In Flight Entertainment


Published on Aug 31, 2023


This is my second story - the first being `The Bar', which you can find in the authoritarian section in Nifty.

Please drop me an email if you have any comments or suggestions - it's always great to hear from you.

Do remember this is a work of fiction. Safe sex is always a must.

I'd never been to New York before. I'd also never flown first class, but here I was, sat in the comfiest seat I'd ever sat in, waiting for the plane to take off from Heathrow.

My mate Ben was sat with me, fingering through a magazine. He was a good-looking guy - well built with blond hair and sharp, blue eyes. But he was really shy. He found it almost impossible to talk to other guys.

(This was a not a problem I had ever had. I was half a foot taller than Ben, broader, with dark hair and eyes. I was pretty confident and I'd never had any problems getting pretty much any guy I set my mind to - and I had no interest in whether they thought they were straight or gay.

Ben put his magazine down.

"OK," he said, "I'm bored already. How long is this flight?"

I patted him gently on the knee. He was like my kid brother. We'd never fooled around - it would have felt wrong. He was too close a friend.

"Hours and hours," I laughed, "I can't believe that you're bored - it's fucking first class!"

He sighed and looked out the window as the plane started taxiing down the runway. I looked round the first class section of the cabin. There were only a handful of people dotted around the seats.

In each of the four corners of the first class section, there was a member of cabin crew, keeping an eye on their little section of high-paying passengers. I noticed for the first time that they were all guys.

I leaned in to Ben and whispered in his ear.

"How about we have a bit of fun?" I asked, "I'll bet you fifty quid that I can shag every one of the first class cabin crew by the time we reach New York. As long as there aren't any women that I haven't spotted yet." I winked at him and flashed what I knew was a winning smile.

Ben rolled his eyes.

"Just because they're cabin crew doesn't mean they're gay, you know," he said, craning his neck to look round at them all.

I laughed. "I don't care what they are - it'll just make it more of a challenge! Is it a bet?"

I stuck my hand out.

Ben laughed and shook it. "I don't think even you will win this one," he said. "And I want some proof that you've done the deed with each one. I'd ask for a photograph, but you can't use your phone on the flight."

"We'll see," I said. "I guess I'll have to be creative!"

Now I had to think - which one first?

The plane was delayed on the runway for a few minutes before takeoff, so the cabin crew had chance to run through their safety demonstration. The steward nearest us walked us through the opening and closing of the seatbelt in time with the automated announcement.

I took the opportunity to appraise him.

He was relatively short - maybe five and a half feet, but he was perfectly proportioned. He had short, dark hair that led down to a stubbly beard. From his face I guessed he was about thirty - the same age as me.

As he moved through his safety demonstration I could see the muscles moving under his uniform. Not huge, but from the look of it, nicely toned. No wedding ring. Nice bulge showing in his pants. I've always loved a shorter guy with a big dick. His name badge said "Joe".

He finished his demonstration and stretched to one of the overhead lockers, putting away the demonstration strap and buckle he had been using. I stole a look at his arse. Just what I'd hoped for, nice, tight and round.

As he turned, he caught me staring at him. I grinned at him. He smiled back.

I laughed inside. This one was going to be easy.

Unfortunately, I had to wait. The seatbelt light came on and I had to wait for the plane to take off and finally level off at is cruising altitude. I spent most of the time making half-distracted small talk to Ben, while trying to decide how best to approach Joe, trying to ignore the growing pressure in my cock.

Eventually the infernal warning light turned itself off and I was able to unbuckle my belt. Joe was busying himself with some drinks next to the curtain at the far end of the cabin. It was the perfect time.

"Number one - watch and learn," I said to Ben, slipping out of my seat. I made my way over to the overhead locker where Joe had stored his safety demonstration equipment. I fished out the strap and buckle he had used and made my way over to where he was tinkering with a drinks trolley.

"Can I help you, sir?" he asked, smiling. He had pretty perfect white teeth, framed by his short cropped stubble.

I held up the strap.

"I'm afraid I'm not quite sure how these are supposed to work," I said, putting my hand on his arm. He didn't pull away. "I was hoping that you'd be able to give me a one-on-one demonstration again. Just in case of emergency."

Joe nodded, with a look of mock concern on his face.

"Well passenger safety is our number one priority, sir," he said. "Shall I show you here?"

The little tease!

I leaned in closer, so he could feel my warm breath on his ear.

"I don't want the other passengers to see that I didn't follow your first demonstration," I said, "So is there somewhere more private we could go? Maybe one of the toilets?"

"Of course sir." Joe led me behind the curtain and into one of the two toilets situated on either side of the plane. There wasn't much room, but I didn't need much.

He walked in in front of me and I followed him in. Before he could turn round, I pushed him firmly against the cubicle wall, stopping him from turning round. I started kissing his neck and ears while closing the door behind me and turning the lock. I put the safety belt in the sink and used my weight to push him even more tightly against the wall, crushing his tight body against mine. ( My hands started exploring every part of his uniform. He shuddered under my touch, moaning as my tongue caressed the back of his neck.

