In a Real World

Published on Jul 15, 2013


In A Real World

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Torture, Anal and Oral sex between males. It is also future or Science fiction and could be a future history. Any one under eighteen should leave now.

Chapter 4

"Well lets have some dinner."

We walked into the dinning room and sat down. Timmy had followed and sat at my feet. My Fathers chef came in and set two plates of food in front of us. I already knew what each utensil was for from earlier meals. I had never seen what was on the plate. It smelled real nice.

"What is this Father?"

"That's roast beef, mashed potatoes and beef gravy with mixed vegetables. The glass in front of you is filled with whole milk."

Well I had loved the beef cakes I had eaten before. I took a bite. Wow, it did taste good, but not like the food cakes.

"It's good Father, but doesn't taste like the beef food cakes."

"Steven, all the food cakes are identical. We only add an artificial flavor so the Slaves and Pleasure Boys have a variety. If they had the same thing all the time they would get bored of them and not eat as well."

I wondered if Timmy would like it too.

"Timmy get up here and sit beside me. I want you eat dinner with me." He stood but made no move to sit down.

I turned to Fathers Chef.

"Get another plate of food the same and put it here beside me for my slave."

He got the most astounded look on his face and his mouth dropped open.

I turned back to Timmy.

"Come on Timmy sit beside me."

"Master doesn't like his slaves to eat with him Master."

"I don't care what my Father likes or dislikes. I want you to eat with me. Now sit down beside me."

Tears started down Timmy's face. I was sure he didn't know what to do. Father told him.

"Timmy, your Master is right. It does not matter what I want. You will always do as your Master says. Don't worry I won't punish you for following your Masters orders."

Timmy sat down, but he was so small only his head was above the table. I almost laughed, but instead leaned over close.

"Timmy, run in the living room and bring one of the thick cushions."

He took off. I turned to the chef.


"Now get the boy another plate."

Timmy came back and I stood up. I put the cushion on the chair and then lifted Timmy onto the Chair. Now his head and shoulders were well above the table. The chef put the plate in front of him. I showed Timmy how to hold the fork and knife. I helped him cut a portion and told him to use the fork to put it in his mouth. He chewed and got a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you Master." He said.

"You are very welcome Timmy."

We all ate in silence for a while.

"Steven, because the man I had given you to torture has died, you can help me with the family group. I wonder if any of the younger ones are virgins."

"What's a virgin Father?"

"A virgin is one who has never had a cock up their vagina in the case of women or the ass in the case of boys."

"Okay Father."

He pulled an instrument from his pocket and punched some keys. He talked for a bit and returned it to his pocket.

"Okay. The younger girls and the older man are virgins. The older women and the boy are not."

"Tomorrow I am going to let you fuck a virgin son."

"Cool." I said.

"Where did you hear that word Son?"

"One of the customers said that word when I told him he could anything he wanted to me."

Father laughed.

Did you enjoy what he did Son?"

"Oh yes Father. He tied me upright in one of the stocks and beat my cock with a small club. Then he sucked me while he used the club in my ass. After he fucked with the club still inside my butt. It hurt real badly but I loved it Father."

"I see I am going to have to think of some real heavy stuff to do to you Steven."

"I hope so Father." I smiled.

"What do you think Timmy?"

"I hope my Master does the same things to me Master." He smiled.

"I'm sure he will Timmy. I'm sure he will."

We finished dinner and I excused Timmy. He took off.

"Come along Steven, I wish to speak with you alone."

We walked down the hall and he opened the door to the torture room.

"Get those coveralls down." He said.

Well I had them around my ankles and was about to bend down to get them off when he grabbed me by the throat and slammed me against the wall. His knee came up between my legs and slammed into my balls. I could only groan. He leaned back and punched me twice in the stomach and twice more in my face.

"If you ever usurp my authority in front of any employee or slave, you will end up in pain for the rest of a very long life. You may be my son, but I will use you to test every device I can find. I will have you repaired each day so I can continue forever. Do you understand?"

