In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Mar 29, 2010


=============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: All 'true' brands included in this story are the trademark and property of their respective owners I do not assert ownership of such and seek no commercial gain from their use. ===============================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Eight: ''Damage Control?''

I was seriously considering leaving the country and taking Blake with me, we could go and live with Dad, he had guessed that I had different tastes in partners and had confronted me about it, he told me that he didn't expect me to come out to him right now, but that I should know that whatever... or whoever I chose, he would still love me. He also didn't say anything to my mother, yeah... he'd look after us.

"What did he say? when do we have to leave? I'll book us tickets now, do you have a passport?"

"Haha don't get so worked up Cam" why the hell not? "It's going to be fine"

"How could it be fine Blake? he's going to tell EVERYONE"

"No he's not... are you ready for this?" No! not at all!

"He called me twice, I didn't answer, when he called me the third time I picked up and he was crying"

"Why? why would he be crying?"

"He told me that he saw us, I said yeah I know and then he asked why I didn't say hello? why did I just leave? I told him that I was embarrassed... he told me that he was my friend no matter what, he didn't care if I was gay or straight or whatever... then he told me why"

"What, that's great news! this is amazing Blake" I was relieved... seriously

"He told me that he'd never had the courage to ask me if I was gay, because he was afraid that I would suspect that he was because of it... then he came out to me"

"He what? He came ou... wow that's intense, so are you going to go with him now?"

"Don't be stupid Cam, I love you and he has a boyfriend... you know Nick from home room?"

"Nick Harrison? No way!" Nick was a popular guy, I thought he was a ladies man

"Yeah, so can you pick me up in the morning early?, I kinda promised we'd meet them for breakfast somewhere... is that ok? I can go by myself"

"Of course that's ok handsome, I'll see you around 6.30 then?"

"That'd be great Cam, Love you"

"Love you too"

After I ended the call I thought about what had just happened, we were safe for now, Seth wasn't going to tell anyone because he knew our situation and we knew his... most Importantly though, Blake had said I love you... and I had said it back. I set a new time on my alarm clock and slept like a stone.

Driving down the still dark rural road at six in the morning I was kept company by the soothing electronic ballads of Moby. I had sent Blake a good morning text and told him I would be there soon, his reply came as I was pulling into the suburb where he lived.

I parked the car a couple of doors down so as not to raise the suspicions of the remainder of the Garner clan, I saw a familiar figure walk to the end of his driveway and turn looking for me, I flashed the headlights and he waved, starting off towards me.

"Good morning sir, are you lost? can I give you directions or something?"

"Hop in the car little boy and I'll buy you breakfast" he grinned and slipped into the passenger seat

"I haven't been in this car before, two seater... nice"

I'd decided to fire up the Mercedes this morning, Mum usually drove it but she was still down south doing whatever it is she does on an extended business trip. It was nice, but I was usually ferrying more than two, today was special.

"Yeah, I thought we'd look better cruising into school in style"

"No arguments there, do I get a good morning kiss?" How could I say no?

We shared a moment of kissing, he had used a mouthwash... cloves I think, whatever it was it made the taste of his mouth irresistible.

"So where are we meeting Mr and Mrs Harrison then Dear?" He giggled

"Well sweet pea, he said Sierra did a good breakfast so I told him we'd be there"

Sierra did do a good breakfast, I loved the mushrooms on toast, and they roasted their own coffee beans on site... and I was past due for my morning fix

"To Sierra it is then" I rested my free hand on his knee as we negotiated the morning's commuter traffic heading for the city

We arrived fashionably early and chose a secluded booth at the rear of the Café. The others arrived and we ordered, 'mushrooms on toast for me, bacon and eggs for the missus' I told Blake and he threatened to leave me if I said as much to the waitress

"So Nick, how long have you and Seth been an Item? I figured I'd strike up a conversation with the one I knew first

"Oh well not long, about a month really... I had no Idea that you were..."

"Haha I don't believe that for a second, I wore drag to assembly once to promote Shakespeare... that didn't give you any hints?"

"I remember that, everyone thought you were from the girls' school then they cracked when you started speaking in a deep voice and scratched yourself"

That recruiting drive had netted seven new members, pretty good for Shakespeare at a boys' school. Having broken the Ice, we chatted like old friends while we waited for our food and the much needed coffee, we ate and agreed to meet up after school.

"Can I stay the night Cam? I missed you so much last night"

"Of course, you can stay anytime you want, as long as its ok with your parents?"

