Im Straight

By Tom Stone

Published on Apr 14, 2007


I'm Straight. (Interracial oral anal) Part 4

Title: I can't believe this is happening to me, I'm Straight. (Interracial oral anal)

This is part 4 of my first story submission to Nifty.

Thank you all for the feedback - I appreciate the encouragement and inspiration. Keep It Coming!

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Thanks - Tom Write me -

If you are underage to read this, don't. Know your local laws, don't read this if it is illegal. This is a story - not real-life. Safe sex is not used in this story, but you should use it in your life.

<><> This is how part 3 ended <><>

I am in the showers for another 5 minutes trying to get my body back into working order - out of shock. I'm finally able to hobble my way back to the locker room, and get changed. I am walking a little slow, I can feel my asshole is a little damp I am cinching tightly trying to hold as much of Trey's precious seed in me, for as long as can.

As I am crossing the parking lot I see Trey is sitting in his car he waves me over. He is smiling a devious, kid-in-a-candy-store smile. Wordlessly I approach. He is cavalier.

"Shelia ain't around anymore..." he says emotionlessly referring to the girlfriend that left him because in his words, she couldn't suck his cock the way he liked her too. "So, I need a replacement." He is looking me in the eyes. He is spelling out in no uncertain terms what that means for me.

"Stop by my place after work for a beer." He turns the key, starts his car, and drives away.

<><><><><><><><><> I'm Straight - Part 4

There was not a moment in the day that I thought about doing anything besides what Trey had asked. I had to call Michelle, by beautiful girlfriend and cancel our plans for the night. It was just dinner together. But she understood, when I told her the truth... "Trey and Shelia broke up and he needs me to be there for him" I used chick talk - it makes them think you are sensitive.

I was so distracted at work, and just thinking about going to Trey's that afternoon and what he had planned had me getting erections throughout the day. The fact that his semen was trying to leak out of my rectum didn't help me to focus much on my work either.

A half-hour before I left work I gave Trey a call on his cel. I asked him if he needed me to bring anything. He told me to pick up some beer, he had ordered some Chinese delivery, so we wouldn't have to worry about taking any breaks in the action. With those words, I swear my asshole literally palpitated.

On the drive to Trey's house I thought about what a disgusting faggot I had become. It boggled my mind, no where in my history, had I so much had thought about a guys dick like I thought about Trey's - what power did he have over me, what was making me want to be his bitch, his hole. What was making me want to be below Trey as he was fucking the living shit out of me? Why was I so willingly and excitedly hurrying off to Trey's house to be used like his bitch?

When I got to Trey's house an hour later, he was just coming home from a run... he was shirtless, and his glistening cut body gave me an instant hard-on. And there was my answer, in the flesh. All the thinking about Trey on the way over, I had a hard-on, and seeing him here, shirtless, glistening aroused me all that much more.

"Hey perfect timing" He smiled easily, "It's like we're so on the same page..." now stopping and looking me deep in the eyes, "... in tune with each other, or something."

I thought to myself as I flushed with his words, "what a romantic thing to say."

Romantic. That's gay. I am getting a full body arousal from Trey saying we are "in tune" with each other. But, I'm straight. I love Michele, I love to have sex with her, the way her eyes roll back and the way she squeezes the sheets in her hands when she is orgasming.

The spell is broken, when Trey notices the full hard-on in my pants and makes the comment, "damn boy, you can't wait to get on this, can you faggot?" he gives his cock a good squeeze through his shorts. I blush, we are still on the street in front of his house... a neighbor could see, someone could hear...

Trey just laughs a comfortable laugh when he sees me blush, "come on, let's get inside," With a friendly slap on the back. As we are walking up the walk he is a pace ahead of me now. I can smell Trey. He is pretty sweaty, and has worked up a heady scent from his day and from the 45-minute run he just took.

As Trey turns his key and walks through the door he says to me, "Take of your jacket, grab us two beers, put the rest in the refrigerator and then get over here and lick the sweat off my balls.."

I am a little startled by his lack of subtlety, but I do as he tells me. I don't question. I am getting to learn my place.

When I return to the couch, he has removed his shorts and underwear; they are casually tossed to the side of him on the couch. I hand him his beer, I set mine down on the coffee table.

I start to remove my tie. "No" he says, "leave your shirt and tie on." I pause, a little confused... "Bitch, lick my fucking balls!" He barks abruptly.

