Immortal Love

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Apr 17, 2011


This story is a complete work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental. This story may contain descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material or are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now. This story is the property of co-authors Matt S. and Matt L. and can be contacted at All comments are welcome.

Immortal Love

Chapter 6

After a sound sleep with Chris' arms wrapped around him, Jay was startled by some kind of commotion from down the hall. He then realized that his job was to protect Chris first, so he sprung to life as his protective instinct took over. He quickly found his baton next to his pants on the floor and got himself into position to strike. As soon as Jay had left the bed, it stirred Chris into a state of confusion. He heard the same noise as well, and then Chris realized what the noise was and who it was coming down the hall. He yelled out to Jay just at that very moment Jerry and Albert had crashed through his door.

"J - a - ay ... NO - o - o!!"

Jerry and Albert, who were Chris' best friends, stood stunned by the whole scenario of a half-naked guy with a lethal weapon at hand, ready to pulverize them at any second. They halted. Then warily looked over Jay's shoulders to Chris and gave him a pleading look of gratitude for his sudden outburst. Otherwise, they probably would've been the neighbor's dog next meal.

Although Jay never really swung his baton, he had been taught never to strike until his enemy strike him or his client first. Chris quickly told Jay who they were as he turned to look at Chris while cautiously watching the other two boys. He then became rather upset, not at Chris, but mostly at himself for not doing his job more thoroughly. He should've known whose Chris' friends were, where they lived, how often they visited and so on. Jay felt completely humiliated. Then he dropped his head and his baton to his side, and then spoken in a soften tone that only Chris heard him. All the while this was happening, the boys went back to goofing around and poking at each other.

"I wasn't going to hurt them." He said. "I was just reacting to the unexpected intrusion."

Chris knew Jay was upset, yet he felt there was something more to his own annoyance, over his friends' unexpected intrusion. After last night moment of connection between them, it was as if Chris and Jay had become as one--one soul. Yet, he knew that Jay had something on his mind last night until Chris finally took him into his bed and their bodies and souls finally were joined as one being as they slept soundly last night.

He turned to glare at Jerry and Albert who were totally oblivious of the intense moment in the room. Chris had to clear his throat, which at first they didn't hear him. Then he repeated it more raucously, they then stopped their joking around as they had seen Chris was annoyed. They felt somewhat embarrassed, even though their intention was to simply surprise him on the first morning back home. They didn't expect him to have company.

"We wanted to surprise you." Jerry spoke first.

"Yeah ... we didn't know," Albert felt embarrassed, "that you weren't alone."

"Guys, can you give me, and Jay, a minute or two," Chris pleaded look finally had to say, "P-L-L-EASE!?!"

"Uh, ... yeah, sure dude," Jerry said as he and Albert both backed out the door. "We'll just wait for you in the living room"

Jerry left first, then Albert. He turned to close the door behind. Chris then turned around to face Jay. He found that his face was flush from humiliation. His annoyance seemed to inflame as to how stupid he felt over the chain of events that occurred. However, Chris knew it was something else, something much deeper than some adolescence's prank.

"Jay, ... babe?" Chris inquired, gently lifting Jay's chin to look up at him. "What's wrong?"

"I was only doing my job," he burbled as his eyes were about to tear up, "but I wasn't going to hurt them, honestly."

"I know that." Chris affirmed. "B-u-t?!?"

"Well!?! ... There is something else that I really need to talk to you about ..." Jay began and then paused as a tear escaped one of his eyes and rolled down his cheekbone. "... about me ... and ... about someone that was very special to me."

"Wait a sec ..." Chris said as he ran out of the room. He knew this was going to take longer than a few minutes. "I'll be right back."

While Chris was out of the room, Jay tried to dismiss whole scene. He wiped tears off his face and grabbed his clothes off the floor. He got dress, but didn't realized that Chris was standing there waiting for him two feet away, waiting patiently for some further explanation about his past. He tried to look up at Chris, but he let it go and finish getting dress.

"Chris, it's kind of a long story." Jay muttered as he got up to leave the room. "Why don't you go and hang out with your friends? We can talk about another time."

"Oo-oh, no, you don't. Don't you even think about it." Chris stopped him. Chris grabbed his hand and motioned for him to sit back down. "I've already told Jer and Al, I would call them later." Chris said. "Now, you need to tell me what's bothering you. It seems to be more important than them right now."

Jay shuffled around the bed to make some excuse to try to leave the room, but somehow he knew that Chris' efforts were sincere, but adamant. He knew Chris was ready to listen to him. So, Jay waited for Chris to sit down next him. Jay finally moved to the center of the bed, he patted the bed next to him and Chris followed his lead.

