In a Real World

Published on Jul 9, 2013


In A Real World

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Torture, Anal and Oral sex between males. It is also future or Science fiction and could be a future history. Any one under eighteen should leave now.

Chapter 2

I wondered why I was so different than other Pleasure Boys. Most boys in training didn't get hard when pain stuff was being done to them. Why was I hard now? The man had said he was going cause my balls and cock pain. I always screamed like the other boys when someone did stuff to me, but I also stayed hard and like when I had that instrument in my hands and thought about what it would do inside my ass I shot my load. I must be really weird to like pain so much.

I watched as the man walked into the darkness. What was he going to do? Whatever it was was making me real hard and I felt a tingling sensation in my stomach. My body started to tremble, not in fright, but in anticipation.

He walked back into the light pushing a small metal table. Several items were on the table. He saw my trembling body.

"Are you scared boy?"

"No Sir." I knew it was a yes no question.

"Why then are you trembling?"

"I'm not sure Sir. I just feel all funny inside when someone says they are going to hurt me. I must be weird Sir." "No boy, you are not weird. There all kinds of people like you in this world. They are called Masochists. Some love to have pain inflicted on them, while others like to inflict that pain. They are called Sadists. I think you are both."

"Why both Sir?"

"Well, when you were in training you got harder when you were biting that bitch's tit as you fucked her. That means part of you likes to inflict pain. But I will find out more about that part of you later. For now I think we will start."

He moved to the table and moved a switch. My legs were pulled apart and upward, exposing my hole and leaving my cock and balls fully exposed. He then picked up a large clamp like affair. He plugged one end of a long cord into the table. When he hit a button on the clamp it opened. He brought it close so I could see it.

It looked like a long tube with sharp serrated teeth along both sides and across the tube. When he hit another button the clamp closed so all the teeth meshed together.

"I could if I wanted, I could cut your cock off with this, but then I wouldn't have it to play with more, so just a little bit today."

"You might bleed a bit, but that's okay." He said as the clamp opened.

He slid it over my entire cock and closed the clamp. It took about a millisecond for the pain to register and then I knew I was screaming. It felt like my whole cock was being cut off. The pain just went on and on. I got down to just blubbering when he let go of the clamp. Its weight pulled it down and pulled on my cock. I howled at this new onslaught on my cock. I was almost hoarse from screaming and my eyes were filled with tears. I could see him take a grip on the clamp.

When he twisted it, I let out another blood curdling scream, but felt my cock thicken and then shot my load. The pain pleasure I was feeling almost overwhelmed my whole being. I slumped almost faint.

The pain was almost more when he released my cock, but I only shuddered.

"I can see now I am going to have even more fun with you boy. Most people I have used that clamp on passed out long before I twisted it and none ever ejaculated."

I got my breathing under control and then licked my lips. Inside the feeling were so strong, I just wanted it more and more.

"You can do it more Sir."

Well it's pretty mangled now so I will wait a bit. Maybe I should put some salt in your wounds." He chuckled.

"What's that Sir?"

"What? Salt?"

"Yes Sir. I never heard that word before."

"Wait." He walked out of my sight and I saw the door we had come in open and close. A few minutes later he walked back in. He had a long tube of some kind in his hand.

"This is rock salt in a grinder." He held it close to my face and then moved it over my cock.

I watched as he twisted one end and I saw little grains dropping onto my cock. At first there was nothing and then real pain in my cock hit me I screamed. He set the tube down and then gripped my cock and jacked it a couple of times. That made the pain increase ten fold and I howled at this new assault on my cock."

"That is putting salt in your wounds." He smiled.

Even though he quit jacking me the pain just continued. He took a wet cloth and carefully cleaned my cock. Most of the pain subsided, but I saw I was still hard. Why I did not know.

He attached a wire to the end of my cock and pulled it to one side. He then reached down and pulled my ball sack down. It was just a dull ache as he stretched my ball sack. When he was satisfied I saw him slide a clear plate over my balls and sack. He manipulated my balls into small circular holes in the plate and then put another under my balls and sack.

I saw that the lower plate had four screw ends that stuck through the upper plate. He put four weird looking nuts on them and screwed them down. Once the two plates were snug against my balls he stopped.

"This is one of many types of ball crushers I have. In this case I am going to flatten your balls down to about one quarter inch. If you are still awake and coherent when I get that far, I will insert needles into your balls and put an electrical voltage through them. Don't worry your balls in most cases will bounce back to normal. I'll start with a low current."

"Okay Sir."

He just shook his head and started to tighten the nuts. He'd tighten one and then another, all slowly squeezing my balls tighter and tighter under the plate. At first it was that dull ache and then that increased until I thought something had broken. It was a different pain and I recognized it from when a customer had beaten my balls with bat. But this just got worse and worse until I started to scream. It wasn't like the sharp pain in my cock when he used the clamp; this was an unrelenting deep pain that just got worse and worse. All I could do was scream. I got down to the point where I was just blubbering. I wanted the pain to stop, but I also wanted it to continue.

My mouth was open and I knew I was drooling but could do nothing about it. My eyes were misted over, so I could hardly see him.

"Well how does it feel to have your balls only a quarter inch thick?"

I couldn't answer him.

I didn't see the slap coming. He slapped one side of my face and then back handed me.

"I expect an answer when I ask a question."

The slaps had brought me out of the daze I was in. The severe ache in my balls reminded me that they were being crushed.

"It hurts deep inside Sir."

The only other question I have is why are you still hard?"

"I don't know Sir."

"I guess I am going to have to find out what your pain pleasure point is. That's the point where the pain totally over rides your pleasure."

I didn't answer him because the pain in my balls started to permeate my whole being. Even though he had stopped tightening the screws, the pain continued to increase. I could only moan louder and louder as this became an all consuming ache deep inside.

I watched almost detached as he inserted needles into each ball. Neither pin prick I even felt. Even when he ran an electric charge through my crushed balls I never reacted. The pain in my balls over road everything else. He finally stopped. My first real reaction came when he removed the plates. My balls ballooned to almost six time their normal size and just them hanging loose brought a scream past my lips.

"Well, well a reaction at last." He said as he gripped my swollen balls.

That made me yell louder. He just laughed and let them go.

He also released my cock. It was actually soft.

"Well I could beat on your balls some more but that might damage them beyond repair, so I guess we'll have to try this." He held up the shinny probe he's shown me before.

Even though I was still in a lot of pain, him showing me that probe started to get me hard. He noticed too.

"You really want this?"

I wet my lips.

"Yes Sir. Please Sir." Then I started to cry.

I woke up in a bed. The man was sitting on the edge beside me.

"Ah, finally awake. I thought I lost you boy."

"What happened Sir? Why am I here?"

"Well I am really not sure. Physically there is nothing wrong, but my Doctor thought you might have gone insane. How are you feeling?"

"Fine sir."

He peeled back the sheet covering me and ran his hand down over my body. He gripped my cock. It got almost instantly hard.

"Well that part still works." He chuckled.

"Do you know what you are boy?"

"I'm a Pleasure Boy Sir."

"Very good. Are you hungry boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, sit on the edge of the bed."

When I sat up, he slipped the coverall he had on down. He stepped between my legs and pushed his cock at my lips. I just opened my mouth. All the memories came back in an instant. Everything from the time in Central Park right up to the point of memory loss. Yes this is what I like. A man shoving his cock into my mouth. I wished one was in my ass now. I wished someone was twisting my cock or squeezing my balls. I got so horny I was having trouble not coming.

He was doing it slow, when all I wanted was for him to ram his cock into me. I grabbed his ass and pulled him into me hard. I heard him laugh and then he really started to fuck my face. He held my head with both hands as he rammed his cock in and out of my mouth. It didn't take him long to blow and I tasted that sweet taste of his sperm. I almost fainted when he came.

