In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Mar 24, 2010


=============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: All 'true' brands included in this story are the trademark and property of their respective owners I do not assert ownership of such and seek no commercial gain from their use. ===============================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Six: ''Breakfast at Calum's and a Road Trip''

I woke up early my usual routine at home, no need for an alarm clock. Unless I was completely intoxicated when I stumbled into the sack you could almost set your watch by my 6 am.

I was a little confused when I discovered Blake lying next to me, breathing slowly onto my face and still smelling of exotic oranges I couldn't help but smile just watching him before stealthily withdrawing from under the covers to the bathroom, then down to the kitchen for breakfast.

The espresso machine was on a timer, so my morning coffee could be in my hands much faster, I had just finished the first and was lighting the gas hob under the skillet iron when Blake came down the stairs looking sleepy despite an obvious shower

"Good morning master Garner, do you drink coffee? I forget and no objections to crepes I trust?"

"Umm I don't really know much about coffee, I guess it's nice, and if a crepe is like a pancake then stack me up"

I pulled a steaming shot of espresso into a tall latte glass and rummaged around in the pantry for some white chocolate syrup, and the glass up with steamed foamy milk

"By the time I'm done with you boy, you'll be begging for a shot of pure black through an IV line, what do you want with your crepes? I have cream and preserved cherries or you can have them naked" I poured some batter onto the hot plate "I'm having the cream and fruit if that helps your decision" he nodded his agreement so we ran with that.

After his second latte he was noticeably more sociable complimenting me on my crepes and successful conversion to caffeine

"I'm meeting Jen in about an hour so we'd better get going if you wanna tag along, I'll stop at your place so you can get changed and touch base, run up and grab your stuff and I'll meet you at the car"

I cranked the volume on Iggy Pop's 'The Idiot' as we wound our way down towards his suburban home, he ran in and emerged soon after looking more cute than I'd ever seen him and smelling like a mixture of orange and spice, damn that turned me on

"Blake, what is that cologne you're wearing? it's amazing... smells so good"

"Oh thanks, I don't usually wear it, my Dad bought it for me through duty free, it's got some Brazilian name I can't remember"

"Well find out for me, cause I want some" to add to my overflowing collection of spicy eau de cologne on my dresser.

We arrived at Jen's house before long and she was waiting at the curb, Blake unbuckled his seatbelt and was about to vacate the passenger's seat for her, she opened the rear door and told him not to be ridiculous and stay where he was, I laughed at this and Blake looked confused.

"Good morning boys, pleasant night then?" I shot her a glare through the rear-view mirror

"Yeah Calum's place is amazing, I can't believe how lucky he is" Jen nodded

"I hear Cam took your virginity hey? A bit of a slut now are you Blakey boy?"

Blake turned red and protested, He looked so flustered I couldn't let him suffer any more.

"Haha Jen! that was mean, when you haven't seen Rocky Horror people who follow it closely call you a 'virgin' once you start enjoying it you become a 'slut' Jen just likes to shock"

"Oh thats kinda strange guys... but yeah, if thats the tradition call me a slut!" Laughter from both sides this time

We pulled out of Jen's driveway and made our way towards the main road again

"So Cam darling, are we going shopping today? we haven't been in ages and I need some new clothes"

"Well that's the Idea, we have something to do first but if Blake doesn't mind we'll be off right after that" Blake had no objections and seemed to be happy to tag along

"So where's this job we have master Garner?" I patted him on the shoulder

"Um well it's over on Cameron Street, just down from the Hospital, if you know it"

We turned off the highway and followed Cameron Street past the hospital and around into a small suburban area, Blake gave me directions and we arrived outside a small terrace house with a tidy front yard.

"Five minutes and then I give you the call ok B?" He nodded and took a deep breath before exiting.

"So what are we here for? Drug deal going down... very shady Cam" I laughed it off and explained

"Well Blake has just gone inside to break it off with a girl who's obsessed with him, but apparently the feeling isn't mutual... how could I refuse to help the boy of my dreams break up with his girlfriend?" she looked shocked

"Oh my God Cam that's bloody devious of you"

"Hey... It wasn't my suggestion, he brought it up last night" Five minutes was up, I pulled out my phone and pushed 'dial' asked my 'son' to come home and then hung up almost in fits of laughter

Blake emerged shortly afterwards and pumped his fist in the air before hopping back into the car, he was unscathed and had all limbs and important features intact. We made our getaway and pulled back onto the highway.