"Yes Father. I'm sorry Father."

"Not sorry enough." He dragged me a short distance.

I saw the table coming, but was powerless to stop it. I felt the crunch as my nose was broken again. I also felt the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I hurt every where. My balls, my Stomach, My face. My face hurt the worst. Then I felt something pushing into my ass. It must be huge because the pain started instantly. I struggled to try and stop it but to no avail.

"That should do it." I think I heard him say.

He just let me go. I hurt so much my legs just crumpled and I slid off the table onto my ass. Well more specifically I fell on the thing he pushed into my ass. That forced it deeper and I really screamed. I rolled onto my side.

"Fuck. You even like that." I heard and then he kicked me in the balls again.

I did hear him yell for Timmy. I also heard Timmy scream.

The next thing I heard was Timmy.

"Oh no Master. He hurt because of me. I should not come to dinning room. I'm sorry Master."

"It's okay Timmy, just take it out of my ass."

"Master I know what he used and if I take it out now you might bleed to death before I can get you to the Refreshment Booth. I will help you stand and help you there."

Well I tried to stand, but the coveralls entangled around my ankles prevented it.

"Wait Master." He worked the coveralls off.

"Now don't stand up straight Master. It will only make it worse."

Well I got to my feet and the started to stand straight. Standing straight changed the configuration of the dildo in my ass and it sliced a different area. I screamed and bent over.

"What are you Stupid? I told you not to stand up. Now lean on me I will help you."

Timmy had not used Master and had treated me like I was a stupid child, very like the instructors I remembered at school. I automatically accepted his words.

Helped me down the hall to the Refreshment Booth. This Refreshment Booth was very much like all others, but was much larger inside. I figured three or four people could be inside at the same time. There was only one seat.

Once inside the door closed with a solid thunk. He moved me over until I was almost over the seat.

"Grab the handles. This going to hurt real bad. When I have it out you must sit down so Booth can repair you."

Well I grabbed the handles. When he pulled that dildo out I screamed, but his hand forced me onto the seat.

The Booth took over. Straps came out and held my ankles and thighs. Another came around my waist and another over my chest. I saw Timmy punch several buttons on a consol. The tube that normally would push into my throat didn't come out, nor did the one that covered my cock.

I never even felt the probe enter my ass. I did feel the cleansing form that came next and I screamed. That was followed by a wash that cleaned me totally inside. I knew what was coming soon and braced for it. If I had had the probe in my throat I could not have screamed.

I knew it was coming soon the heat inside my as went up very fast. When the probe expanded and started to sear the lacerations, it also seared my brain. The pain was so intense I couldn't even scream. It only lasted about thirty seconds, but it was the longest thirty seconds of my life.

The foam from the probe next soothed the inside of my ass instantly. It also started to shrink the membranes inside my ass. That was a rush of pure enjoyment. When I looked down Timmy was sucking my cock. That did it, I started to blow. The total bliss and pleasure I felt overrode all the pain I had felt before. Now I knew what that tube over my cock did mostly. It gave me a release. Timmy took all of my release and never missed a drop. I slumped back in the seat.

Very soon after that the seat released me from its hold. Timmy was kneeling beside me.

Are you okay now Master?' I bent down and pulled Timmy onto my lap.

"I am very okay Timmy, thanks to you." I kissed him.

When I did that he just melted into me and we continued to kiss for a bit. He sat back.

"Master, you must punish me. I treated you like a child."

"Timmy I was a stupid child. You told me not to stand up, but I did. That was very stupid."

"You still must. Master might expect it."

"Why would he expect it?"

"Master seems to know everything that goes on in his apartment."

"Well you need not worry what my Master knows. I know why My Father punished me. Timmy you will teach me all that my Father expects and what he likes and dislikes. That way I will not displease him."

"Yes Master, but will you punish me?"

"Yes Timmy, I will. As hard and as bad as you wish, but not now. Now I need a shower and clean coveralls.

