Im Straight

By Tom Stone

Published on Apr 1, 2007


Title: I can't believe this is happening to me, I'm Straight. (Interracial oral anal)

This is my first submission ever to Nifty, or for that matter to any online-erotic story site. Please give me some feedback... also, if you have suggestions on how to format the stories so they may be more readable, that would be great too. Thanks - Tom

If you are underage to read this, don't. Know your local laws, don't read this if it is illegal. This is a story - not real-life. Safe sex is not used in this story, but you should use it in your life.


Trey was hammering my ass with his huge black cock. As well as being filled with too muck cock, I had confused feelings, that coursed through me. Trey had taken me, and was fucking me hard, I don't know exactly how I ended up in this position, but he got me, I gave in and he was fucking the life out of me.

You see I am straight. I have never looked at a man with sexual desire, but something about this man's pure animal masculine power, had me dangling off of the end of his turgid fuck prong.

Trey is a friend from the gym, he is in great shape, I noticed and admired his body but, again I'm not gay so it was purely as appreciation of the work it took to get himself in that shape. We talked at the gym, he gave me advice from time to time. I would spot for him and him for me on occasion. We would occasionally grab a beer together after working out. We had that in common... not much more, but I am a guy, and for guys it don't take much in common for guys to hang out together.

When I got to the gym this morning, it was about 10am. On weekdays I got there a lot earlier, but on the weekends I was a little lazier in getting there on time. Trey and I arrived at the same time he pulled his car right next to mine as I was getting out.

"hey, Tom", he said getting out of his car "you just getting here too?"

"yea", I say "I'm feeling lazy today, Michelle's out of town so I'm moving real slow today. You know how it is", I continue. Michelle is my girlfriend. She practically lives with me. She kind of kept me from being lazy and; was really active. I appreciated the way she could keep me motivated. When she wasn't around, I tended to be a little more lackadaisical.

Trey smiled there was something in that smile that was somehow sad though; I guess I kind of brushed it off. We talked a little more and agreed to workout together.

We went about our work out, building a quick sweat. He has a great body and it usually inspires me to work harder when I work out with him, but again I really wasn't in the mood to push too hard today. He wasn't pushing too hard either... he seemed distracted today.

We called it quits after about 45 minutes, jokingly blaming the other one for being lazy. We headed for the showers. The gym had posted a note on the showers saying they were out of order for the day, something about old pipes being worked on in the whole building.

Cursing the gym, he offered me a shower at his house, and then a beer and watch the game on tv after that.

"Great idea" I said, "But, I live closer, I am really wet and sweating and Michelle is out of town, how bout my place?" He agreed.

We arrived at my place a few minutes later. As we walked into my house, I apologized for the underwear on the couch and the porno dvd laying open on the coffee table. Trey snickered, understanding, Michelle wouldn't be happy with this state of affairs, but, again, she was gone. He sat down at the couch unlacing his shoes and kicking them off casually. I turned on the tv warming it up for the game, grabbed two beers from the fridge, and when I returned, Trey had flipped on the dvd. On the screen there was a big-titted blonde chick getting double teamed by two guys, one had his hard cock in her dripping pussy and the other was getting head from her and she REALLY knew how to suck a dick.

Trey watched enraptured, "I wish I could get head like that..."

"What do you mean... Sheila doesn't take care of that for you?" I asked.

"Nooo... she says I'm too big", he said quietly, dolefully... almost mournfully.

I laughed an abrupt chortle. I thought he was joking, he had said it like a kid deprived of his favorite snack treat. Who would ever complain about having too big a dick - It's like saying I have too much money or my car is too nice, or my wife likes sex too much...

He looked at me with a sudden sincere pained look in his eyes... I realized he was being serious. I suddenly felt bad, I didn't mean to hurt him... his reaction was so real...

We sipped our beers, any levity or lightness sucked from the room. The Blonde sucking cock suddenly became darkly dreamlike; the shower temporarily forgotten.

