
By Chris Tempert

Published on Jun 7, 2015


Disclaimer: The following is a purely fictional story which contains explicit scenes of male sex, domination, sex between siblings, etc. This story may not be copied of posted to any other websites without explicit permission from the author. If any of this content is offensive to you or illegal to access in your country, please ensure you do not proceed.

Immature by Chris Tempert

Part II - Bonding

I walked over to the couch and, just as I attempted to sit down next to my brother, he slapped my face with his right hand and ordered me to sit on the floor, in front of him.

"You see, Chris," he said, "little boys like you are not supposed to sit on the couch with the grown ups. Just get a towel from the bathroom and put it on the floor for yourself."

I obeyed, got a towel from the bathroom, draped it on the living room floor in front of the couch, just where he was sitting, and took place. As soon as I had settled down, his right hand grabbed my exposed cock and slowly started stroking it.

"So, tell me, big bro," The touch of his hand on my dick electrified my whole body, and already the first slow stroke made me moan with lust and the still lingering dizziness of the weed. „how long have you been yearning to submit to me?"

My cock was hard as a rock, already leaking pre-cum, and I started to moan silently. "What do you...?"

His grip around my dick tightened, squeezing it so hard that it hurt, making me howl out in pain.

"Answer the question, bitch!" he barked forcefully. "You already dreamt of me dominating you when you sucked me off for the first time back then, didn't you!?"

My heart skipped a beat. The first time I sucked him off? Did he really have to bring that up now? I mean, it was almost four years ago, only a few days after my seventeenth birthday, when...

... I heard the knob being slowly turned until, with a silent "click" sound, the door opened and someone – probably my little thirteen year old brother – came into my room.

"Chris...?" I heard him whisper, obviously to check if I was still awake.

"What is it?" I whispered back.

"Can I come in?" He did not wait for my reaction but came into my room and closed the door behind him.

"What the f...!?" My question remained unfinished as he came closer and sat down on the side of my bed. It was only then that I realized that he was naked and – by the way he smelled – also pretty drunk.

"Are you drunk, Danny?" I asked him in disbelief.

"Yeah." He stated. "Drunk. Naked. Horny... I'm all of that."

"And what are you doing in my room then?"

"Don't act stupid, bro..." he snarled as he let himself fall onto my bed, his right hand slowly starting to jerk his semi-hard dick. "I need you to suck me off!"

Struck and dumbfounded, I sat straight on my bed, watching what the tiny bits of moonlight that shone through my window allowed me to see of his member. For a thirteen year old, his cock was already nicely developed, and somehow, I just could not do anything else but stare at how his hand slowly stroked it.

"You know that you wanna taste it." Even at his young age, he was already able to snap me back from out of my thoughts. "Tell me how much you want to have it in your mouth, and then start sucking, dude!"

"Danny, I..."

"Do you wanna blow me or not!?"

"Uhm..." I said, hesitantly, "Only if you promise not to tell anyone."

"If you start sucking it right now, I promise to keep it our little secret."

Tentatively, I leaned forward until my lips slightly touched the tip of his hard raging cock head. My mouth opened a bit to start my first ever blowjob (on the giving side), and the second I felt the fingers of his right hand touching my hair, I was hardly given any time to prepare for the massive swing with which he shoved my head down onto his cock, leaving me gasping for air.

"I knew it." Danny whispered between his silent moans. "My big bro's a cocksucker."

I felt degraded and humiliated.

Here I was, a good looking boy of seventeen, sexually servicing my fourteen year old brother, his erect dick in my mouth and the sweet smell of his teenage pre-cum in my nose, which was slightly tickling from being pressed into his pubic hair time and time again. I felt his cock head slamming against my throat and, pretty soon, his moans became louder and even more ecstatic.

"Take it!" he hissed from underneath his breath, before I felt the first spurts of sperm flooding straight down my throat, into me.

One minute after that, he was panting in the afterglow of his orgasm, shoved my head away and got up from my bed. Without any more words, he left my room, and I started jerking off as soon as the door had closed behind him...

"You're right." I mumbled.

"With what?"

"I've really been fantasizing about you since that night."