Then Jay began. . . .

"Chris, how old do you think I am?" he asked.

"Well, I would guess about 18--give or take a year," Chris answered.

"No, actually I am older. Much, ... much older than that."

"OK, then ... so" Chris inquired, though confused, "you might be much older. How much older?"

"Chris, ..." Jay waited and then sighed. He blurted, "I'm 110 years old. I was born in 1901. Honestly."

Now Chris was confused. He looked at Jay perplexedly. He wasn't even sure if he was even being serious, or that maybe he really believed he was that old.

"O-o-kay. So you don't look a day older than 18," Chris tried to feel his way around his approaching question, "What makes you THINK you are over a hundred years old?"

"I don't THINK it, Chris ..." Jay clarified. "I KNOW it. ... I am 110. I just stopped aging when I turned 19. And to this day, I haven't been able to die even though I've came close."

"Jay, come on," Chris tried chuckled a bit, "Do you really think that?"

Even though Chris tried to brush it off, he looked at Jay once again and seen that he truly was serious about this. So, he had decided he better just sit back and listen to what Jay had to say first, before he came to his own conclusion about this whole aging thing. He turned to Jay and gave his serious, but absolute attention. Then Jay was ready to tell his story.

"Let me see if I can get you to believe me. ..." He cleared his throat and thought of the best place to start.

"When I was born I never knew who my parents were. I was left at the doorsteps of an orphanage where I grew up in until I was about five. Shortly thereafter, a wealthy couple who couldn't have children of their own came to the orphanage to adopt someone. After they took one look at me, they fell in love with me and decided to adopt me.

Now you must understand that at this point of my life, I was growing and aging just like any other normal youngster. It wasn't until I was much older did I learn of my non-aging dilemma. Yet, my adopted parents never knew of what I finally discovered about myself for I wasn't around as it happened or has been happening.

You have to understand also, that I never really wanted anything from my wealthy parents, not even the things they gave to me. However, I was an only child. I was given everything, even if I never really wanted it or used it, but my parents just gave it to me because that was their way to show their love to me. They felt complete that way, even when I never been hugged or kissed by them. It just made them happy to give to me monetarily. They were grateful to have a child, any child, I guess. So, they had to spoil me. Yet, I never really was happy with them, and yet, I was never allowed to be free of them either. I was under their control constantly.

Once I had completed my formal education through private school, where my mother was the schoolteacher, at first then later the principal. Everything was did was as a family, even to my father's garden party for his law firm. I was never left alone. When the day came to attend college, I grew excited for the day. Oh how I wanted to be free of them. I felt no emotion tied to them.

In my last year before college, I had so many great opportunities offered to me. Yet, I figured I had my whole life ahead of me to live and achieve them all. Though, my adopted father wanted me to go off to Harvard to study law and become a lawyer like himself. So, I just went along with it, to play with my fate upon his dream of this father and son's law firm concept. That day came to bid farewell to my parents at the train station and to attend Harvard. I sat in my cabin alone that day. I watched my parents grew smaller and smaller by the minute as the train drove away from the dock where they were left standing. When I couldn't see them any longer. I sighed with great relief.

A few hours after I left to the university to Boston, the train had unexpectedly derailed in a remote area of the woodlands. Everyone on that train that day, screamed, and soon those cries died. They all died that day, except for me."

Jay felt poignant as he recalled that day so vividly. He took deep sharp breath. Chris reached out and held Jay's hands for some encouragement. Jay looked into Chris' eyes longingly and then took another slower but more even breathe, before he continued.

"At that time I thought it was just a miracle being the only survivor. I thought it was because I was a strong young man and that should be happy to be alive. I looked at myself to only to find some scrapes and bruises. I never found any serious injuries on my body. I was able to walk away from the wreckage absolutely unharmed. Then it hit me. I looked around and seen how mangled and twisted the train and everyone else was. I was confused as to how I could've survived such catastrophe.

I kept reasoning for there must have been a reason for my survival. A fate I must needed to pursue. On that day, I had changed my fate to my own, not my adopted father's dream. So, Chris, it was the last day of who I was and to never looked back upon. Instead, I went forth with my new life as I had dreamed of. The freedom from my family had yearned for. Now, it was my chance to do so.

Although, I had decided to continue my trip to the university, but a different university, I never went home to my adopted parents, to assure them of my survival of that fatal incident. In fact, I left them completely clueless of my existence, even when they never found my body in that wreckage later. Shortly thereafter, my final decision was made. Help came from the nearest town to the scene of the wreckage. I stood nearby in the wooded area as they came trekking in until someone from behind me asked If I was going to help. No one ever seen me walked away from that wreck alive. They thought I had arrived with them to help pulled out the dead in which I did for a little while until I heard my father's voice. I conspicuously left in another direction, hiked to another town, and got on another train that went west.

After the day was over and my long trek to the west coast, I planned out my new studies curriculum from law to security protection management in which it included studies of security, safety and protection of politically important officials and other set of courses.

I felt that I had lived for a reason. I wanted to make sure I gave something back that day, even though I was leaving my past behind me. I had to face it alone. Now, don't get me wrong but I did save my money, whenever my parents kept giving me cash in a separate account. My parents never knew of this and that was how I had been able to survive the next four years under my new identity. Of course, I grew up in the orphanages with my original name. You see, my adopted parents changed my name when the adopted me. They only knew me as Jay at the time. They never knew of my real surname that I gave to myself as I grew up in the orphanage, Jayme Von Ambrose. The caretaker at the time gave me this piece of paper that was pinned to me.

"Boy, never tell yer parents who ya are?" The caretaker said. "Hide tis til ya are on yer own, okay boy?"

"Okay, sir!" I said and left with my adopted parents.

After my arrival in San Francisco, I enrolled in California University of Protection and Intelligence Management. I learned many technical survival skills, as well as defensive/offensive techniques that included hand-to-hand technique and the use of weapons for survival and protection towards my clients.

It was during one of these training classes that my training partner became a little too aggressive towards me. He had accidentally stabbed me in the chest with his weapon. Although I was rushed to the hospital, amazingly, I survived, again. Now, this was the second time I had lived through such an atrocious episode, but still it didn't occur to me that I was anything special or undying. I just felt that I was very lucky. This was just another test for me to be the best I could be at my chosen profession.

During my time at University, I became the best in my class. Frankly, I was the top 3 of a class of 200. My advisers placed me and the others into a bodyguard or protective team. Our team's sole purpose was to protect important officials or diplomas. This occurred within a span of about 5 or 6 years after I have completed most of my programs. It was then that I had begun to notice, I was still looked quite young.

"Wow this is great," I thought, "At this rate when I'm in my 30's I will look as though I am still in my 20's."

Once I had graduated, I was recruited into the military's Special Forces that would protect the family of one of our American Ambassadors to Europe. I was so excited, even though, I wasn't the youngest team member, but fitted into our team quite nicely.

I was assigned to protect one of our Ambassador's son, Benjamin Rockefeller. Ben was 18 at the time, and just fresh out of high school. He was scheduled to begin college in the fall term, but it was four months away. He was accompanied his family to Europe for their summer holiday. The team leader felt I looked the same age as Ben and that we could pass off as friends. Then it was set, my duty was to protect him while they traveled to Europe or anywhere else. The other team members were assigned to the other individual family members. We worked together to protect the family as a whole.

Up to this point in my life, I had never given much thought to my sexuality. I guess, I was too wrapped up in my studies that I didn't leave much time for romance with girls or otherwise. However, that changed shortly after I met Ben.

Ben figured he was getting some old man of a bodyguard that would follow him everywhere, and quite frankly, do nothing but boss him around or keep him out of trouble. On the day we met, he was pleasantly surprised as I approach him. I looked his age and he was ecstatic. He really couldn't believe it. He thought he was dreaming. Yet, he had his doubt that a guy his age couldn't possibility do any of this protection stuff or take a bullet for him, if necessary. But, he learned later of what I was capable of.

Once our initial introduction was over, each of the team members resume their duty with each family member they were assigned to. We remained in the living room until it became chaotic with everyone chatting at once until we all realized it has been over three hours of non-stop conservation. It was 1 o'clock in the morning and we needed to prepare for our departure for the early morning hours. Everyone decided to try and go to get some sleep before having to be up and ready by 5 o'clock in the morning.

Ben and I headed off to his room where we would be sharing during my duty. I made my rounds by each of the windows to make sure it was secured. Meanwhile, Ben he had gotten undress, down to his normal nightly attire, his sleeveless skivvies, which was pretty revealing, especially where his manhood protruded from. So, I follow suit and stood there in my pant still with bare chest. Of course, It was normal at that time for boys to undress in front of each other. It was never a second thought to us boys in the 1900s.

