that I wouldn't have just fallen for this guy all over again. Even the grey streaks in his dark hair made him look amazing.

But this time was going to be different.

"Be here to escort my friend back to his seat in, say, twenty minutes," said the pilot, to John, who beat a hasty retreat. I heard the door click closed behind me.

I smiled at the guy who had so completely dominated me last time we met.

"I need an escort back to my seat this time?" I asked.

The captain actually winked at me. ( "You may not be too steady on your feet in twenty minutes, but just in case, I asked my co-pilot to come back in forty minutes. you never know." he said, in his deep voice. I actually felt a slight thrill run through me. I had to keep it together or...

In a couple of strides he crossed the room to me and wrapped his arms around me, pinning them to my sides. His lips found mine and he forced his tongue down my throat. I felt myself melting into his body again, feeling the tight fabric of his shirt, barely managing to contain his muscles.

I felt his hands running down my back, then massaging my buttocks, as he continued kissing me. Then he released my arms. I moved to push him back, gain a little respite, but felt one hand wrap around my throat and pull me in even closer into his kiss.

Somehow, whatever I did, this guy made me feel total helpless. I was a tall, middle-aged, muscular guy, but the captain dominated me completely. He was bigger, taller, stronger than I was. I felt his other hand run down my abs, eventually toying with the cock cage that he'd locked me in a week ago.

I felt his hands playing with the device, twisting and turning it, driving my confined dick wild. The aching in my balls grew as I felt my cock trying to expand, the plastic cage keeping it firmly and painfully small. The feeling only reinforced just how helpless I was.

Finally, the captain broke the kiss, but kept one hand round my throat and the other toying with my balls. I moaned in spite of myself.

"I'm going to fuck you senseless and milk you dry," he whispered in my ear, slowly walking backwards, dragging me towards the chair where he'd tied me down a week ago and submitted me to being fucked by himself and four stewards. The chair where he'd conquered me and locked my cock away.

I remembered his huge dick pounding in and out of me, mercilessly breeding me - even though I was a top.

I could see the handcuffs he'd used hooked onto the side of the chair. It was the perfect opportunity.

I leaned in as if to kiss him and kneed him in the balls.

I didn't use as much force as I could have done - I wanted him winded, not injured - but the fight went out of the guy straight away. I felt his hands drop away from me and move to cover his aching groin as he doubled over and stumbled backwards.

I moved towards him and gave him a push. He fell backwards into his chair - a look of shock, surprise and pain on his face. I knew I didn't have long.

"What the fuck?" he was moaning, still clutching his balls.

Before he knew what was happening, I walked round behind him and pulled his arms apart. As soon as I heard the click of the handcuffs around his wrists, I relaxed. He was mine. Finally.

The captain was still moaning softly, unable to do anything but shift uncomfortably, his powerful, muscular arms shackled behind the chair. I walked round in front of him and looked him over. I'd had to fight dirty, but he was mine.

I took the key to my cock cage from his top pocket and put it to one side. There would be time for that later. I felt the aching in my balls as I leant in towards his head, which was resting down on his chest. I forced his chin up and saw that handsome face. A good ten years older than me, but sexy as fuck.

I held his gaze, full of pain and anger, as I used my other hand to slowly undo the buttons of his shirt. They almost burst open of their own accord, under the strain of that powerful chest. Out of the corner of my eye. I saw a mat of thick dark hair over his pecs - making him look even more manly than ever. I slid the shirt back over his arms and twisted it round his wrists, entangling him even more tightly.

I stood back to have a look at him. He was naked from the waist up and was giving me a thunderously angry look. His washboard abs were also covered in a trail of hair that stretched down into his trousers.

"It's no good," I said, "I've got to see what's under there." The captain didn't reply.

I quickly darted forward and popped the button on his trousers. I hooked my fingers under the waistband of his underwear and pulled off his remaining clothes - shoes and all - in one swift motion. I took the white briefs he was wearing, balled them up and rammed them into his mouth. Then I stepped back again to admire my handiwork.

It was all I had dreamed of.

This hairy god of a man was naked, gagged and completely helpless. From the mounds of his perfect pecs to the huge dick that was nestled in the dense hair between his legs. His thick legs squirmed uncomfortably as he tried to get free.

"I've been waiting for this all week," I said. The captain looked furiously at me. ( I started to slowly undress. First my t-shirt, exposing my smooth chest. Then I unbuttoned my trousers and let them fall to the floor. I kicked off my shoes and nudged them to one side with my feet.

I definitely had his attention now. He still looked angry, but I could see the beginnings of desire there, just the slightest twitch in his cock, but it was enough to show me that he wanted me.