We quickly showered and dried. Timmy picked up the dildo that had been in my ass.

"Let me see that Timmy."

Well it was a standard 4 inch by 12 inch long cock dildo, but it had blades in a spiral from near the big head to about two inches from the base. Now I knew why it had been so painful. As it was pushed into a tight ass, the blades sliced the muscles at the entrance allowing entry. Because they spiraled around the dildo, they cut a different place each time one of them entered the ass. Not only that they continued to slice open the walls of the ass until it was seated. If the dildo was pulled out and shoved back in it would have done so much damage that no matter how good a refreshment Booth was it could never have repaired the Damage. I knew why Timmy wanted to leave it inside until I was inside a Refreshment Booth. He saved my life and I would repay him in kind.

Timmy got me a clean set of coveralls and I dressed. We both went out to the living room. Father was as normal on the phone. I sat down, Jimmy brought me a beer and Timmy sat at my feet.

Timmy was almost purring as I rubbed his head.

Father put down the phone.

"The development Center is refining that probe. I think you like how it comes out. It should be ready in a few days."

"That's good Father."

He just chuckled. What I had said and what he had done to me was forgotten I think. He could change so fast.

"Father, Timmy is going teach me all of your likes and dislikes."


"Now I am having a couple of guests tonight, so you and your slave can sleep in your own room."

"Okay Father." I wondered if it was those two big nigs.

That became a mote point when both walked in and just went down the hall. My eyes followed them. I was sure both must have more than fourteen inches hard and both were very thick. I was fascinated by their long foreskins. My Father must have noticed.

"Don't worry Son. I'll let both use you and use them all night if you want. They are also very adept at causing pain."

"Thank you Father."

He told me tomorrow would be his last free day until later in the week. He also told me he had to go London near the end of the week and I would be coming with him.

"I've got a special place I want to show you in England. I'm very sure you will enjoy it all."

"Tomorrow we will interrogate that family group."

"Okay Father."

We sat and just talked about mundane stuff while we finished our beer. I was beginning to like beer. I didn't know Father also had other uses for beer.

Father got up and left the living room. I finished my beer and headed down the hall with Timmy beside me. All the doors were closed. So I had no idea where my Father was. We entered my own room. It was real nice, with a big bed. There was even a bathroom and shower. Low lights came on as I entered.

It was not hard to tell what Timmy wanted. His five inch spike was standing at full mast.

Well what he wanted and I wanted might be different, but the end would be same.

I lay on the bed.

"Come on Timmy, I want you inside me first."

"Oh yes Master." He hopped up onto the bed.

"On your knees Master." Hmm?.he liked doggy style.

I got my knees, he moved behind me, just lined up with my hole and rammed it in. Like always lube was never used and I yelped at his entry. He might have only five inches, but he was thick enough to be instantly enjoyable.

"Oh yeah boy. Harder, faster. It feels so good."

He reached between my legs, grabbed my ball sack and using it as a handle rammed into me harder. I screamed again as my balls were stretched in my sack. He just hammered away. For one so small, like just over five inches, he was really good. I wished it could go longer. I was sure he was close. He suddenly pulled out, flipped me over and jumped on my chest, ramming his small cock into my mouth. I tasted some as juices and the metallic taste of blood, just before he shot about four quick spurts of his cumm into my mouth. As he started to go soft, I bit down hard on his cock. He screamed. I worried a bit before releasing him. He just fell on his side.

I looked at him. Although he had tears in his eyes he was smiling.

"You are very good Timmy and you taste great."

"You can chew me like that more Master. I really like it."

"Well you can do the same thing."

"It is not allowed for slave to hurt Master." He quoted the regular line taught in school.

"You would not be hurting me in a real sense Timmy. It's something I love."

"You fuck Timmy now?"

"Oh yes my little slave boy."

I stopped him when he went to get on his knees. I got between his legs and lifted them to my shoulder. I looked at his very small pucker.

"No lube Master. Just like school."