I go to my knees in front of Trey, I am immediately hit with his ripe, sweaty smell (stench, stink?). It is repulsive, and yet... there is something very animal, very masculine... like the smell of a locker room full of athletes. The scent of virility, the scent of manly brio. I have smelled wafting whiffs of it on my own body on my fingers after I pee at the gym, and now here it is an inch before my nose, at it's source and I am drawing grand, deep huffs of it.

I notice now, that Trey is watching me, as I drink in his sweaty ball scent. His face says it all, but his words make sure we are both aware. "You are such a faggot! You have become a cock hungry faggot bitch." He says with disgust... and yet... he has made me this way and there is a tinge of pride in his voice.

He slaps me. Abrupt, sudden, stinging. "you're not here to sniff them, you are here to clean them, now get to it." He says, grabbing my head in both hands drawing my face to his lap, and to my first taste of ball sweat. His legs spread wide now, he is guiding me deep, I am licking his balls, the space between his balls and legs, below his balls, the base of his cock.

He lifts his legs and jams my head down to his ass, and I almost retch, he wants me to lick his ass I think, I am learning not to say no, I resist a little and he literally jams my head with both hands into the crevice of his ass. I am licking. The taste is different, spicy, hard to describe, and I am feeling pretty degraded and humiliated, when the door bell rings.

Not missing a beat, Trey stands shoving me backwards, I tumble to the floor. I am looking at a very aroused Trey standing over me, "It's the food," he explains, "get the door, pay for the food, put it on the coffee table, then come into the bedroom, we'll get to the food in a awhile."

I do as he says. The Chinese food delivery guy looks at me funny, I realize as I pass a mirror in the hallway, I am looking all the whore I am, disheveled, hair mussed, spittle covering my face, and even some stray pubes plastered to my cheek.

I guess I take to long and Trey is soon commanding me to hurry my white-whore-ass up.

He is standing next to the bed. Trey instructs me "Lay down on the bed face up, head off the end of the bed. It's time we open up that throat of yours bitch."

I am very scared now. It is one thing taking that huge monster slab of meat up my ass. When he fucks me I can tune out a little if the pain gets too much. I can go somewhere else if I need to as he is hammering away at my ass. But now he is going to be fucking my face, I realize there will be no tuning out, there will be no dissociation, it is going to be my head, my throat, my face my skull he is going to fuck now.

I am very afraid now. "Trey... I..." I begin to say, trying to find the words that will get me out of this, but Trey is on me... fast.

He grabs the front of my shirt and literally throws me, flipping me to the bed in the position he had told me he wanted me. My fear is palpable, my erection gone, this is not going to be pleasant at all, Trey is mad. Trey is horny. Trey knows I can do nothing to resist him, it's not Like I can go to the authorities and cry assault, or... or... rape. So he is gonna rape me. And he is going to be as rough as he damn well wants to be.

My erection is gone; Trey's is harder than it has ever been. I am lying, face up, my head off the end of the bed, Trey's massive donkey dong is inches from my mouth, my mouth is open and ready, waiting for the onslaught. I know it will be worse if I resist, I am trying not to.

Trey, stands over me. He aims his dick at my mouth. He rubs the tip of it against my lips. Precome smears my lips, he squeezes his dick, drawing more precome out the length of it, dripping several drops into my mouth, then he pulls up and drips the last two drops in my eye...

It stings my eye. He lets out a low chuckle. "oh this is so fucking degrading" I think to myself. I am looking up at Trey now through one eye, he has such the look of superiority.

"You want this?" he asks, I pause. "just please..." Slap. I am going to say, just please take it slow, but he slaps my face hard cutting me off.

"DO YOU WANT THIS?" he asks much, much more forcefully. I pause again... SLAP.

"ANSWER ME, BITCH!" SLAP, SLAP, another couple slaps, one on each side of the face.

"Yes!" I say finally.

"Yes, what?" he asks more calmly.

"YES, I want this, I want to suck your dick, Please Trey, Let me suck your dick," A pause, "Please, please Trey, please let me try to suck your dick all the way Trey, Make me suck your dick deeper than anyone has ever sucked it before. Make your white pussy bitch deep throat your big black cock!"

"YOU GOT IT BITCH!" one of his hands is cradling my chin and the side of my face the other has a light grip around my throat. He pushes his cock into my mouth and does not stop pushing, I know somewhere in my body that I need to relax. But, he keeps pushing, and now I am gagging, and he keeps pushing, and I am gagging around the helmet tip of his cock, and he keeps going in. With his balls seated against the bridge of my nose, I am convulsing, dying, smothering, panicking to get away from him, to draw breath, to get his huge dong out of my throat so I can throw-up, but, he is holding me down, holding my throat open with his cock, holding the vomit in... and miraculously, I am able to relax and the moment passes, he draws his cock out.

