In a Real World

Published on Jul 10, 2013


In A Real World

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Torture, Anal and Oral sex between males. It is also future or Science fiction and could be a future history. Any one under eighteen should leave now.

Chapter 3

The elevator stopped at S20. That meant we were twenty floors underground. Wow, I thought this was a big building.

Everything down here was pure white. The tiled floors and walls and ceiling, broken at intervals for lights recessed into the ceiling. Father just walked down the hall. We came to a cross hall and he headed down it. Now the walls were broken by windows. I looked in as we passed one but didn't see anything.

"What are the rooms for Father?"

"Eh, oh, these are interrogation rooms. Most of this area was just finished so most are not in use yet."

"Where are we going Father?"

"The holding cells. There we can find a few men that will satisfy your needs."

WE stopped at a clear wall that extended to the ceiling and along the corridor for perhaps thirty feet. Inside were about 20 nude women. Some were not bad looking for women, while others were much older.

"These are awaiting interrogation." "For what Father?"

"Information. All have been charged with sedition or treason in one form or another. We use both Chemical and physical interrogation. Sometimes even with truth drugs all the information is not pulled from their minds. So we add torture too."

"Come along Steven. I'll show you."

We walked further down the hall. We passed several cells, some had men in them and others women. WE came to a central post. A man in a white coat sat at a desk. He didn't jump up when Father approached.

"Good afternoon Director."

"Good afternoon Captain. This is my Son Steven. He now holds identical power as I do as far as anything that goes on down here or in the rest of the Center. Any time he wishes something it will instantly granted him regardless of anyone's wishes."

"Yes Director."

"Now is there anything waiting?"

"Yes Director. There is a family group in 4 and single males in 2 and 6. nothing has been done yet."

"What is with the family group?"

"The family is we think part of a radicalized religious group that has been operating in the Ozarks for several years. These are the first we have captured. There are an older male and female and a younger male and two girls. All are well over the Majority date."

"Very well. You can leave them for me to handle. Stop food and water. Strap the boy and both girls to tables. Chain the older male and female in clear sight of those on the table. I will be down around 1300 tomorrow to begin."

"Very well director."

"What of the two men?"

"Both have been charges as deviants. They were caught torturing a Pleasure Boy. The boy did not live."

"Perfect for our needs. We will see the one in 6."

Father took me down to a clean room.

He told me to undress and then dressed me in white pants, boots and lab coat. He changed too. We walked across the hall from the clean room and through a door with a 6 on it.

The first thing I saw was the same kind of chair as Father had in his apartment. It also had a not too old man strapped in it. The room was all white tiles like the halls. Two center lights shone on the man in the chair. Along one wall I saw all kinds of stuff. I figured that was like in the apartment, just stuff to use on people in the chair.

I walked over to the man in the chair. He didn't look old at all. He had real big tits and a long uncut cock. My cock was cut. I never saw an uncut cock before but I knew what it was from training school. He also didn't have any hair like all Pleasure boys. I knew mine had been stopped from growing while I was in training. I wondered if it had been done here or if he did it himself. He had bigger balls than I did by far, almost like small apples. They hung real low in his hairless sack.

I wandered back to where Father was sitting at a terminal. I could read and write. I could even use the terminal. They taught you pretty much everything in school even as a Pleasure Boy.

When I looked over Father's shoulder I saw he was reading the Autopsy report on the Pleasure boy the man had abused to death.

I only read a few things before Father turned with grim look on his face.

What I had read was his tongue had been cut out and some kind of inflatable tube had been put in his mouth. Also his cock had been almost destroyed both inside and out. I wondered how they would do the inside.

"He is a total monster Steven and does not deserve any mercy."

Father got up and walked across the room to the shelves. I just followed him. He pulled out a wheeled table with a white towel spread on top.

He picked up an item and turned to me.

"This is what they used to gag him. They didn't need to cut out his tongue, with this in his mouth and throat he could never have uttered a word. It's normally used in the ass. It's an inflatable butt plug. You just squeezed that bulb and it inflates." He showed me.

That would really feel weird in your ass, but really wouldn't cause too much pain.

He set it back on the shelf and started to place all kinds of stuff on the table. One I saw was the probe he was going to use on me. Also the clamp he had used on my cock. He added several very long thin rods, some with points, others with barbs on the end.

