In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Mar 28, 2010


=============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: All 'true' brands included in this story are the trademark and property of their respective owners I do not assert ownership of such and seek no commercial gain from their use. ===============================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Seven: ''Passport... Wallet... Blake''

Before I'd met Blake, my love life had been a stream of mediocrity, I'd had one or two 'serious' boyfriends but location and the school environment had meant that they were all kept relatively secret, at least from those who I didn't consider close friends, even then I'd been cautious about who I'd told.

I never had much trouble finding casual sex, there were guys who swore they were just in it to mess around, they were useful every now and then when the stream was in drought but of course didn't fulfill my every 'need' I was looking for an emotional connection as well.

When I looked at my peaceful lover, slumbering softly at my side on Sunday morning, I felt that connection... I hoped he did too.

Jen and I were in the kitchen, fixing breakfast and getting our morning hit of caffeine, she asked me what had happened and I smiled and rapped my fingers on the countertop not a satisfactory answer I bet... but she had enough to run with for now. I took a glass of Latte up to Blake and found him sitting up watching morning cartoons, his usually well placed hair was a little messy, a little adorable.

"Good morning sleepy" I leaned over and kissed him on the lips, he responded by pulling me into him and probing my mouth with his tongue

"Careful I'll spill this all over you lad" I placed the coffee on the night stand and sat at the edge of the bed, stroking his hair and looking up to see what he was watching.

"Mmm Cam, where are my clothes? and can I take a shower please?"

"Ahh yeah, your clothes are down in the laundry, you might find something in bottom drawer of the wardrobe... towels are on the rail and breakfast is ready when you are"

He did a big cat stretch and smiled up at me, I kissed him again and went back downstairs, I hoped he looked in the right bottom drawer. Jen had raced up last night to fill it with the clothes she'd picked up for me and snuck past Blake. I hoped he'd find them and most of all... like them.

"I thought you were going up for round two mister" Jen was watching the stairs like a hawk.

"Har Har, you put those clothes in the right drawer didn't you?"

"Oh yeah, nice underwear by the way, I didn't know it came in bright pink for boys"

"Oh God, you got the bright pink ones?... do you think they'll look goo...why am I asking you this?"

Jen sniggered and poured herself another glass of orange juice, I didn't care what he looked like in the pink underwear... underneath however. We continued to eat in silence. Blake came down wearing a pair of grey stovepipe jeans and a slim fitting shirt he had found the clothes, I was relieved.

"Cam, did you buy the wrong size or something, these are great"

"Nope, they fit you, so they're the right size... do you like them?"

"They're great... wait, did you buy these for me?"

"Yes he did" Jen interrupted "He wants you to have something to wear when you stay the night"

I was visibly embarrassed by this little comment, I had said as much to her but I had wanted to talk with Blake about 'us' before telling him why I had bought him new clothes... strategy blown

"Jen! what did you say that for? that was stupid" she knew I was pissed off at her

"Im sorry Cam... It just slipped out, besides we both know you would have taken decades just to tell him that"

I don't know how, but Jen always managed to diffuse any sort of conflict before we fell out, I laughed and blake stood beside me giggling... Touche Jen.

"So... Blake, I hope you're not put off by her... do you wanna maybe umm go with me? I know we sort of skipped the first real date thing but..."

"Wait" my heart sank "Go where with you?" Phew

"Oh you know like... go out... date" Blake grinned and put his hand around my waist, a familiar shudder hit me. He whispered into my ear

"As long as you fuck me like you did last night, and keep making me coffee"

I haven't blushed like that in a long time, I winked at Blake and Jen looked at us both approvingly.

"So boys, what are we doing today? providing you want me hanging on, sadly single as I am"

I hadn't given that much thought, Blake would have to go home before school tomorrow and I had neglected Sam for the past few days, he was having girlfriend issues and I tried to stay clear of that particular drama.

"Well I should catch up with Sam, I guess you need to go home tonight Blake so I can drop you guys off home before I come back, there's nothing to do in this town anyway"

"I hear you there Cam, where are you gonna meet Sam? Jen

"I don't know, I want sushi so we should go to the park centre and eat at Yoko, do you eat sushi Blake?"

"I have never tried it... isn't it like just raw fish and rice?" Ahh cute ignorance

"Sorted then, Im gonna culture you up now that you are mine to culture up" Jen faux-gagged as we kissed for the first time as a real couple.

I called Sam, he answered after the third ring

"Yo Cam, are you gonna save me from this clingy bitch or what?" wow this was going to be interesting

"watashi tachi wa chūshoku no o sushi ga , sugu ni demo omukae ni iku no" I hoped the phrasebook was correct

"What do you mean we? who else is coming or are you using that stupid phrasebook?"

"Jen and Blake, one of my friends, see you soon"

I rushed upstairs and got dressed into something more 'going out for lunch' than my pyjama pants and shirt, we met at the car and Jen graciously let Blake ride shotgun. He flipped through my music looking for a soundtrack to the day's adventures.