Then without warning, without explanation, Trey stood and took off his sweaty clothes. Shirt, sweatpants, socks, it didn't seem too strange until he dropped his shorts and stood before me naked in my living room... with a porno on. Darkly dreamlike plodded toward downright surreal.

"She just left me... cause she can't suck my cock the way I like her too." Trey stated matter-of-factly. "She got frustrated and left."

I found myself staring at his meat. He was half-hard, but the girth and length was amazing, I wouldn't have believed the person describing it had it been described to me. I'm not small in the dick department. I think I'm bigger than average, but this motherfucker was huge. It was like a very long, arrow headed. Like a black velvet cucumber, his balls were huge too. Surrealer and surrealer, I found myself admiring how well his cock and balls looked together.

I'm not gay. And I'm not one to check out other guy's dicks, but, ya know... you see what you see in the locker room and in pornos... and well the cock that Trey was packin was... was... well... impressive - king like. I felt somehow... I don't know, somehow inferior to him... somehow less.

My mouth literally hung open. I was speechless. I felt bad for him. I like getting head from Michelle and she likes giving it... but Christ, the size of his cock was... well, I know it's clich^Â but he was hung like a horse. I understood why Sheila was intimidated.

I didn't realize that Trey was staring at me. My mouth hung-open for too long. I was stunned. In shock. My vision started to tunnel, the edges darkening. I noticed his dick expanding and rising, getting bigger and more excited... the porno and maybe something more was acting upon him. Trey was getting aroused.

Trey started stepped toward me, we were no more than a foot or two apart, but that step or two was like slow motion. A slow sensuous spectacle, a seductive dance; I was hypnotized by his massive black cock, his slightly swaying balls and the powerful undulations of his tightly bound musculature..

I became aware of the strong, virile body of that beautiful dark skinned example of masculine, muscle and power. His chest was cut, chiseled muscular perfection, his shoulders broad and strong. His legs were powerful and thick. I became aware of the glistening of his skin; the sweat still clung to him from the work out. I became aware of his scent... the strong pungent post-work-out scent of his sweat, of the pheromones wafting and exuding pure animal lust. That scent more than anything else affected me in ways I was not yet aware.

Without speaking he grabbed my head, I was still seated, he simple pushed his cock in my mouth.

I was overwhelmed. I am straight. I'm not gay. I have never had any sexual desire for a man. I haven't played around or experimented with another man... ever. It just had never interested me. And now I had this huge black cock trying to make it's way down my throat.

I reached out in reaction to steady myself and grabbed his hips. His skin was damp with sweat, as I filled my lungs with his manly, musky sweat I melted, his cock throbbing in my mouth.

Somewhere there was a voice, I heard it screaming out... "I'M NOT GAY, Why am I letting this dick go into my mouth?" And somewhere else there was this quiet place telling me that this was my place. That I had to do what was demanded of me, and that it was not my place to question why. I was fading; somehow the person was becoming the thing... The thing that was to make Trey feel better.

I reached up and felt the hard muscles of his stomach, chest and sides. I continued my exploration of his body as I sucked his cock more and more receptively. Trey was trying to get more and more of his cock into my mouth. But, I was not up to the physical challenge of his body's superior dimensions; I gagged.

"You can't take it all either, Bitch" he growled at me. I understood suddenly that he was angry. I had laughed at him. I had made fun that his girlfriend couldn't accommodate all of his cock; this had hurt and angered him.

"Stand up" he ordered. I did, I was his inferior now. Then, "turn around and bend over." I understood the words and complied... I guess I kind of knew what he was going to do to me, but I really wasn't completely aware of what all that meant.

He pulled my shorts down to my knees, exposing my ass. He spat in the crack of my ass and rubbed the spit around a little bit with his thumb into my asshole. I then felt his massive cock begin to push at me... Just then self-preservation kicked in... I snapped out of my hypnotic delirium...I understood what was going to happen to me... and too late I tried to pull away...

"No" I begged.

"YESSSS", He said suddenly driving into me.