"I was away all weekend and they didn't even ask me where I was"

"Well then, it looks like we have a date, I want to take you out for a real date tonight"

"Wow a real date, very vintage Cam, should I get dressed up?"

"Well if I get reservations for a restaurant then yes, you can borrow a tie from me if you don't have one"

"I have a suit, you'll have to drop me home so I can pick some things up though"

We walked up from the car-park together and I told Blake I'd see him in home room, I had a Monday briefing with the rest of the prefects before the bell rang. We briefly discussed the upcoming athletic sports day and swimming tournament, we talked about fundraisers for the year and then we went off to our respective home rooms.

"Okay guys settle down please, Mr. Church is away this morning so I need to run through the register and let you know what's happening today... I'm serious guys I will have you kept in at lunchtime if you don't shut up and sit down now"

The threat of lunchtime detention was a sure fire method of quietening a class of hormonal teenaged boys. We made it through the register and morning notices with relative ease and I let them talk amongst themselves quietly while we waited for the bell, Blake sat himself up near the desk and we did the crossword from the paper together. The bell rang and the mob filed through the doors and off to class.

Monday went smoothly, I met with my arts council team to plan our year's activities and discuss which musical we should do this year. I wanted to do Rocky Horror, I had the support of the council but we had to make a convincing proposal to the board of trustees that it was suitable and appropriate, that was a challenge I delegated to Luke, the friendly face of the debauched arts council... the 'PR man' he was eager to put on a good show.

I waited for Blake outside his last class and we walked down to the car-park to meet the others, we agreed to meet up another day as Nick was feeling a little under the weather. I drove Blake home, told him I'd pick him up in an hour or so and drove out to the Park Centre to pick up a little surprise for later before rushing home to shower and change for dinner, I'd booked a table at lunchtime and I was surprised that one was available.

Blake looked like he'd been stood up, standing at the end of his street in a nice sharkskin suit that fitted him perfectly, He was looking at his watch when I pulled up beside and rolled down the window

"Need a ride stranger?" He hopped in and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek

"Sorry I'm a bit late babe, I forgot that I had to change, you look amazing in that by the way"

"Thanks Cam, I haven't worn it before today, My Grandfather got me fitted for my birthday last year and I haven't been out on a fancy date yet... you look great as usual"

"Well Gramps has taste I see, we'll need to fix up that tie though" I grinned at the haphazard knot "I'll do it for you when we get there"

"Where are we going?" He stripped the tie off and hung it around his neck

"Castor, it's an Italian place on the waterfront, you'll love it I promise"

"Wow isn't that place really popular? Mum and Dad never take us there because they're afraid we'll embarrass them"

"Yep, it's pretty exclusive, that's why you're wearing the suit"

I parked near the entrance and we walked to the door

"O'Neil, two for dinner"

The Maître d’ looked at his ledger and escorted us through to the garden courtyard, I'd requested a table on the terrace down by the sea but they were stretching to fit me in at all so I had compromised for a small private area in the courtyard, several of these were screened off with lattice and evergreen creepers and candle lit for intimacy.

"Are you ready to order sir?" I knew the waiter, a personal friend, but he treated me like a customer and I respected that

"Ahh yes Marco, I am going to have the scallop entree and the fish main, Any ideas Blake?"

"Umm I want to try the mushroom entree and I think I'll have the pork main please"

"Any drinks sir?"

"Yes please, no wine tonight... I'm driving, can we have a bottle of mineral water and we'll have two Chinotto' please"

"Yes sir, I'll be back with your drinks shortly"

Marco was cute, but I knew for a fact that he was straight, I had endured the soundtrack to his endless nocturnal exercises when he and Jen were dating, my fault for inviting them over for the holidays I guess. He was a nice guy and I had specifically requested him because he wouldn't freak out seeing Blake and I here together, he knew my preferences and couldn't have cared less.

"You really do look like a model in that suit Blake... I'm so lucky"

"You're lucky? I'm lucky! you are without a doubt the hottest guy in school... I mean the vast majority of the girls' high wouldn't think twice about jumping into bed with you"

"Wow, there's something I haven't heard before... I bet they think very similar thoughts about you... I know I did"

He slipped off his shoe and rubbed his foot up and down my leg

"Yeah but the difference is that I actually get to jump into bed with you"

Marco arrived with our drinks, Blake wasn't sure he's enjoy the bitter drink I'd ordered for him but when he took a sip if the dark bubbly luxury, he felt the same way about it that I had my first time... delicious, these Italians knew what they were doing.

