Immaculate conception; TG

By Jock McTafferty

Published on May 28, 2011



Looking around him, David wasn't really sure whether or not he should laugh and cry. He had come to this seance party with a mixture of scepticism and amusement, but upon viewing all of the serious faces around him (particularly Catherine's) he was starting to think that it wouldn't be the bundle of fun that he originally had in mind.

There were four of them present, all told. David. His girlfriend Catherine. His next door neighbour Robert. And his work colleague Kerry. All in all an ecletic bunch.

"Are we ready to start?" said Catherine, sitting at a round mahogany table in the centre of the room. The room itself was maybe 50 foot by 50 foot wide.

"Let me go get a drink first" said David.

"alright. What about you guys?" she said to Rob and Kerry

"We're good" they said. Well they should be, thought David, they'd already had the best part of two bottles of his rather expensive wine, and their slurred speech and wobbly walk as they sat down at the table.

David wandered into the average sized kitchen, went to a cupboard that was above a standard kitchen bench, sighed, and poured himself a big glass of red wine. Downing it, he quickly proceeded to pour another. If he was going to enjoy this, he thought, it was probably going to take him a great deal of alcohol.

He made his way back in to the living room, sat at the round table, and put his glass in front of him.

"You'll have to leave that" said Catherine as she set up the ouija board in the centre. "We need all the space we have here." The table was about two metres in diameter. David had played poker on smaller surfaces before, but he just nodded his assent, drank down the remainder of the glass, and put it carefully at the side of the room before returning to his seat.

"okay. Are we ready?"

"This is gonna be fun, huh!" said Kerry

"Hah. I can't wait to find it who I'm gonna lay next." said Robert, flushed "these things tell the future, right?"

"They can, but they're vague most of the time. Anyway, we have more important things to ask than that surely."

Kerry laughed and said "Anyway, I think I already know the answer!", grabbing Roberts leg and cocking her head with a wink, sending her reddish brown hair away from her freckled face. Robert just smiled.

"If you're quite done, we begin. Now, all join hands and close your eyes" said Catherine, with a smile.

The group joined their hands and closed their eyes. Catherine murmured something indecipherable to Davids ear, and they sat still for a minute.

"Is something supposed to be happening?" said Kerry

"Shhh!, just concentrate!"

They stopped and concentrated once more for a good few minutes. David was beginning to think to himself what an anticlimax this was, and then he... heard something. Distant. Strange. Opening one eye, he noticed the dial start to move around!

"what the hell!"

"Shhhh! Is there someone present?" said Catherine.

The dial swung to 'yes'

Audible gasps came from the assembled, except for Catherine, who were now staring fixedly at the dial. David felt his hand clenched at the right hand side by Kerry, Catherine was on his left.

"Welcome. I am Catherine, this is Kerry, David, and Robert. We have called you here to ask you questions. Is that okay?"

The dial swung to 'yes'.

"Good. Now, I have a few questions relating to our past to show my friends your power. Who was Roberts first love?"

The dial swung to "B", then to "E", then to "C", then to "K".- "How can it know? How can it know about Becky?"

The dial stopped

"Thank you. Will you answer questions that my friends ask you?"

The dial swung to 'yes'

"Go ahead then, Bobby, Kerry, David."

Kerry stopped and thought. "When I was 19, Sammy broke up with me. He said it was because he was didn't think it would work out, him being at college and all. Was that true?"

The dial swung to 'no'

"Why then?"

The dial swung to "c-h-e-a-t-i-n-g-w-a-m-a-n-d-a"

"NO! Amanda! She was my best friend! She... NO!"

The dial swung to 'yes'

Kerry started to exhale sharply, tears welling up "No... I don't know if I like this game anymore. I don't know if I want to know..."

Catherine sighed and said "you asked the question. You can't complain about the answer."

"I don't care, don't want to ask it anything else... lets just stop this"

"NO" shouted Catherine. "I mean, please, no. There's something I have to know. Whoever you are, tell me. Will David and I ever have children?"

The dial did not move.

"Will I ever have children?"

The dial swung to 'no'

"But David will?"

The dial did not move.

"That's not fair! I want to know!"

The dial swung to 'maybe'.

I said, "Wait, how can you not know? Surely it's a yes or no answer?"

The dial did not move.

"Look, I WANT children! Will I have children?"

The dial did not move. Then suddenly, and extremely quickly, it swung around "A-R-E-Y-O-U-A-N-D-C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E-P-R-E-P-A-R-E-D-T-O-D-O-A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G-?"

David looked at Catherine. She looked back. She whispered... "Yes" David nodded and hushed, also... "Yes"

The dial swung to "S-W-E-A-R-O-N-A-L-L-S-O-U-L-S-?"

They nodded together again and said "We swear on all our souls!"

The dial did not move. Then a strange sound came from it. A rumbling almost. David let go of Catherine and Kerry's hands and stood up, wanting to leave now, and tried to turn to go - but he found himself immobilised! Gritting his teeth, he tried desperately to talk, but nothing came out. He was stuck! His hands fell to his side, he faced the table, and all he could do was watch.

The rumbling stopped, and the pointer in the centre of the board swung to Catherine. She stood up, serenely. Kerry and Robert were also standing, immobilised, David presumed, as he watched, the drink starting to take effect but not enough to douse the terror he was beginning to feel. Catherine left the room, with the three standing watching the table. After a minute, David heard a rattling, and then Catherine returned with a kitchen knife. She walked up to him, passed him...

... and jamming the knife in to Kerry's heart! Wrenching it out, she left Kerry to fall on to the table, an expression of shock and pain etched on her dying face. Shuffling around to Robert, all David could see in his face was the eyes- the eyes betraying the sheer horror that he must be feeling, as Cathering walked behind him once more...

... and jammed the knife in once more. Robert, also, slumped on to the table. Catherine stopped and looked at David. She held the knife in front of her, and her eyes locked on his. she mouthed "No".... looked at David. He could not even muster the strength to twitch and eyelid... "Sorry" she mouthed, before jamming the knife in to her own beating heart this time, her corpse joining the two she had created before.

David was left on his own, still immobile, when he heard the rumbling increase and increase more and yet more. The table seemed to 'fall' in to the carpet, taking the bloody corpses and everythin else with it - the carpet was alive with dancing lights, reddish-hued and bright. David wanted to turn away but could not. And then... something started to come. A face. No, something else. It had horns... a red face with horns. A devil! First, the horns arose. Then the head. Then the neck. Then the body.... then its legs. Naked but for a loincloth, and serene, the devil towered above him, seven foot of muscle, hands taloned at the end, with a forked tongue and a devils tail.

"Your wish shall be granted, young man. As shall hers. Blood was the price for blood, and life, for life. As the son of god's mother gave birth through immaculate conception, so you shall give birth through the most sordid of ways. As the father was god, so shall I be a father."

It licked its lips with its forked tongue, and then snapped its fingers. Something materialised before David, the molecules of the corpses before him reforming in to something now... a dress. A black dress! It floated over to Davids outstretched arms, and he caught it without thinking. Something else appeared... lingerie. Stockings. A bra, D-cup. All black. They all floated over to him and he bundled them all together in his hands. Now, some shoes appeared... dark black 1 inch heels. They floated over to him, and without wanting to or thinking about it, he began to put them all on. He still had feeling about his body, though he could not control himself, so he felt the tightness as he robotically placed them about himself, naturally.

Then... something strange began to happen. Pain.

It felt like his body was on fire. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, it was worse than anything he had ever felt... the world seemed to grow larger around him. No, he was shrinking! His bones... he could FEEL them contracting, growing thinner. Then... his face changed. He knew it was so. His cheek muscles, his neck (the Adams apple had retreated fully into his neck!)... his legs and feet. As he shrunk, so too did the dress begin to fit. Something was filling the bra.. he was growing breasts! Between his legs... oh no. Everything was altering even there. And his hair cascaded now, in front of his face, black, and curly, almost Italian.

The devil laughed, a booming laugh.

"I have done well, and look at you! You did not have to be comely. That is just a fortunate coincidence. But I think this will do."

The devil walked over to David, and removed its loincloth, the massive 12 inch member of the demon now fully visible. David had recovered some of his mobility now with the transformation, but before he could think of what to do, or even run, the devil had caught him with extremely strong arms, and reversed him around, holding him by the waist. David knew his strength would have been no match for this thing even as the male form, but now, it was utterly pointless even if he had the courage to resist, which he did not.

"I shall enjoy this. No sooner have I dressed you than I now undress you. Such is the way of power." the devil pulled down Davids black skirt and underwear. "A little housekeeping first." David winced as he felt the talons scratch down around his crotch... the devil was removing all traces of hair. After a minute, it was done. "Yes..." the devil purred, as it pulled its member up to Davids inner thigh.

David braced himself, his mind a cacophony of horrors, and bewilderment at what was happening here.

"N-n-n... ohh..." the devil inserted its member softly into David's newly formed vagina, and David felt the 'pushing' at his new walls. He groaned and winced as his hymen was broken by the massive member, feeling real pain now "unnnnnnnnnh" he called, as the demon took him from behind like a dog, his breasts bouncing now. "" he called as it continued its multiple thrusts, not ungently, without urgency, being engulfed wholly and yet not pressing within the newly formed femininity.

"I don't understan.... uhh..." he, now she, exclaimed as the thrusting hastened a little. "You do not have to, I simply have to break you in. You cannot remain virgin. I think it is time to fully show you the 'extent' of the situation!' it laughed, as it turned her around by her shoulders with its powerful arms and regarded her at arms length. Glorious, black tresses and curls fell from her head, a full, rosy face (looking naturally flushed at that moment in time), clear gray eyes with no bloodshot aspects; long eyelashes playing at their upper edges, full lips lusciously put together, close and unspoiled by lipstick, perfect skin, pale, contrasting with the Italian aspects of her hair, English blossom. Her body that of Venus, large and bountiful bosumed, without a blemish, thin arms, totally hairless all about her person, but with powerful and wide legs. A true hourglass figure.

The devil knew that nothing could now prevent the events that had been set in motion, that had been ordained from the beginning. This was his time. He pulled her fully toward his body, then easily raised her above him and in front of his face, which still remained frozen beautifully in shock. He then pulled her down on to his full size, pushing into her and engorging his penis in its entirety. She now came to, and screamed a little, both in shock and in nature. This was the way it must be.

As she was pulled on to him a second time, it did not feel quite as horrendous as the first. David could do nothing to prevent this insanity, but at the least, the pain was beginning to lessen. The devil pressed on, and again, David squealed a little, but it was now a reaction as opposed to anything else. The penis felt stranger and more invasive than anything he had felt, as did the pendulous motion of his new breasts as they rose up and down in time with each thrust. The sounds below were getting louder, each grunt a little longer and forciful sounding, the wet noises from the fucking beginning to become more prevalent...

A moan escaped Davids lips as the pain now subsided completely, and something else, a more powerful feeling than any he had even known, started to take precedence. He could not stop nature taking its course, and the full length of the great creature was fulfilling something primordial within. A few thrusts later, it had risen to an almighty crescendo, and she was beginning to force herself down further to engorge herself more fully, without thinking, to better keep these feelings going... but then, without warning, A FLASH.

It was gone.

She was alone, and naked now. David surveyed the remains of the room. He could not stay here. He had to get out. He grabbed the only clothes nearby without thinking... his own had been eviscerated. He pulled on and up a basque, feeling heat come to his face with embarrassed shame, but he quickly allowed himself to get over it, he could not stay in this place of unwholesomeness for even a moment longer. He put on a black skirt and black top, and jumper, and attempted to put on his old shoes which now did not remotely fit. He availed himself of those, instead taking up Catherines which were of a size with his nw feet, and near ran out of the door of the flat. Down the stairs he went, the clacks of the heels echoing loudly against the walls and back to his eardrums, his hair getting in the way with every bounce, as well as the new forms at his front.

He unbolted the door at the bottom of the stairs to the block of flats and walk-ran out into the fresh, cool night air. He took great gulps of the air down breath by breath, unnervingly aware of the feminine sounds now escaping his lips with each breath. This body was built for one purpose, he thought, but I cannot let that happen again. I have to find help, he thought.

And there was only one place in the world he could think of to go to.

The one place that could dedicate itself to such matters. He could only hope that they believed him when he got to the church. They would have to. The explanation could wait though, for now, he had to locate such a venue.

In the distance he could just about make out a spire over the tops of some council buildings nearby, despite the time being of dusk. A spot of fortune at last. He made for it as best he could with the heels on, winding his way through alleyways and along eerily quiet urban roads. The odd car did pass him by, and he did his best to avoid their presences, as if another human being seeing him like this could validate the horror.

Eventually he made it to the front gates of the church... but did not manage to escape attention. Indeed, a homeless group of people seemed to be hanging around at a bus stop on the opposite side of the road, and were peering at him intently. He knocked on the door, then turned to watch them closely. They had started to cross the road... slowly. A group of six of them, four male, two female, all shabbily dressed, looking diseased and depraved. "Come on, open up. HURRY". The tramps started to speed up, and the lead one emitted an almost feral noise, as he got within 30 metres of David. He slammed on the door now "PLEASE, GOD, OPEN UP, OPEN! LET ME IN!" 20 metres away now, and they were flat out running at her, FOR her.

"ssrrrrrSssSSSSrrr!" the lead one hissed as he got closer...

The church door opened, she barged her way nearly falling in, and bolted the door behind her, at which point David DID lose his footing, and looked up.

To see a most welcoming face. Young, for a priest, black hair, no wrinkles at all, with perfect skin and a closed mouthed expression around his small nose and hazel eyes.

"What is the problem, my child?"

"My child? I'm 30 years old! Older than you"

He looked at her dubiously

"Of course you are. You appear no older than 18 to my eyes, but makeup can be deceiving. Tell me what has happened to you."

She explained it all, everything, as best as she could, excluding the scene with the devil.

"I will take this up with my superiors, my child. For now, you can stay at my home. It is not much, but it will serve as sanctuary for you for now, in these tying times."

David burst out crying and threw his arms around the priest...


David was awoken from his slumber, still fully clothed, in the small hours of the morning. 3am it said on the digital clock by the priests king size bed.

"I have spoken to my superiors, from Rome. They believe that I should try some manner of exorcism on you, to beget you your true form. If you do not mind, I shall proceed?"

"Yes. YES. Do it. Do whatever they say, just get me back to normal!"

"Very well. I begin then..."

The priest began some latin incantations, David could not follow any of them. He watched the priests eyes close, then closed his own... he could feel it. He could feel himself, his soul, stirring now, with the words.

"It's working! You're doing it! YES!"

He broke off his chanting.

"Damnation, girl, don't interrupt my concentration! Now, where was I..."

David opened his eyes, he could now see his normal body below! He was still the same height, but it was a matter of time now! He felt himself go completely rigid, and his cock regrow from below outwards.

The priest reached forward now with both hands to Davids now slightly bulkier shoulders and turned David around, his latin incantations getting louder now. David closed his eyes, facing the wall, still feeling tremulous changes. The priest bent David over forwards, holding on to his hips... and pulled the skirt slightly down. David was still rigid, unable to move. What's he doing? The priest pulled the basque a little down, and a gust of air suddenly fell over what could only be Davids pussy. She silently screamed, unable to move her lips, but her eyes opened, as she felt the nub of a penis start to touch the edges of his now really wet femininity. The priests penis felt huge as he now moved it along her buttocks, which were still curved, if not more so, and then came down...

"N... no" he mouthed, looking over his shoulder with pleading eyes.

"Yes." he brought the penis down and had it once more at her entrance. The pleasure was unbelievable.

"Uhh..." she moaned

"Yes, yes, yes." he said. And plunged himself fully into her, penetrating her. The shock was astonishing, but it was not altogether painful. The basque slid down further, her skirt pulled up over her back.

"As the christ was of woman born, so shall the antichrist be of man. As she was a virgin, you are debased in the most unholy of ways. Accept this. My name is Joseph."

She caught sight of a mirror at the side of the bed. She could see herself now, the skirt in the air, the basque lowered, the priest pushing his penis in over and over. Her, a beautiful black haired English rose, with flushed cheeks, curved hips, a beautiful tangle of hair dangling down, her pussy pristine in appearance.

Wet sloppy noises came from her behind as she was penetrated again and again. The pleasure was unbelievable. Her breasts were back now, and bigger, swaying gently forward and back, but they were not pillowy, but hard. Her hair cascaded below. Still, she looked back at the priest as he fucked her, her eyes bulging with pleasure, pain, shame, and ecstacy all in one gaze. She still shook her head, but the moans that escaped her lips betrayed her entirely.

"unnn....unnnnnnnnnnnnnhhh" she panted, as she was fucked again, the length of penis ensconced fully within her. He stopped penetrating her now and began to rub it along her clitoris, the pleasure was ridiculous in its intensity. He continued this for a few minutes, then spoke once more.

"As I am Joseph, so shall you be Mary. We shall have three fools attend us soon, and they shall be given gifts of pain, pestilence, and death. By you and I."

He turned her around now, and lay back himself on the bed, with her back to him still, but no longer in the doggie position. He ripped off her skirt, and basque, and began to pile into her once more from behind with him lay on his side along with her.

"Unnnnnnnn.... we... lose!" she panted

He just shrugged and fucked continually, getting faster now. To David's shame, the smells now surrounding the room of his musky scent along with sex were only turning him further and further on, as she got pounded by the priest. Her eyes rolled back in her head, she was nearly going to come, no, this can't be allowed to happen, this can't... have to stop it have to stop it ha-....

"Oh god... oh god YES... "she started to shout with pleasure as she was penetrated over and over, her now sliding into him with ease, no longer a one way motion.

"Yes, yes, yes YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" she shouted as she came, at the same time as the priest, the orgasm incredible. The noises the priest made were brutal, and masculine, and finally, his pace slowed.

"It is done. And we shall have many a time like this, Mary, my rose. You will be pregnant now, of course. Nothing could prevent that. But do not despair. There are advantages to being the chosen harbinger of the end. Rejoice. We shall not want for anything in our lives, or our afterlives. It is better to sit on the right hand of the devil, than to serve god. Watch."

He pulled her off. She was free to move now, once more. She gazed at the priest, still panting somewhat. She grabbed the priest by both of his shoulders...

... and pushed him on to his back on the bed. She knelt astride him now, on his stomach.

"I... I don't want this."

"You do".

"I ... no... but... I can't" the feelings were outwith Mary's control.

She guided his penis into her once more, and rode him, pushing him into her deeper every time, she could feel it now, the magic... her pussy was tight against his large member, and she screamed with pleasure as she rode him over and over and over.


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