Finally, I slowly let my underwear slip down my legs, exposing my aching, caged cock. This was what I wanted him to see. I reached for the key I had taken from him and unlocked the padlock. I eased myself out of the cage. God that felt good.

My dick sprang up on its own to a full 9 inches. I don't think I'd ever been harder. All the cum and desperation of a whole frustrated week was bottled up there.

I looked the captain straight in his handsome blue eyes.

"This is going all the way up you," I said.

The captain shook his head and tried to dislodge the underwear gagging him. I moved over and shoved it deeper into his mouth. I heard muffled yelling as I spat on my dick a few times for lubrication. That was all the bastard was going to get.

The captain tried to use his muscular legs to push me back away from him, but I moved round the side and tightly gripped his heavy, aching balls in one hand. He moaned in pain through the gag.

"I'm going to fuck you," I said, "Or I'll make you suffer. Your choice."

I released my grip and he sank back in the chair. I moved round and had no trouble spreading his legs this time. I raised his ankles over my shoulders - exposing his hairy asshole. It looked tight - I guessed this guy had rarely, if ever, let anyone fuck him - he was too much of an alpha.

I let the head of my cock touch his hole. I started teasing him, moving it gently round, rimming him with the tip of my dick. The captain started squirming again, his hole spasming with the feeling. Slowly - so slowly - I started easing myself into him.

It felt amazing as my head gradually pushed past his tight sphincter. The warmth inside his body was almost unbearable. Dimly, I heard the older guy screaming through the gag, but I didn't care. After a week locked away from my dick I was going to savour this one.

I kept up my slow push inside him. My shaft moved up and up inside him, each second the feeling of his ass gripping my dick getting more and more amazing. Finally, I felt my smooth balls crush up against his hairy arse and I knew I was all the way inside him.

I started slowly moving in and out of him. Just a slight movement at first, but I gradually started to pick up the pace. At some point I became aware that his screams had changed to moans and I looked down at him.

This dominant, muscular guy was now naked, chained down and impaled on my hard cock. And he loved it. Each thrust into him made him shudder and moan through his underwear gag. Sweat was starting to mat his hair all over his body and his dick - that amazing, huge, thickly veined cock of his was jutting up at right angles from his body.

I felt him trying to push back off the chair to force my dick even further up inside him.

"You want my cock inside you, don't you?" I asked.

He didn't answer, so as I kept up my rhythm, I slapped his face gently.


He looked straight up at me and nodded. Gotcha.

"You can't imagine not having my cock inside you, can you?" I asked him.

He looked troubled, a frown creasing his face, but he nodded again, then arched his head back as I managed to brush his prostate. He moaned again.

"You really want to cum, don't you?" I continued. In and out, in and out - I started pounding my full nine inches all the way into his hole, before pulling it out completely, holding for a second and burying it up to the hilt in him again.

The captain, the most manly guy I had ever seen, just nodded desperately. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He was completely mine and I could tell from his straining cock and low-hanging balls that if I gave his dick any serious attention he would blow his load.

That wasn't what I had in mind. I kept pumping in and out of him. Now I had found his prostate, I made sure I was hitting it with each thrust. The captain seemed almost unconscious, his eyes rolling back into his head as his body demanded release. Just like mine had for a week.

His straining dick was running with streams of clear pre-cum.I carefully scooped some off his cock, which twitched at my slightest touch. Letting it pool in my hand, I fed it to him. He sucked it down, not seeming to even register what I was doing.

I kept pounding him until I felt my own dick get close to exploding. Then I stopped and pulled out of him. After a week of abstinence it was torture, but I had a plan. I stepped away from him and wandered over to my trousers.

The captain moaned again - lifting his head weakly and looking around to see why I had stopped.

I picked through my trousers until I found what I had taken from my hand luggage when the steward had come to collect me. It was a pair of electric hair clippers.

The captain's eyes widened as I approached him and he tried to struggle - again in vain I laughed at his face. ( Don't worry," I said, "I'll leave you some."

I clicked the clippers on and a loud hum filled the cabin. Working quickly, I ran the clippers over his throbbing cock and balls. The vibrations brought his dick up to full mast again and it started leaking ominously as he moaned. But before he managed to climax I had finished, moving on to his pubes.

The captain groaned as I removed all the hair in a circle around his genitals. Then, I made two long, swift strokes with the clippers over his chest and I was done. All he could do was moan pathetically, locked to his chair.

This proud, dominant guy, who had so completely controlled me on our last encounter was sprawled naked, bound to the leather chair and gagged with his own white briefs. He was dripping with sweat and his breathing was shallow.

