In Flight Entertainment


Published on Sep 6, 2023


As always - remember this is fantasy only. Safe sex is a must (and is pretty hot as well.)

Love getting your feedback and ideas - feel free to email me on

It was torture. The seatbelt light had stayed on for an eternity. Then the stewards started serving a meal - and I still had two of them to fuck to win my bet.

My first two conquests were serving food on the far side of the plane. Even across the aisle, I could see the cum stains all over Joe's trousers. Adam's eyes were red and raw - it looked like he'd had quite a long cry after I took his fucked him, took his wedding ring and left him naked and dripping in the galley.

But those two guys no longer concerned me. I was after the last two stewards, who were serving meals on my side of the plane. My friend Ben was busy watching a movie, so I had time to study my prey.

I watched them serving food as they moved slowly up the aisle. By the time they had passed me, I knew a whole lot about these men.

The first steward had a name badge that identified him as `Mike.' He was average height, with short blonde, spiked hair and blue eyes. He looked like he had a nice, compact boy under his uniform. No wedding ring. I reckoned he was in his early thirties. He gave me a slightly knowing smile as he passed me my meal.

He would be easy.

Sean, the other steward, had dark hair and green eyes. He was taller than Mike,and younger - I guessed mid-twenties. Sean was thin rather than muscled, but he had a very nice Irish accent.

And he clearly wanted Mike.

I could tell from the way he looked at him - I recognised the look guys gave me on a regular basis. Sean wanted Mike, but there was no evidence that Mike had noticed the younger man's desire.

A plan started forming in my mind as I ate my meal.

About half an hour later, the two men started moving down the aisle again, clearing plates and dishes. I waited patiently, making small talk with Ben, until Mike was roughly parallel with me.

Then I spilt my drink on his crotch. I know that's pretty cliched, but sometimes you just do what works. I apologised profusely as my orange juice spread over his crotch.

Mike just gave me a slightly strained smile.

"Not to worry, sir," he said. He looked over at Sean, "Could you finish off for me?" he asked. Sean nodded and went back to work as Mike hurried back up the aisle.

I waited a moment and then stood up. I leant over to Ben. ( "I'd better go and check up on him," I said, grinning. Ben sighed.

I found Mike in the mid-section of the plane, next to the first class bar. Like the front of the plane, this section was curtained off on both sides - presumably to stop the plebs in economy seeing what we got to eat in first class.

Mike had his back to me, standing next to an empty stainless steel food trolley. I grabbed a towel from off the side. I cleared my throat and he turned, slightly startled.

"Look, I'm really sorry, mate," I said, trying to look innocent as I gestured at the large wet patch over his crotch, which he seemed to be in the process of dabbing at with some napkins.

"Honestly, it's not a problem, sir," he answered, smiling, "It's a plane - I've had worse things dripping off me."

I'll bet he had, I thought. If he hadn't - he was certainly about to.

"At least let me help you," I said, eagerly. I knelt in front of him - his crotch on my eye level - and started rubbing at the stain on his trousers.

"Really, sir, don't worry," he tried backing away, but he was already backed up against the empty trolley and there wasn't anywhere else to go.

"It's the least I can do," I replied, starting to exert a little more pressure. I looked up at him and gave him one of most innocent smiles. I felt a stirring under my towel. I stopped rubbing and moved the towel. There was a definite mound forming in Mike's trousers.

I looked up into Mike's blue eyes. He looked a little embarrassed, but he wasn't saying anything. I knew I didn't have long till the other steward, Sean, got back, so I decided to move quickly.

Before Mike had any chance to protest, I unzipped his flies and his cock flopped out. It was a good eight inches long and really thick. And definitely getting nicely erect.

This was clearly all moving too fast for Mike, who moved his hands to zip his flies up.

"What do you think you're unhhh!" was as far as he got before I sucked his entire dick into my mouth.

I don't give blow jobs often but when I do, it's because it's a great way of taking control. There aren't many guys that can have a coherent thought when their dick is being massaged by someone's mouth. Mike had let me get this far and I knew he was now basically mine.

Mike's hands were frozen midair as I started rocking my head back and forward, sliding up and down his pole. I reached up and forced his hands back to his sides.

I maintained my back and forth rhythm and decided to look at what I'd got for myself. My hands snaked up and unbuttoned his shirt. Mike was too far gone on the sensations from his dick to resist me.

Within a minute or so, he was naked from the waist down. And he was a hottie. I was glad I'd picked this flight! He was nicely toned, without an inch of fat on him. Certainly not muscular, but definitely nicely proportioned. He didn't have a scrap of body hair on him and it helped show off each muscle in his torso. He had nice, round, brown nipples which were already erect. I pinched them and he gasped as they hardened further.

I could have explored Mike for longer, but I knew I was on a tight schedule here. I pushed him backwards, until he was lying on his back on the empty steel hostess trolley. Then I pulled his dick out of my mouth. I could see a rope of pre-cum leak from his dick and stretch down towards the floor.

I quickly took Mike's tie and, before he had time to think, I tied his wrists together underneath the top shelf of the trolley he was lying on, totally immobilising him. I gently stroked his cock, making him moan as my hand slid up and down his slick shaft.