He had told me he had some pretty big cocks in him, but when I went to enter him he was very, very tight. As I forced my cock into his hole he screamed. That just made my cock harder and I rammed harder. It was real fight to get inside his ass and he screamed and fought to prevent it. It was almost like he had never had a cock inside him before. Finally past his tight rings, my cock slid in easy. He purred in delight as I bottomed out.

"Oh Master you do Timmy good."

With his very tight rings holding my cock as I fucked him, my first load came a lot faster than I thought it would. Now slicked with my load it was easier and so much better. AS I came close the second time, I did as Timmy had done, I pulled out, grabbed him by the hair and dragged him onto my cock. He gagged as it first was forced into my throat and then began sucking. I blew my second load.

As I started to go soft, he didn't do what I wanted, so I rolled into a sixty nine position and took his cock into my mouth. I bit down hard on it. He let out a gargling scream and then bit down on mine. WE both squirmed in pain but we both got hard too. I lapsed to just sucking him. He did the same and we both blew almost the same time.

I turned and pulled him close and gave him a deep loving kiss.

"That was fantastic love."

"I love you Master. You make me feel so good."

"You make me feel good too Timmy."

We just spooned together to sleep.

We both woke the same time. Timmy rolled off the bed heading for the washroom.

"Come here Timmy."

"Master, I need to pee."

"I know come here."

When he was close I dropped and took his morning wood into my mouth.

"No Master." HE yelled, but too late.

His body took over and he drained his swollen bladder. It was salty and very acidic, but to me it was like nectar. I had never balked at doing it for customers, why would I not do it for Timmy.

When he finished, I just pulled him between my legs to drain me. He took it almost as a gift. We both emptied our bowels before we showered. Timmy got me clean coveralls and we went out to meet the new day.

Timmy didn't eat breakfast with us and Father seemed happier and more relaxed this morning.

"Good night Son?"

"Yes Father and you?"

"Very good thank you. I think you will really enjoy both some time."

"Father, you said you could make me bigger?"

"Yes. I'll arrange for the injections. It will take a few months, but I think you will be pleased with the results."

"Thank you Father."

"Steven you could have brought Timmy to breakfast. That incident is over and all the staff know that your word like mine is law. I won't punish him or you if he eats with us. I am presuming Timmy told you that although I gave him to you, I still retain ownership. All my slaves here in the building and anywhere else know that I do on occasion give them away, but also know it more of a loan."

"Yes Father."

"Now I have also sent a memo that until I rescind the order, you are to treated with same respect as I am. Unless you fuck up again that could be a very long time."

"I'll definitely try not to screw up Father."

"Now that family group. An interrogation is a lot different than a straight torture. We need information. To that end we use what ever means possible. You'll have to more or less watch and learn this afternoon. Also tomorrow you will be on your own to do as you like."

"Okay Father. Does that mean I will have some interrogations to do too."

"Actually tomorrow you will supervise executions."

"The following day I may have some thing more for you to do. Don't worry, I'll find time to have some fun with you."

Thank you Father."

"You are a very strange young man Steven."

"Because I love to be hurt Father? I guess that started in school. I got whipped and beaten so many times I started to like it and like it a lot. Some times I screwed up on purpose so the teacher would punish me."

"I know Steven. Sometimes I wonder how you survived school." He chuckled.

"This morning, I'll show you the standard methods used by the regime for executions. You can of course use any method you like tomorrow, but at least you will know the most painful ways today."

"Later this morning I will explain most of the functions of that wrist control you wear. Suffice to say right now it is both an identifier and amplifier."

"Shall we go?"

We walked to the elevator and it as usual dropped like a stone. The indicator stopped at S15. We entered a much dimmer corridor. "This the prison level. At present there are about 25,000 prisoner waiting disposition. Some are awaiting trials. Some are awaiting transportation. Many are awaiting execution."

Those awaiting execution receive one appeal of their sentence. Sometimes, not often their sentence is commuted to life at hard labor. If you had ever said no to one of your customers, you would have been sent here to entertain those awaiting verdicts."