He added an assortment of needles and sharp knives.

"That should do it for now." He said. "I'll explain each item I use on him Steven and then I'll let you do the other man."

"Really Father?" I got hard thinking about having someone I could cause lots of pain to.

"Yes Son really." He wheeled the small table over next to the chair.

"Oh yes. Almost forgot. We'll remove that foreskin first so it doesn't get in the way." He walked back to the shelves, picked up an instrument and walked back.

"Mr. Hansen. Just so you know beforehand, I am going to do to you exactly what you did to that Pleasure boy. They also say that anticipation is almost as painful as the real act, so I am going to let your partner watch as I torture your body."

The man on the table never said a word. Either very tough or very stupid.

Father walked to a wall phone and spoke several words. Then came back over to the table.

A few minutes later a man on a chair was wheeled into the room. I saw one of the men plug in a cord into a socket on the floor.

"Put a small butt plug in his mouth and inflate it." Father said.

After the guards had it in they just left.

"You are here to watch what happens to your buddy. Then tomorrow my Son here will do anything he likes to you."

I got instantly hard when Father said that.

Father moved the chair with the second man close to the first chair. Then he hit a switch and chair was raised until he was almost vertical.

The first thing Father did was remove the mans foreskin. He screamed his head off when he did it.

"You can do him now if you want Son."

When I looked at the other man his cock had got a lot harder.

"I think he likes to watch what you are doing father. He's getting hard like me."

"Well, well. So it seems. I wonder if both are alike."

Father picked up two small clear plastic cones. He placed one over the mans tit. He then attached a squeeze bulb to the cone. He squeezed twice and I watched as his tit was sucked up tight to the edges of the cone. Father did the other tit. The man just moaned when it happened.

Both men I saw were rock hard now.

"Wow Father. They both like it."

"He won't like this."

"I need to explain something to you Son. Normally these two would already be dead. They were found guilty of deviant behavior and sentenced to death by slow strangulation. I'll show you how that is done at later time. If that boy had not died these two would have been castrated and sent as play things for the workers in a mine or prisoners. Very few of those last more than a year. When their file crossed my desk for signature, I decided I wanted to meet them first, so I had them sent here. After reading the Autopsy report on the boy, I decide that these two would receive exactly as they had done to that Pleasure boy." "I understand Father."

He picked up one of the thin probes. He had me run my fingers over the top of the probe. It was real smooth. Then he had me hold a finger up. He pulled the probe over my finger and I yelped. I saw blood on my finger and sucked it.

The probe had a cone shaped head that was bigger than the rod. The top was smooth, but the edges of the cone were razor sharp.

"Now watch."

He lifted the mans cock and then pushed the head of the probe into the mans piss slit. It slid in easy all way until just about three inches were left.

"See goes in real easy." Father said.

I looked at him blankly.

"Think about it Steven. What did I show you and what did I do to you?"

It went in easy but, but. Oh shit I thought and grabbed myself. Well that did it, I came in my pants.

"I'm sorry Father I just came in my pants."

"Don't worry about it. You'll probably do so again before long."

Father grabbed the mans cock and pulled the probe out. The man screamed in abject terror. Now I knew what that boy had felt. Blood gushed from the mans piss slit. What surprised me was how fast the blood stopped and the man remained pretty hard.

Father picked up a much thicker probe. As he gripped the mans cock he let out long drawn out NO. That didn't stop Father from shoving the bigger probe into him. No hesitation, Father just yanked it back out. The man went almost berserk in pain. Again the blood stopped, but his cock remained soft. I bet the inside his piss slit was ripped the full length.

Father put the cock clamp on him and left it there. He then shoved the probe I wanted inside me into him. The man made a single yell and slumped faint. After removing the probe, Father sliced off both his tits and then put a ampoule under his nose. He came awake screaming, but slumped in the chair. I don't think he even noticed when Fathers sliced his balls off or used the clamp to cut his cock off. He bled out very fast.

"We're done here son. We can come back tomorrow to finish the other."

We walked out and into the clean room. It was only then I saw that both my white clothes and Fathers were covered in the mans blood. I don't remember when that happened. I undressed and held the bloody pants up to my nose. The sickly sweet odor of his blood was like a drug to me. Before I could even think my cock shot out onto the floor.

Father burst out laughing.