I just could not believe myself admitting that I had the hots for my little brother for years, now. shame overwhelmed me once again.

"I knew it!" his cheer sounded victorious and cocky. „Please, Danny... Stop it..." I moaned, his hand still slowly jerking my hardon, keeping me on edge. But, of course, he ignored my plea.

"Now, tell me that you're a little immature child who needs to be owned and controlled by your younger brother!" His voice was stern and demanding, and the shame of what he did to me –what I LET him do to me – made me close my eyes with both emotional pain and lust.

"Danny, please, I'm begging you..."

A wave of unexpected disappointment swept over me as his hand left my dick and slapped my face hard. In an instant, the corners of my eyes started to glisten with freshly forming tears.

"Tell me, you fuckin' infant!!!" The rage in his eyes sent a shiver of fear through my body. Obviously, he was more than serious about all this. To him, I was nothing more than a child, a little boy who had to be taken care of, guided, controlled and dominated.

His hand grabbed my dick again, but this time, the strokes were not soft or gentle anymore, but hard and merciless.

"What are you, Chris?" he asked once again. "Huh?"

"I'm... a little immature boy..." I started, still crying and sobbing my heart out and additionally shaking all over from the stimulation of him jerking me so hard that it almost hurt. "... who needs to be owned and controlled... because I can't be trusted with... making grown up decisions."

He grinned broadly which made my humiliation so big that I couldn't stand it anymore. I started sobbing again, even harder than before, uncontrollably shaking all over, my dick so stimulated and hard that it hurt like hell and the shame of the situation I had gotten me into was unbearable for me. Of course, that didn't make my brother stop the torture. He kept on stroking me, while I openly cried in front of him. So pathetic. So inferior. So defeated.

Even after several minutes, I still could not stop crying. His right hand had not let go of my penis even for a single second, all the time either slowly massaging or fiercely jerking it to keep me on permanent edge. When he eventually did stop and let go of my dick, a shiver of disappointment and - yes - even frustration washed through my body and mind. My head was whirling, far beyond any chance of control.

"Danny, I'm... so sorry... I shouldn't have... I didn't mean to... I just... I'm so..." I felt like I was competently losing it, sobbing and stumbling my heart out, degrading and humiliating myself even more than he had already done.

All I could put my mind to right now was how superior he was. How ashamed I was for sinking lower and lower in front of him - my sweet little brother who had always admired me and looked up to his big bro. Until he had understood the truth. His "big bro" was in fact anything but admirable. He was only a stupid little boy who had always made the worst and most childish decisions. A boy who was clearly unable to live his own life like the grown-ups did.

The worst part of all this was that I could understand him. With me behaving the way I had, letting him down and hurting his feelings, how else would he be able so see me? What else could he think of me other than how small, immature and pathetic I was... even compared to my three years younger kid brother? The more I cried and the more all the shame tore down even the last leftovers of my self-esteem, the deeper I felt myself fall. For him. Into him. Beneath him.

"Smoke this up!" His voice reconnected me with reality again. Dumbfounded, I blinked at a further joint which he held out to me, together with a lighter.

I just sat there, staring into his face like a retard and drifting down further and further. His beautiful face with the stern and demanding look that he gave me felt like melting me away from the inside. His eyes bore into mine, only to prove what both of us already knew, anyway: He had overpowered me in every possible way and nothing in my life would be like it was ever again.

Danny stretched his muscular arms and defined torso before he simply stuck the filter end of the joint into my mouth and lit the other end with the lighter. Obediently, I inhaled hard and deep and kept the smoke in for as long as I could before exhaling again. With a shaking hand, I took the joint from my mouth, but he gripped my wrist and guided it back to my face. I inhaled again, even deeper and longer this time, led by a strange urge to please him by doing what he wanted me to.

"That's my boy!" He patted my cheek and smiled down at me, obviously to remind me of my newly enforced identity as his little boy, before he lifted himself from the couch and subsequently stood before me with his slip cladded crotch directly in front of my face. I was hypnotised. Only inches away from me, I saw his massive, erect cock pressing against the cotton. My eyes were locked. Everything else went out of my focus, so I didn't really take notice of him taking the joint from my mouth with one hand and then gripping my neck to pull my face into his crotch with the other one. My lips were suddenly pressed against his dick. Only thin fabric kept them from directly touching it. "This will come into your mouth when I'm back." He stated, before he backed away, put the joint back into my mouth and left the room without another word.

There I sat, on my own living room floor. Naked, horned and with a joint in my hand which I was supposed to have finished by the time he would be back, I guessed. I stayed where I was and smoked the joint in some kind of a hurry. His order to smoke it up had been clear and I did not want to disappoint him or even make him angry by not following it correctly. Furthermore, the weed brought me down a bit. Apart from the occasional tear running down my face every now and then, I had stopped crying calmed down. The weed kept me horny, and his promise of his dick in my mouth made me nervous with anxiety and lust.

Only a few minutes later, Danny came back. I did not even dare to look in his direction with my head bowed in shame, so I flinched with surprise and shock when I heard him kneeling down directly behind me. I felt his arm gripping around me and his hand taking hold of my throat so tight that it made me gasp for air. Then, he spit into his free hand several times and started massaging my hole with it. There was absolutely nothing gentle or even romantic in the way he touched me down there. I moaned out loud from two of his fingers slowly entered me, but he quickly removed them again and replaced them with something that - after the pain of the sudden complete intrusion had subsided - felt like some kind of a small but plug. He had just rammed it into my ass in one piece.

Danny ignored my howling out, quickly got up from behind me and ruffled my hair.

"Good boy!" he said with unmistakable mock in his voice, and then he went around to his place on the couch. Before he sat down, he turned in my direction and looked down on me. An evil and somehow satisfied smirk which made me feel so inferio, so defenseless and so... small.

The last joint he had me smoke up by myself kicked in more and more. I could feel the upcoming wave in almost every part of my body. My dick - although it had not even left its fully erect state for even a second - seemed to harden even more, my senses became shady and I felt nothing but lust brewing up inside me...

With weary eyes, I saw him taking off his underwear and, finally, standing in front of me competently naked. My full attention directly went to his penis. He was definitely better equipped than I was and his massive cut cock pointed straight at my face.

"You want to have it... Right, bitchboy!?"

My eyes kept their focus on his dick. I just couldn't take them away and it took several minutes for me to answer him with a meek "Yes, Sir..."

I was too zoned out to see the slap coming, but I sure as hell felt it. My cheek stung from the force that he had hit me with, and I felt new tears falling from my eyes. But I didn't say anything. How could I... I was in absolutely no condition to speak up to him... He had made himself very clear and my ever stronger getting feeling how much he might be right with how he saw me had me reeling with shame, and, furthermore, right now, all I wanted to do was take my younger brothers cock in my mouth.

"You can do better than that!" I heard him snarl down at me. "Tell me what you would like to do now, boy!"

I got his hint in an instant and quickly stumbled "Sir... I would really, REALLY love do feel your dick in my mouth... I really need it so bad, Sir... Please... Let me have it, Sir... I dunno... I...."

He laughed full heartedly at my loss for words and then sat down on the couch and reached past me to grab his smartphone from the table.

"Tell you what, little one... I will let you put my dick in your mouth after you did me a small favour..." With that, he leaned towards me and looked straight into my face. "By now, you should have understood who and what you are... Right?"

"Yes, Sir..." I sobbed, "I'm an... immature little boy... And that's... I need you... As a grownup... To... Control me... Dominate me... Make decisions for me and... And..."

I broke into tears but, as usual, he totally ignored that.

"Now, you're gonna tell exactly that to the video camera of my phone! And if you're good and convincing enough, I MIGHT let you taste my grownup dick!"

He slapped my face again and then leaned back to take his phone and position the camera. I saw what he was doing and I also understood that he somehow wanted to film my confession about who I was, but I was way too wasted to focus on something like that. All that mattered right now were my brother Danny and his penis. No matter what I had to do to get it... I needed his dick, and secretly, I also craved for him to take control of my life.

He was right, I really had problems with being on my own and making my own decisions most of the time. I was always very reluctant when it came to situations that forced any kind of decision from me. Sometimes, really, I spent more than an hour in the supermarket because I can't even decide what to buy for myself. And furthermore, I had always had a bunch of horny submission fantasies, true, but what was happening here with Danny overpowered me mentally and consumed my every thought and emotion.

"You ready, boy? " he asked, directly followed by "Let's go! And play with your dick while you're talking!".

The camera light went on and I crinched at the beep that signaled the start of the recording. Dutifully, I grabbed for my still rock solid dick and started stroking it. The first few stroked always brought me to close to the edge, so that I had to adjust the speed and slow it down. First moans escaped from my mouth and just for a short moment, I was competently zoned out. Beamed to another dimension where there was nothing but me, my brother, and this tremendous want and need that I felt for the one who would now be the grownup in my life.

I took one deep breath to force myself back into reality, opened my eyes to look straight into the cold light of the camera... and started talking.

"Sir... " I whimpered. "I know I'm your older brother and all... But I... I mean, you, Sir, are right... I've got no control over myself... Or my life... It's really like... Like... Dunno, like I'm just a little boy... Not a grownup... Sir, I see it now... You're right... All I am is a little kid who... I... Need a grownup like you, Sir... To take control of me n my life... To dominate me... In whatever way, Sir... Please... Please, Sir... I beg you... Please own me and make me your body... Please... Sir..."

I was still slowly stroking my dick, careful not to get myself over the edge, which was especially difficult since the plug that he had inserted into my ass hit my prostate every now and then. By now, I was oozing precum, completely taken out by the amount of weed that he had made me smoke, and broken by the shame of having said what I just had into his camera.

Eventually, he stopped the recording and put his phone away. Me, I was crying my heart out once again. When I looked up to him, in tears, he gave me a satisfied nod and gestured me to come closer. As soon as my face was close enough, he grabbed my head and forced it into his lap. My right cheek was pressed onto his thigh and my mouth and noise directly touched my nose and mouth. I felt some of his precum on my lips and took up the smell of his superior grownup crotch, which made me moan out with longing.

As soon as my mouth opened, Danny grabbed me by my hair and directed my face directly onto his boner. He put it into my mouth and kept his firm grip on my head to hold it still, so that all I could do to his dick was to suck on it like a baby.

"That's right. " he snarled. "Just suck on it, babyboy!." I have him a muffled moan in return and lay my head down on his thigh again, his cock not leaving my mouth, so that I could continue sucking on it and working it with my tongue. We lay like this for several minutes, and having him inside me had a soothing effect on me. My breathing slowed down, I stopped crying and I really loved the way his fingers gently went through my hair.

"You know, Chris..." He softly continued. "You'll get used to your new life in no time. I promise you, from now on, I will ALWAYS keep an eye on you. You won't ever have to make your own decisions again. I'll do my best to be the grownup you need."

With this, he leaned back to lie down on the couch and closed his eyes, obviously enjoying the feeling of his cock in my warm and wet mouth. I nibbled and sucked on it as good as I could. Still rock hard and additionally aroused by the friction of the plug that he had put into me, I was in a trance-like state, constantly slipping further down. His meat filing my mouth was everything in the world to me. I had wanted to taste him so bad, and now that I was allowed to, it felt so perfect, so right, so... at home!

We lay like this for several minutes. His dick pulsed inside my mouth and I tried my hardest to resist the temptation of jerking my own one. Partly because I didn't know if Danny would approve of me touching myself down there, but also because I was SO horny and aroused that I was scared to orgasm as soon as I wrapped my hand around my penis.

Then, finally, I felt his hand grabbing the back of my head. In a sudden and surprising movement, he buckled up his hips and forced my head into his crotch, causing his cock deeper into my mouth until it violated my throat muscle. My gagging reflex set in instantly, but he didn't seem to care about that. With almost brutal force, he slammed down into my mouth time and time again. I tried to break free, but his grip on my head hardened more and more, leaving me with no other option than submit to the face-fuck he gave me.

After only a short while, just when I slowly started to get used to this brutal violation of my mouth, I felt him shudder all over and finally shooting a massive load of his grownup cum down my throat. Then a second one.

"I'm INSIDE you now, boy... " He moaned, continously fucking my face until, after only a few seconds, he shot a third load into my mouth. " You're MINE now...!!!"

I got up from my new bed – the couch, that is – around ten o'clock the next morning. It was Saturday, and I didn't have to be at work until 6pm, so I clumsily stalked into the kitchen and got myself a coffee from the pad machine. Taking a seat at the kitchen table, I fumbled a cigarette and my lighter from the half empty package and inhaled deeply. Only then, I realized a note on the table – from Danny, of course – which read:


I'll be back in the afternoon.

Your babysitter will arrive around 11:30 am. Just in case: You're expected to do what he says and follow his orders!


P.S.: All your clothes are locked away in MY bedroom, so don't bother looking for them.

Slowly, after re-reading Danny's note twice, the words started to sink in. Obviously, all my clothes were locked away to keep me naked and bound to the apartment, and, furthermore, he had hired someone to keep an eye on me and keep me under control until he came back in the afternoon. A babysitter.

In my mind I recited my brother's words from the previous evening. In his eyes, I was nothing but an immature little child who needed a strong, grown up hand, someone who dominates and controls me. Someone, who totally strips me off my right to make my own decisions. Someone like him.

He had made himself very clear on that: I – a grown man of almost 22 years – was to be held and treated like a little child, because my younger brother was convinced that I needed to be handled like that. Quite bluntly, he had told me that – if I was honest – deep down inside I knew how right he was and how much I needed to be owned and patronized like the minor that I really was. The weird feeling from the previous night popped up inside me again. Was he right?

All those thoughts about me being an immature child – who obviously even needed a babysitter – had the strangest effect on me. A funny feeling slid up my throat and I my body started to shake right before the first tears left my eyes. Within seconds, I was nothing more than a crying and sobbing mess. The previous nights' events and revelations came back to me with the force of a wrecking ball and shattered me all over again. This was serious... HE was serious... And I... I was...

At first, I checked my - HIS - bedroom door. Closed. Then, I searched my apartment for any kind of clothing... A pair of briefs, a shirt, anything... But it was all locked away, just like he had written in his note. Instinctively, I grabbed my phone and dialed Jons number. It only rang twice before he picked up.

"What's up, man?" he cheered, obviously choking from a zip of coffee.

"Jon... " I sobbed."I need you to help me. Please...?"

I heard him drinking from his coffee again before he replied "Sure, man... What do you need me to do?"

After I told him to come get bring, bring a set of clothes and, most importantly, not ask any further questions, he promised to be at my apartment in about 15 minutes. I put down the phone, sat down on the couch and let myself fall back onto it.

'You're MINE now' I heard Dannys voice inside my head. 'I'll do my best to be the grownup you need'

I stated crying again... Partly because I still felt ashamed and humiliated, and partly because I was longing for my brother to be here with me now.

I let my hands slide up and down my hairless, naked body. Soon enough, the right one locked around my fully erect penis and started stroking it. Several moans escaped my mouth as all the lust and humiliation from the previous night overwhelmed me again.

My strokes were getting faster and harder, and u was damn close to cumming when suddenly, I heard the sharp ring of the doorbell. Fuck... That had to be Jon already...

Naked and boned as I was, I got up and went to open the door. Jon gave me a smug grin and looked me up and down like a piece of meat.

"Jon..." I stammered. "This is not what it..."

"You know, Chris..." He cut me off. "Actually, I hadn't planned on being here before eleven thirty..."

I froze in shock. Did he really say eleven thirty? Realization dawned on me but my mind still wouldn't believe the obvious.

"Jon... Does that mean, you're...?"

"Yes, little boy." he cut me off again. "I'm your babysitter for today."

... to be continued

Do you like this second part of my story? Want me to carry on with it? Then please let me know. I will be happy about each and every email (unless you tell me not to ^^). Just send your feedback, question, criticism, ect. to: ;) each and every email (unless you tell me not to ^^). Just send your feedback, question, criticism, ect. to: ;)

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