Ben and I just starred at each other but I couldn't remove my eyes of his protruding manhood. Ben then stood in front of me, placed his hands on my waist and made it way to my buttons to undo my pants. My pant dropped and revealed the reason I didn't take off my pant in from of him. I was completely nude. I never wore any undergarments for I felt comfortable in the nude. Ben smiled and grabbed my waist and pulled me closer as our manhood grinded together. Then, he planted this passionate kiss on my lips that only lasted a few seconds, but the feeling was electrifying.

Ben pushed back slightly, looked into my eyes. I could see the fears in his own eyes. I could only imagine what he must have been feeling. It wasn't the kind of fear to be frighten or afraid of but fear of why shame didn't set in. We lived in a time where such actions could had gotten anyone put into jail, or worse, if someone decided to become more violent for same-sex mannerisms. Ben began to panic and pull away from me. He looked as if he was going to run away. Before he could even step back, I grabbed his waist and pulled him back into our previous embrace.

"It's okay, Ben" I whispered into his ear. "I like it. I won't tell anyone. I never felt this way about anyone before until now."

"Truly?!?" Ben whimpered as tears rolled down his cheek.

"Yes, truly." I affirmed. "I love your lips."

After hearing this, Ben just wrapped his arms around me; he pulled as close as possible until our manhood grinded once more. Even he never felt that way before too, even though, he had thought about it with other boys but never pursued it. We didn't know how to act or what to do about our newly founded love. We decided to just let it work itself out only in the privacy of our bedroom.

Since Ben was already for bed, I decided to remove my pants. I could see Ben's eyes bulged with curiosity. Then his eyes widen as he seen the top of my pubic hair, and then my manhood fell out of the top of the pants. I swiftly pushed them to the floor and kicked them off around my feet. He smiled and decided to pull off his skivvies. Reach out for my hand and pulled me into his bed. We lay together under his coverlet, just feeling our essence of our bodies, burning with unlatched passion between two human beings.

We then embraced ourselves more closely and kissed each other with ardor. We explored each other's bodies for the first time since we had never been with another man before. Though we were nervous, we were excited all about the same time. It was so stimulating to feel this grow within our souls. At one point of our embrace, Ben's manhood spurred loads of his seed unto our chest, and I follow not long afterward. It was our first time in a very long time from our prior boyhood wet dreams, only this time we were surely awake.

I slid my hand down the back of Ben's spine; he began to kiss me more fervently than before while our seed lubricated our bodies and manhood. The lower I went on his back, the more ardent his kiss became. I reached for his buttocks and rocked my manhood into his. We then felt a new pleasure one that seems merely impossible to have again, accept between two human beings. Ben moaned as I grabbed both of his buttock and our manhood stretched to it limits. Ben reached down and jerked at my throbbing rod. I pulled him more into me from he grasps of his yearning buttocks and his manhood felt cleaves of my buttocks. I rocked him more furiously, while he jerked at my heated manhood. After a couple of minutes of this intense moment, Ben and I groaned until our manhood was projecting a second load of our seeds.

There was silence in the room. We finally were brought back down to earth after the blissful air was sucked out of our being. Although, we should have been afraid, we were too afraid to speak to one to another. We didn't want to be awakened from this pleasurable dream. Nevertheless, our actions weren't as stifled. Until slumber over took us.

The boys each stepped forward and again embraced as they kissed. With no longer any restraining material, the boys openly pulled each other together with hands on butts and crotches rubbing together. Whether it be youth or excitement or just being plain horny, the boys pulled together one last time as they each had the most amazing orgasm they had, had to that point. The hot cum erupted between them caused the boys to stick together. Had they not been holding each other, they would have fallen to the floor from the force of the orgasm.

Soon it was 5 o'clock in the morning, I had awoken before Ben, I knew we needed to get ready to airport. I had already gotten bath and dressed before I kissed Ben awaiting lips. He smiled and then yawned.

"Not yet," Ben groaned. "I need more sleep."

"Yes, my love," I said. "but we need to get to the airport soon."

On that note, Ben flew out of bed and got ready to go as I watch him. I laughed as he was so adorable running around in the nude. But he finally got ready and we joined the others in the front entrance hall."

Jay had paused at that point of his story. He looked across the bed at Chris to look for any clues in his eyes. After a few minutes, the silence was extremely uncomfortable for Jay. Even when he had told others about his past secret life, he gave more intimate detail then before. It was because for the first time in his life, he now really cared someone. And that someone truly does believe him as well. That someone was Chris. Yet, Chris' face was emotionless.

"Go on." Chris begged Jay. Then a knock came upon the bedroom door. Both of them, looked petrified as they heard Chris' mother's voice muffled through the door.

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