In Flight Entertainment


Published on Sep 8, 2023


In-flight entertainment, part 5

As requested - here's one more chapter (and I think this really is the last one!) Hope you enjoy - it brings a bit of final closure.

Comments, thoughts and suggestions - please fire them my way on I love hearing from you!

This flight had turned into a bit of a disaster, all things considered. I'd started off having a bit of fun with the first-class stewards and had managed to ride each of one them until they came. I'd even won fifty pounds doing it.

But then my mate Ben and Joe, my first conquest, had set me up by sending me to see the captain. I could hardly think about it. He'd dominated me from the moment I walked into the cockpit. I could still feel his strong hands pinning me down. ( He'd turned me into a cum-dump for him and the flight attendants I had used. Literally.

And now, here I was, sat in my seat, topless and wearing trousers that were little stuck to me with the drying cum of five different men. Each time I moved, I could feel a squelching sensation around my crotch.

( Worst of all, I could feel the captain's infernal chastity device locked around my cock. The plastic hugged my shaft along its entire length, making erections very uncomfortable - as I had already found out to my cost. Knowing it would be locked on me until our return flight to London in a week was humiliating.

Fortunately, the first-class section was relatively quiet and we were sat a decent way away from any other passengers, allowing me some privacy.

I'd also managed to get a towel from one of the stewards. I held the call button down for about ten minutes before an annoyed-looking Mike appeared, virtually throwing a towel at me. I'd used it to clear the streaks of cum from my face and chest.

Ben had spent about half a hour laughing and teasing me for the state I'd returned in, before insisting that I owed him a hundred pounds from our bet.

"You may have had sex with the guy," he said, before running his hand over the hard plastic mound in my crotch, "But I'd say he was the one that fucked you."

I refused to speak to him. I was furious at his part in all this.

Eventually Ben lost interest and clearly decided to let me cool off. He shifted his body so he was angled away from me and hunkered down in his seat. There were still a few hours left on the flight and the cabin lights were dimmed to allow people to catch up on some sleep if they so desired.

I spent a little while dabbing at myself with the towel and made a couple of attempts to remove the cock cage, but it was going nowhere without the key, which was safe in the pilot's top pocket.

I sighed and turned to say something cutting to Ben. I paused as I noticed that he had fallen asleep.

A plan was forming in my mind. If Ben thought he could play me for a hundred quid, he had another thing coming.

I waited a few more minutes until I was sure Ben was really asleep. His breathing was regular and his head was tilted slightly to one side, short, blonde hair pushed up against the seat. I slowly reached out and pulled the lever that controlled his chair. It gradually moved towards a reclined position, giving me better access to his body.

Ben and I had never slept together, but I knew he was a pretty heavy sleeper. Still no chance in tempting fate. I kept my movements slow and steady.

Silently, I reached out, popped the button on his trousers and unzipped his flies, spreading them apart. And there he was. I knew he never wore underwear, so his soft dick was now exposed, spread out in front of me, nestled in his neatly trimmed blonde pubes.

I pulled back and stuffed my hand down my trousers, feeling the sticky cum from the plane's staff coat my hand.

Moving my now slick hand back to Ben's crotch, I started teasing his prick with one finger. I ran it in a figure of eight pattern over his balls, before slowly drawing my finger up the length of his shaft.

Ben's breathing started to deepen as his cock automatically started to harden. As the dick stiffened, I started rubbing more fingers over it, dripping some of the cum on my fingers over it and making it wet.

Eventually Ben was at full mast - a nice seven inches or so - even though he was still fast asleep. I'd managed to wrap my whole hand around his shaft now and I gradually moving it up and down in a gentle pumping motion.

It wasn't going to be enough to make him cum, but I didn't want that to happen. Yet.

Now I knew my plan might work, I used my other hand and found the ties that I'd kept as souvenirs from the stewards I had fucked so far on the flight. I used two of them to secure his wrists to the armrest of his seat. All the time, I kept the slow rhythm of my hand moving up and down on his slick cock.