"Wow Son. I didn't know you liked the smell of blood so much?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know what it would smell like."

"Not to worry, lets shower and clean up."

We both stepped into a shower and quickly washed. After being dried by warm air, we dressed back in coveralls. My mind was not on even this. It was on how that blood had smelled and that man on the table.

I hardly said a word as we walked back the way we had come. Even on the elevator, I hardly said two words. I removed my shoes almost in a trance and walked to the couch and sat down.

"Are you alright Steven? You have been very quiet."

"I guess so Father." I knew I wasn't alright, at least the way Father meant it.

When Father has used that anal probe on the man, he had gone totally crazy in pain. Even though we had revived him, the pain in his mind had totally screwed up his mind. I was sure he never even felt his balls being cut or his cock. I knew that would happen to me when Father put the probe in my ass.

Father just sat looking at me.

"I'm scared Father."

"What are you scared of Son?"

"Father when you put that probe into my ass I think I will end up like that man on the chair. My mind will be gone and I won't feel anymore pain."

"Well I admit I wasn't expecting his reaction, but I'm sure he was already half insane before we even started."

"I don't think you needed to cut his balls and cock off Father. I think he would have bled out through his ass. I think I will too before you can get me repaired."

I looked at Father and I knew he knew that I was right.

"Father, when you fattened by balls, that pain was different. It started slow and slowly built up until I could think of nothing else. I wanted it to stop, but I also wanted it to continue."

"When you fired the needles into that mans ass, the pain was instant and overwhelming to his mind. That's why after he never felt anything else. I didn't feel you put needles in my balls or even when you used electricity to zap my balls."

"I see you are thinking Steven. You are a very smart young man. I am presuming you have also thought of a solution?"

Before I could answer his phone buzzed.

HE hung up after only a minute.

"I guess you maybe right Steven. The other man I left in the room died, my Doctor believes, of fright. He had a heart attack."

I got up and walked to the shelves and brought back both probes.

"Father, when you this new probe on his ass the spikes punched right through the walls of his ass. They may have even hit other organs. I don't know what else is down by my ass. Maybe even the prostrate. Could the refreshment booth repair all that damage?"

"No Steven it would not have."

"Father this new one is smooth and slides into the ass easy. This old one is rough and it would hurt even pushing it inside me."

Then I twisted the end until some of the spikes started to come out.

"These spikes Father are not sharp like the new one." I pushed my thumb down on one. It only left an impression in the end of my thumb. They would punch through the walls easy. They would push against them and it would hurt, hurt real bad, but also it would start slow, like when you squeezed my balls. Eventually they might punch holes, but by then it would be so painful I might not even notice. It would take along time and my pain would be prolonged."

Father just sat looking at me for a long time.

"My God Steven. Why did I never think of that? Everything you say is right, but I need to check it. Would you volunteer?"

Well my cock told him I would.

He stood up, picked up the old probe and headed down the hall. I followed. He opened the door and we walked in. I just stripped and sat in the chair. He quickly strapped me down tight. Then lifted and pulled my legs apart, exposing my waiting hole.

Now this probe wasn't as thick as the new one, but was longer and made of rough metal. It was far thicker than Fathers cock and Fathers cock was the largest I had inside me for a while.

I watched, almost detached as Father lubed up the probe. I felt it as he pushed it against my hole. At first it felt nice as it slowly pushed into me. Then the thicker part started to open me up. I knew what was coming. I was sure it was so long since I had a thick cock in me that the muscles of my entrance rings would be ripped when the thick part tried to move inside. I howled in pain as the probe ripped my hole as it entered. Then it just slid all the way into me. I felt the end at the top of my canal. I knew one thing for sure. My hole had shrunk. No way was that probe fourteen inches long.

Now completely inside me it felt good and I moaned in pleasure.

"You like that inside you Boy?" "Yes Sir."

I could feel my muscles inside contracting around the probe, but I didn't feel anything else. Usually I could even feel the heart beat in thick cocks when they fucked me. All I felt was hard metal. It still felt good.

"Now we will see." I heard Father say.

I didn't feel anything at first. Then there was an increase in pressure inside my ass. At first it felt good, but the pressure increased. I groaned as I felt the pain start and then it stopped. It happened three times the same way. I wondered what was going on.

"This is no damn good. I can't keep the spikes out. Every time I let go of the wheel it spins back. There has to be a way to keep the wheel from moving back."