Now, his magnificent body was still covered in thick, dark hair, except for a completely nude circle around his crotch and a large letter `T' emblazoned across his chest. I'd had him begging for my dick, so I'd decided to put my initial on him.

He looked weakly down at his body and then looked back at me, pathetically.

"It stands for `Tom'," I said helpfully. "Now - let's deal with that cock of yours."

In spite of his humiliation, the captain's shaved dick was once again starting to leak pre-cum. He nodded, desperate for me to put him out of his misery. Not what I had in mind. ( I moved over and wrapped my hand around his abused, newly smooth balls. I knew they still had to be aching from my punishment earlier. He moaned like a whore, sweat trickling down the shaved `T' on his chest.

I squeezed sharply.

The captain gasped in pain and jerked in his seat. I felt his cock deflate a little. I kept tugging sharply on his balls, over and over, until eventually the pain forced his dick to become soft. I knew it wouldn't last for long in his state - so I moved quickly.

I'd got the cock cage that he'd locked on me last week. I quickly slid the cock ring behind his naked balls, then slid the cage over his already hardening dick. I locked the two together in place and clicked the padlock shut with a snap.

Then I stood back and admired as he strained and thrashed, every vein showing as he arched his magnificent muscles, trying to break free.

His cock was trying desperately to expand. He'd been so close to coming that his dick couldn't seem to deflate. I knew from experience how uncomfortable that felt. And I loved the fact that he was feeling it now - not me.

I sat down in the corner of the cockpit and watched my conquest. After a while, he wore himself out from his exertions and lay still, breathing heavily, his dick still squashed up inside the cage, refusing to go soft.

That was when John returned.

The short, young steward that had shown me to the captain had been instructed to return after twenty minutes or so. Here he was - right on time. He didn't see me, as I was sat to one side of the door. But he did see the captain - and his mouth fell open as he saw the naked, part-shaved and totally exhausted captain bound to his chair.

"What the..?" he exclaimed, moving towards the captain.

I moved up behind the kid and pulled him back into a bear hug. John was young and skinny and was a good ten years younger than me. I wrapped one hand over his mouth to silence him and nudged the door shut with my hip. ( The steward struggled in my grip, but I'm a strong guy. I pulled him backwards to the chair I had just been sat in and sat down. He was pulled backwards with me and ended up on my knee.

Even though I was totally naked, I knew I had him. I wrapped my legs around his, to stop him squirming and took my hand from round his chest. I used it to loosen his belt and inch his trousers and underwear down, just slightly.

He bucked and twisted, but he was young and innocent and had no experience of fighting people. My hand moved down his bubble butt - finding the groove between his cheeks and slipping down it. I found his tight little hairless hole and so gently eased my finger right up to it. This kid was definitely a virgin.

Well - he wouldn't be much longer.

I played with that hole, flicking, nipping and circling it gently with my finger. I withdrew it and licked it, tasting that mixture of young sweat and soap. My saliva lubricated my finger slightly and I returned it to his virgin little hole. This time, I slowly slipped my finger up inside him.

I almost lost my hold on him as he tried to rocket off my knee, but I managed to hold him firm, my other hand still planted firmly over his mouth. I pushed my finger deeper into him. Exploring, teasing, feeling inside him. When I thought he could take it, I added a second finger and continued my gentle intrusion.

After a few minutes, I realised he was no longer yelling into my hand. Cautiously I took it away and was rewarded with the sound of his soft moaning. Perfect. I'd never known a virgin (straight or gay) that had been able to resist me.

Carrying on with exploration of his hole, I used my other hand to slowly unbutton his waistcoat and shirt. He allowed me to slowly pull him out of them. He seemed to be in a dream state, unable to think of anything other than the feeling of my fingers inside him.

I ran my hand over his smooth chest and started slowly rubbing his nipples. John arched off my knee as a wave of stimulation flowed through him.

I leaned into his ear. He shuddered as he felt my hot breath against him.

"Do you want me to be your first?" I whispered, "Shall I fuck you?"

John nodded like a good little boy - I knew he would.

I carefully stood him up and pulled down his trousers. He stepped out of them and, before he could turn, I gently guided my dick inside his hole, now nicely loosened by my fingers. I was careful and slowly eased him in, using my saliva as lubricant. Slowly I felt him opening up and letting me in - little by little.

His tight little ass felt magnificent - his ass muscle clenching and unclenching uncontrollably, milking my cock. I sat down, pulling him down onto my lap again - this time with my dick planted firmly up his hole. He was shuddering uncontrollably as I slowly started bouncing him up and down on me, my arms wrapped round his chest and my fingers tweaking those soft, virgin nipples.

