In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Jan 13, 2010


======================================================================= DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: =======================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Two: "Familiar Turf"

I collected my luggage from the small carousel and heaved it onto a trolley, no personal baggage handlers at this end of the trip, but then I expected nothing less at such a tiny airport. Stepping out the front doors sent me rummaging through my bags to find the sunglasses I desperately needed, the sun was so much brighter down here and the heat was a shock to my 'Europe acclimatised' system. My plans to flag a taxi were halted by a tap on my shoulder and the sound of a familiar voice;

''Woah slow down buddy, I drove all this way into town to pick you up and you're gonna ditch me for a cab?''

Sam was probably my oldest and closest friend, we'd stuck together since we started school and he was as close a thing as I had to a brother, Sam had convinced his older siblings to buy us our first liquor, Sam and I had shared our first cigar... and later something more 'dubious'

''How did you know what time I was arriving in? I don't think I told anyone" In fact I know I hadn't told any of my friends.

"I ran into your mum at Starbucks the other day, she asked me if I could pick you up"

My mother was working on a project down south and had apologised to me a few nights ago via a last minute email; 'Sorry hun, can't pick you up on tuesday... important meeting...etc etc' I didn't mind catching a taxi but I appreciated her trying to make my arrival as friendly as possible.

"Cool, thanks man... umm could you please lift these into the back though" gesturing to my pile of cases "I packed a little more than this little runt can lift''

"Hey... does that mean more presents?'' excited "for moi?''

"Haha of course it does, I think you're gonna like them... one of a kind, and personalised!" seriously, he was gonna flip when I showed him what I'd picked up.

I slipped into the passenger seat of Sam's car and turned the air conditioning down to 'icebox' he closed his door and made a passing comment about my 'nipples not being hard enough in the heat' I tried to laugh but what came out was more of a yawn, then I smelt the coffee

"Is that for me?" there were two take-away cups in the holder, the smell of actual espresso coffee was a smell from heaven for this weary traveller.

"Yeah man, still a tall cappuccino with chocolate and no sugar?"

He knows me too well, I might have to throw in a latte one day for the confusion factor

"Thank God, I haven't had real coffee since I transited in London and I swear that airline crap is powdered kangaroo or something"

We drove in silence while I polished off my pick-me-up, Sam suggested we get some lunch at the beach and relax a bit before we went home. I sat in the car at the seaside shop while he got our food, I'd missed good old fresh fish and chips, there was plenty of top notch seafood in Ireland but Dad insisted that we ate at the better establishments. I didn't really mind, absence; as they say, makes the heart grow fonder.

I was adjusting my watch to local time when I caught sight of him in my peripheral, the chip shop was next to a small Thai restaurant "Happy Thai'm" (I remember almost choking with laughter the first time I read that sign.)

With his tidy light shirt, crisp pants and red tie, 'employee' was a safe guess. He stepped into the doorway of Happy Thai'm's gaudy facade wiping his hands on a white rag, looked up and down the street as if he were waiting for somebody and spying a discarded beer bottle on the sidewalk emerged into full view.

As he bent over to pick it up I caught a glimpse of his prefect rear through the seat of his slacks, I watched as he went to enter the restaurant and I have to admit, the look on his face when the door was locked made him even more attractive; his creamy complexion took on a shade of pink and I felt a little sorry for him, luckily there was nobody around (that he knew of) and after much knocking a young Thai girl came to his rescue.

Sam's materialisation at the car window startled me and blocked my view of the boy as he disappeared into the restaurant.

"Here we go, now this is what I call real food; fresh fish, chips and plenty of tomato sauce" Sam couldn't wait to rip a hole into the newspaper parcel to extract the familiar smelling food. I grabbed a handful of the hot fries and dipped one into the pot of red, Sam was babbling on about how all the 'bloody fish and chip shops are all owned by foreigners now... etc etc' I was off in my own little world (as usual) thinking about that guy, a sure contender for 'the most beautiful guy I've ever seen award' our food was soon finished and Sam started up the car again, turning on the CD player which belted out the latest Pearl Jam hit... I have to know his name... I have to know who he is.

I woke up just as we approached my driveway, it was about half an hour's drive from the city to my place, Dad had built it with the intention of moving out after the divorce, but being in the same country proved to be 'too close' for him, so on my birthday last year he handed me the keys and said goodbye... Of course I insisted Mum move in to the new place, she had the guest house and I occupied the main building.

I loved this place, it was modern (at least dad and I shared our taste in some things) all clean lines and earth tones with hints of polished chrome here and there, the grounds were landscaped and the pool provided an ideal venue for parties and friendly get-togethers. We pulled up to the front door and I keyed in the entry code, Sam lugged in the cases and set them down in the lounge.

"Bro I'll see you later, text me or something" Sam was making his way to the front door

"What about your presents?" I knew he hadn't forgotten, the look on his face when he turned around confirmed my suspicions.

"Dude, I thought you were actually gonna make me wait for them"

"Never... me? make you wait for presents?... Nah" I told him to go and sit in the living room while I dug out his gifts.

"Sorry there's nothing too flash, and I only wrapped your ultra-late birthday present" I handed him a department store bag, there was the usual t-shirt, cologne and Toblerone, I picked up a nice jacket at the market (which I hoped didn't fit, so I could have it) but the look on his face when the layers of paper and wadding were stripped from the wrapped package was priceless;

"OH SHIT! NO YOU DIDN'T! Oh my God this is amazing man... just WOW" He held a framed napkin with the name of a pub printed on, but it was Eddie Vedder's autograph that made him so excited.

"I hope you still like them, I met them in a bar and he autographed the closest thing to hand for you... see your name even"

"What what what? you met Pearl Jam and didn't even ring me on the spot to tell me?" I detected the humour in his voice, Sam's cellphone started to ring

"Damn it's Andrea... sorry man I'd better go, you know how they are" I was surprised his girlfriend hadn't called earlier to check up on him.

"Yeah I understand, tell Andrea I said hi" He got up and carried the spoils to his car, I waved him off and closed the door behind me.

All alone in the house I started to wish there was someone around for company, someone to sit next to and enjoy a good film, someone like the boy from Happy Thai'm maybe? my train of thought was making some parts of me more excited than others, I dashed up the stairs, through my room and into the shower, washing away the light covering of 'travel dust' and taking care of 'business' just me and you tonight buddy...

Thank God I have a good imagination.

======================================================================= Author's Note:

Thanks to those of you who mailed me re: part one, part two has been stagnating unfortunately while I took a bit of a break, part three will be more expedient I promise.

This is only the second part of what I hope will be a much longer story, any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at:

Sorry for the lack of 'usual' erotic material, I hope new installments will satisfy all your more carnal needs as well as your other 'desires'


Next: Chapter 3

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