Im Madison

By moc.liamg@dcrolyatnosidam

Published on Nov 12, 2010


Standard disclaimers apply.

I'm Madison, Chapter 6. The Aftermath

I started to drive home from the hotel, alternating between feelings of rage and shame and fear and even dark humor. I felt like an idiot one minute, a man dressed like a slut and being seen by a coworker. The next minute I considered all the things I'd do to that fucker James if I ever saw him again. Then the next minute I wondered if I'd have a job next week. Then I thought it wouldn't be bad if I lost my job. I had savings to last me a year, and could always find another job. Then I'd just laugh about the whole thing, even wondering if I should have gone through with it.

No, I could never have gone through with that. James had turned out to be real asshole. I hated his sorry ass. I was only glad that he tried to control me with words and hadn't gotten physical. I still thought I could take him in a fight, but it would have been weird, fighting in my slutty outfit.

I didn't want to go home, but wasn't sure what to do. I pulled out my cell phone and called Jo, but she wasn't there. She was probably out with one of her girlfriends. I called Becky. She was probably out with Jo. I called Amy, and after a few rings she picked up.


"Yes, how did you know?"

"Caller ID."

Of course, my mind was pretty flustered.

"Are you OK?" she asked.

"Not really. This evening didn't go well," I said.

"Yeah, James called. He's really messed up right now."

He's messed up?! He's messed up. He is messed up. Amy had no fucking idea.

"He's a fucking asshole is what he is," I snarled.

"He told me what he did, and how you reacted. I think he's really sorry," she said calmly.

"I can't believe this. He threatened to `out' me to the few people in my life that I try to keep in the dark. His threats could lead to me losing my job, and he's sorry? Amy, he's lucky I don't carry a gun!"

"Why don't you come over and let's discuss this?" Amy asked.

"OK, I'll be right over." I still didn't want to go home.

Fifteen minutes later I was at Becky's place. She hadn't gone out at all that night, and was wearing comfy looking pajamas, her hair down, and had no make up.

"Wow," she said, "you look really hot."

I laughed harshly, "Yeah, well, I was expecting to get laid tonight."

I told her my side of the story, which, amazingly enough, matched what James had told her too.

"I think this was a misunderstanding," Amy said.

By now I had calmed down enough to take this statement evenly, "What do you mean?"

"Well, I think most of the cross dressers James meets actually want to made his `bitch'. It's fun for them. I think he was trying to salvage the situation a bit by telling you that he was still interested, and was saying it in a way that most of the girls he fucks really like."

"Well, I'm not like them."

"I know. You're different. You really seem to try to be real woman. The way you dress. The way your place looks. This isn't a kink or mere turn on for you. This is how you live. Do you ever turn Madison off and act like Taylor?"

"Only for work. And I sign legal documents as Taylor."

"See? You're different from most cross dressers that way. And you're not looking to be a slave or anything. You expect equal treatment. Most CDs I've met seem to want to be dominated, at least part of the time. You don't seem to."

I considered this, "Amy, I won't pretend that the prospect doesn't turn me on sometimes. It's nice to lose control, and my fantasy for years has been a guy mounting me between my legs. I want that feeling of surrender; to feel his strength. But it has to be someone I trust at least not to hurt me. And for the first time, someone I trust to leave and not come back unless I want them to."

"Well, I think if you hadn't known James before he could have been that guy for you. I'm sorry I set you up."

"No, Amy. You were great for doing it. If I'd seen a picture of him, I could have avoided this, or least known what I was getting into, but you didn't have a picture and no one knew beforehand. And, hey, maybe its no harm no foul, so long as he doesn't talk and I don't see him again. There was one good thing that came from this night, however."

"Oh, what's that?"

"I met a guy. A cop."

"What happened?" she asked excitedly.

I told her about Officer Bill and how he'd given me his number.

"Are you going to call him?"

"Yeah, do you think I should wait?"

"Hmmm, I say, no. He wanted you to call if your date didn't go well, didn't he?"

"Yeah, but I don't feel very sexy or flirty right now."

"I don't mean right now, but tomorrow you should."

"I think I will." I was starting to feel a lot better now. This may have been a miscommunication, and I had a new guy potentially lined up! I thanked Amy for being such a good friend and stood up to leave.

"Hey, wait, Madison," she said as I walked to the door.

I turned around and looked at her questioningly, "Yes, Amy?"

"Remember that night a month ago when we met?"

"Yes." I wondered if this was going where I thought it was. I wasn't exactly against it, but I wouldn't be a man tonight, not for her or for anybody.

"Well, you told me if I ever wanted no strings fun to let you know."

"Yes," I said, "but that was for fun with Madison, you know."

