Im Yours

Published on Dec 28, 2011



Author's Note:

One Direction are a British boy band who was formed a year ago on the X Factor. They finished third. The band's members are Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. This is a fanfiction and I suggest you try finding out more about the guys if you don't know who they are, before reading this. Also, this is a fictional story that does not intend to say anything about the characters' sexuality and private lives in reality. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language. I wish to keep all rights on this story. If you want to reproduce any part of it, you must contact me for permission. Please, do understand that I put a lot of effort in this. For any comments and suggestions:

Thank you!


I honestly don't see my stay at the hospital as a bad experience. I got the chance to chill thoroughly. I got to watch TV all day, sleep all day, have long pointless conversation with the lads, sleep again, get fed through a tube, sleep, watch movies and cuddle with Niall.

Well, there were the bad sides too, of course. The ripping pain, my suddenly weak bladder. The walks back and forth across the room Zayn made me do. Some of the nurses had this subtle smell of something like..eggs, something raw and warm and awful, about them and by Monday I figured out that if I didn't change my shirts twice a day, I started getting that stench about me too. None of the guys could smell it, I specifically asked them, but it was this horrible smell of hospital food, old burned bread and eggs, undercooked cooked eggs. The thought of it sickens me to this day, honest. 

Monday morning I was woken up at 6 to get my medications changed and stuff, to have my temperature taken, drink some water, pee in the commode under the covers while Niall fumbled around, trying to make it less awkward for me. When we were done with all the procedures, I prepared to get back to sleep but then I noticed there was suddenly another bed in the room, one just like mine. 

"How the hell did that get here?" I mumbled.

"I asked for it to be brought in, I can't sleep in a chair." he said and threw the blanket over himsellf. "Goin back to sleep?"

"Yup. Sweet dreams." 

Niall stayed with me throughout the morning. He'd changed his tshirt to a looser one, and I couldn't see that much of his gorgeous body anymore, but his hair was still a beautiful mess and his smile was as dazzling as ever. I finally decided to turn on my phone. I kind of regretted it when the texts started pouring, but I did my best to reply to everyone's good wishes and concerns. There was one from Danielle too and I decided to call her, we hadn't talked in a long time. We're still good friends, our relationship ended because towards the end of our time together we both found that we were more of friends. We broke things off with a smile, we agreed it's best to let each other explore new opportunities but always be there for each other. I threw a few sidelong glances at Niall while on the phone with her to see if he seemed in anyway jealous or bothered by it, but nope, who am I kidding hehe. 

And then I got to Dave's text.

"Hey, heard about what happened, hope you'll be fine soon, Dave"

Well, alright. Simple, not demanding attention. Good. Good. I smiled to myself. I looked at Niall, all cute, sitting in his chair watching TV. He smiled at me. I sighed. I replied to Dave's text, saying that we may have to postpone our...hang out. Things don't seem cheesy when you're the one whose heart is breaking. 

My..I mean, Niall...well, it's good to think of his as `my boy'. Maybe that's the one thing I can keep, the one thing I won't give up on. 

My boy helped me shave after that. He put a towel around my neck, got a cup of warm water for me and held a small mirror in front of my face while I clumsily returned my face to its usual smooth form. 

"What's with the...?" he pointed to the little shaving foam right under my bottom lip. 

"I'm trying out something new." I wiped the foam with the towel. Niall did a double take, his eyes stopping on the tiny patch of still short hair on my chin, and then lightly bit his lip.

Damn it Niall, stop. 

A little after 1 Zayn and Harry arrived, carrying at least ten wonderful balloons in every color. The guys at the hospital had been instructed to send everything I receive to our house, so that they don't disturb me. The boys said my apartment is one helluva messy place. 

I learned another interesting and a little puzzling thing that afternoon. When Niall went down to the cafe to get himself something for lunch, I wanted to call him to tell him to get me another bottle of iced tea. So I rang him up, and with the first beep in my ear a very familiar tune filled the room. Niall had left his phone in the room. See, the thing is that his ringtone has been Mumford & Sons' "Little Lion Man" for the past three months, and now suddenly it was "Teenage Dream". Or is that just for when I call him?

My beautiful leprechaun headed home a little later, after giving me a light hug and kiss on the cheek, and said he'd come back in the evening with Martha or someone else from the management, so we can discuss the band's schedule for the next month or so. Zayn then had an epiphany. I need to start moving around, you see, so I can recover faster. 

I had my arm over his shoulder as I made the first few uncertain steps out of bed. My legs felt quite wobbly. After the first two wall to wall rounds, he laid on the other bed, put his hands behind his back and left me to do three more. Dat bastard. You know how I am, I'm not usually the one to give up. But damn, that was exhausting. Not only did my legs start hurting like hell, but at some point it was also a little hard to breathe. Creepy sensation. 

