In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Jan 22, 2010


======================================================================= DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: =======================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Three: ''Best Laid Schemes''

Usually I don't dream at all, lights out and I'm out to the world, but last night I had seen a technicolour landscape like never before, my plans had been revealed to me by a newly overactive subconscious.

I started the day as I always do; strong espresso and an egg on toast, If there was a church dedicated to the fellowship of coffee I would be a deacon.

My attention turned to the accumulation of mail on the kitchen counter, shuffling through the pile I mentally separated the important from the rubbish 'bill, junk, bill, statement, bill, postcard, school, school' I opened the school envelopes first, one was an invoice for fees paid in advance for this year and the other was an offer from the Headmaster to fill the position of Prefect in charge of 'The Arts' not unexpected but still it triggered a smile, the screen on my laptop flickered to life and I began to type a letter in reply.

A synthetic click signaled a new message, I saved the letter and focused on the chat window at the bottom of my screen:

Hi!!! How was your flight jet setter?

Jen was my best 'girl friend' she was one of the first people I came out to "I knew already" she said

Hiii! long and uneventful, how's your summer going?

a whole lot better now that ur back... meet me for lunch?

of course woman! where nd when?

bucks? hmm 12-ish?

nice, c u then xox

I ran upstairs to get changed into something more suitable, boxers were barely acceptable attire in town, denim shorts and a cotton shirt were all that I could bare in this heat, my garage door opened to reveal the blinding summer sunlight and I bumped up the air conditioning and made my way down the long driveway, the automatic gate slid across in its channel and I left the compound for a day I would never forget.

The city was buzzing with the lunchtime rush, men and women in suits suffered the heat in silence, sweat evident in their crumpled shirts and blouses, Jen on the other hand was perfect as usual; her blonde hair sculpted and her sun dress accentuated her tennis players body, naturally not my kettle of fish but even I can appreciate a good looking girl.

"Hey you" she yelled despite the fact I was well within the 'inside voices' zone.

I put on the 'you talking to moi?' face and made the accompanying gesture towards myself

"Yes... you... who else?"

"The guy over there staring at your cleavage perhaps?" a fitting retort if I do say so myself, 'observe and comment' is my motto for such situations

"Ha! you noticed too? he's been staring for the past fifteen, reckon I should make a move?"

"Probably not the best Idea considering we want to stay here" I gave Jen my signature bear hug which she willingly accepted "Now... have you ordered?"

"Of course... Oh my! is that a gift in your pocket? cause I know you aren't that happy to see me" straight to the point as usual

The ribbon on her gift-wrapped present was poking out from behind my back

"It's technically not in my pocket... but yeah, it's yours" I handed over the box and we both sat down

Jen was thrilled when she unwrapped her new Gucci fragrance, even more so when the waitress almost spilled her latte all over us, my best efforts meant that the waitress walked away unscathed.

We went inside to sit on the couches in the air conditioned café after that minor incident and I hardly noticed when he walked in and ordered, I wouldn't have noticed but I caught a flash of red in my periphery and heard his gorgeous accent unsure as he engaged the server 'umm what's a macchiato like?' the server was completely taken aback by this 'I think you'll like it' I was fixated, he was dressed down this time; tan cargo shorts and a tucked in red polo, hair to rival Jen's and the killer smile.

He turned around, scoping out the café for a free seat, he bit his lip when he realised that there were none, He caught me staring and in a moment of madness I beckoned him over to the free armchair

"Do you know him Calum?" Jen's question interrupted my hazy state

"Umm... what? oh... no... wait, did I just?" it appeared I had just... he hesitated before making his way over to us

"Need a seat?" Oh God... that was the best I could do? 'need a seat?' smooth

"Umm yeah, thanks" he brought with him an intoxicating aroma of oranges, somebody had taste... maybe his girlfriend?

Jen and I continued our conversation, I wasn't really with it, my attention was focused on our new arrival, he was looking more and more worried, checking his phone incessantly obviously to no avail.

"Stood up buddy?" he looked startled that I'd addressed him directly

"Oh.... yeah actually, my mate was going to meet me at the cinema, but he's bailed and gone to see his girlfriend instead" so it wasn't a girl he was meeting...

"That sucks, what were you gonna see?" wow look at his eyes, so blue

"Umm that new Horror I think, but it's started already" horror? he didn't look like the horror type to me

Jen got there first

"Calum and I were going to go and catch a film too, if it's company you're after then you could tag along" damn she was good, scheming... but good

"Jen... you'll freak him out, he doesn't even know us... poor kid"

"Cam... If he wants to come, let him come jeez! do you wanna come umm?"

"Blake... I'm Blake" I should have known he'd have a hot name too

"I don't wanna be a pain, I don't mind going by myself"

"Don't be silly Cam and I are always looking for people to join our little posse"

"Uh ok... cool I guess, what are we going to see?" phone out again ready to dispatch a message "I need to let my Dad know when to pick me up"

Jen had by now taken complete control of the situation

"I just called the hotline 'Moon' is showing in fifteen if you're ready?"

We weighed anchor and set off up the street to the smaller 'arty' cinema, more comfortable chairs and more interesting films than the multiplex... not that I'd be watching much of the film.