He cried out in ecstasy - as only a first-timer can - as I moved one hand down to his crotch. I felt his cock shudder as I started running my hand up his shaft. And up and up.

I paused for a moment and looked round his sweating, shaking little body. The kid was a tripod! Straining out in front of him was probably the biggest cock I had ever seen. It was thin, but must have easily been eleven inches.

This was perfect.

I eased him all the way down on my dick, until I felt him nestling against my balls. I idly stroked his cock slowly, making him squirm. I played with his little nipples, until he thrashed around on me, his arse tightening involuntarily until I couldn't take it any more.

Howling and pulling him back into me, I pumped a week's worth of cum deep into his newly ploughed hole. It felt like I would never stop as it gushed out of me. Even with my cock plugging it, his hole started leaking my jizz all over my crotch.

Staying inside him, I scooped up some of my cum and slathered it over his enormous dick. Then I pushed him off me, my cock slipping from his hole with a sucking noise and a stream of cum trickling out of his arse and down his leg.

Standing up behind him, I reached around and kept slowly pumping his cock. He was still moaning, almost out of his mind with these new feelings in his body. I inched him towards the captain, who was staring in awe at the kid's enormous dick.

As I steered the kid towards him, I saw the captain register what was going to happen. He shook his head violently from side to side, but it was no good. I gently lined up John's monster cock against the captain's already abused hole and stood back, letting nature take it's course.

It was like putting a newborn baby in front of it's mother's breasts. Instinct will just take over. John was too horny to resist, so he pushed forward and slid his cock into the captain. John's cock wasn't thick, so it entered easily, and soon he had his entire length buried in the older man.

He wasn't gentle - he didn't know how to be. He hammered that huge cock in and out of the captain, abusing his hole over and over. The captain was beside himself, his straining cock locked in a plastic cage, which was now overflowing with pre-cum, pooling around his bizarrely shaved crotch.

Finally, John came. And it was an explosion. He had pulled out as he felt his orgasm, and it landed all over the captain. It soaked his chest hair and even his face as volley after volley of John's first proper cum sprayed over him.

That was when I grabbed my camera from my other pocket and took a couple of pictures.

John seemed to come to once his orgasm had subsided and he looked uncertain and shocked at what he had done. Fucking the pilot while he was tied up would not look great on his resume.

I pulled on my clothes and wandered over to the two of them - John breathing heavily with exertion, the captain yelling with frustration through his gag, his body soaked with sweat, John's cum and his own pre-cum.

"Do you like holiday snaps?" I asked him.

I showed him the picture on the screen of my phone. There he was, tied down, shaved and being topped by a young air steward.

The captain froze.

"I guess this wouldn't look great if it got sent to the airline?" I asked.

There was a hint of desperation creeping into the captain's eyes. Most people would have missed it, but I was used to seeing it in my boys - which is what he now was.

"Now if you behave, I'll keep this quiet and you'll keep your job," I said, "Understand?"

He nodded slowly and looked away, finally defeated. He knew I had him. I'd fucked him, locked his dick away and now I had control of his job.

I turned to John, who was still naked and looked completely uncertain what to do.

I passed him the key to the cock cage and a post-it note.

"That's the key to his dick," I said, "And the post-it has my mobile number on it."

John looked at me quizzically.

"Why did you give me..?" he started. ( "He's yours now," I replied, nodding towards the naked, chained captain, "I don't want him, so he's your toy. Keep him locked - or don't. Fuck him when you want, or give him to other guys - whatever you fancy. If he argues, text me and I'll send the pictures to his boss - with your head cropped off it of course."

A sudden look of excitement crossed John's youthful face. He was actually the boss of this gorgeous, muscled pilot. He started to grin and I saw his cock start to harden again. I guessed there was probably time for him to go for seconds before the co-pilot got back.

I took the clippers out of my pocket again and moved towards the captain. He barely looked up at me and seemed totally broken.

"This is what happens if you fuck with me," I said, adding a curve to the lower part of the T' I'd shaved into his chest hair and turning it into a J'.

I slipped the clippers back in my pocket and waved John forward.

"All yours," I said. ( I saw the young steward, now fully erect again, advancing on the bound form of his new toy.

I made my way back to my seat, closing the cockpit door firmly behind me.

I sat back down next to Ben, who had fallen asleep. I'd give him another hour, I thought. Then I'd wake him, take him to the toilet and remove his chastity cage. Then finally, I'd be able to fuck him until he screamed and begged me to let him cum. Then I'd lock him back up again and lead him back to our seats.

But that was for later. For now, I stretched out and watched the remaining stewards busy themselves offering free drinks.

It had been a great holiday.

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