I reached round his hot little body and in one motion pulled open his shirt. A couple of his buttons popped and rolled onto the floor. I pulled his shirt apart and rolled it back down his arms and off his body, leaving him naked from the top down, except for his tie.

Joe had a great back - smooth and nicely defined. I kissed my way down his spine, his torso tapering to a nice `v' at his waist. I could see nice, toned arms.

But I wanted more. I fumbled with his belt with one hand, still keeping him pressed to the cubicle wall with the other. Off came his trousers and underwear, which I threw in a heap with his other clothes in the corner.

This was my favourite part of shagging a new guy. Joe was naked, moaning loudly at every kiss, lick or caress of my hands. I was still totally clothed. I loved that feeling of power. - where your body is still hidden, but his is right there for you to see and play with. Joe was mine now and I knew I could totally dominate him.

I pulled Joe back off the wall and into my body. I knew he could feel my dick rubbing into his arse through my trousers. But that was for later.

I leaned him back and kissed him deeply, my tongue invading his mouth, exploring it. Then I pushed him forward so that he was belly down, spread over the toilet.

God he looked hot. Totally naked except for his tie, face down, presenting his ass to me for inspection. And it was quite an ass - as smooth as his back and perfectly rounded.

I knelt behind him and caressed his butt cheeks. Joe's moans started up again. I slowly spread his arse, looking for my prize. And there it was. His pink hole nestled in a light dusting of dark hair. Just what my tongue wanted.

Leaning in, I started lapping at it. I alternated licking, sucking gently and even nipping lightly at it. He tasted slightly of soap - my little boy was nice and clean. Within a minute or so, Joe was bucking, trying to push his ass further onto my tongue and moaning like a hooker.

I was actually worried that he was getting too loud, so without my tongue leaving his little his hot little hole I fumbled through his clothes until I found his underwear. It was a pair of small white boxers. I reached round and shoved them firmly into his mouth, muffling him. Then I loosened his tie, pulled it up over his mouth and tightened it again, effectively gagging him.

Then I turned my full attention back to his gorgeous ass. I could have spent hours down here, but I had other things to do on this flight. Still, I kept at it for a good ten minutes. I could tell he was getting more and more sensitive round his hole - he was almost shaking by the time I gave him one final lick and stood up.

I hadn't actually seen my boy's body properly yet - I stripped him and laid him flat straight away. I wanted to see what I'd got here, so I flipped him over onto his back.

His handsome face was covered in a film of sweat and his eyes were almost glazed with lust. God but I was good at rimming. My gag of his tie and underwear was still firmly in place over his stubble.

His torso was beautiful. Nice pecs with large brown nipples - I'd have to do something with them later - led me down to a nice little six pack. It was all covered in trimmed brown hair, even his treasure trail.

I kept the best till last. His pubes were shaved to the same length as his body hair and the nestled around a very nice uncut dick. It was, of course, fully erect and leaking pre-cum. I reckoned it was a good eight inches long and very strongly veined. His furry balls hung low, presumably having filled with cum since I started my assault on his ass.

I was definitely happy with Joe. But I wanted him to see a bit of me as well, so I pulled off my t-shirt.

I am broad shouldered and smooth. I know guys really like my deep-cut six-pack and big pecs. Joe's eyes widened - just the reaction I wanted. He was all mine.

I grabbed the seat belt I'd used to snare Joe with and knelt over him. Our chests ground together and I could feel his erect nipples rubbing against mine. I started licking his neck. Even with the gag, he was making quite some noise.

I pulled his hands together around the back of the toilet and wrapped the seatbelt around his wrists, tightening and locking his hands together, stopping him from moving and immobilizing him.

"I guess I was paying attention to your safety demonstration," I whispered.

I stood up and looked at the scene. My flight steward was entirely mine. Naked, gagged, tied to the toilet and erect.

There was one more part of me I wanted Joe to see.

I slowly pulled the zipper down on my trousers and my dick pushed its way out. I'm proud of my cock - all ten inches of it. It's my secret weapon in getting guys. It's thick and pretty damn near perfect. I've never met a guy that was able to resist it once he'd seen it. Joe stopped moaning and looked mesmerised.

It was time he saw what it could do.

I put my hand on each of his thighs and lifted his ass off the toilet. I gently spread his legs and tucked one under each of my arms, making my biceps bulge.

Then I lined my cock up with his hole, still slick from my tongue. Joe was literally shaking in anticipation, clear liquid seeping from his dick and pooling in his navel.

So I waited for a moment. I can be such a bastard when it comes to sex. I paused, with the tip of my cock resting on his hole until he started bucking desperately against his bonds. He was looking at me pleadingly, making pathetic noises through his gag.

I took pity on him and sunk my dick into him - right the way up to my smooth balls. My boy arched his back as much as he could, trying to get me even deeper inside him. Guys can be made into such whores.