All the time he had been talking we had been walking. We passed uncounted cells filled with both men and women. All were nude and in some cases both men and women were in the same cells, with the usual results. Men were using women or men or both.

WE arrived at a hallway with no windows and a single wide door.

The door snapped open as we approached. I heard several feet click together as we entered. The room was totally dark, but for three spots illuminating three platforms. On one of the platforms was a weird looking chair.

"Relax, as you were." Father said to the room at large.

WE walked directly to the chair. Close I could see it was a straight back heavy wood chair. There were straps for the ankles, thighs, wrists, stomach and chest. The back had a head rest with two large holes on either side.

"Bring in the serial rapist." Father said.

"This man raped and murdered 22 women before he was caught. In courts he bragged about how he had done each victim. The court sentenced him to slow strangulation."

The man led into the chamber towered over the two guards leading him. He was a giant in all respects. He had muscles upon muscles everywhere. Even his cock was huge, at least eights inches soft and very thick. He had huge balls. It was obvious he was drugged; otherwise it would have taken more than those two guards to hold him.

He allowed the guards to strap him into the chair. His head lolled after he was securely strapped down. A guard walked up and injected something into his shoulder.

A few minutes later he came awake in a rush. He struggled in the chair until he figured out he couldn't move and then stopped struggling. He had a wild look in his eyes.

"He looks insane Father."

"Maybe. Carry on."

One guard walked up and tightened the wrist and ankle restraints. The man spit on the guard. Another came up and slammed the mans head against the head rest, while another pushed a U shaped metal strap under his chin against his neck. The ends of the strap went through slots in the back of the chair. A few seconds later I saw the strap under his chin tighten. Now I knew what was going to happen.

A guard stepped forward with a piece of paper in his hand.

"You have been found guilty of Rape and Murder. You are sentence to die by strangulation. Do you have anything to say before sentence is carried out?"

"I'll see you in hell boy."

"Possibly, but you will have been there a lot longer before I am."

"Begin and make it slow." Father said.

The strap tightened slow and the man was slowly strangled. The only thing that surprised me was he got real hard and even shot out a big load. After tightening and loosing the strap several times the man was almost dead. The guard stopped and let the man catch some air. While he was doing it a guard came up, tied off his sack and then cut his balls off.

He then broke an ampoule of some kind under the mans nose. As he came suddenly awake, the guard held his balls in front of his face. He screamed when he saw what the guard held.

"You won't have these to use in hell."

Before he could react, the strap was tightened onw last time and left until he died. The stench in the room became acute as the man emptied his bowels.

Father took me out of the room.

"WE save the chair for the worst offenders. The other two methods used there are manual strangulation used wire and the garrote."

What did you think Steven?"

"You could use that chair for interrogation too."

"We do." Father laughed.

"I see one part of you enjoyed it Son." He grabbed my hard cock in my coveralls.

I just giggled.

Come on Son, we'll head down to 19 and find something you really like." "Where we are going is the training center for the Eunuchs. They haven't lost their balls yet. First they are trained to be the most efficient police they can be. Then after their operations they become very docile and easy to order to do anything. I'll let a few use you for a few hours."

When we entered the very sterile looking room the only furniture was a training horse from school.

"Strip Steven." Then

"Tie him to the horse."

I walked to the horse and leaned over it. The guard strapped me down. It was comfortable. My cock and balls fitted a hole in the horse and once tied it left my ass and head free. The guard then did something I did not expect. He pulled a leather hood over my head. It covered my eyes, but left my mouth free. He slipped a ring and very short tube into my mouth. It held it open. I could breathe through air holes in the mask.

"You look good in that rig Steven enjoy."

"Bring the ten biggest trainees. Biggest in the cock and ball department. They can use him for the next three hours. No marks on his body. I won't take it amiss if he is bleeding from his ass. After three hours take him to a refreshment Booth."

"Yes Director."

I was left alone.


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