He pulled out of my mouth and I felt so empty.

"Will you fuck me now Sir?"

"Not now boy. Later you will have all the cocks you can handle." "Thank you Sir."

"You might not thank me later."

"Benny!" He almost yelled.

Benny ran into the room.

Yes Master."

When I am finished here you will take the boy and clean him up inside and out. You will not suck him, but he can suck you as much as he wants. You will not fuck him either."

"Yes Master." Benny just stood waiting.

"Stand up boy." I stood in front of him.

He then attached weights to my balls. They were rings that fit around my sack and pulled them away and down from my body.

"Those won't prevent you from getting off, but will make it much harder. Later I will add more weight."

When I looked, my balls were pulled down about four inches.

"Okay Benny. Bring him to the living room when you are done."

"Yes Master." Benny took my hand and led from the bedroom.

He took me to a room that was entirely white. White floors, walls and ceiling. There were several things I didn't recognize in the room.

The first thing he did was push his shorts off.

"Suck my cock boy." He said.

He was already hard and his cock was far longer than any I had had in my mouth before. Far longer than what my mouth was rated for. He was also very thick. I never hesitated just dropped to my knees and took his cock into my mouth. He grabbed my head and rammed it into me. It almost dislocated my jaw it was so thick. He didn't stop though just continued to fuck my face hard.

"Master was right. You are a good cocksucker. Later he said I get to fuck you too and give you lots of pain. Master said you are nobody now. Even lower than lowest class boy. He can do anything and I can help."

When he talked about hurting me I got harder and really wanted to come.

He didn't take long to come and he tasted terrible, but I just swallowed. He pulled out and pulled me to my feet. He jacked my cock a couple of times. That just made me want to come even more and it started to hurt.

"Master was right. You can't come." He laughed as he jacked me more.

"Now we clean you."

He took me into an enclosure. Warm water came on instantly. He washed me all over with foam. He took delight in washing my cock lots, which just hurt as I wanted to come so bad. He then had me bend over and he rammed a probe into my ass.

Then my ass was filled with liquid. So much that I really needed to shit real bad. He pulled the probe out and I couldn't stop as my ass emptied.

"Phew, Master was right you did need cleaning."

He used the probe twice more and then had me rinse. We got out and a hot air blast dried me quickly. He made me suck him off again and played with my cock and balls more. It was becoming extremely painful.

He led me out to the room with the living grass.

"I see you have been stimulating him Benny. Good, now you can suck the boys cock."

Benny never even blinked an eye, just kneeled and took my cock into his mouth. Well that made it even more painful and my eyes started to water. I was shaking so badly Benny had to hold me up as he sucked. All of the sudden the weight in my balls was lifted and I started to blow. What a relief, I just came and came and came, So much that Benny couldn't swallow it all and some came out around his lips and out his wide nose. I almost fainted when I stopped. Benny sat back and put his head on the floor.

"I'm sorry Master. Some escaped."

The man sat me on the couch. When I looked at his face he livid with anger.

I saw him hit a button on the consol on the table. Barely thirty seconds later two very large black men walked in. Both were nude and their cocks were very long, with long fore skins. They also had huge balls hanging very low. My mouth watered thinking about having those cocks inside me.

"Benny, you erred three times in one day. One or two I may have tolerated, but not three. First you did not take his waste before you cleaned him as is your instructions. Second you stimulated him until it painful. I could tell when you brought him out. You also failed to swallow his load."

The man just nodded his head. One of the men dragged Benny to his feet and quickly tied his hands. The man stood and faster than my eye could follow kicked Benny squarely in his balls. Benny let out a scream of pain and I'm sure would have been in a ball on the floor if one of the men were not holding him up.

"Come along boy." The man said as he walked to the huge windows.

I followed him. As he got close one window slid open. I smelled fresh air. The man stepped out onto the wide balcony. I followed and looked down. It was completely clear like I was standing on air. I jumped back inside.

The Man laughed.

"Come on boy. Nothing to be scared about. Stand here beside me."