I am sputtering and retching and coughing. And he laughs again. Ok, now, you did it, remember how that felt and lets just keep doing it till you can take it all, all the way in. you know what you need to do to relax and take it, now lets keep doing it till you can take it all the way in.

I am finally able to relax and stop coughing and gagging, so he places just the first few inches in my mouth, and starts fucking that slowly in and out of my mouth, he is saying a litany of encouraging words to me, "that's it bitch, take it in, open up for me, use your tongue, oh yeah, just like that, good bitch, good cock sucker..."

He keeps up a good steady pace. And he starts going just a little deeper each time, and soon, I know what is coming, and I have time now, I know I need to open up and relax... but...

His Cock is so fucking big, and my throat has never had any sized cock in it before and just as he starts hitting my gag button in the back of my throat, the retch reflex kicks in, and he has to stop. I recover and he looks at me disappointed.

SLAP, SLAP. "Bitch, you ain't trying very hard.. You need to open up - I am gonna fuck your throat today, and you are going to open up your throat for me to fuck your throat, is that clear?" he yells angrily at me, and then two more hard slaps. SLAP, SLAP

"Yes Sir, I am trying sir, please don't be impatient with me sir, I will try harder".

"Let's try again, now." He says with frustrated patience. Pushing his cock back into my mouth now, setting up the slow rhythm, setting the pace and again slowly a little deeper and a little deeper and a little deeper each time, and now it seems like I am more eager to please.

"oh, that's it cock-sucker, yeah, take it bitch, oh yeah..." he is saying. And now he is deeper, and he goes past my retch button a few times and I let it pass, and now he pulls all the way out.

"Oh that's good, bitch!" now he pushes in to the same depth, and I take it. And now all the way out, there is spittle and precome and sticky, frothy saliva covering my face and his cock. And now his cock is back in my mouth... deeper, deeper... bottoming out... and now he pulls it back out. I am panting heavily now, grasping and gasping at breath when he is not blocking my throat with his fucking.

Back in deep suddenly, and he is holding it, I am struggling to stay relaxed, it is hard.

"Oh, there it is faggot. Your gonna be a good cock sucker. Trey made turned you out, bitch, you like sucking this cock... you ready for a full mouth of my jizz, bitch?"

oh shit, I think. I inventory my situation just as Trey is bottoming out in my throat. I am being skull-fucked by a huge black mother-fucking cock - all the way in all the way out - and I haven't thought about him cumming. Of course he is gonna want to cum in my mouth, he is gonna want me to swallow.

All the way in all the way out, Trey is deep-dicking my face now. I am staying relaxed, and he is getting faster now, he is building in momentum, and fervor and force.

"Oh, Bitch... oh bitch... you ready for it bitch?... You ready, bitch?... You are gonna swallow my cum bitch!..." and he is gone now completely animal, and I am feeling my throat is being rubbed raw. It is open for his hammering.

And now I feel his muscles start to tighten, I can hear it in his breathing and he is there, "take my cum bitch, take it, Take IT, TAKE IT!!"

And I am swallowing, even without tasting it yet, I start to swallow, and now I taste it, and it is his cum, and I am swallowing Treys cum, his ball juice, his baby making batter, and he is holding it still now deep in my throat, I am feeling it pump out of his cock straight into my gullet. Explosion after explosion, after explosion... he is pumping and pumping and pumping his spewing cock in to my throat. And just as I am getting desperate for air, he stops, and slowly pulls out.

I am gasping huge violent gasps for air. It takes me 15 minutes to recover my breathing, in that time, Trey has recovered, and gone into the living room turned on the tv, and started eating his meal.

I eventually follow him. He laughs when he sees me. You are gonna need to pick up a new shirt and tie before you go to work tomorrow... I see that have spittle stains all down the front of me. He laughs again and tells me it's cool to take them off before round two.

I try to answer him, but my voice is shot, maybe something to do with the condition of my throat - and the way a huge black cock has been rubbing it raw for the last 40 minutes or so. I merely croak out something indecipherable.

This makes Trey Laugh out loud - a loud boisterous laugh - "Bitch can't speak! I fucked her throat raw!" and between guffaws, " looks like round 2 is gonna have to be bitches ass!"

<><><><><><><><><> End of part 4

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