"What do you want?" I asked. I knew from that glazed look of lust in his eyes what he'd ask for.

"Please sir, make me cum," he said, "Suck me off."

Any other time, I might have been tempted. But I had work to do.

I kept one hand on that thick cock of his and swiftly pulled off his trousers, underwear, socks and shoes. I like my boys to be totally naked.

Mike was hairless from the waist down, too. Even his large, churning balls were smooth. I ran my hands all over him, making him moan louder.

Then I stepped back to admire my work. Here was my third steward - naked, dripping pre-cum and begging me to make him cum.

"I'll get back to you," I said, simply. I let go of his cock and balled up his socks. They were sweaty, but I thought he'd probably get off on that. He'd been wearing a pretty tight pair of boxers, so I picked them up as well.

I shoved the socks into his mouth, effectively gagging him. Then I pulled the boxers over his head, so the waistband covered his mouth, keeping the socks in place. This had the effect of blindfolding him as well.

This seemed to shock my boy out of his stupor. He started struggling against his bonds and yelling, but it was no good. I'm great at knots. His dick was still hard, though, so I grabbed it and used it to steer the trolley he was tied to down to the opposite side of the curtained off section.

As an afterthought, I grabbed a small pat of butter that had been left on the side, unwrapped it and shoved it deep up his asshole.

I left him there, struggling, bound and gagged and returned to my side of the plane and waited behind the curtain for Sean.

I'd timed it well. I'd only been there for a minute when my final steward came through the curtain. I'd positioned myself so I would be behind him. Sean was slim and not very tall, so I knew he'd be easy game.

Before he knew what had happened, I had stepped up and wrapped one arm around his head. My bicep covered his mouth, stopping him from yelling. My other arm wrapped around his chest and crushed his torso to my body.

"Mmmmm..hmmm...." was all he managed.

He struggled wildly, but I was far bigger and stronger than him. After a couple of minutes he seemed to realise this too and I felt his struggles weaken.

I leaned forward and whispered into his ear. ( "You're gay, aren't you?" I said, "And don't lie to me."

Sean paused for a moment, so I squeezed my arms, crushing his slim form harder against my body.

He nodded.

"Good," I said, "Now I'd normally strip you, but I'm a busy man, so I want you to do it. Nice and slow."

I needed Sean to be in at least a moderately compliant mood and I've always found that making a guy strip himself naked in front of does that quite nicely. It makes them feel less of a man and more of a boy. I guessed Sean already felt that with my muscled arms easily pinning his slim body down.

Sean slowly unbuttoned his shirt, removing it to show me a slim chest that was thick with dark hair. It spread across his chest and down his stomach, leading to a thick treasure trail. I shifted my grip on his body, letting him shrug the shirt off. ( As Sean unbuttoned his trousers and let them slide down, I could see his hairy legs shaking slightly. Given the slight bulge in his underwear, I didn't think it was just fear, either.

"I said everything," I growled at him.

He gently tugged down his white briefs, giving me a first glimpse of his cock. It looked like a nice six inches and it was currently at half-mast. It was nestled in more of that sexy hair, with Sean's dark, untrimmed pubes covering his crotch.

"You have a nice body," I whispered to him.

I saw his dick extend slightly. That was enough - I knew how to make him mine. ( "That gorgeous hairy body of yours," I carried on. "I could lick you all over from head to foot."

After a minute or so of dirty talk, Sean's cock was fully erect. I hadn't even touched his dick, but I could tell he was getting turned on. He was helpless, totally at my mercy. A bigger, stronger guy had captured him, forced him to strip and was pressing his naked body to his. ( And Sean clearly liked it as a drop of clear pre-cum emerged from his naked dick and hung suspended on his piss-slit.

But that wasn't why I was here.

Keeping the steward pressed against my body and sucking on my bicep, I marched him over to the other side of the cabin, where Mike still lay, blindfolded, gagged and tied to the trolley. His deflated dick flopped against his hip, with pre-cum leaking down and pooling on the steel. Melted yellow butter was seeping from his asshole.

Sean's green eyes widened when he saw him. I saw his dick pulse slightly.

"You want him, don't you?" I whispered. "You've fancied him since the moment you saw him."

Sean nodded.

I chuckled. I marched Sean even closer, so he was stood between Mikes spreadeagled legs. I kept my arm locked around his mouth, but shifted the other, so I was now holding his cock. I felt him quiver from head to foot as my hand encircled his shaft.

Slowly I guided his dick into Mike's slick, buttery hole. Mike started bucking and yelling through his gag, but he was helpless. Sean's cock slipped into him easily. I started rocking Sean's whole body back and forth, getting him into a fucking rhythm.

Mike continued straining against his bonds. I could see the veins popping on his biceps and forehead as he tried to escape.

I could feel every muscle in Sean's body shaking. I released his dick and started running my free hand over him, pulling at his slim, hairy body.

After a couple of minutes, I could tell that Sean was pushing in and out of Mike's without my help. I stopped moving and he carried on sinking his shaft deep inside Mike, right the way up to his hairy balls.