Once Ben was secure, I decided to up the ante. He was wearing a plain white T-shirt that showed off his nicely toned chest and arms. He had a light dusting of hair over his arms, but I knew his chest was smooth.

I slowly used the hand that wasn't keeping him hard to hitch his t-shirt up. I soon had it tucked under his chin, exposing his torso to me. Ben was no-where near as muscular as I was, but I had always thought he was nicely defined, with a little eight pack nestled under some nice firm pecs.

I started exploring his body with my free hand, running my fingers lightly over his stomach muscles, before moving to those tight brown nipples that jutted out from his chest. I pinched and nipped at them. Ben started moaning softly and his breathing quickened.

I didn't want him to wake up just yet, so I slowed down again and went back to gently caressing his body and his dick, which was rock solid now and starting to add pre-cum to the sticky jizz that was already lubricating his shaft.

I was glad first class was so quiet - Ben was virtually naked and dripping as I was jerking him off. I couldn't have easily done that if it was busy.

I edged Ben's cock for about twenty minutes or so. It didn't matter if he was awake or not, the effect was the same. He kept moaning softly as I kept his dick hard. I never stroked him hard enough to make him cum, but I never let his erection subside.

Ben was eventually starting to twist in his seat, his hands keeping him locked in place. His breathing was shallow and broken and there were beads of sweat forming all over his body. He was ready.

Keeping up my wanking, I gently slapped his face.

Ben woke with a gasp and tried to sit up, straining against the ties.

"What the...unhhh," he started, before I squeezed his dick, making him shiver and fall back weakly into the seat.

I went back to my slow wanking.

"What are you, what have you done?" gasped Ben, a desperate look in his blue eyes.

"Just having a bit of fun," I replied, keeping my voice low. And it was true - I could feel my own dick straining against its prison, leaving me with mounting frustration and a dull pain in my balls.

I carried on my slow teasing, making Ben moan in spite of himself. He seemed speechless.

"Do you want to cum?" I asked. Limply, Ben could do nothing but nod as my hand made another pass up and down his sticky shaft. A large drip of pre-cum oozed from the head of his cock.

"Well we've got another hour or so before we land," I said, smiling maliciously, "Maybe I'll let you come before then."

I gave him one firm pump of my fist and felt him shudder. I knew he'd never be able to wait that long.

"Of course," I continued, "I guess someone might wander past soon enough and see what we're doing."

I knew Ben was pretty shy when it came to his body and other men, so the thought of that was simply too humiliating.

"Please," he whispered, sweat running down his forehead as he strained to push his cock more firmly into my loose fist - anything to get some more friction, "Just let me cum. I'll do anything."

I had him.

"Anything?" I asked. Ben nodded stiffly.

"I'll give you the hundred pounds - say you won the bet," he gasped.

"Hmmmm...." I replied, trying to look thoughtful.

I moved my free hand up to his chest and idly started playing with his nipples again. They hardened under my touch and Ben started shaking with lust. His moans were getting loader, so I leaned in to his ear.

"Keep quiet or I'll gag you." I hissed.

Ben nodded and bit down on his bottom lip to muffle his increasingly desperate sounds. Every part of him needed me to give him release and I intended to take full use of that.

"I'm going to untie your hands - one at a time," I told him, "and you're going to slip off your t-shirt. I seem to have misplaced mine, so I'm taking yours."

Ben nodded spasmodically.

"You know I'm a lot stronger than you," I added, "So don't try anything."

I didn't think for a moment that Ben would. He was lost to his horniess and his desperation to cum. I doubted he could fight me off in his state.

Slowly I untied one hand, then helped him shrug his t-shirt over it. I tied his hand back in place then repeated the exercise with his other hand. Once that was securely re-fastened, I pulled the white t-shirt over his head. The whole time, I kept my gentle, but steady pumping of Ben's dick.

Now Ben was completely topless and I could see his growing desperation reflected in the short gasps his breath was now coming in.

I pulled his t-shirt over my own head. He was shorter than me, but it still fitted me well enough - just a little tighter than I normally wore. At least I felt a little better to be fully clothed once more.

"Thank you very much," I whispered. "Now, let's sit you upright."