After I had taken a long...warm...satisfying nap...ZAYN MADE ME DO A FULL ROUND OF THE WHOLE DAMN CORRIDOR OUSTIDE MY ROOM. I swear, I'm going ot steall all his shavers and razors and when he grows enough of a beard, I'll sell him to the zoo. I mean, he'd make a sexy exhibit, right?

I didn't do the little walk alone. Harry supported me through the quiet corridor with the dark yellow linoleum floor and blue walls. I enjoyed feeling his bony shoulders under my arm, his fresh cologne tickled my nostrills. 

I changed the wording of the question at least a dozen times in my mind before it sounded reasonably okay.

"Harry," I began as I dragged my feet (in my warm brown slippers), "tell me about you and Louis. What's the whole deal..."

I smiled a bit apologetically at him, my face flushing. He wasn't much better. His head snapped in my direction, eyes wide with horror. I quickly tried fixing things.

"I'm just asking, that's all. You have the choice not to tell me, if you don't want to, that's fine. I was just wondering, you seem to be even closer than usual lately, that's all."

He looked at his feet. I looked down at mine, noticing a particular spot on the linoleum where the figures seemed to form the shape of a sea diver. He was quiet until we reached the end of the corridor.

"We...both have girlfriends, you know that. I have Jess, he has Eleanor. But. Well, he always seems so confident about the whole thing. But I just don't know." quite honestly, I've never seen Harry this...small, lost, "I love him as a brother, that's for sure. And perhaps there's something a little more,'s not that big. I love being with him, you know that. He's the best. We've also...done things. And it's been great. But sometimes I just don't know. I feel like things are slipping out of control, but I am also content with the way everything is. I don't want to take it further. He's a brother, more than a brother, and that's how it should be."

We had almost come to a halt. Harry was biting on the inside of his cheek. I rubbed his shoulder. 

"You said it yourself, you are close enough to figure things out. You can talk to him about anything." I said, and even tried a reassuring smile. 

He looked at me and allowed a few dimples to form around his mouth. I could tell he wasn't entirely convinced, but decided to drop it. They would be fine, Lou knows how to handle things. 

Niall brought Martha and Louis later that night. We discussed issues such as my recovery, the few songs we had to record soon and the trip to Spain. The interviews we had to do were pushed back, of course, but not by much since I was getting discharged on Wednesday. I'd need to rest at home for the rest of the week, but after that I'd be just fine. This meant that our interviews were all pushed in the last week of June. We settled on one of the first days of July for the trip to Spain. Martha wasn't too keen on the idea of us staying there for more than two weeks, but we convinced her that after all that hard work we deserve a little time for ourselves. 


"Wanna watch a movie or are we just gonna chill?" Zayn asked, closing the door behind the guys. 

"I'm a little sleepy." I fiddled with my chest hair, "Turn on the TV."

He reached for the remote and his tshirt stretched over his muscles. Calmly climbing into the other bed, he wore that half bored, but somehow thoughtful expression. I took note of his light stubble and his perfect eyelashes. He leaned on his elbow while changing the channels. Strangely, his position seemed so...manly, it had this infinite perfection to it. I don't even know how to describe it. 

I bit on my lip. I watched the old comedy Zayn had settled on for a bit, then threw him a glance, then watched the movie again.

"Zayn" I said calmly.

"Mm?" he turned to look at me.

"I'm horny."

He gave me a surprised, but amused look.

"Doesn't bother me." he laughed. I stared at him in mock exasperation.

We both turned our attention back to the movie. Robin Williams was just changing into his old fat nanny costume. 

"When did you jack off last?" Zayn asked without looking at me. 

"Wednesday or Thursday, I think..."

"Meh. It's not that long ago, you can wait till you get home."

"I don't know, man, I usually wank every three days, I don't wanna get blue balls."

We both knew that's bullshit, and I honestly had no idea where I was going with the whole thing. Thankfully, Mr. Malik knows how to handle things. 

"I can help you to the bathroom, or I'll bring a towel here and take a walk outside, if you want me to." he suggested.

"If I do it in the bathroom, I will have to be standing and I'll get tired too quickly. So it's probably better to-"

"Oohh, right, I didn't think of that. No, no, you aren't doing anything, you'll hurt yourself." he jumped off the bed. "I'll do it for you."

He..oookay. Things are getting serious and I'm not sure if this is what I wanted. 

He rummaged through the pockets of his jacket with a determined expression.

"Dude...what do you mean you'll do it for me? Come on..."

"I'll help you get off, that's what I mean." he came to my bed with a small long tube in his hands.


"Like, I'll give you handjob. Come on."

I gaped at him. He noticed my expression and his face twisted in an adorable sheepish smile.

"What? Just a handjob, I promise."

My face softened. I let my eyes dart over his lean body, then back to his expectant eyes and crazy hot expresion.

"No funny business?"

He laughed and his laugh send a jolt to my groin.