The largest city in the Country was just just one and a half hours north of our much smaller home town, Blake was confused as to why we had to drive so far to shop, we explained that the all the good shops were in the bigger cities and two hours or so wasn't really unreasonable for Mr Armani.

I pulled off into a supermarket and ran inside for essential road trip supplies leaving the others to choose a playlist, if I knew Jen... and I did, she'd be doing the choosing. When I saw the size of the queue, drop and run was looking like a good option, but I stuck it out and arrived to the ends of what must have been a good conversation judging by the abrupt and 'giggle filled' nature of it's end.

"What kept you? busted for shoplifting again or arguing about the lack of range in confectionary?"

Inside joke, Jen had put up with my whining about chocolate quality many times before

"No, I swear that they take people off the registers just to piss ME off"

Blake plugged my iPhone into the holster and their playlist began pulsing through my the speakers, we talked about where we wanted to go and what we needed to buy, the 'passengers' played games with the packets of sweets, Blake and Jen taking turns at feeding me while I tried to keep my eyes on the road

We arrived just on time and I found a good carpark on the main shopping street but Lunch was the pressing priority, Jen suggested a little French style Patisserie and Blake thought that sounded good so we sat down for a Coffee and assorted savory pastries, I bought everyone a sweet pasty and we left fueled and ready to fill the luggage compartment and the rest of the back seat.

Blake went into a bookshop while Jen and I picked out something for her to wear to an upcoming wedding, we were sorting through opposite sides of a clothing rack when she told me what she and Blake had been talking about earlier.

"You should have made a move last night you know Cam"

"I don't think he's gay Jen, I didn't want to screw it all up and send him packing"

"No Cam, I bet he was too scared to make the first move and he was gutted when you didn't make sweet sweaty love to him on the spot... you've gotta take the lead babe"

"Ha! so you think you know what he wants now do you? I really like him and I'm afraid that if I make a move he wont even want to be my friend"

"I don't think I know Cam... I do know, he told me when you were in the supermarket arguing your patrician right to better selection" I stopped dead in my tracks

"He told you that? all of that?"

"And I quote 'I wanted him to just stop being cautious and fuck me' end quote"


"Again I quote 'I almost exploded when he left his arm around me after we hugged' end quote... He wants you Cam... Bad!"

I didn't have anything to say to this, what could I say?

"I think he'd like it if you invited him around again tonight, let him know that you want him too"

Blake emerged from the bookstore and we made our way back towards the street, I saw something in a window and I pulled Blake into the small vintage store. The shop assistant was more than happy to take down the ornately embroidered Mariachi jacket from the mannequin in the window, Blake wasn't sure but I made him try it on anyway, the silver design was amazing on the black fabric and he looked so cute in it, I handed over my bank card and the assistant wrapped and bagged my purchase.

"Why did you buy me that? It's so strange"

"I thought you looked cute in it, you can wear it to one of my costume parties... Just not to a Rocky Horror one... we'll have to get you some fishnets for that. Oh do you wanna stay the night again, If that's ok?"

"I'd love to, as long as you make me a coffee again in the morning"

"Deal, shall we hit downtown now? that's where all the big names are"

Jen was chomping at the bit and Blake was curious to see what all the fuss was about, she went into one store and I took Blake into another, I picked out a pile of things to try on and sat outside the changing room giving my opinion, he did the same for me. I texted J en and asked her to come and pick up some bags from the store that I didn't want Blake to see and I took him off to a music store to browse. I had a small stack of CD's and DVD's and was discussing with the assistant what was good and what wasn't worth the fuss, I got a text from Jen.

'All dne here, meet u gys at te car? x Jen' Blake was looking bored by now so I paid for my selections and replied

'C u sn, did u pik up the stuff? x Cam'

'Yep :) lks lik u gt urself a crsh mr x Jen' ugh the queen of abbreviations and txt slang

We met up at the car and packed our second wave of shopping into the trunk, we escaped the city before the worst of the afternoon traffic clogged the motorway and arrived home just before 6

"Do you wanna stay at mine tonight too Jen? or should I drop you home" we had discussed this, I thought she should stay... out of earshot anyway

"If thats ok Cam, I don't think you should bother going in to town again just to drop me off"

"No problem, you still got a toothbrush and stuff out here?"

"Yes Mum... and a change of clothes"

We unloaded the bags into the front room and I stowed the car away in the garage for the night while the others carted the booty into the living room.

Jen disappeared upstairs while I deputised Blake to help with dinner prep, I showed him how to cut up the vegetables and herbs without slicing himself, even managing to squeeze in a 'moment' where I held his hand in mine to get his technique right, he smiled and looked up to me as he worked on a head of asian greens. Jen re-appeared and went over to the drinks cabinet

"Do you drink Blake? Alcohol I mean?"

"Umm well yeah, but don't tell my parents"

"Ok Jen but not too much ok do us a Harvey Wallbanger maybe, there's some orange juice in the fridge" I didn't want Blake to get drunk and maybe miss the importance of tonight

"Yes Bawss! two Harveys comin right up" she replied in a terrible American accent

I got Blake to set the table and we carried out the bamboo steamers of hot food to the dining room, Chinese was definitely one of my favorite international styles of cooking and let me show off to Blake.

After dinner we went down to the media room to watch a movie and eat our dessert, Ice-cream with chipped chocolate and almond. When the feature finished Jen yawned and excused herself for bed. Blake and I watched the credits, neither confident enough to break the silence.

"So Jen told me about what you said to her today, I'm sorry I didn't realise what you wanted... I didn't want to make things awkward if you blew me off"

Blake looked at me with his enchanting eyes and moved in closer along the couch

"Blake... Do you want to try this again?" It was easy really, once I'd started saying it and I had my usual confidence by the time I was done

He nodded and bit his bottom lip, the same way he had when I saw him outside the restaurant... the day I'd fallen for him.

I took him by the hand and led him upstairs to my bedroom, I popped my head into the guest bedroom and said goodnight to Jen, Blake joined me at the door, his hand still in mine

"Oh you guys, I wanna just give you both a massive hug... and possibly watch"

"Eww Jen, not tonight ok? sleep well and don't disturb"

We went up the stairs to my bedroom and Blake sat on the edge of the bed, I shuffled into the middle and beckoned him over to me, we looked into each others eyes, smiling for a moment then I pulled him into me, I let out a sigh of relief when our lips met, we'd both wanted this... some of us for longer than others. My tongue parted his soft lips and explored his vanilla flavored mouth, we broke our embrace for a moment and I lay back, pulling him in to straddle me

"I don't think I need to ask you if you're sure about this" he shook his head and blew me a kiss

My hands around his hips, I slowly moved them up his sides and over his chest to the top button of his shirt, the buttons seemed to pen themselves in anticipation of the event. I pulled it off his slender frame and discarded it off to the floor, he moved off me and we switched places, him lying flat on the bed and me over him, I pulled off my own shirt and began to work on the zipper of his tight jeans, made even tighter by the desperate bulge they held back, he brought his hands up to my own zipper and his soft fingers brushed against the skin of my stomach, sending a shiver through me.

I pulled his pants free of him and discarded them like the shirt, his colored boxer briefs revealed and packed with my prize, I stood for a moment to relieve myself of my own restraints and crawled up the bed to where Blake lay, watching me and begging for me.

I pushed my straining crotch into his, our hardnesses grinding against each other and spurring each other on. I kissed Blake on the mouth and began to work my mouth down his perfect neck, around his beautiful chest pausing briefly at his rigid nipples before continuing the descent along the centre of his body, around each perfect abdominal then following the hidden trail of light hair towards the belly button, I spent some time on this and he writhed beneath me. I teased some more, nuzzling at his crotch with my nose and breathing hot air through the stressed fabric, he moaned and begged me to do it... So I did

I took he waistband of his underwear in my teeth and dragged it over his hips, the liberated cock sprung up with such force that it slapped him in the stomach before bouncing back to attention. I stripped the briefs off his legs and went back to study the gorgeous body I had all to myself, stripping my own underwear as an afterthought I grasped his uncut manhood and slowly pulled the skin down over the engorged head, this was met with another shudder so I went in for the kill, licking my lips I drew my tongue from the base to the tip in a spiral before plunging its full length into my hungry mouth, I built up a gradual rhythm, each stroke met with a gasp of pleasure from the head of the bed, I knew that if my tension was anything to go by, Blake wouldn't last much longer and his spasms and moans seemed to agree.

"Cam... Im gonna... Oh God I'm gonna blow"

I moved my tongue in between his head and foreskin and administered the final stroke Blake's beautiful body tensed up, his back arched slightly and began to spasm, each buck sending a jet of hot spunk into my mouth, it dribbled down my face and over his body but I didn't care about the mess, I crawled up so we were face to face and saw the look of contentment on his face

"How was that for you stud" I grinned, wiping away the excess from my face

"Oh Cam, It was amazing, thank you... wow" I leant in to kiss him, transferring some of his own seed between our mouths, the taste was not alien to me but I somehow enjoyed the taste of his more than any other I'd ever had

We lay together for a while before I appeared over him again

"So... can I have my filthy way with you now master Garner?"

"I want this so bad Cam, go easy on me though, you don't wanna break your new toy"

I kissed him again and rolled over to fish around in the night stand for a Condom and some Lubricant

"Chocolate ripple or Mint surprise Blake?"

"What does it matter if it's not going in my mouth" Blake was tracing shapes on my naked back, I shivered at his touch

"Ok Chocolate ripple it is then" I swung around and tore open the packet

I was about to roll it down over my solid cock when Blake objected and took over, he placed it on the tip of my dick and leaned over to roll it down the shaft with his mouth

"I read about that in PE 'or maybe your lover could use their mouth to apply the condom' " he quoted in a silly voice

I tickled him into submission and laid him out on the bed rubbing my hands all over his prefect body.

I squirted some lubricant onto my hand and massaged it the length of my shaft, then I gently lifted Blake's butt off the bed and pulled myself in between his legs, a healthy dose of lube on his hairless hole made him giggle. I rubbed it in with my finger and soon comedy turned to lusty pleasure

"This might hurt a tiny bit at first, but I promise you it's worth it" he nodded that he was ready

I loosened him up with a finger and eventually began to rub the head of my cock against the tight flesh between his buttocks

"Ohh just do it Cam... I want you to just do it"

I put my weight behind the penetration and the knot slowly relented to my cock, it inched its way in and I heard blake gasp as the flare of my head popped past the wall and the shaft slowly made progress inside him. I pushed myself in fully before Leaning over him and kissing his wet lips again, I wanted to look him in the eyes as I moved inside him, I wanted him to see how he made me feel. I began to slowly withdraw and re-enter him, we kissed and he smiled

"I feel so full, it feels so good like this... I feel so close to you"

I put my hands behind his back and used our connection to lever myself in and out of him at an increasing pace, Blake met every stroke with a short breath and I felt myself begin to feel faint, I had been building up to this for a long time and I wasn't going to last very long at all, He saw this in my face

"I want to taste you Cam"

No time to lose, I whipped out of him and slid the sticky rubber off my rigid cock, he grasped it in his hand and began to furiously work up and down, moving his face in closer to catch the inevitable wave

"Here it comes, ready or not"

I felt a familiar sensation, every muscle in my body tensed up and my back arched off the bed, my cock twitched and a warm flood burst out, spraying Blake in the face, in his mouth and down his front. I collapsed on the pillows in ecstasy as he licked every drop of my load from his glowing face and hands, he wiped his face with my discarded shirt and collapsed next to me, I turned to face him and wrapped his naked body in my arms he shared his prize with me and I could've stayed like that for an eternity.

The weight of the day and my nocturnal exercises caught up with me, I fell asleep with Blake stroking my hair and breathing against the back of my neck. The stars were shining on my bedroom ceiling.

=============================================================================== Author's Note:

any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at:

There we go, you have no Idea how It feels to finally have my characters doing the deed, hope it was up to your expectations. Thanks for reading. SK

For Mitch, who knows who he is but is yet to 'find himself' thanks for your interesting correspondence


Next: Chapter 7

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