He gripped the probe and pulled it out. I screamed as it went past my torn muscles.

After I stopped screaming Father brought probe close.

"What is happening Steven is when I try to turn the wheel a second time, the wheel spins back, so I can't keep the pressure on the spikes. We will have to have the Machine shop to refine this a bit."

"Okay Father."

"Now that I have you in this position, I might as well use this nice body that like pain so much."

That made my cock get harder.

He walked out of sight the other way. Very quickly he was back wheeling a machine with all kinds of wires hanging from it. "This is my electro torture machine. It use electricity to cause extreme pain."

He picked up a ring. He opened it and fitted it around the base of my cock. It was very loose. He took a screw driver and tightened the ring until it was constricting the base of my cock. Then he did the same thing to the head of my cock just under the corona.

He then picked up a thick needle and cradling my balls shoved it into my nut. I screamed briefly as it entered. He did the same with my other ball.

Next he pushed needles through each of my tits. I screamed long and hard as they were put in.

When I looked at my cock, it so hard the head was shinny purple. I really needed to get off, but not even precumm was coming out of my cock.

Then he picked up a weird shaped dildo.

"This is a modified butt plug. I'm going to push it into your ass until I find your prostrate. Then I'll inflate it to hold it inside you against your prostrate."

When he hit my prostrate I moaned.

"Got it." He said and then I felt pressure inside my ass, but still felt the dildo on my prostrate.

He then slapped a pad on my leg. He moved the machine around so I could see what he was doing. Everywhere he had put something; he attached a wire to it and to the machine.

He flipped a switch and little green lights appeared along the top of the machine.

"Okay. Now I told you this was an electro torture machine, but it can also bring unbelievable pleasure. For example, I slid this switch up to ten volts.

It seemed like my prostrate was being massaged and I moaned.

"Now if I slid it to fifty volts."

He did and it felt like someone had shoved a hot knife into my prostrate. My whole body went ridged and I screamed. The pain just went on and on. Suddenly the pain stopped. Again I felt just a light massaging on my prostrate. It took a while but I again groaned.

"See Steven, pain and pleasure."

"Now each of these slides go from 0 to 100 volts. At the moment there is very little amps involved. However I can adjust that too."

He turned a dial on the machine and the massaging increased. "

Now we are at half amp. I'll leave it there. Any higher and I might kill you."

"Each of these lights are for a wire attached to your body."

"Simple the higher the voltage the more pain you will feel. At the lowest setting you will feel nothing but pleasure. But I don't want you to feel pleasure so only the one on your prostrate will remain at ten volts. That will keep your cock very hard."

He pushed two switches to the half way point and I screamed bloody murder as I thought my balls had exploded. The pain just went on and on. Then I felt like some had dropped a 100 lb weight on my chest. It felt like my tits were being burned off and I was having trouble breathing.

Then it was my cock. It felt like someone was slicing my cock from the inside. I just screamed and screamed at each new pain that wracked my body. Each different and yet the same as he played with the slides.

All at once everything stopped. I was still having trouble breathing, but there was nothing. No pain, nothing at all. After I got my breathing under control I looked at Father. He was smiling.

"You see Steven, with this I can keep you screaming almost indefinitely. If I had wanted information from you I would have used each slide slowly, but all I wanted was to hear you scream in pain. I'll bet you really need to get off now?"

He was right about that. My cock was still so hard and my balls were screaming for release.

"Yes Father."

"Well not yet." He laughed.

"Now lets see. Twenty volts to your prostrate." That just made my cock harder if it was possible.

"I think 10 volts to your nice balls." God that made my balls vibrate and they became very painful, almost worse than when they were being crushed.

"Now twenty volts to your cock." That did it my whole body went into spasms. I could feel my release forcing it's way to the base of my cock. The ring he had on the base of my cock was blocking its way out. That just drove me to want to release. I screamed in frustration.

Then it all stopped, but I still needed release.

I watched as he reached over and loosened the ring on the base of my cock. That was it, the pressure was so great inside me that the first shot went right over my head. The next hit me between the eyes and it just continued. Even though the pressure was gone my cock continued to pulse and with each pulse more come shot from my cock. Finally only dribbles came out and I slumped almost faint.

After I came more aware Father laughed again.