"I know. You just look so hot in that outfit. Seems a shame to waste it."

Amy was actually bi-sexual, it had turned out. She liked women a lot, but apparently had decided I'd make a better man than woman. We'd discussed this over the last month, and I was still a bit insulted, but she'd been such a good friend since that first night that I'd let it go.

"Are you serious? You told me I was a man in your eyes."

"Not now. Not after tonight. Madison, you were wonderful! You acted like a strong woman ready to defend herself and her sexuality against a creep who wanted to subjugate you. Madison a sissy I didn't want; I preferred Taylor. This Madison I really like!"

"I was always this Madison," I said, a bit confused by her attitude.

"Yeah, I know. You acted the same way with me. I guess I just couldn't see it till now."

She smiled at me and I smiled back. This was a nice moment. Being accepted, really accepted, as a woman by a real woman was very special. Becky had, but her approval seemed a bit easy. Amy had unconsciously made me work for it.

"Wait here," she said, and went in her bed room.

I spent about 10 minutes sitting back on her sofa, looking at Officer Bill's number, finally programming it in my cell while I waited.

"Come here, you sexy bitch," came Amy's voice from the door.

I looked up, a bit surprised by her choice of words, but thoughts of telling her off died in my mouth.

Amy was dressed in black corset, very different than mine, made of vinyl, fitting her body snugly, her B cup breast pushed up and almost out, accentuating her tiny waist. She wore thigh high boots with 6" (six inches!) heels. At her waist was a leather strap, with a black 7" phallus attached. Her hair was pulled back tightly, making her face severe.


I walked across the room to her, removing my blouse as I went. Once I got there, I removed my skirt as well. Both fell to the floor.

I felt so sexy in my lingerie. The lingerie I'd worn for James. I was now in my corset, panties, and thigh high hose, with my strappy heels on. I knelt there in front of her, and made a show of sucking her silicone cock. She looked down at me and smiled.

"You look so pretty with a cock in your mouth, you know."

I took it out and said,"Yes, I have pictures of me sucking Jo's cock." Then went back to blowing her.

"I'd forgotten about that! You are a slut, aren't you?"

I looked at her evenly and said, "Yes I am."

We laughed, and she helped me to my feet and led me to her bed. It was nice, a queen sized bed with a firm mattress and a floral comforter set. It was less girly than mine, but she didn't have as much to prove.

We reached her bed and she removed my panties, flinging them over her shoulder. Once again, I entered bliss as she slowly sucked my cock. After I came in her mouth, she crawled up the bed to my face, and pushed some cum in my mouth, then, before I could swallow it, sucked it out again.

I saw what she wanted, so when she pushed it back in my mouth, I pushed it back into hers. We did this for a few minutes until she finally took most of it back in her mouth, got up on her knees, and straddled my face, her dildo positioned over my mouth.

Then she leaned over and spit my own cum onto her black cock. Well, most of it went there. Some went on my face.

"Suck it off," she said. I did, taking that cum covered dildo into my mouth and cleaning it off.

"That was good, Madison, but are you ready for the main event?" she asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Good, spread your legs." I did, and she started fingering my hole, with just a pinky at first, then working her way to bigger fingers, my asshole slippery with the lube I'd applied before I left earlier for my evening with James.

"Oh, this is nice. You were really ready weren't you?"

"Yes, I was hoping to get fucked tonight."

"You're about to" she smiled at me.

I laid my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the soft, steady pressure of Amy's fingers on my anus. I felt my sphincter relaxing gradually, and wasn't surprised at all when she said, "I think you're ready."

I nodded at her, not speaking. She sensed I wanted to be quiet for this moment, so she didn't say a word, and simply settled herself between my legs. I lifted them higher and wrapped them lightly around her, my ankles barely crossed behind her back as she positioned her cock at my hole.

Then, I felt the pressure of her dildo pushing against me. At first I thought I wasn't relaxed enough, and for a second was afraid of the pain, but I didn't need to fear. Amy was apparently an experienced ass fucker, since her cock slowly filled my hole without the slightest pain. Soon, she was all the way in.

She slowly started pumping now. Here was a slight disappointment. Not that it was her fucking me and not a man, and not that she wasn't fucking hot doing it, but there's a difference when a woman is doing the fucking. Unless they're just super awesome at it, they can't keep a rhythm. Still, she was hot and my hole was full, so I wasn't (and am NOT) complaining. I wasn't surprised when my cock began to harden again. Amy watched it slowly come back to life with interest, and when it was hard again, she slapped my hand away when I tried to stroke it.

"Just wait," she said breathlessly.

I didn't argue, since I was in ecstasy, with a dildo in my ass and a hot chick between my legs. