In a Real World

Published on Jul 6, 2013


In A Real World

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Torture, Anal and Oral sex between males. It is also future or Science fiction and could be a future history. Any one under eighteen should leave now.

Chapter 1

In a real world, I would not be cuffed in a set of special stocks in Central Park in New York. I wouldn't have a guy driving his cock in and out of my mouth and throat. I wouldn't have my ankles cuffed with my knees bent and guy ramming his cock into my ass. I wouldn't have some guy or women underneath me punching my balls or twisting my cock. I couldn't scream, even if I could it wouldn't make any difference. I was a Pleasure boy. I always was one and always would be.

These three wouldn't be the last. I could see a crowd around the horse just waiting for their chance. Eventually it would end. My hole would be too stretched to give anyone pleasure and I would be almost limp in the stocks. They'd all leave to look for another Pleasure boy.

Eventually one of the Eunuchs would come along, release me and guide to one of the Refreshment Booths.

In a real world I don't know what I would be doing now. To me this was the real world.

I don't remember how I came to be a Pleasure Boy. My first recollection was a man shoving his cock into my mouth.

"Relax boy, let it happen. Relax your throat, breath through your nose."

"No, please no Sir." I had said when he pulled his dick from my mouth.

That brought an instant slap across my face. So hard I hit the floor.

"Never, ever, use the word No. There is no such word in your vocabulary. You will always do everything anyone tells you. Saying No will bring instant punishment here while you are in training and automatic transfer to a Mining Camp or Prison to service workers or inmates for the rest of your life. Now suck my cock boy."

Well I learned quickly that he meant exactly what he said. If they felt I was not doing a good job, I got punished. Even after I was fucked the first time, although I don't remember it, if I ever complained or voiced a negative, I was instantly punished. The usual method was an open hand across the face or ass, or a punch in the stomach and sometimes when it was real bad mistake a kick in the balls happened.

Well the weird part was I began to like it. Even when my balls were being squeezed or my cock twisted and pulled, I'd almost always remained hard. I guess that was the sign they were waiting for, I was sent to a training center for my Education.

Here at this school we were taught everyway to please another person both men and women. Well I had never even seen a women before and asked the instructor what one was.

So he brought one to the class. Well the first thing I noticed was they didn't have a cock, which to me was pretty useless. How do you pleasure a guy without a cock? They also had big tits, which looked real gross to me.

We found out quickly that a women had three places a cock could be put and those big tits were much more sensitive to pain than mine were. I mean I still screamed when someone used pliers or teeth on my tits, but that pain also made my cock hard. I wondered if something they had got hard too. We even got to fuck them everywhere. Sticking my dick in where the dick was supposed to be really didn't have much effect on me. Using my teeth or just twisting their big tits did make me real hard when they screamed. I got high marks for that part.

Some of our instruction was in exercise. We were made to run on treadmills or use weight machines in all kinds of different climates. Sometimes it was so hot you started to sweat as soon as you entered the room. At other times it was so cold your feet would turn blue and cock and balls would shrivel up until they almost disappeared. That didn't stop anyone from pulling us off any particular exercise to get fucked or suck. We were all Pleasure boys.

Near the end of our two years of Education we were told we would be selected for one of five categories of Pleasure boys. I guess I was middle of the road, I got a roman numeral three tattooed on each shoulder. It didn't even hurt. What did hurt was when they burned a bar code onto my chest above my left tit and on my left ass cheek. Even as I screamed I got hard. I was also told a transponder was implanted on my back and a transceiver under my left ear. That told them my exact position and they could also hear everything I said or was said to me. I guess I was also a spy for them too.

We didn't find out who they were until our last month at school. We were also told what that bar code meant.

They, we were told were the Government. Not just any Government, but the World Government. Well my world had been four walls since I was born so didn't know what that meant.