I set up a steady rhythm, changing position slightly until I found his prostate. I could tell when I had the right position as his eight inch pole, which I hadn't yet touched, started almost fountaining pre-cum.

Then I stopped. Joe's heavy breathing filled the room as he looked up at me, clearly wondering what was wrong.

The thing is, I don't like having to do all the work. Just because Joe was flat on his back and tied down didn't mean I had to do all the thrusting. So I pushed my dick back inside him, slowly, until I knew I was pushing against his prostate.

Then I ran my hands up my boy's sides to his armpits.

Then I started to tickle him.

Joe's face registered his surprise and he tried to shake me off. But he was mine and he wasn't going anywhere.

As I continued under his armpits, he began bucking more and more violently and I heard muffled laughter coming from through his underwear gag.

After a couple of minutes, the muffled laughter had turned into muffed screams as I continued my attack on his sensitive pits. He was bucking and twisting against his bonds.

Now normally if you tickle a guy, he'll lose his hard on. But I knew what I was doing. My dick was buried deep in his bubble-butt, nestled against his prostate. Each time he bucked, my cock rubbed against his love-nut, keeping him hard and dripping.

And each time he wriggled, my cock moved in him - which felt great for me.

After a few more minutes, my boy was sobbing behind his gag, with tears flowing freely down his face. I could tell from the spasms running through his dick that he was close to cumming - and I knew I was too.

I stopped tickling him and Joe collapsed weakly back onto the toilet he was tied to. Now he was limp, I shifted his legs so that his ankles were on my shoulders. This meant I could thrust downwards into his ass - as deep as I could go.

I pounded him hard. He was exhausted from the tickling and just lay back, crying into his gag.

I felt my nuts swelling with my final few thrusts and, roaring, I came. Half of my seed was buried deep in my boy's ass. But I pulled out half way and sprayed the rest over his ass.

It was too much for Joe, who shuddered as his untouched dick exploded. Because of the angle I was fucking him at, his cock was pointing back at his face. Rope after rope of thick jizm poured out of him, coating his face and his hair.

Joe went limp as I leaned against the wall, enjoying that post-orgasm feeling. I let his legs fall from my shoulders.

After a minute I put my dick away, zipped up my flies and pulled my t-shirt back on. Joe had barely moved, merely struggling weakly at his bound hands, his face plastered in his own sticky cum and my seed oozing out of his arse.

I knelt down and unbuckled the belt, setting his hands free, before loosening the tie and removing the underwear gagging his mouth.

"I'm going to be taking your underwear and tie," I said to him, rubbing his nipples and making him gasp, "This was fun!"

I unlocked the door, before turning and looking back at him. Joe was limply draped over the toilet seat naked, cum starting to drip off his tight little body onto the floor.

"Could I get a cup of tea in, oh, say five minutes, please?" I asked, flashing him a smile.

With that, I left the cubicle and headed back to my seat, shutting the door behind me.

I sat back down next to Ben, who stared at me.

"Where the hell have you been?" he said, "You've been gone forever!"

"Getting these," I said, handing him Joe's underwear and tie.

"Whose are these?" Ben asked, examining them.

"You'll see," I said, smiling.

Joe didn't arrive with the tea for a good ten minutes. As he approached us, I could see that he'd tried to clean himself up as best he could, but hadn't fared very well, presumably only having paper towels from the toilet.

His hair was actually spiked with dried cum and I could see a couple of spots of his jizm that he'd missed, congealed around his ears. His tie was missing - I'd just given it to Ben. As he'd lost several buttons from his shirt when I ripped it off him, there were gaps where you could see his hairy little chest.

Best of all I could see that there was a large stain at the front of his trousers. If you've ever cum and then worn trousers without underwear, you'll know what that was.

I was willing to bet he had a matching stain round the back where my cum was slowly dripping out of him.

"Here are your cups of tea, sir," he said, leaning over me to pass one to Ben. He didn't meet my eyes, so I gently groped his cock, making him jump.

"Anything else I can do for you sir?" he asked.

Ben waved the tie and underwear at him. "Are these actually yours?"

Joe blushed a furious shade of red. ( "Yes sir," he said. "Is there any chance I can have them back? I feel rather uncomfortable without them."

I shook my head. "I can see how uncomfortable you are," I laughed, pointing to the stain at his crotch. "Turn around."

I might not have still had my cock inside him, but Joe knew he was still my little boy. He turned round slowly, giving Ben a view of the stain on his arse.

Ben hook his head. "I don't know how you manage it." he said to me, sounding jealous.

"I'll give you Joe to practice on, if you'd like?" I asked. I saw Joe jump slightly.

Ben blushed this time. He shook his head.

"Well thanks anyway Joe," I said, turning to the humiliated steward, "Apparently my friend doesn't want sloppy seconds, so why don't you run along."

Joe started to move away, but I grabbed his forearm.

"I'l let you know if we need anything else."

He scurried away as I turned back to Ben.

"One down, three to go."

Next: Chapter 2

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