Time stopped. I screamed, but no sound came out. I was frozen, in shock, stunned into incapacity. And in that moment, that moment when his massive cock insinuated itself into me... any sense of self was replaced, momentarily replaced by pain; pain that would eventually be replaced by surrender, surrender that would eventually be replaced by... Pleasure(?). In the mean time, however, there would be much more pain to endure.

He was ripping me open. And he wasn't even a quarter of the way in me yet... A fact he was to drive home shortly.

I felt my body urgently scrambling to get away from him, to get him out, to get him off of me. My body folded and collapsed to the floor.

Trey fell on top of me, his cock wedged partially up my ass. Air had finally found it's way to and from my lungs, I was screaming till he grabbed a pillow from the couch and jammed it into my face. The pain was incredible.

"Shut the fuck up bitch", struggling on top of me shoving my legs apart, stuffing more and more of his impossibly large cock into my ass. He reached out and locked both of my arms; in a full nelson, pinning me in complete physical submission. His body flat on mine, face down in the pillow on the floor, his thick man-prong digging it's way into me.

His face close to my ear now, "take my fuck" he whispered, low and guttural, his hot breath on my neck and ear. I was struggling to breathe, between gasps of pain. I saw blackness creep into my vision, I squeezed my eyes shut, I felt as though I was going to faint from the pain. I didn't, but the pain being as intense as it was, I wish I had.

He used his strong legs to pry mine further apart. As he was moving his groin against my ass from side to side, trying to burrow deeper and deeper into me, he pushed my shirt up over my head. I could feel his masculine chest covered in dewy sweat on my back... in a rush it felt erotic... a small island of erotic (dare I say pleasure) in a so far endless sea of pain and submission. He rested there for a moment, I can't say how long, and somewhere in my deep hidden mind, I had a secret hope that he had felt the same erotic sensation/connection (pleasure) that I had; his sweaty chest on my sweaty back.

He was slower now, more deliberate, more forceful. I could feel the impossible stretch of my sphincter muscle as he spread me wider and wider. I could smell the pure animal lust of him as he forced himself on me and into me. I felt all of his weight on my back, I felt this sexual creature inflicting himself on me, forcing himself into me... I felt him raping me.

Once he felt like he was far enough in me he just laid on top of me. He had wedged his arms up underneath my arms, and each hand was grabbing on to my shoulders to pull me back on to his short jabs and (so far) restrained thrusts.

He leaned in close to my ear, and spat, "I'm fuckin this ass." He pauses letting the words sink in and percolate for just a bit.

"I'm gonna ruin it" He says this with such venom and so close to my ear it felt like he literally spat this at me, my ear was wet.

He laid on top of me for a long time allowing me to get used to his cock, and I think to prolong the fuck. This was a fuck about power; it wasn't about sexual pleasure, certainly not for me.

"now whiteboy, I'm gonna break in that new pussy of yours and your gonna love it." He said in a clear, unemotional, matter-of-fact voice. We were on the floor, right next to the coffee table in my living room, he reached up and grabbed his beer and downed it. Then with his fat, thick slab of a cock still wedged well up my ass, pinning me to the ground, he grabbed my beer and told me to drink it down; he had plans for me for a while I would be getting a break for a while. I took his advice and downed it awkwardly from underneath him, His cock firmly planted deep in me. I was strangely touched by his thoughtfulness.

When I finished the beer he started in on me. He started with slow short jabs and gradually built speed. The pain was still quite excruciating and I occasionally found myself screaming in the pillow he had provided me. He kept up an almost constant barrage of name-calling. He called me bitch, pussy, cunt, slut, whore, faggot and every combination of those words... the humiliation was second only to the pain.

Pretty soon he was hammering into me with all his weight and might, long-dicking my ass then, short jackrabbit humping, then slow withdrawals and vicious stabbing punch thrusts. He was brutal.

