In Demand

By moc.liam@namehtzda

Published on May 6, 2011



I fucking hate Brendan Brady.

I fucking hate him with every fibre of my soul.

But also, I love him. I love him so fucking much that I'm so confused about what to do next. Brendan has hurt me, humilated me, made me feel like I'm not worth shit. But he's also loved me, cherised me and given me the best fucking sex you can imagine.

And I could go over there, batter him on the shoulder with a baseball bat- but I'm not that guy anymore. I'm really not. I love Amy to bits and my kids- I need them and don't want to lose them over an Irish arsehole who is too scared to reveal to the world that he likes sucking dick.

Everytime I see Brendan I want to kiss him. I want him to take me on the table and show me how much he is addicted to me. But I also want to hurt him, hurt him like he has hurt me these past couple of months. Bruise him like he has bruised me, and make him feel just a little bit as worthless as he has made me feel.

So when I go over to the club to confront Brendan, I am horrified by what I see. Brendan is sitting on a table, with an American man in between his legs. He is kissing Doug.

And I want to kill him. I want to him I do really fucking do. It was only last night he was begging me to give him another chance. But now he's kissing Doug? I have been pushed aside for an American dweeb. I feel both angry and wronged. And when I see Doug putting his hands inbetween Brendan's legs and rubbing the Irish love monster, that's when I feel it.

Feel the thirst. Feel the thirst for revenge.

I am not going to be pushed around like some fucking ragdoll. That is not my style. I will get my revenge on Brendan. I really should warn Doug about Brendan, but fuck it. If Doug wants to play fire, then I'm not going to stop him. Hey, I'll even light the match for him.

Match? Mm. Maybe I'll set fire to the club. Brendan loves the club. But that's too easy. Buildings can be remade. And Brendan isn't exactly short on cash. And Plus, I'm really not cut out for another stint in jail, me. I'd rather wash my hair with Doug's piss then have to spend another night in that shithole.

But then a thought comes to me. It comes creeping up slowly, but it gets there. And it's so fucking simple I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

Warren Fox.

If there's anyone who hates Brendan as much, or even worse as me, then it's Warren. And I reckon I can get him onboard. I have no idea what I'm planning yet, but it's gotta be big. It's gotta be epic. And I need to see Brendan's face when it happens. That would just be too fucking brilliant too miss.

It's amazing how bitter I have become since Brendan came into my life. I really hope people don't see me as a bitter type.

I remember that Brendan has a meeting in Leeds that day, so I go straight into Chez Chez and straight into Warren Fox's office. I'm not even nervous. I should be shaking, I should be petrified. But I'm not. I'm actually the opposite.

"Well well Steven Hay, what can I do for you then?" Warren Fox says. His sitting at the office with his legs on the table and a cigarette dangling out his mouth. It is both repulsive and sexy. "Brendan is out today.. Leeds.. I think".

"It's not him I have to see actually. I have to come to see you.. " I hesitate for a moment but realises that Warren will get turned on by the hesitating. Warren likes nothing more then scaring the fuck out of people. And I really don't feel in the mood to be intimidated by Warren Fox of all people. "I need your help with something.. quite delicate".

Warren doesn't move except to drop his cigarette on the floor. He looks at me with a mixture of what I think is intrige and curiousity. "Does it involve Mr Brendan Brady by any chance?" Warren asks.

"It does" I reply honestly "I want to hurt him.. I want to hurt him so much.. You don't understand how much I hate this man Warren.. I want his world to crash down and I want you to help me".

Warren laughs before standing up. He stands on the cigarette, extingishing the lit fag. He takes a seat on the desk and folds his arms in front of him. It feels like hours before he finally speaks, but is probably only 40 seconds. "Interesting. And this doesn't have anything to do with that American dude who I saw Brendan leaving with this morning?"

So Doug spent the night with Brendan. I'm both furious and jealous. I rarely got the chance to spend the night with Brendan, let alone in Chez Chez of all places. It just makes me all the more determined to ruin Double B's life for good. "Of sorts. I don't know if you know.. But Brendan has been hurting me. Physically..".

Warren doesn't speak but looks intrigued. I lift up my t-shirt to reveal a horrific bruise on my chest. Warren's face doesn't change but a tiny flicker of emotion flickers in Warren's eyes. "He done that, did he? Why?"

I shrug. "Because he's fucking me and is too scared to admit that he likes men".