I was still shaking, but walked out and stood beside him. One of the men dragged Benny onto the balcony. His balls had got a lot bigger. The other man walked out with a weird instrument in his hands. He knelt down in front of Benny. I didn't see what he did but the reaction from Benny was instantaneous. He screamed.

When the black man stood up I saw a bloody set of orbs in his hands. When I looked at Benny blood was running down his legs. I knew then that they had cut Benny's balls off. The balls were then stuffed in Benny's mouth. Even as he chocked on them, both men picked him up and tossed him over the balcony. I watched through the glass floor as his flailing body disappeared in the mist below.

When I looked my cock was painfully hard again. I had watched as Benny was killed without so much as a word from the man and I was hard. Why, why I thought.

"Come on boy." We walked back inside.

He just dismissed both men. "Sit." He said.

A few seconds later another boy not unlike Benny ran up with two beers.

"Thank you Jimmy. You are dismissed."

Jimmy went back to the room that Benny had come from.

I took a sip of the beer. I liked it better than the first time.

"You enjoyed watching what happened to Benny?"

"Yes Sir." I couldn't deny it. It made me hard to think about it.

"Which part did you like best boy?"

"Well I guess when you kicked him. I thought about someone doing it to me. Then when you cut his nuts off, I thought it was neat. I would not have stuck his balls in his mouth. That stopped him from screaming when he got tossed off the balcony." I put my head down and started to cry.

"I don't know what's wrong with me Sir."

"There is nothing wrong with you boy, in fact I think you are even more like me than I first thought. I think it is time I gave you a name. Then you will not be a pleasure boy anymore."

That made me cry harder.

What's wrong boy?"

"Sir, if I'm not a pleasure boy then you won't be doing things to me anymore."

He laughed long and hard. He then pushed me flat and I felt his hands on my balls. Then there was an instant relief and I almost came. He must have known I was close coz he just slipped my cock into his mouth. Well that did I came instantly. He just sucked every drop down.

"Told you I was going try more of that sweet taste." He said as he sat back.

Now as to feeling pain, you will still be strapped in my chair, but it means you can choose anyone you wish and strap them down and do as you wish with them."

I was so overwhelmed I just hugged him. I felt his arm on my back and I also felt his hard cock pushing up. I sat back.

"Will you fuck me Sir."

"I can do better than that, but first suck me off."

Well being one of the things I loved to do, that was simple. I swallowed all of his cock and bobbed up and down on it.

"Damn you are a good cocksucker." He moaned.

I wished he would last forever, but to no avail. After barely five minutes, I felt his head expanding inside my mouth. His sweet sperm filled me quickly and I just swallowed and swallowed. When I came off his cock he pulled me up and kissed me.

"Thank you that was great." He said.

"Now you said you want to get fucked?"

"Oh please Sir." My voice was almost pleading.

"Very well we can get that done, but first a name. What name would you like?"

"I don't know Sir. I have always been just boy to everyone."

"Well I think Steven is a good name. So from now on I will call you Steven."

"Okay Sir."

"Okay, come along Steven. We need to get you registered and then I can give you a tour of my Tower. Don't worry I will give you a chance to get fucked and suck all you could ever want."

He walked down the hallway and opened a cupboard. He pulled out several coveralls, like his, one he figured would fit me.

"Put this on." He said.

I just looked at it. He said I was almost twenty yet I had never worn anything before in my life. I didn't know what he wanted.

He laughed and got behind me. He had me put one leg in at a time and then stood up pulling the coverall over my legs. He then put my arms in each sleeve. After that he pulled the two edges together to close the front. When he did that the whole coverall became form fitting. It clung to my body. It felt real nice and I moaned.

"You like that Steven?"

"Yes Sir. It feels nice."

"Good." Then he fitted me with foot coverings. They too conformed exactly to my foot size.

As he was still barefoot, I took them off and followed him out to the grass floor.

He sat down and indicated for me to sit beside him. He picked up the beer. When I did it was still ice cold, even though it had been sitting for a while. He laughed.

