Impets are us

By John Bromfield

Published on May 26, 2020



Impets are us (Modified) by John Bromfield

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I am a nipple man and I have a man that sucks them and really gets turned on and then I suck his cock and I love the sound of his moan as he cums in my mouth. He will return after the coronavirus crisis is over.

All Gaymen need a good supplier of lube and other products that heightens pleasure whether it is by yourself or with another friendly man. Due to there not being a sex shop in my town I have to order online. But I don't like to so I browse online and phone the order through.

I like also nipple suckers that make them twice as big. The draw back I have found after an hour they return to a normal size. At the "Thrust Sex Shop" online a new line of suckers were in. Guarantee larger nipples permanently. Comes with lube that keeps the product moist and supple. Cost 150 dollars (ouch) There is a product return policy within 2 weeks total refund if no damage has been done to the product.

Next I phone "Thrust" and Hans answered in his thick Dutch accent "This is Thrust number one supplier of gay products how may I help you?" "Hi Hans its Pete from the West country" "Ah yes you live on the coast. How can I help you today?" "I see online Impets nipple suckers can they justify that price 150 dollars" "They say the ultimate nipple suckers and once tried you wont need another. They are made with a new material that needs a special lube they supply free. Plus if you don't damage them there is a money back guarantee. But because of the cost not many are selling. Were you thinking of buying?" "Yes Ok Hans I will have a set my card number is xxxxx xxxx xxxxx security code xxx" "Wait. Your order has been authorised and delivery will be in two working days. The company says that you are to follow the instructions and read them first before you start using the product. Thankyou for your order and hope to hear from you soon. Goodbye"

There is always that waiting and running to the door as the mailman arrives (He's not my type) nothing. Next day a door bell rings "Got a parcel for you to sign for" I sign my squiggle (After working in an office a signature changes to a wavy line)

Its like Christmas I can't wait to open it. Invoice from Thrust Suppliers. Yes Yes Yes

Important you read this first in big red letters in an envelope. Place suckers on a plate and cover both with liquid lube-food. Then leave for one hour. Place lube-food on both nipples then put suckers in place. Do not squeeze or put fingers in the hole as that will invalidate any refunds. Once suckers are in place they will automatically start sucking You will feel discomfort when first used but be assured it is a once only and second and then on there will be pain free

Well I ain't going to waste 150 bucks so I will stick to the rules.

I opened the packages a 250 ml of lube-food and two pieces of solid rubber suckers except there is no hole for my nipples to go into. Reading the instructions again: Place suckers on a plate and cover both with liquid lube-food. Then leave for one hour. OK lets do that while I watch the match. Halftime I go for a piss and return to look at the suckers. A mass of bubbles but already can see it has a hollow appearing. I will see after the game for my next move. The cowboys win. Look at my watch. They said one hour and that's it. I return to a clean plate and perfectly formed suckers. Next: Place lube-food on both nipples then put suckers in place. Do not squeeze or put fingers in the hole. (Right)

I take the plate and suckers with the lube-food into the bathroom and take off my clothes as I like a good wank when my nipples at being sucked. The lube smelt a bit like a damp forest and not unpleasant. All primed and lubed I carefully place on each nipple. As soon as I did they automatically started to suck in rhythm. Oh yes my beauties don't stop mmmmm. I went back into the lounge and watched my favourite porn movie I'm in no hurry to cum yet.

After two hours my nipples would reach their maximum size but they kept on going suck, suck. Now they were sore and the instructions said nothing about what happen next. Sharp teeth engaged at the base of the nipple Aaaaah fuck oh the pain then from inside a needle was fired into the top of the nipple down into chest. Another wave of pain hit me Aaaaaah no Aaaah fuck that hurts. Then all is numb all pain gone then chemicals reach my brain. Oh yes mmmm yes my cock is stiff. I put some lube on the outside of the suckers and was rewarded with wave after wave of joy being pumped to my brain. There was no need to wank my cock showering my chest in more joy ohh fuck yes oh you fucking beauties are worth every fucking dollar mmmmmmmm yes.

I fall sleep in waves of joy dreaming of big hunks fucking my ass and sucking my nipples. I awake the next day covered in dry cum. The suckers were laying on my chest. So I decided to give them breakfast with a little lube-food. My nipples were still enlarged but we shall see what a hot shower does to them. There are signs of bruising and a hole neatly made in the top with a little bleeding. I will be careful in the shower to avoid soap around that area.

Now my nipples have attained the right size the paperwork does not say how often the suckers are to be used. My older ones were 3 -- 4 hrs a day to get to a point of getting uncomfortable. At the very bottom of the page it says "For further details about this and other products please ring this number. I will think about that after a wash and shave and breakfast. Bacon and eggs there is something magic about it followed by a mug of coffee.

I watched the News for the latest "News Speak" as it was early morning. I was hit with yesterday's news recycled as today's news. Absent mindlessly I put some lube-food on my nipples and ice cold liquid perked them up. Mmmmmm yes. Let see what my suckers give me today. I place them on each nipple and they start sucking but after ten minutes they stop. The needle is inserted and waves of pleasure roll over my body. My rosebud itches so I lube a finger with lube-food and is rewarded. Oh yes that needs a nice firm cock to fully remove that itch. I lube the outsides of the suckers to be rewarded with more waves of joy. Well you like that and so do I. In the nightstand draw I have a buttplug prostate massager I lube with the special liquid and my rosebud sucks it in. When that happens the suckers start again in sync. Oh fuck I am not going to last long and my cock is straining for release. There is a rising tension I am getting stimulated everywhere. From my rosebud to my brain and everywhere in between my cock starts to spewing its joy over my chest but carries on and on even when there is nothing left my body continues with dry orgasms. My head is filled to overload with my whole body surface zings with joy. I close my eyes and I am immediately asleep. I dream of a delivery man that delivers more than the mail.

In my pre-teens I wanted breasts without knowing why. Now I look and at them they seem bigger more fuller than they were yesterday. Yes I was a mess and my balls ached but somehow I felt this strange feeling of being loved. Suckers were still locked on my chest so I fed them and they reacted with a few waves. When I go to the bathroom I am careful not to disturb my little friends once clean I put on a housecoat and lay on the bed. My chemical friends pump into me their love drug that also makes me sleep but always make me dreams of sex.

On waking my man-boobs are full and stiff making the nipple really stand out. From one nipple I see a little black tail. In the kitchen I find bowl and gently squeeze my full breasts into the bowl. Lots of little tadpoles flood out of my nipples plus milk and make sure I get them all out. Time for some answers I think.

"Impets are us how may I help?" "I have been using your nipple suckers for 2 days now and today I have a discharge" "The paperwork should have read once every three weeks. Let me check. Oh dear the printers have not put that on. I am very sorry" "The nature of the discharge is livestock" "Ah we were not expecting this problem so early. We will send a messenger around to collect. We of course will give you 50% back on the purchase price. Did you enjoy our product?" "Yes I very much love your product" "Then we could come to an agreement if you wanted to join the company as a work at home employee. Our product is organic and slow growing but you are special. Constantine will be around soon. Please confirm name and address. Good Oh by the way if you like he loves to fuck arse but you don't have to take that offer up. If all agreed I will send the paperwork out with him. I wish you a very good day, goodbye"

I think its time to get cleaned up buttplug wash and douche ready for this man. In the cupboards I find an old plastic container that can transport these bundles of joy. The doorbell rings and I grab the housecoat. There stands 6ft 2in biker with a shoulder bag I read "Impets are us the forefront of genetic engineering". "Hi are you Pete I have a package to collect?" he followed me into the kitchen. As bent over his hand brushes my ass. "They said you like to deliver too" his hand firmly on my ass now "Good when would like to deliver?" "I finish at 6 then go home and wash. Say 6:45?" "Why not come direct and you could have more time. There is a shower here if you really wanted one. You look pretty good from where I am standing" he was standing directly behind me rubbing his leather in cased cock. "You sexy thing you I will be ready just after six. Be lubed and ready for me when I ring your bell and I am going to ring your bells Sweetie" he turns me around and gives me a full on kiss with tongues. "Yum you taste good too see you at 6" he picks up the container and puts it in the shoulder bag then gives another kiss and was gone. But as he was leaving oh look at that ass how it fills those leathers two globes in poetry in motion.

My cock was stiff for the rest of the day. I fed the suckers but noticed one had changed shape it was now like a small buttplug (Interesting)