"I don't know what the hell half of this music is? who the hell is Brian Eno?"

Jen gasped and clutched her heart in the back, she gave Blake an accusatory look

"Don't talk about Brian Eno like that boy, if you want to live that is... Cam holds up Eno like a God"

"Don't frighten the poor guy Jen, Blake put on 'Another Day on Earth' it's a classic"

He plugged my iPhone into the player and we listened to the highly alternative music of one of my favorite englishmen. At one point I moved my hand and put it on Blake's, he held it in his before I needed it back.

Sam was waiting for us at the end of his driveway, he slid into the back seat next to Jen and threw his head back in mock exhaustion.

"If she calls me again today to bitch at me about working saturday, I'm breaking it off with her I swear to God... who's your new friend Calum?"

"Oh right, this is Blake Garner, he's in my home room and we're trying to get him into the theatre group this year. Blake this is Sam, he's pretty much the male equivalent of Jen, all three of us started school together"

"And they're going out now" another strategy breaker from queen Jen

"Oh nice one man, It's about time you got yourself a new boytoy"

Blake blushed, I ruffled his hair and winked at him, he smiled and licked his lips... If Sam wanted to call him a boytoy then I was gonna kiss Blake right in front of him

"Eww guys just drive will you Cam, are we going to Yoko?"

"Yeah, I want to expose Blake to a bit of culture and I am dying for a good hand roll"

I threw in a bit of dirty sushi humor for Sam, he was into the whole Japanese thing

"Nice, That's what Blake's for after all"

"Sam don't be crass, unless you want Blake to give me a hand roll right here and now"

No objections, so I let Mr Bowie entertain us the rest of the way to the city.

Yoko was a modern Sushi Bar in an up-market shopping district the 'Park Centre' it was all stainless steel and glass, my kind of place and the only Sushi belt in town. the authentic Japanese waitress escorted us to a booth close to the kitchen end of the belt, I visited often so Michi knew where I liked to sit. Blake took the stool next to me and the others sat opposite.

"Ok Blake, I'll choose a few things for you to try, you don't have any allergies?"

He shook his head, I pulled a few of my favorites off the belt and asked Michi to bring us some Miso. Blake got the crash course in Sushi from resident expert Sam and he seemed to be really enjoying himself. He put his hand on my knee under the table, I moved it to my crotch and put my arm around his shoulders. I paid the bill, I didn't expect my friends to pay those prices so their company was their meal ticket, I made sure that my friends were there for me and not my money... thats a lesson you learn the hard way sometimes.

We were looking through the retail section of the park, I needed some new knives and when in a culinary supply store I tend to go a little overboard, Blake was trying to convince me that the lime green handles were better than the plain black, not very convincingly. We compromised and I asked the assistant to get me a set of the charcoal instead, we were looking at pasta machines and without thinking I reached out to hold his hand, he must have been in the same state as me because he let me, when we turned around I noticed a boy of about Blake's age with his parents on the opposite side of the store, he was looking at us but when I caught his eye he looked away Blake saw him too and quickly let go of my hand.

"I will meet you outside" and with that he hurried out the front entrance

I was puzzled, I thought I recognised the young man, he was attractive; tall for his age and well built with a slender frame and shaggy hair, I caught a spicy scent when I walked past the family to pick up my purchase, He turned to look as I left... where did I know him from?

I found Blake in the shoe store next door, he was hiding towards the back he looked pretty spooked so I approached with caution, I put my hand on his shoulder and spoke softly

"Are you alright Blake? what's wrong? who is he?"

"I'm sorry Cam... he's Seth, one of my best friends from school... he saw us holding hands, I'm screwed he's gonna tell everyone and my parents are going to find out... shit!"

This meant that word would be going around school about ME too, this was a serious situation.

"He might not tell anyone, let's get you home ok? we'll deal with this tomorrow... Blake, even if we have to leave the country... it's going to be alright"

He looked up at me, tears were beginning to form in his entrancing eyes but he still managed to smile. I put my arm around his shoulder and we walked together to the car where Sam and Jen were waiting.

That night I lay in bed alone, I had never felt so lonely before in my life. I sent a text to Blake

'You alright? I am missing you already <3" His reply was quick

'I dnt kno, tried to txt Seth bt he's nt replyin, miss u 2 xox'

At least he was still talking to me, that was a plus

'Will I pick you up 2moro?'

'Call me... NOW'

The urgency of that message worried me, I hit dial on Blake's number and he picked up almost straight away.

"Cam... Seth just called me"

I made a mental list of all the things I'd need to leave the country first thing in the morning... Passport, Wallet, Blake

=============================================================================== Author's Note:

any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at:

For Mitch... Who may have found himself between then and now :)


Next: Chapter 8

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