In Flight Entertainment


Published on Sep 3, 2023


As normal, remember this is fantasy - you may not experience the same results if you try this in the real world!!!!

It's a good job my balls re-fill quickly. I had four stewards to get fuck before the end of the flight if I wanted to win my bet with Ben. The first steward, Joe, had been great fun and I could see him walking around uncomfortably at the far end of our aisle. I wondered if his discomfort was caused by my cum slowly seeping out of his ass.

Now, though, I had to set my sighs on the next unsuspecting guy. Diagonally opposite our seats, at the front of the plane, I saw him. He was taller than Joe, but from this distance that was all I could see.

There was a wide curtain behind the front of the plane, behind which, I assumed, was the door to the cockpit, along with a small galley. I saw my target duck behind the curtain and knew it was now or never.

I slapped Ben on the knee and jumped out of my chair. "Number two," I said, wandering down the aisle. Joe was talking to another first class passenger and avoided looking at me as I walked past him. My hand grazed his arse and I saw him shudder slightly.

A quick stroll across the front of the plane and I pushed through the curtain.

The guy I thought of as `number two' was fumbling with some cups in the galley section. His name badge identified him as Adam. Up close I would have put him in his early twenties.

He had cropped red hair and was pale, but handsome. I could see through his shirt that this guy spent a good amount of time at the gym. I also saw the flash of a wedding ring. Well, that would make things a bit trickier.

Adam smiled up at me, looking slightly uncertain.

"Can I help you sir?" he asked, turning to face me, "I'm afraid this area is normally off limits to passengers."

"I was actually wondering if you could help me," I said, thinking quickly, "I was feeling a pit airsick an I wondered if I could have some water?"

He smiled again, reassured, and turned away from me, filling one of the plastic cups with water from the tap.

"Here you are, sir," he said, handing it to me.

I closed my hand around the cup, covering his hand as well. I could feel the bulk of his wedding ring under my hand. He managed to extricate himself after a moment, laughing an apology.

I knocked the water back and put the cup down.

"Much better," I said, sucking in a deep breath. "Could I ask you a question?"

"Of course, sir," he said, returning to sorting out the plastic cups.

"How come you're so good looking?" I asked, grinning at how cheesy the line was.

Adam looked up at me and grinned back.

"Sorry, sir," he answered, showing me the ring on his finger, "I'm flattered, but I'm straight. And married."

Adam was not the first guy that had said this to me. The funny thing about straight guys is that, if you want to fuck them, you have to treat them like women. Compliment them, romance them, or just sweep them off their feet. Normally, I'd have experimented with the first two, but I really didn't have time here.

I went for option three.

Before Adam knew what was happening, I had him pressed up against the counter, our crotches grinding into each other. I was half a head taller and more muscular than him, so I locked my fingers through his and forced his hands back.

Then, as he opened his mouth to speak, I forced my tongue down his throat.

Adam flailed wildly at the unexpected invasion. But my tongue was effectively gagging him and he was no match for my strength. He pushed and resisted and fought me. But I was patient. And I am a great kisser.

Within a minute or two, his struggles faded. I wasn't sure if it was just because he knew he couldn't get away.

Then I felt his tongue start to slowly respond to mine. Just a tiny flick of it, but I knew I had him. I risked releasing his hands and slowly running my hands down his arms, then over his pits and down his muscular chest.

I felt him start to lean into me and there was a definite hardening in his crotch.

Slowly, so as not to startle him, I moved my hands to his shirt buttons. With Joe I was rough - but a straight guy like Adam needed a gentle touch.

I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, still kissing him and still grinding our cocks together, which were now tenting our respective trousers. Then I gently slid the shirt and tie off, letting it drop to the floor.

I decided to risk examining my prize. I pulled back from him, but kept my hands rubbing over his tight torso, tweaking his nipples and making him groan.

Adam had shoulders that were heavily freckled, but they were lean and strong. The rest of his torso was hairless, except for a small treasure trail that snaked down into his trousers. He had a nice eight-pack and firm pecs. Not as well muscled as me, but nice. His skin was pale.

"You're one gorgeous guy," I told him.

Adam actually blushed.

"I don't know what I'm...." he started, but I didn't want him to start thinking. I pulled him towards me, wrapping my arms around him and buried my tongue in his mouth again, silencing him.

As he melted into my arms, I slowly shifted my arms until my hands were at his waist. I unbuckled his trousers and inched them over his bubble butt. I spent some time exploring that with my hands, hearing his muffled groans of pleasure even through my kisses.( ( In one movement, I picked Adam up and set his beautiful arse down on the counter top. I broke from kissing him long enough to pull down his trousers and underwear, socks and shoes in one fluid movement.

The rest of his body was hairless - except for a light dusting of ginger hair around his dick - which was at full mast and was a very nice 7 inches.

"Can I see your body?" he asked, hesitantly.

"Maybe later," I replied, kneeling in front of him and taking his cock in my mouth. The guy actually gasped as I started licking and nipping at his rock hard dick.

I pulled off him briefly and looked up at him.

"I'm guessing the wife doesn't normally do this for you?" I grinned. Adam didn't really respond, other than with another long moan. He was totally mine now.

I went back to sucking Adam's cock. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to cum if I kept this up - I could actually feel the churning of spunk in his balls as they bashed into my chin. So I stopped.

He opened his eyes questioningly as I stood up and pulled him off the counter top. Spinning him, I bent him back over the counter and went to work on his ass. Now this is something most straight guys have never experienced. So a rim job blows their minds.

I actually had to put one hand over Adam's mouth to muffle his moans as I flicked my tongue around his tight, hairless pink hole. I teased his butt, nibbling on his ring, licking it and kissing it until he was actually thrusting his ass back into my face, trying to force my tongue deeper into his hole.

Eventually his hole was slick with saliva as my tongue lapped deep into his hole, relaxing and sensitizing it.

Suddenly there was a small alarm that sounded in the galley.

"Stop, please," said Adam, weakly, "I need to...." he shuddered again.

I didn't fly often, but I wanted to know what that alarm was. I didn't want to stop the guy doing something that would cause a plane crash.

"What is the alarm for?" I asked him, placing one hand on his back and holding him down on the counter as he weakly struggled against me. He wasn't going anywhere until I knew it was important.

"Turbulence," he said, thrashing around helplessly, "I need to tell the passengers to arhhh..." he tailed off as my finger started pushing up his tight hole. He was slick with my saliva and I knew what I was doing. Within a minute or so, I'd managed to get two fingers, then three inside him. Adam was beside himself, moaning and bucking on the counter top.

The alarm chimed again and I, slightly reluctantly, pulled my fingers out of his hole and pulled him off the counter. Adam stood shakily.

"Well I guess you'd better make the announcement," I said.

Adam hobbled over to the internal phone on the other side of the galley, naked except for his wedding ring. His cock, which was now slick with precum, bobbed up and down as he walked.

I unzipped my flies and pulled out my dick, which was hard and starting to leak in anticipation. I spat on it a few times to add some lubrication and wandered over to where Adam was trying to compose himself.

The steward was trying to compose himself before making his announcement and didn't notice me come up behind him. He had the receiver in his hand when I stooped and picked him up again. He gasped as I span him round and rested his back on the wall of the galley.

I stared kissing him again, knowing I needed to muffle the noises the was going to make next.

In one fluid motion I impaled him on my dick.

He was now totally mine. Here he was, this supposedly straight guy, naked except for a golden wedding ring, off the ground in my arms with my cock buried deep inside him.

His initial screams were gagged by my tongue and I kept my mouth locked over his as I started bouncing him up and down. Adam started moaning like a whore as my dick brushed against his prostate. I could tell he was almost at bursting point.

Suddenly I stopped.

"Make your announcement," I said.

Adam looked at me in surprise. "If I leave it, someone else will, arhhh...." I moved him up and down on my dick, making him spasm.

"Make the announcement," I said again.

Taking a deep breath, Adam pressed the intercom button.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he started, managing to sound astonishingly normal for a guy with my large cock buried in their guts, "The pilot has warned us that there may be some turbulence ahead, arhhhh!"

I'm such a bastard. I bounced him on my rock hard dick again, making him squeal. Then I stopped again. He was almost there. Adam closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"So if you could please return to your seats and put your seatbelts on.. unhhhh... oh god!"

I flexed deep inside him once more and Adam came. And came and came.

His cum poured out of him, spraying his stomach, chest and even his neck. It ran down his pulsing cock and matted in his cropped red pubes.

I guessed the passengers had got the gist of Adam's message, so as he lay there helpless and impaled on my pole, I gently replaced the handset.

I carried Adam back over to the galley counter and rested him on there. Adam still had a glazed expression, so I decided it was my turn.

I fucked him long and hard.

Adam tried to struggle again, but he was too weak from his orgasm as I pounded him. His arse muscles eventually relaxed and gave me free access. While thrusting into him, I slowly wiped the drying cum into his skin.

Eventually I couldn't hold out any more. My dick spasmed and I poured a huge load into him. Adam stiffened and with a low cry, came again all over his stomach.

I pulled out of Adam with a sucking noise and rubbed the cum coating my dick onto one hand. Then I rubbed it all over his face.

He'd smell of my cum for the rest of the day, which I liked the idea of.

I zipped up my flies and patted him on the head. He looked broken and I noticed a couple of tears rolling down his cheek.

My problem was that, in spite of this tight, sexy straight guy actually having an orgasm over the intercom, I didn't have any proof as such for Ben. I'd never win the bet that way.

In a flash of inspiration, I pulled off his wedding ring and put it in my pocket.

Adam seemed to pull out of his daze slightly. ( "That's mine," he said, "my wife...."

"Actually it's mine now," I said, laughing, "Tell your wife you lost your ring. In more ways that one." I fingered his now gaping hole and his cock dribbled more cum.

I left him there, lying over the galley kitchen counter, smeared in cum, totally naked, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

I wandered back to my seat and sat back down next to Ben. I buckled my seatbelt.

He stared at me in a slightly accusing way.

"Was that intercom business you, by any chance?" he asked. "It sounded like the guy was either cumming or having a heart attack."

"Maybe it was both," I laughed.

Ben just shook his head.

"If you want more proof, here's his wedding ring," I said, nonchalantly, placing Adam's golden band on Ben's knee.

Ben looked flabbergasted. ( "You are unbelievable," he said, running the ring round in his hand. "And a bit of a bastard, too. He was straight AND married? How will he explain to his wife where his wedding ring is?"

"The guy's just had my cock buried up his arse," I replied, "I don't think that,' I gestured to the gold band in Ben's hand, "is the ring he needs to be talking to his wife about. And if a guy decides of his own free will to have sex with me, it's not my fault if he's married, is it? Free will and all that...."

Ben grunted, not looking entirely convinced.

He passed me back Adam's ring, along with Joe's tie and underwear.

"I believe these are your trophies," he said, "I'm not holding them for you."

I stuffed my prizes into my pockets and winked at Ben.

"Two down, two to go." I said, at this rate you'll lose the bet. With time to spare."

Ben laughed. "It depends how long the seatbelt light is on for, doesn't it? You've got to stay in your seat while it's on and you are definitely not shagging an air steward in the seat next to me."

I hadn't thought of that. I looked at my watch. Three hours of flight time left. I was sure it would be enough. ( Wouldn't it? )

Next: Chapter 3

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