I'd seen the movie before and Jen knew that, I couldn't stop blabbing on about it to her the day afterwards, but she'd seen something in the way I looked at Blake and felt that she needed to assist me in my plans... who was I kidding? This guy was too amazing to even think about liking other boys, he was probably too busy brushing off the girls who undoubtedly swooned over him everywhere he went. I couldn't help but stare; when the alien white light illuminated those perfect cheekbones, the occasionally bit lip, the endless blue eyes.

"He's a God isn't he?" Jen leaned over and whispered into my ear, once again breaking my trance

"He certainly is... Do you think he'd even think of...?" I trailed off, Jen looked at me with a hint of concern:

"You can only try Cam, just don't fall too deep ok? I'm gonna shoot off... Good luck, call me later lover boy" unphased by the commotion she caused slipping along the aisle, Jen left me alone and sitting next to the boy who had caused a spark inside me.

The crowd slowly dispersed into the humid afternoon, Blake and I were soon left alone in the foyer, I realised I hadn't really introduced myself;

"I'm Calum by the way, people just call me Cam though" He stretched out a soft hand to meet mine

"Yeah I think I recognise you from School... you're always up speaking in assembly aren't you?" I cant believe I'd never seen him before at school

"What year are you in at school? I've never seen you before, I guess you're more of the sporty type?"

"Yeah, I'm on the water polo team and I'm turning 17 in a few days, I'll be in the sixth form this year..." once again he turned his attention to the text on his cellphone, once again he looked concerned

"Everything ok? you got a lift home?" I can't believe such a creepy comment came out of my mouth "I'm not a stalker or anything" smooth... where was my usual confidence?

"Actually no... umm are you going anywhere near The Lakes? I can catch a bus otherwise" hmm breathe in and script this reply I told myself

"Ha! do you think Jen would let me live knowing that I'd neglected to drive our new little friend home after our outing?" this drew a smile and a slight chuckle... WIN

"I think she could kick your arse dude" wow, that knocked me back a little, this kid was getting better by the minute

"Hey hey hey... any more of that and I might have to kidnap you" damn... did that sound too 'stalker-ish'? "Umm I'm parked just up the road here, you need anything in town?"

"Nah thanks, but don't let me stop you from staying here a while, I don't mind tagging along" hmm, maybe I could pad this out a little

"Do you mind waiting around while I have some photos printed off?"

"Fine... lead the way"

I fished around in my pocket for the USB stick, I had intended to do this today so I didn't feel too bad about using it as an excuse to spend more time around Blake.

We browsed a music store next to the photo lab while my prints were prepared, I am a chronic photographer... especially on overseas holidays so there was plenty of time to waste. Blake seemed interested in the variety of guitars hanging on the wall, I put down the score booklet I was looking at and joined him;

"Do you play?"

"Not really, my dad tried to teach me a few chords but I wasn't really that good at it, I prefer singing myself" he blushed as though his candid admission would lower my opinion of him

"Ahh I wish I could sing, but I can play a little" I asked an assistant if it was ok to try the Instruments before buying, he asked me which one I wanted to look at

"Is that the new Gretsch?" pointing at the bright white hollow-body in the electric section "Can I have a go at that one please"

The assistant 'Mark' got it down for me and plugged it into a small amplifier

"Fancy a duet goodly sir?" Blake looked horrified at the thought

"Im not that good, honestly" I wasn't going to let him get away that easily, the guitar felt good and solid, I played a few chords and segued into an acoustic version of 'Heroes' one of my favourite Bowie songs, I chose well, Blake quietly followed me into the second verse. I shouldn't have said anything, he shut off after I complimented him and we left after assuring the assistant we'd have a good think over the guitar. I collected my prints from next door and we walked to my car in silence.

The Lakes wasn't exactly on my route home but I didn't care about that, I just wanted to earn Blake's trust and show him that I was a good guy in the desperate hope that he'd be interested in me. He seemed impressed with my car and made some passing comments about how nice it was to sit in etcetera, I asked him which part of Lakes he lived in; 'Marsh St' apparently

"So do you know Chelsea Garner?" Chelsea lived on Marsh Street, she was a Prefect at the city girls' college and most likely my arts counterpart this year, I knew of her and her reputation but I hadn't really had a conversation with her.

"Quite well actually... she's my sister" what? I didn't know she had a brother... let alone a stunning one "She's always criticizing me, she doesn't like my friends, my clothes, my hair... the list goes on and on"

"So I probably wont get along with her, cause I like your style, and you're probably a nicer person than her" this drew a second chuckle from him "Is this it here?"

We pulled into the driveway of a modern two storied house at the end of the street

"Yeah... thanks for the lift and everything, you didn't need to be so nice to me for no reason"

"Bahh, it was nothing, besides you kept Jen from smothering me, so I owed you one"

He got out of the car and turned towards the front door, pausing as if he had forgotten something and turned back to me, he leaned to the open window and started to say something

"Ummm... Calum... ahhh nevermind" I wish I knew what he had to say to me, his flash of a killer smile in my direction was an adequate consolation prize.

I had writing my acceptance letter to the Headmaster and logged onto Facebook, I updated my status 'Cam O'Neil Is... smug for some reason' and looked over my pending requests, I couldn't help but smile when I saw it;

'You have a friend request: Blake Garner has added you as a friend, accept or ignore?'

I clicked accept of course, no tempting me with the money Eddie.... lets see what's behind door number two.

======================================================================= Author's Note: This is the 'third part of what I hope will be a much longer story, any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at: =======================================================================

Next: Chapter 4

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