Warren tuts. "Brendan always has been a bit of a pussy from what I've seen". Warren thinks for a moment before speaking again. "And that blackeye.. You said you walked into a lamppost.. Was that from the lovely Irish man aswell?"

I merely nodded in reponse. Walked into a door? How fucking cliché am I. I'm starting to think I deserve to be wacked.

"Any more bruises? How many times has he hurt you?" Warren continues to ask and I'm a little nervous that he might have a fetish for beatings or something.

"No, they've all disappeared. We've had sex 14 times and he's hit me 13 of them times" I reply.

"Why not the 14th time then?" Warren asks. He is still sitting on the desk but he has unfolded his arms and is now simply resting them on his knees.

"Because we nearly got caught by Cheryl" I reply.

"So he didn't have time to whack you one then?" Warren replies cooly and I nod in reponse.

"So.. Will you help me?" I reply and I'm starting to feel nervous again.

"The thing is, Steven.. I have no idea what you want me to do. I hate Brendan and would love to see him hurting.. But I've tried everything.. And he's still here, fighting like a warrior.. ". He pauses for a moment then an interesting smile forms on his lips. "Except one thing.. "

"What?" is all I manage to reply. Fucking pussy I am.

"Have you been with anyone else since your 'thing' with Brendan started? I mean, sexually, maybe if Double B saw you with another dude.. He'll freak out.. He does apparently love you now doesn't he?" Warren's smile is beginning to weird me out a little..

"No.. Just Brendan.. He's the only guy I've ever.. you know.. done".

Warren laughs. "Interesting. Very interesting". He laments for a few moments before he jumps off the desk. "Lift up your t-shirt again, I want to see this bruise again".

I do so, but now I am really worried that he has a fetish for beatings. Fuck me! Is everyone in Hollyoaks fucking fucked up?

Warren approaches me and runs a finger over my chest. And it feels good. So fucking good. "My, my, Brendan has done some damage here hasn't he" Warren cooly says. He moves his finger up to my nipple and gently strokes it. It hurts a little from the kick that Brendan gave me last week. Then he moves his head lower and takes the nipple into his mouth.

And fuck me. It's good. It's amazing. But this is Warren Fox.. what is he actually doing?

He stops treating my nipple like an icepole for a few minutes to look up at me. He doesn't speak. In one move, he rips off my rather expensive stripy blue t-shirt and proceeds to push me onto the desk.

"Here's the deal Steven" Warren states as he walks inbetween my legs. "I'm going to fuck you. Right here, right now. And then.. " Warren is smirking now. "And then we are going to work together on bringing down Brendan Brady.. But I suspect.. " He pauses for a few moments to take off his own shirt. His much more delicate with his own shirt, not daring to ruin it. Bastard. He doesn't have a fantastic body, his clearly not body conscience like Brendan but it's still hot in it's own way. It's shaven. He isn't fat really, just a little on the chunky side. But that's cool. "That the way you can hurt Brendan the most is by having sex with me".

I'm not with it. Which isn't exactly a first, I'm not known for my intelligance. "I don't follow".

Warren laughs. He takes my hand and leads it down trousers and boxers and I'm touching his cock. And fuck, it's massive. I wasn''t expecting that. Guys like Warren are usually mentallist's to make up for thier lack of size in the trouser department. But holy shit, this must be about 9 or 10 inches. And he's not even hard really, it just seems to go on forever. "Brendan hates me. Like proper wants me dead hates me. And I must say the feeling is mutual, I'd think I'd feel 100x better and more happy if Brendan's head was served to me on a plate. But he loves you, clearly, he adores you. So.. He'd be fucking fuming if he found out that his precious Steven was having it off with his enemy.. Mr Foxy".

Not it makes sense. I begin to stroke Warren's cock and feel it hardening in the palm of my hand. He unloosens his trousers and kicks them to one side and I have better access to his cock now. He lets out a content sigh as I begin to speed up my movements on his cock. "Sounds.. good" I reply "But he'll be proper fucking mad. He might even try and kill me or something. And I don't wanna die.. I've got me kids to think about, ya'know?". I begin to get faster with my movements on his cock.

"He won't kill ya.. holy shit, you've got an awesome touch kid.. I'll protect ya. Your mine now.. " Warren smiles. He pushes my hand away from his cock for a moment and pulls down his Calvin Klien boxer shorts. And then he kisses me. And he doesn't kiss me like a pussy. He proper kisses me. His tounge is exploring my mouth like he's new to the whole thing. When we finish kissing, he smiles at me. "Well, Steven, I forgot just how good it was tasting another man's lips".