Carefully, I released my hold on Sean, freeing his mouth. I was ready to gag him again if he started yelling, but I needn't have worried.

"Oh, yes" he muttered in his gorgeous Irish accent as his dick sledgehammered in and out of the guy he'd wanted, "Fuck yes. Take it."

Even Mike had calmed down. He was no longer straining at the tie keeping him locked to the trolley and his muffled yells had been replaced by a low moaning sound. There were pools of sweat and pre-cum all around his naked body.

It was an unbelievably sexy scene - the toned, muscular blond Mike naked and helpless as his ass was pounded by the smaller, slim, hairy little Sean. I could have watched it for hours - hell if it was on DVD, I would have bought it. But it wouldn't win me the bet.

I was still stood behind Sean and I could see his tight little butt clenching and unclenching as he buried his cock in and out of his work mate. ( I unzipped my trousers and pulled out my own dick. It was already hard and ready to go. I spat on it a couple of times for some lubrication, stooped slightly and thrust into Sean's tight hole.

I clapped one hand over Sean's mouth as he howled at the unexpected invasion. I held him steady as my dick slowly sank deeper and deeper into him until I finally felt my balls resting against his cheeks.

Sean was tight and it felt wonderful.

I pushed into him as hard as I could, forcing him deep into Mike's hole. Mike shuddered on the table as Sean's dick found his prostate.

By the time I stopped pushing, Sean was impaled on my dick and pushed as far as he would go into Mike, effectively trapping him between our bodies, meaning he couldn't pull his dick in and out of Mike's hole. So it was all down to me.

I fucked Sean. For a long time. I knew I'd won my bet, so I had time to really enjoy this one. I started slow and steady, in and out. Each time I fucked him, it pulled him in and out of Mike, meaning that Sean was acting as an extension of my cock. It was as if I was buried deep in both of them at the same time.

I gradually picked up the pace until I was pulling completely out of Sean before hammering my full length back into him with each thrust.

The two naked stewards were moaning the whole time and writhing as their cocks leaked. There were no comprehensible words as Mike was still gagged with his own socks and Sean's mouth was sealed with my hand, but I could tell they were totally in the moment.

Eventually, Sean couldn't take it any more. I felt him tense and spasm as his load shot deep into his friend. Mike came almost immediately. His cum spurted over his abs, chest and face and he screamed through his gag.

I knew Sean's cock would be deflating and he tried to pull out of Mike, but I wasn't done yet. I'd already blown my load twice today, so I was going to take a bit longer this time.

So I kept fucking him, forcing him to keep his dick inside Mike. I took my hand off Sean's mouth and forced his head down. Mike was writhing - his arse and prostate being massively overstimulated by his continuing fucking. ( "Lick off all the cum you can reach," I said.

"But I..." started Sean, breathing heavily. He didn't get any further as I started pounding his hole as hard as I could, making him squeal.

He knew he had no choice. He bent down and, even as I continued fucking him, he slowly cleaned the congealing cum off his colleague.

By the time he had finished, Sean had started moaning again. As he straightened up, I could see that Mike's dick was erect for the second time.

I kept pounding Sean's rear until I felt him cum deep into Mike's guts. Mike blew another, smaller load over his abs.

Sean collapsed over Mike's bound body, totally spent. That was my cue. I pumped one more time and, with a roar, I spurted by juice into Sean's hole. I could feel my juices cascading into his guts.

I pulled out of him and my seed immediately started pouring out of him and dripping down his legs.

I wiped my dick on his butt and put my cock away, zipping my flies.

My two boys were breathing heavily. Sean hadn't mustered the energy to pull out of Mike and they were still locked together with Sean laid out over Mike's chest, with his head on the bound man's pecs. Mike's second load of cum was mixed in with Sean's chest hair, matting it and sticking their two sweat-covered bodies together.

I ripped off the boxers that were covering Mike's eyes and he saw for the first time who had just bred him. I saw the shock on his face when he saw it was Sean, rather than me. Even with his cock still locked inside his friend, Sean wouldn't meet his gaze.

I assumed these two would have a fair bit to discuss. I pocketed Mike's boxers and Sean's white briefs and, without a further word, left them alone - naked, humiliated and still doggy-locked.

Ben looked up as I sat back down in my seat, dropping the underwear on his knee.

He looked up at me in horror.

"At the same time?" he asked.

I chuckled.

"I was in a hurry." I explained, "But I believe that means I won the bet?"

"Fuck me," said Ben, shaking his head.

"Not part of the bet," I laughed, "But I believe you owe me fifty pounds."

Ben looked over at me.

"Double or nothing?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, "But I don't know who else there is for me"

Ben smiled. "I love the way you call it that," he said, "But I was having a chat to one of the stewards - Joe?"

"Ah, good old number one," I sighed exaggeratedly. Ben slapped my leg.

"Joe," he repeated, "he reckons he can get us in to see the pilot."

I stared at him.

"So," he asked me again, "Double or quits?" I shrugged.

"Why not?"

Next: Chapter 4

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