I pulled on Ben's seat lever and maneuvered it back into a seated position.

"Aren't you going to let me cum?" asked Ben, rather pathetically. He knew I had taken total control.

I didn't reply. Instead, I found a flight pillow and propped it in front of his exposed dick. Behind the pillow, I kept up my slow deliberate stroking of his long dick.

From the side, it looked like the Ben was sat up normally. Granted he was topless, dripping with sweat and moaning slightly, but it wasn't obvious that my hand was on his cock, controlling him.

About half an hour before landing, Joe, one of the stewards, came over to check we both had our seatbelts on.

He looked at me with annoyance.

"I see you found a fresh t-shirt," he said, before doing a double-take at the now topless guy sitting next to me.

"Yes," I said, smiling, "My friend decided to give me his."

I twitched my hand over Ben's shaft and he bucked in his seat, before letting his head loll back onto his seat.

Joe looked concerned.

"Is he OK?" he asked.

"He doesn't fly well," I replied, shaking my head with mock concern, "bless him."

Joe frowned and wandered off down the aisle to check on the other passengers.

Ben was now almost incoherent.

"Please, please, please," he whispered, "just let me cum."

I looked at my watch - I'd had Ben on the edge of an orgasm for easily an hour and a half. His cock had been hard the whole time. No wonder the kid was out of his mind.

"It's nearly time," I said soothingly, running my free hand over his chest. As an afterthought I scooped some of the nearly dry semen from inside my trousers and forced it into his mouth. He was unable to fend me off and was forced to swallow the sticky mess.

I went back to stimulating his nipples and actually saw a tear trickle down Ben's face. The cock cage encircling my dick was straining to contain my erection by now. I'd never realised how hot playing with Ben could be.

Finally we started our descent into New York. The captain made an announcement to that effect. I felt my dick jump slightly at the sound of his voice, but stayed focussed on keeping Ben from cumming. His whole body was twitching with his need for release now. But not yet. ( Finally, I saw the ground approaching as we came into land. I wanted to time this just right. The plane hit the runway with a bump and there was a roaring noise as the engines reversed to slow it down.

That was the moment I chose to finish Ben off. I firmly gripped his dick and pumped. After just a moment, I felt his whole body arch off the chair, his dick pushed forward so it nearly touched the back of the seat in front.

"Aaaarrrrgghhhh....." he yelled, mainly drowned out by the engines as he came. His whole body pulsed as if it was trying to force the jizz from his dick.

I tried to angle his dick upwards, causing rope after rope of sticky cum to spray over his chest and abs. Some sprayed over the chair behind him. It ran down his trimmed pubes. Some sprayed straight into his own open mouth. ( As the plane finally slowed, Ben sank back into his now sticky seat, sobbing with exertion. He was plastered in his own cum, with some dripping from the corner of his mouth. I stroked his neck and he shuddered at my touch.

I put one hand under his chin and forced his head round so I could look deep into his eyes. He looked exhausted by his almost two hours of edging. He was clearly more humiliated than he had ever been in his life. But more than that, he knew that he was mine. After years of friendship, our relationship was never going to be the same. I'd taken his body once and he knew I could do it again whenever I wanted to.

"That's what you get for trying to get one over on me with the captain," I said, firmly. His breathing was still ragged.

I took his hand in mine and ground it into my crotch, so he could feel the device keeping my straining cock at bay

"I don't need access to my cock to fuck you," I said, "Understand?"

Ben nodded miserably.

I untied his hands from the arm rests and he massaged his wrists, trying to start the circulation going again. Outside, the plane had come to a stop next to the gate. I heard he stewards busying themselves with the exit.

I stood up and looked down on my friend. He was half naked and covered in cum. And very handsome.

I leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips, tasting the salt of his cum-stained mouth. Even with the chastity device, the rest of this holiday was going to be fun.

I picked up my hand luggage as Ben stared at me in a mixture of confusion and lust.

I patted him on the head.

"See you the other side of customs." I said winking.

Ben looked horrified.

I laughed and walked towards the exit. This was definitely going to be fun.

Next: Chapter 6

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