Just before 6 I douched deep so I was nice and clean for Constantine. The doorbell rang and there he was in black sweaty leathers all shiny. He slammed the door shut and held me tight as he kissed me. "Been needing that all day but wanted it also for months" he said as he broke the kiss. "Just got to go for a piss and I will be right there for you" "It's through there" I point. Soon he returns and I suck the last drop out of him as his cock swells to a thick 8 inches of pain and pleasure. "Yes its big and it frightens people off are you scared I promise to be gentle" "Have not had one that big in my tunnel of love but I am willing that it goes where you want it to go" all signs of doubt now gone and replaced it with a smile. "Good man I think we both will enjoy this. Right on your knees and show me that ass" I get into position on the edge of the bed and spread my cheeks. "Wow I got to have a taste" he licks my rosebud and it responds automatically and I moan. "Yes yum time to open my Sweetie up for her meat injection" he was licking his lips. Next he puts some lube-food on his fingers and start fingering my rosebud then two then three. Then using a cork screw motion opened me up more using plenty of lube. "I think we are ready now and don't hold your breath, breathe normally" as his cock rubs my rosebud and a little pressure it enters with not too much pain. "There you are my Sweetie we are over the first hurdle just one more to go and we are there". He rocks gentle in and out but not removing the head each motion pushing his stiff cock urging it to go deeper into my guts. Then I feel his balls at my ass and know my man has his cock as deep as it will go. "Lets hold it there for awhile I think you need a nipple sucker in place" He gives me the lube and spreads some on the left nipple as that is the most sensitive. When place the sucker on yes it sucks to lock itself in place first. Then I feel the joy flow but this time is different. My tunnel of love opens up and all discomfort is gone. A feeling of being full remains. "Your Sweetie is ready for her Man" He starts with short strokes and then builds up to the long ones and all the time the suckers are pumping the joy into me. Now Constantine is hitting the joyspot everytime making me moan mmmmmmm "Sweetie your tight ass is making me want to cum cant last much oooooh feels oh so good please oh fucking please Ahhhhh fuck fuck ohhhhhh ahhhh you fucking beauty there deep in that ass where my Sweetie wanted it mmmmmmm". There was the feeling at my rosebud of pulsing of his cock pumping the joy deep inside. His face was like someone that was contorted in pain but was the reverse. He was in full afterglow mode and pushed me forward so he could lay on my back for a rest while his stiff cock still buried deep in my ass. The motion pushing it deep again. "Oh sweetheart I love your cock it feels at home" "Oh Sweetie I will give it to you everyday and make it a place of more joy for you. Now kneel for me again on the bed and head on the pillow." He withdraws his thick 8 inches of pleasure. When the ass is stretched it remains open for awhile. He fills the ass with two large squirts of lube-food then reaches over for the nipple sucker that is now a buttplug and gentle inserts as the ass lips close around it and sucks it like a child's favourite sweet. Once tasted it my rosebud goes into auto-suck mode "Oh yes suck on that plug mmmmm" I put more lube on the outside and that increased the pleasure. Constantine started to kiss me "It wont be long now sweetie as this is going to be your joy plug" Then I heard a click from inside then another "Steady my princess just a few more connections and we will be there" Click "Fuck sweetheart that hurt" "Trust me Sweetie you will enjoy this" his hand stroking my face and kissing me. Then all was numb "How is my Sweetie feeling now?" "Your Sweetie is numb in the bum" and he smiled "Good" The next thing I remember I was leaking pale blue precum from my cock and a steady stream too. Constantine saw this and said "I think I better empty those balls before they explode" My cock is not big and he got it in his mouth no problem. My orgasm was building as my ass lips started sucking. Then it happen "What the fuck aaaaah aaahh no this must stop aaah" He was sucking as if his life depended on it. The normal orgasm lasts 30 seconds to a minute but at 5 minute I was out cold my brain could take no more but my dreams were of being sucked by a man in leathers. Oh, for that dream to come true.

I wake to find him snoring next to me naked. I thump him on the chest, he wakes "What! Where! What!" "It's your Sweetie here we need to talk" "Can't it wait until morning?" "No it can't. I have been set up haven't I?" the reply of mmmm Ahhh said it all "Well Sweetie the scientists were able to make the material that held a creature made in the lab. The problem being it grows very slowly so you have been given a years production. Only you have made the creature responded to breeding. The breeding response releases endorphins to the brain the more it likes you the more it pumps. They all like you as their breeder" "Are you really just an errand boy?" "No I own the company but it has little funds to develop the product. In a matter of days you have produced more than a years output" "Right Mr Impet what's happening in my arse?" "Your prostate has been made larger. Your rectum has growing plum implants that will be made into buttplugs in the lab. In all products the creature will inject joy chemical into the blood stream to the brain as long as the creature is looked after and fed with the lube-food and only used once every 3 weeks" He waited like a naughty boy "Sorry"

Questions: Do you like me? Do you really like fucking arse (My arse in particular?) Do you wish for me to be breeder from now on and in the future. And and to seal the deal marry me?"

Constantine looked at his options. Few had ever taken his cock fully in their arse. Pete's arse was perfect those lips that sucked his cock mmmm. The greatest asset to the company is Pete as a breeder. Yes a marriage contact would seal the deal. More is the point I can fuck him everyday. Good plan

"Pete I will marry you and agree to your terms. Now can I go to sleep?" "Yes darling but remember in the morning you are going to fuck my arse for the buttplugs to grow" "Pete, I think I love you" and gave me a sloppy kiss

Notes: One Impet sucker was replaced so both nipples could be sucked in unison again.

The word "Impets" has two meanings in the story: First is an Imp pet that is naughty small demon that can bring pleasure or trouble. Second: A Limpet is a sucker sea creature that lives by sucking seaweed or algae from rocks.

There is a sex shop in my town but not exclusively Gay so does not have the things I want. Yes my man in the Sex Shop online is from Holland and has a very thick Dutch accent but not called Hans.

There are lots of things being made with genetic engineering and I have no idea what they could come up with next?

No company "Impets are us" exists and this is a work of fiction (Google searched)

The "Thrust Sex Shop" is a made-up name and has no connection to any other shop with a similar name.

Certain News Channels are famous for giving yesterday news as reporters have been reduced through staff cuts. While presenter's wages go up

"News Speak" a news organisation giving official news in George Alwell book "1984"

My man that sucks my nipples will visit after the Coronavirus crisis is over.

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