Over sixty years ago the World had been in chaos. Rebellions, terrorist attacks, starvation and crime almost totally engulfed the world. The Five so called super powers, had collectively decided to end it all and take control. Before they could do so, the Military revolted and took over. Now one Military Government controlled the whole world. Over a period of some years control was taken back. Terrorist attacks ceased with the demise of several fanatical religious groups. Countries in revolt were told to toe the Military Governments line or be overrun. This brought a relative peace, but crime syndicates still ran rampant. Military law, ended some of it, but people were still dissatisfied, so criminals were enslaved to entertain the masses. Most became sex objects and any thing at all could be done to these slaves. Even torturing them to death. After all they were just criminals anyway.

This idea worked for a while but pretty soon it became known that do the crime and maybe end up dead at the hands of a sexual deviant. Crime dropped to almost nil. Well the Government started to grab street kids and people from the poorest regions to fill the needs of the brothels. But that too was only a stop gap measure.

It was finally decided to create a whole new class of people, trained from birth to fill the needs of the brothels. Five separate classes were created.

Class one, the lowest class could be tortured to death, if a customer wanted. They were in reality the failures during the training, those that never conformed or could be trained. They were when they reached a certain age sent to one of these special brothels where they would live or die at the whim of the customers.

Class two, were those that were considered to feeble minded to trained as sex toys. They became walking toilets, trained to accept any waste from anyone, even me if I needed it. They were the largest class and could be found on almost any street corner anywhere in the world.

Class three, my class, were trained as sex toys to gratify anyone's sexual needs. I could be fucked, suck and even tortured as long as no marks were left or any lacerations that could cause me to bleed. The exception was I could bleed from my ass if an over sized cock was forced into me or sometimes a fist. My hole could automatically be repaired at any of the hundreds of Refreshment Booths. My bar code also told customers the maximum sized cocks that could be put in my mouth or up my ass. Thickness wasn't a concern. I knew my bar code said I could take eight inch cocks in my mouth and fourteen inch cocks up my ass. When I was first told I was surprised considering I was only 150 cm tall. In fact all boys were the same height. Growth inhibitors had been used after I reached that height. I also knew my cock was exactly 15 cm long.

Class four were those that were trained to fight in games for the people. I never met any and there were none in any of my classes.

Class five, were the best looking boys and girls. The ones that were perfectly toned, hung better than us class three, and were auctioned off to the highest bidder. These became real slaves for rich families and had the best life of all the classes.

Like I said, I was class three. A pleasure boy. I wouldn't be sent to a brothel. My brothel was outside anywhere I was stationed. Now I was in Central Park in New York, but had also been downtown on a corner. I liked the park best, except in winter. We were never allowed to wear any clothes no matter what the weather. The only warmth in winter I got was when I got my required six hours sleep or when I was inside a refreshment booth being cleaned and repaired. Other than those times I almost froze all the time. Getting fucked or sucking helped a lot, but some days very few customers used me. Downtown I could move inside buildings.

Now I was still in the stocks waiting for a Uni to free me and take me to the Refreshment Booth to get cleaned.

The eunuchs were sex police. They patrolled the parks and downtown where ever Pleasure boys worked. They could check any ones barcode permit at anytime. You needed a permit to use a Pleasure Boy. They didn't cost anything, but it meant you got registered by the government. That meant they would know you liked to screw boys or girls. Guys still used me that did not have permits, but if they got caught, they'd end up either in a mine or prison. I didn't care one way or the other. I liked what I was doing especially if someone was hurting me while I was being fucked or sucking. For some reason I just wanted more and more.

I heard someone coming and was hoping it was a Uni. Instead a man walked around in front of me. He was kind of blurred in my vision, after having several loads of cumm shot onto my face. He then wiped my face clean. Wow! I thought that was different. Then he undid his jump suit and pulled out his cock. Nice I thought, about 20 cm and not too thick. He then proceeded to fuck my face, but not hard like most people, real slow ands easy. I really loved the way he was doing it and I started to get hard. It took a while and then he blew in mouth. Damn he even tasted good. He pulled out and put his cock away.

"Thank you Sir. That was nice." I said.

"No boy, thank you. You are very good. Would you like to come to a private session?"

"Yes Sir." I couldn't say no, even though I had never heard of a private session.

"I need to be cleaned and fixed Sir." I said.

"Yes I see. Well the Uni is here and I will be waiting when you are finished in the Refreshment booth."

The Uni released me and led me across the park to a refreshment booth. I loved and hated these booths. The reason I hated it was that some of the things it did to me hurt very much and I couldn't even scream.

The Booth looked like an oversized shower stall and it did allow you to shower. It also cleaned you out everywhere. When you entered you sat down on a sort of chair. As soon as you did it strapped you in so you could not move. The first thing that happened was a tube came out and inserted itself over your cock. Then a probe came out level with your lips. I had to open my mouth for it, and when I did it slid right down my throat. It didn't stop at the base of my throat, but slid into my stomach. I wanted to choke, but the slow vibrations soothed my throat muscles. I knew all that I had swallowed was being sucked up by the probe. While this was going another probe pushed into my ass. Now if I had been damaged at all this would have hurt the worst. All the wounds were first washed then cauterized. That hurt as the tissue was burned. I was glad all I needed was a cleaning and shrinking. The probe now in my ass and in my throat didn't hurt and the tube over my cock was masturbating me. I knew why, they wanted to make sure I had not contracted any STD's and so they could add to the sperm banks to create more boys like me.

Last and sometimes the worst, my ball sack was held in a cradle. Then several needles were inserted, both into my balls and the sack. The sack was drained of fluid and my balls were soothed of any pain or rupture. This time I hardly felt it happen. As soon as I ejaculated the tubes pulled out and I was released. Then the shower came on so I could wash my out side. After hot air dried me. I was as good as new in less than fifteen minutes.

I was a little scared as the door to the Refreshment Booth opened. I knew the Uni would be gone, but would the man still be here. He was.

"You look much better now boy. Come along."

"Yes Sir."

I followed him as he walked toward one of the park entrances. I was told never to leave the park and I started to get scared. When he walked out the gate I stopped.

He stopped and looked at me.

"I am not allowed to leave the Park Sir." "You are with me. Come along."

Still scared I followed. He came to long black car with shinny windows. A man in uniform opened the door.

"Get inside boy." I got in.

The seat I sat on was smooth shiny and real soft. It was the best I had ever sat on. He got in, the door closed and a few seconds later I felt the car moving. When I was outside the car I could not see inside. Now when I looked I could see out. This was neat and I smiled.

"Have you ever been inside a limo before boy?"

How do I answer him? I couldn't say no, but yes would be lying. I just looked at him.

He understood my dilemma almost instantly.

"A negative answer to a yes or no question will not get you in any trouble boy."

"No, no Sir."

He just laughed.

"Well get used to it. You will be travelling where ever I go from now on."

"Yes Sir."

A while later the car pulled into a garage. I knew what it was from working downtown. It stopped and his door was opened.

"Come along boy." I followed him.

We entered an elevator. I knew what they were too, but this one was different, it didn't have any stops marked. The indicator kept going up. It finally stopped at 200. We couldn't be on the 200th floor. There was only a couple of buildings that went that high. The elevator door opened on a large expanse of green. It looked like grass. The Man slipped off his shoes, he wasn't wearing socks, and stepped onto the green. When I followed it did feel like grass and I stopped.

He turned and smiled.

"It is real grass, but a special kind just made for apartments. This is my apartment."

"It feels real nice Sir."

"Well come along and I'll give you a quick tour." I followed him.

He showed me the kitchen and dinning room. He then showed me a room with a refresher, but one much more bigger and elaborate than the ones I had had to use. After he showed where I would sleep most of the time. He said it was his bed. Last he showed me another room with a bed.

"When I or one of my guests don't need you, this is where you will sleep. You have been programmed to get six hours sleep, sometimes you might get more. Now come along, I have a few more things to do and show you."

He took me back to the grass floored room. He told me to stand still and then played with my balls. Well I got hard of course. He stopped and looked at me.

"During your training you got hard when you caused pain to the women you were using. Can you tell me why?"

"Well when I had to put my dick into a women slit, it felt really gross, but when I squeezed her tits it made me hard. So every time I had to do it to her that's what I did."

"You also got punished once."

"Yes Sir. Once I was biting her tit and it made my dick feel so good I almost bit her nipple off. They punished me for drawing blood."

"I know." He laughed.

"Your barcode says you also like pain inflicted on you. Is that correct?"

"Yes Sir."

"How much pain do you like boy?"

"I don't know Sir. I guess anything you want to do. I always feel good when someone is doing pain stuff to me. I know if I get damaged, like when I got fist fucked by them soldiers, that the refresher would fix it."

"Do you know what happened to those soldiers?"

"No Sir. Why would anything happen to them? They were just using me."

"You know you have a transceiver implanted under your ear."

"Yes Sir."

"Well all Government employees, including Soldiers have that implant too. They had planned before hand to find a pleasure boy, fist fuck him and then pull out his insides through your ass. The refresher could never have repaired that damage and you would have died."

Their conversation was monitored and two Eunuchs were close by as they fisted you. They knew they couldn't do as they wanted but did enjoy really tearing up your ass inside. When they left the park, they were arrested and sentenced to two years as a pleasure boy in an underground mine. I doubt they will live the two years."

"Why would you punish soldiers? I am just a Pleasure boy. There are lots more like me Sir."

"No boy. There are not lots like you. I have been monitoring you for over two years. Never once in all that time did you utter even under your breath a negative answer. You accepted without question anything that was done to you. You are indeed special boy."

"Sir I like to have a cock in my mouth. I like it when citizens fuck me. I love to feel pain when they do it. The more pain the better I like it."

"That makes you a very, very special boy. Four years ago you finished training and having reached the age on International consent became a Pleasure Boy. Two years ago you reached Majority or as most call it an adult. Very few boys last 1 year as a pleasure boy. Let alone the four years you have been one."

What he said mattered not to me. I loved to feel and taste cocks in my mouth. I loved it when someone kicked my balls or twisted my cock even while shoving any sized cock into my ass.

"Now stand still and don't move. This will hurt."

Well the pain when it came was so intense I couldn't even scream at first. Then I howled in abject terror and pain. It lasted for almost a minute. Then I felt something cold and the pain disappeared.

"Turn around." He said.

"Well I see something enjoyed the pain." He said and I felt his hand on my cock.

I knew if he kept it up I'd cumm real soon.

"Sir, sir, I'm almost there." I said.

"Good." He said and got on his knees and started to suck my cock.

"Oh God Sir, I'm going to cumm." I almost yelled.

He didn't back off and if anything sucked me harder. I just couldn't stop myself and shot my load into his mouth. Very few people ever sucked me off before. Lots sucked me but always pulled off before I came. Well I came and came and came. I thought I would faint it felt so good. When he did pull off I was shaking like a leaf.

"Easy boy. I got you." He held onto to me until I stopped shaking.

"You taste very good boy. I'll have to sample that some more later."

"Now hold still again." I saw him pick up some kind of instrument.

He put one hand on my back and then pressed the instrument over my barcode tattoo. He pressed the trigger. I screamed a blue streak as the sheer pain filled every part of my being. Again it lasted for about a minute. He then coated the spot with cream and pain went away. When I looked, my barcode was gone.

I looked at him strange and just laughed again.

"Come and sit beside me."

"I explain some things in a bit." He then hit a button on a consol on the table. The door that he had not opened on our short tour of his apartment opened and a black boy bounded out of it and over to the table. He bowed.

"Yes Master."

"Benny, you will treat this boy as you would me. You will do absolutely anything he asked without question."

"Yes Master."

"Now get us a couple of beers."

He ran away and returned a moment later with two very cold looking brown bottles. He set them on the table and then waited.

"That's all for now Benny."

He went back to his room.

The man handed me the beer. I'd never had beer before. All Pleasure boys got was water with their food cakes. He took a sip, so I did too. It tasted weird and I made a face, not a bad face, more of wonderment.

"You'll get used to it." He laughed again.

I was starting to like this man even though I knew nothing about him.

"Why am I here Sir?"

"That's pretty simple. I like youngish good looking boy to fuck or suck me. I also like to suck on occasion. I also like to make young men scream in pain. You said you liked pain, well with me and some of my friends you are going to be screaming your young heart out. The best part is that Refreshment Booth I have can repair any damage I do to you and I can do it all over again."