So his obviously done this before with other guys. I always thought he was a little too close to Justin Burton.

I jump off the desk and drop to my knees. His cock is pointing straight at me, like some monster ruler or something. Whilst Brendan's dick was above average, Warren beat him in both length and girth. It really was impressive. And I was pratically salivating before I even wrapped my lips around it. When I did finally get my mouth on it, Warren let out a huge sigh. "Mm.. yeah.. you suck my dick, kid".

It doesn't take Warren long for him to grab my head and push it further down onto his whole length. I nearly gag, but I've been told I have awesome gag reflex. As my sucking gets faster, Warrens balls hit me in the chin as his thrusts get faster. He pulls out of my mouth, grabs me to my feet, and pushes me back on the desk. I'm laying down now. He grabs a load of papers and chucks them on the floor. He pulls down my trousers and boxers in one swift movement, I don't even know how he got my trainers off. He takes my cock into his hand and begins stroking it fast. It's already hard at this stage and Warren has an awesome touch. "Me and you, Steven, we'd make an awesome couple" he says as he continues to sexually abuse my cock with his touch. "I mean, you have a lack of pussy but you certainly know how to take a dick into that beautiful mouth of yours. It could work, you know.. " He stops for a moment and contemplates "But obviously, Priorities first. Let's fuck up Double B's life, right?".

I moan in response. Warren is stroking my cock fast, his movements are rapid and I feel like I might cum at any moment. Then he demands that I stand up and bend over the desk. I know what's coming next. He casually spits on his hands and rubs it on my arse. "You like being fucked, kid?" he replies and I say yes. Because it's fucking amazing.

"Good" Warren replies as he sticks a finger in my arse and I let out a thankful groan. "You can return the favour next time".

"Wait.. What?" I ask and Warren chuckles. Brendan has never let me near his arse. He loves doing it to me, but he says he would never, ever take a cock up his arse.

"I take it Brendan isn't as kind in that stakes. Shame. It's really fucking awesome. I'm man enough to admit that I've been done in the arse.. and it feels fucking brilliant" Warren says. I'm not looking at him but I can that he is smiling a big, cheesy grin. His one finger gets too two and I begin groaning loudly as his fingerfucks my tight arse. "And I want that cock of yours inside me, kid.. ".

He pulls his two fingers out and teases my arse with the tip of his cock. I feel it going in slightly and it doesn't hurt. It feels amazing. I'm holding onto the desk as he grips my hips and begins to slowly lever all of his 9 inches into my arse. I let out a fantastically loud sigh as his movements get faster. "Your a fucking dirty cunt, I'm right ain't I" Warren laughs as I turn my head around and look at him in the face. He smiles kindly and lowers his own face down to kiss me gently, before I turn back around and he thrusts his cock harder into my arse. He doesn't forget my dick though, and takes it into his hand and simultaneously fucks my arse and wanks my dick at the same time.

"Oh fuck Warren.. Fuck" I groan as his thrusts get harder and faster. The desk is rocking hard now. He is holding onto my shoulders now as he continues to thrust his monster sized dick into my wanting arsehole. "Yes.. That's it.. Fuck".

Warren let's out a horny chuckle as he continues to abuse my arsehole in this godly way. His bollocks are banging against my arsecheeks and it's not long before I'm letting out a long, content groan as I blow my load all over his hand. He pulls his dick out and I turn around, and he shoves it into my mouth, before cumming himself. "Fuck.. yes.. Warren loves it" he chuckles. Then he licks his fingers and swallows my cum off his hands. Which is totally arousing.

I swallow his goods in one swallow, and then he takes his dick out. He strokes himself. "Gonna make me cum again, kid, ya fucking hot stuff" he groans as he lets out another moan and he shoots a 2nd generous load of cum onto my naked chest.

We catch our breaths for a few moments, before he walks over to his desk and sits on his chair. "Come here" he gruffly says. I stand next to him, and he signals for me to sit on his lap. I do so, which is kinda erotic since we're both naked and as I sit down on his lap, he turns me around so I'm facing him. I drop my legs to the side and can feel his still erect dick pressing into my hip. He gets out a cigarette from somewhere and sparks it up.

"Do ya smoke kid?" he asks as he lits it up.

"Yes" I reply despite having gave up months ago.

"Good stuff". if you would like to post any suggestions.

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