We played question and answer, I found out where he got his adorable british accent from, and he found out more about my family and what made me tick, I couldn't believe we'd come so far without asking each other things like this... I guess we had just shared an amazing connection that didn't take so much building. We ate an enjoyed our meals, I ordered some take-away gelato and we made our way home, it was dark outside now.

"I'll meet you out in the courtyard Blake, I'm just gonna dish up some of this gelato and bring it out"

Blake opened the sliding doors at the rear of the house, a paved pathway led up into the native bush which constituted most of my section, the path was lined with small LED solar lights that disappeared into the darkness. Beyond the darkness the landscapers had cleared the less dense foliage to create a secluded courtyard, they had planted silver leafed weeping trees and we had an electrician decorate them with little white lights which made the clearing quite magical at night. Blake met me here, we sat together on a bench between two of the glowing trees.

"Blake I am so happy that you said yes when I asked you to go out with me, I love you and I want to be with you like nobody I've ever met before"

"I love you too Cam, you make me feel so special and I feel safe with you, I never thought I'd ever fall in love with another guy before but you're amazing"

I pulled a small box out of my pocket and put my hand on his knee, I opened it revealing two identical silver rings, Blake had commented on one the other day at the Park Centre and I picked them up earlier today

"I know we can't be as public with this as we like, but I want you to have one of these to wear... so everyday you can look at it and know that no matter what people think or know... I love you"

I slipped the band onto his soft finger and put the other on myself, he looked at me teary eyed and I brought him in closer for a deep kiss, I led him back to the house and up to the bedroom... the first time I was tender, this time I was hungry.

I pulled off Blake's tie and hurried his fitting shirt off as fast as the buttons would comply, he must have been hungry too because he began working at my belt and pants. when he was stripped bare I pushed him onto the bed and discarded my remaining clothes before joining him. We kissed passionately and explored each others bodies with our hands, I lay on the bed and Blake maneuvered himself around so we were arranged sixty-nine, he devoured my dripping shaft and I reciprocated, fumbling ourselves into the most comfortable position while still enjoying the taste of each other's cock, I slipped a finger into Blake and he moaned with pleasure as I turned up the heat and it wasn't long before we both sensed the familiar feeling of an approaching orgasm I didn't break pace as I felt him buckle and spasm, shooting his hot load down my throat and coating my mouth with his taste, I followed soon after, blasting into Blake's face and into his hair, he licked up what he could reach and rubbed the rest into his hair and all over his face. Blake swiveled around again and joined me at the pillow.

"Amazing, I can't believe it's not butter" grinning with a glossy face

"That's sick Blake... Of course it's butter" he rolled on top of me and licked my lips, forcing them open for a deep kiss

My iPhone was ringing on the night stand, I looked at the caller ID 'Dad' Ugh the time difference, but if I didn't pick up I might not hear from him for a while. I pulled the covers over me and told Blake to get tidied up before answering.

"Hi Dad" he connected a video-call

"Oh sorry Cam, I didn't want to disturb you" I faux-yawned

"Nah it's ok, what's up?"

"Oh just checking in, you're back to school I guess... what about that end?"

"I'm deputy head this year, and arts captain, nothing else really exciting"

"Oh congratulations Cam, I'm proud of you but you already know that"

Blake had slipped back into bed and was trying to keep out of sight, then he coughed

"Ah I see... you have company... I'll let you go"

"No Dad, it's alright... If you're coming down for that conference in March you'd have met him anyway"

Blake gave me a 'what the hell are you doing' look as I pulled myself over to him and he appeared in shot.

"Dad, this is Blake, Blake... Dad" Blake blushed and pulled the covers up

"Oh well hi there Blake, I guess you've figured out who I am... Nice to meet you. I'd better get going Cam, I have a tour launch this morning which reminds me, I'll send you some merch and albums to hand out, get the word on the street and all that"

"Oh yeah thanks, Sam was blown away by his present by the way"

"Oh yeah? well I talked to Eddie the other day, he complimented me on my well mannered son and wants you to tell Sam he says 'hi' I really have to go Cam, Nice 'meeting' you Blake, look after my son now... Night Cam"

"Night Dad"

"Well... I guess that went pretty well, Introducing your father to your new boyfriend via video-call less than ten minutes after wild sex"

Blake traced a pattern on my naked stomach

"You should come with me next time I visit him, you'd love all the industry parties and all the free gear"

"As much as I love you? unlikely"

I pulled him in close and snapped a photo using the phone, our first photo after our first real date... priceless

=============================================================================== Author's Note:

any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at:


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