While he had been talking my cock started to get hard, even though I knew what he wanted me for.

"Now with your tattoos removed you are no longer within the Pleasure Boy system so in effect you don't exist. I can do anything I want."

"Okay Sir."

"You're okay with this boy?"

"Yes Sir. You want to do what I like."

"Well boy with me there are no limitations. You're whole body belongs to me and I will do anything I like, even if it caused you to bleed sometimes."

I had noticed glass shelves all over the room with various objects on them. Now he got up and walked to one and picked two of them. He brought them back to where I was sitting.

He handed me a long metal rod. Well it was about 10 inches long and maybe three thick. It was real heavy. It had holes running along it's length.

"I found that in the Museum on the Spanish Inquisition in Madrid. It's greased up and shoved into a mans ass."

Well suppose it would hurt if a man never had anything in his butt before, but I figured it would feel not bad in mine.

"Now twist the base."

It was hard to turn, but when I did metal spikes started to move out of the holes along its length. Now I knew it would hurt real bad. The spikes would punch holes into the walls of his ass. Oh wow! I thought, that would be real pain.

"I don't think anyone would live very long with them spikes putting holes in the walls of his ass."

"During the Inquisition they were not expected to live, just confess."

I handed him the instrument back. I wondered if he was going to put it inside me. One part of my brain hoped not, while the other said I wanted it. Problem was it made me hard when I thought about it and he knew it.

"This is the one I built to mimic that old one. It's a bit different as you can see." He handed me another instrument.

Well it looked almost the same. Not quite as long, but a bit thicker. It did have the holes and even one in the tip. It looked like a stainless steel cock.

"Now twist the bottom."

I jumped when needles about an inch long snapped out of the tube all around it and even out the tip. That would be instant pain everywhere inside. The thought of that in my ass caused me to shoot with out even touching myself. I got real scared, I had shot my sperm onto his grass floor.

"I'm sorry Sir. It, it just happened."

"No problem. I was rather expecting it."

"Now turn the base the other way."

When I did the needles snapped back inside the tube.

"Now same way again."

When I did the needles snapped back out, but this time they were out almost two inches. Oh shit. No one could handle that kind of pain. I turned the handle back and my hand was shaking when I handed it back to him.

My mouth was instantly dry and I grabbed the bottle of beer and took a big drink.

My hands were still shaking when I put the bottle down. He just sat looking at me.

"Do you want me to put this in your ass boy?"

That was a yes no question. I could say no, but then he might do it anyway. Did I really want to have that shoved into my ass? Well my cock betrayed me.

"Yes Sir."

"Very well come along." I followed him.

He walked down the hall to a blank wall. He then hit an instrument on his wrist and a section of the wall opened. As soon as we walked in several lights came on showing a weird shaped metal chair in the center of the room.

"Go sit in the chair boy."

Well when I sat down I found it to be pretty comfortable. There were thick pads for my back, arms and legs. There was nothing under my ass, but leg places held me above the hole. He started to strap me to the chair. Ankles, thighs, arms and wrists. Another over my waist and across my chest. I couldn't move when he was done.

"The question I asked was a yes no answer. You could have said No."

"I know sir. I also knew that if I had said no, you would still have used it at a later time."

"You are quite right. You are a very smart young man."

"I suppose I should tell you who I am. I am the Chief Interrogator for the World Public Safety Division. This room you are in is similar to what is in the basement of this building. It's completely sound proofed, so anything you say can not be heard outside. So you can scream all you like."

"Okay Sir."

"Now I could start with this probe, but it will mean that you will be done for the day. So I think I will work first on this very nice cock and these small balls. I wonder would you like a larger cock and maybe bigger balls?"

I thought about what he said. "Yes Sir."

I knew now he could anything he wanted. He had removed my Pleasure Boy tattoo and said I no longer existed. He could kill me and no one would know. I was now just a slave to his whims. For some reason it no longer mattered to me. This was my world. This was my real world.

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Next: Chapter 2

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