"Biggest load I have seen in a long time. Don't think even I could have swallowed that much sperm."

"Now you know that even pleasure can be very painful."

Before I could even acknowledge what he said, he slid every slid up to the stops. I think I screamed.

When I woke up, something on my hole felt real good and needing to shit, I just did. Then my bladder protested and let go. I had not even opened my eyes yet that was a real relief. When I opened my eyes I saw Timmy in front of me with a sponge in his hand. I could see he had been crying.

"Are you okay Timmy?"

"Oh yes Master. When Master brought you out of his torture room I thought you were really hurt coz he brought you here. But he shut off the machine and told me to wash you. He told Jimmy to take care of your other needs."

Other needs. What other needs and then it dawned on me that what I felt when I woke up was Jimmy licking my ass. I had shit and pissed on him. When I looked at Timmy, he smiled.

"Don't worry Master. That is what Master has him here for. He does it for everyone including Master and me."

So Jimmy was a Class Two Pleasure boy. I had not noticed any tattoos on him.

"Master doesn't like any marks on his boys. I am class Five Pleasure boy. Master had my marks removed when he bought me. Then he gave me to you. You are my Master now."

"Well I am very glad I bought you Timmy."

"Can you please stand Master?"

He then carefully washed my cock and balls. He gently washed me out inside too.

"Does it hurt anywhere Master?"

"Just inside my hole, but its okay Timmy."

"Master wait here." He bounded out of the Refreshment Booth. He had not stopped to dry first. He came back.

"Please bend over Master."

Timmy coated my sore rings with cream. It felt just fine when he was done.

"Thank you Timmy. That feels good."

"Master, Master want you to give me twenty lashes coz I got his floor wet."

"Well I will do it later Timmy." "Master will want you to do it as soon as I take you to him. Master, I don't mind. I really love to feel it on my ass. Master has had me in his torture room before. I really like it when he hurts me down here and even more when he does things to my butt. Lashing me will feel good Master."

Well I'll be damned. Father was right. There are more like me, so I must not be crazy.

"Well Timmy, that means you just like me. Maybe we can stuff to each other."

"Oh no Master. It is against the law for a slave to hurt his Master. That is why Benny died. He hurt you. Master told me."

Jimmy hit the dryer switch and soon we were both dry. He led me out and stopped at a cupboard. He handed me a clean pair of coveralls. I knew what to do this time and quickly dressed. Jimmy then stopped at another cupboard and pulled out a thick studded belt.

"Please Master. Real hard. The harder the better I like it." He handed me the belt.

We walked out to the living room. Father was on the phone. Timmy just stood waiting. I sat down and waited. Jimmy ran out and set a beer down in front of me and Father, then quickly retreated into his room.

I took a drink while I waited for Father to finish.

Father set down the phone.

"Lean over the table Timmy." I said.

I hefted the belt in my hand. It really was heavy and thick. I thought it might do real damage to that small brown butt in front of me. Timmy said he wanted it real hard. So I did. He screamed at the first strike and was almost incoherent after twenty. He stood up crying. I dropped the belt and sat down.

"Come over here Timmy." I said.

"You won't get Masters floor wet again."

"No Master." He cried.

I pulled him down on his stomach over my lap, before he could even think. I then started to coat his ass with cream. He cried when I started but that turned to moans, especially when I ran my finger down his crack and over his small pucker. When I let him stand up, he still had tears in his eyes but he was smiling. I saw his very hard five inch cock standing straight up. Without a thought I pulled him closer and took it into my mouth.

"Oh Master." Timmy moaned.

His whole body shuddered and very quickly three quick shots of sour sweet cumm shot into my mouth. It was different than I had tasted before but still tasted real good. I let go of him and he stood back.

"I, I love you Master." He said.

"I love you too Timmy. Now come over here and sit beside me."

With tears in his eyes he sat at my feet. I just rubbed his head.

"Damn Steven you do that quick. You whip his ass and he loves you for it. Astounding."

"Well he also told me what else he likes and I am sure he is hoping I will do more to him."

"Yes, well I told you there were more like you. What did you think of your first time with electro torture?"

Well it was good and bad. The part where you stimulated my cock and balls near thee end almost drove me nuts. The last part I don't remember."

"I just wish that probe had worked. That was what I wanted to feel."


Next: Chapter 4

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