I felt myself submitting to this man. I am straight. So, It wasn't as though he turned me on or anything, but his dick was jammed up my ass, and he was fucking me, it was about him inflicting his power on me as each thrust of his cock shoved further and further up in me. And my submission to him was more and more complete as he pumped me again and again with his turgid manhood. In my submission I was happy that I could provide this black masculine stud with proof of his power. I would be his receptacle, I would be his bitch, his whiteboy pussy, I would gladly be his cunt whore slut faggot.

I began to meet his thrusts, as he fucked me deeper and deeper, I felt him going up me further and further, he was moaning now. He was still full out laying on my back, his hot wet breath in my right ear singing to me in grunts and groans a song only he and the ancient cadence of male-fuck-power dominance could understand.

He suddenly stopped and punched me in the side. Maybe just hard enough to bruise me, not enough to break a rib, but certainly enough to startle the hell out of me. He must have loved how the surprise of the punch made my sphincter tighten around him, cause he moaned and did it again, and again, and again. I got the idea, and tightened my ass around him, milking him. He had trained me, I realized later.

Without warning he lifted me, flipped me over and drove himself deeper still now in missionary; his cock never leaving the warm home of my intestines. It happened so fast, I lay there blinking, incomprehensibly looking up into my captors face.

There was no break in the fucking though. He had my hands pinned at the wrists increasing his leverage there on the floor of my living room. In this new position he hammered at my ass with even more force, he had found a way to gain momentum, and inertia and raw unbridled force. His face was pouring sweat and I tasted him, drinking him, desperately wanting to lap up every essence of him.

In a deeply animalistic way, he knew exactly what he was doing, by flipping me over and forcing me to watch him rape me face to face, he made me realize that he was in charge. He made me realize that this was for him. He made me realize that there was just one thing here that mattered... his pleasure, his domination, his busting a nutt.

He was the only person that existed in this coupling. I was a hole. A thing that he was using to get what he needed. And in that instant that I stopped being, my sphincter tightened, to give him more and more pleasure, my submission was absolute

Any pain I had felt, any insistence that I was straight, any reluctance to what Trey wanted from me was entirely subjugated by this amazing fuck he was throwing me.

There was no way for me to be conscious of the fact, but Trey had been fucking me for more than an hour - a fact that I would be intensely aware of the next day.

I could feel subtle changes in Treys fuck barrage and knew that his climax was approaching. I was excited by the fact that I would soon be fulfilling my destiny as cum receptacle I wanted to receive his essence, to be impregnated by him, to have him fill me with his sperm.

I thought it impossible that the intensity of his fucking me could ever possibly intensify, but he seemed to surprise me again. He rammed and jabbed and plunged into me deeper harder, faster in his last ditch effort to reshape me into his perfect and exclusive cum bucket.

As he drove his cock into me again and again and again... hammering my ass with all the physical power he possessed, grunting with effort, his face contorted with erotic exertion panting and driving and jamming into me cumming great heaving jolts. Hot white jettisoning man juice fills me, I feel it, again and again and again, injecting me, his massive cock unloading it's precious nectar in me as a warmth fills me from my core outward. He is howling and shuddering and he keeps going on and on and on...

And finally with a few mighty gasps he collapses on me his face next to mine, his sweat drowning me in pheromonic heat, His breath hot and moist in my ear, I shiver, and convulse in pleasure, like an orgasm in my ass as I squeeze him. I feel his amazing manhood throbbing lightly in me dribbling last bits of sperm pump in me, never losing it's power over me, never losing it's turgidity in me.

I am so fulfilled right now, this is so right, I am exactly perfect, whole, and satisfied. Right now, nothing else exists in the world; but the power that was exerted over me, the essence that was injected into me and the pleasure that was taken out on me.

A strange sadness fills me as I realize that when Trey takes his cock out of me I will no longer feel the fullness of being I feel now. I begin to gently, massagingly squeeze my sphincter around his wondrous man-prong in time to his slowly fading cum cadence.

I know he has just released his seed in me, but, I want him to fuck me again, without pulling his cock out of me.


let me know if you liked it, or if you have suggestions.

Next: Chapter 2

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