"No funny business, I promise." 

He placed the tube on the drawer. He lifted the covers off my body and was just getting ready to start unbutooning my shirt, when I stopped him.

"Wait, wait! What's the time? The nurse could come in anytime."

He checked his phone.

"It's 10:30, she already did her last round."

"Is the door closed?"

"Yeah. I can turn off the light if you'd be more comfortable, we'll just leave the TV on." he suggested.

"That's fine."

"What's that for?" I pointed to the tube.

"It's lube. I always keep a small tube somewhere on me just in case."

"I'm uncut, I don't need lube. I've tried using some before, it doesn't make a difference."

"I know you're uncut, just trust me, okay?"  I can't say no to such a stud.

He unbuttoned my shirt, but didn't have me take it off. I was getting harder by the second, just from the way he bit on his lip, the way he looked at my bare chest. He tugged on my pants and revealed my more than semi hard dick. Leaving the pants at my knees, he climbed up on the bed and straddled my right leg. The hot skin of his muscled legs touched mine, his package rested on my thigh. 

"I want you to relax, every muscle of your body. Just close your eyes and enjoy. And trust me." he said in a low but soothing voice. 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Without looking, I felt for the remote that regulated my bed and lowered the upper half. I felt exposed and vulnerable, but there was a great tremulous excitement to it fueled by the the feeling that I was the object of someone's full sexual attention. 

Zayn's warm, slightly rough hands slid up and down my torso. He rubbed my chest and my legs, careful not to touch nowhere close to the wound, and my manhood rose a little more from the jolt that ran through my body every time he flicked his fingers around my nipples. I felt his hands returning to my groin. Suddenly they both enveloped my dick, one holding to the base, the other twisting over the exposed head. My eyes shot open with a moan. 
He was biting his lip, looking down at his hands moving with slow, calm determination. A small, lustful smile came upon his lips when he noticed my expression. I did not close my eyes again. Zayn kept one hand at the base of my prick, gently rubbing while he reached for the lube. He squeezed out only a small amount of the gel, but it was enough to make my whole dick slick, waiting for his skilled hands to get back to pleasuring me.

And they did. He used only one hand first, then used the other one to rub on the glans and I was in Heaven, panting, biting my lips, forcing my head into the pillow. He tugged, twisted his hands around it, fast, faster, then suddenly slow, taking me to the verge of a climax and abruptly snatching me from the amazing sensations, then going back to sliding his fist on it, the veins on hands showing.

Waves of immense pleasure wouldn't stop flowing through my body, head to toe, one after another, never stopping, becoming almost torturous as the cum churned in my balls and the need for a release grew to unbelievable levels. I haven't felt this good in ages, I swear. I kept watching Zayn's concentrated expression as he worked on my dick almost professionally, yet sensually, and I definitely didn't fail to notice the rock hard lump pressing into my leg. Every time I closed my eyes the image of a naked blond god appeared before my eyes, and when I opened them another god replaced him. The intoxicating scent of his perfume hung all around me. By the time Zayn started tugging, squeezing on my balls I was in a state of absolute bliss, sweating profusely, grunting and tossing my head.

Finally, finally, finally he seemed to recognize the desperate need in my eyes and picked up his pace, sliding the skin over the crown, rubbing the incredibly sensitive spot right under the head and mashing my balls in his hand. And finally I felt the familiar signs foreshadowing the moment of supreme bliss. I thrust my pelvis up, trying to ignore the ripping pain around the wound, let my face take the expression of utter, almost painful ecstasy, my mouth hanging open, eyes squeezed shut tightly. A pained, uncontrolled moan escaped my throat and there it was, my dick erupted, four or five thick jets of hot white liquid shot up onto my stomach. 

Zayn milked the last few drops out of my member while I kept my eyes shut, struggling to breathe again. He got off me and went into the bathroom smiling. I slowly got my breathing to become regular again. The black haired stud came back with a small washcloth.

"How was that?" he smiled while wiping the sperm off my chest. 

I opened my mouth to say something, but just left it hanging open and shook my head - there are no words that can describe how fucking marvelous what Zayn did to me was. He laughed his sexy laugh.

"I'm glad to see you liked it. Go to sleep. I'm just gonna..." he pointed to the bathroom. 

I buttoned my shirt looking after his happy smile. He was already forgiven for making me walk the corridor.

Tuesday was okay. I faced a few dozen more phone calls, probably half of them from Mom. Dr Clarke said things were going great and that Wednesday would be the day of my leave. 

I spent the day with Zayn and Lou who played Monopoly while I cruised the corridor outside my room. I watched TV, read for a bit and then took a nice nap. My sweet leprechaun arrived in the late afternoon. 

My last night at the hospital was spent peacefully reading, occassionaly thinking about last night, and then cuddling (or what I'd like to pretend was cuddling) with Niall while watching Ice Age 4.

Next: Chapter 9

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