"You have a lot to learn Steven and I will teach you. You will also feel a lot pain and be able to do the same to anyone you wish."

"Thank you Sir."

We finished our beers and then got up and headed for the door to his apartment. I followed with my shoes in hand. When he put his on I did too. He then walked to the elevator door. It opened as he approached.

He touched his wrist and the door closed and the elevator dropped very fast. I watched the indicator as it spun down to 100 where it stopped. He walked as the door opened and I followed. Everyone got out of his way as he walked down the aisle. The looks on some of the people was one of sheer terror. The man must hold a lot of power to scare people like this I thought.

At the end of the aisle he walked into a room. Everyone snapped to attention. They too looked scared.

"Full identification for this man. His name is Steven Decatur."

"Yes Director."

Very quickly my finger prints were scanned, my picture was taken and both eyes were scanned. Lastly my finger was pricked and a drop of blood was quickly scanned into their computers. A few moments later a man handed a wrist device to the Director. He put it on my left wrist.

"I will explain how it works later Steven. Now come along."

We walked back to the elevator. This time it only dropped to fifty, before it stopped. When the door opened it looked like we were in central park. Trees and flowers were everywhere. He walked out and along a path. It led to a balcony over looking New York. He sat at a table and told me to sit.

AS soon as we were seated a nude boy brought us two cold beers.

"This is all the alcoholic beverages I drink." He said.

When we were again alone he started to talk.

"Steven I told you I was head of Public Safety."

"Yes Sir."

"Well that was only a half truth. I am head of Public Safety for the World Government. I also control the Pleasure Boy directorate. There are only three people who have more authority than I do and in reality we are all equal. You saw how scared people are when I am around. That's because I hold all their lives in my hands.

"Wow Sir."

"I also lied to you when I said I had been following you for the last four years. In reality I have been following you since you were born. It was my sperm that created you. In real effect you are my Son."

What he said, I really didn't understand. We had been taught in school that we were created from some ones sperm to become Pleasure Boys. So I had been made from his sperm, it didn't matter to me.

"You don't understand do you Steven?" "No Sir."

"Steven, my name is Andrew Decatur. Your name is now Steven Decatur."

It took quite a while for what he said to sink in. Then I started to shake.

"But, but, but why Sir?"

"Steven, I enjoy everything that you do. When I put that clamp on your cock or squeezed your balls flat I wished it was me on that chair and you were doing it to me. I like big cocks in my mouth and ass. That is why I have those two big nigs. They give me what I want."

"I could never hurt you Sir."

"I know Steven."

"Steven can do me another favor?"

Favor? What had I done before? I knew I could never say no to this man. He had given every thing wanted. Yes he caused me pain but I loved it even as I screamed my heart I wanted more and more. I would never ever refuse anything he asked.

"I will always do anything you ask Sir."

"I want you to call me Father from now on."

Well I didn't know the exact definition of the word, but it was important to the man. In school they said I was pretty smart coz I asked lots of questions. If the man wanted me to call him Father I would. As I said I would never say no to him.

"Okay Father."

When I said that he jumped up, ran around the table and pulled me up. He wrapped his arms around me. I could feel him shuddering as he held me. I knew he was crying.

"Why are you crying Father?"

"Son, you have made me the happiest Father in the world. I have a Son and I love you. Now we can do everything we both enjoy and love. I know you can't hurt me, but I have men that will. I can give you all the pain you want and more and know that you will love it even more."

"Oh Father, I love you." I said.

I guess it was right thing to say coz he just held me tighter. He finally let me go and stood back.

"Well Son, you said you wanted to get fucked. Do you still want it?"

"Well I wish you would fuck me first."

"That I can do Son. Get those coveralls down."

I quickly stripped, my coveralls around my ankles. I saw he had dropped his. Before I could do anything, he grabbed me by the neck and slammed my face onto the table. I saw stars and could feel blood running from my nose. He grabbed my balls and pulled them.

Instead of ramming his cock into me, He used his grip on my sack to pull me back onto his cock. I knew I had not had a cock inside my butt for a while when he entered me. The pain as his cock forced its way into my hole caused me to scream. That and the pain in my balls caused my cock to get hard. Why did I love it so much was beyond me.

The pain as he forced his cock in and out of my tender hole was extreme but was so exquisite I wanted to come so bad. I knew with Father holding my balls and using them as a lever to fuck me it would be impossible. Just when I thought my mind would go crazy with what I was feeling, my cock felt like that clamp had been put over it. I screamed as I felt sharp teeth biting down on my hard cock.

I looked down and saw a young boy with his teeth clamped over my shaft chewing and worrying it like a dog would with a bone. The pain was extreme beyond anything I had felt before, but it felt soo good I never wanted it to end. I grabbed the boys head and pushed him onto my cock.

"More boy, harder oh god harder. Bite my cock." I screamed.

He did just that and I was sure my mind was now overloaded with all the sensations I was feeling. I vaguely heard my father say 'Bite it off boy and you will end up a waste receptacle for my son.'

It didn't stop him from chewing on my cock and I was almost faint when Father blew inside me. That was a different rush to addled mind. He released my balls and I grabbed the boys head and forced my cock into his throat.

He immediately gagged and chocked on it. I didn't care, I just wanted to get off and his mouth was the one doing it. I rammed my cock in and out of him. It took only a short time until I started to blow and blow I did.

The rush of my cock shooting my load almost was better than when Father had tortured me. I didn't care that the boy was chocking on both my cock and the load that was being forced into him. All that mattered were the feelings. When I stopped I let him go. He slumped almost faint on the ground.

I slumped back against the table. Nothing else mattered than the bliss I felt.

"Steven, he failed you. He failed to swallow all of your offering. You may do as you wish with him."

When I looked down at him his eyes were bugging out of his face. He was still gagging like something was stuck in his throat. I don't think he was even aware. His face had taken on a dark red hue. I just grabbed him by the hair and dragged him to his feet. I pushed him over the balcony and watched as his body dropped almost out of sight before hitting the ground fifty stories before. I was smiling when I turned back.

"You enjoyed that didn't you Steven?"

Before I could answer.

"It looks like I broke your nose Steven." HE quickly rang.

Two small nude boys bounded out onto the balcony. One looked at me.

"Oh Master. You have been hurt." He left quickly and returned with small basin of water.

He swabbed my face clean and then placed his small hands next to my nose.

"I'm sorry Master." He said and then wrenched my bent nose over. I screamed as he did it. He quickly got on his knees.

"I hurt you Master. It is your right to punish me." He said.

I looked at the small boy. I couldn't tell his age, but he had plenty of hair, including around his cock and balls and down his ass crack. He was actually pretty cute.

"Father, can I have this boy?"

"Of course you can Son. You can have as many as you like, to do with as you please."

"Stand up boy."

He young man stood in front of me his eyes downcast. Now looking at him he was actually pretty toned. His small tits stood out prominently and the treasure leading his small uncut cock looked real nice.

"What is your name boy and how old are you?"

"Timmy Master. I am nineteen Standard Master."

"Very well Timmy, you now belong to me."

"Oh thank you Master." He was smiling from ear to ear.

"Timmy, come over here." Father said to him.

Father touched his wrist controller to the one on Timmy wrist.

"Now you have access to my apartment. You will go there and wait our return. You can ask Jimmy to show you around."

"Yes Master." He took off.

"Well Steven should we continue the tour?"

I had already pulled up my coveralls, but it didn't hide my instant hard cock as I thought about more cocks inside me.

"Guess this kind of answers that." He said as he gripped my cock through the coveralls.

We walked to the elevator and stepped inside as the door opened. I watched the indictor spin down past M and then keep going down. Now the floors were marked with an S.

"We are going to the lowest interrogation level. I think we can find what you want there."


Next: Chapter 3

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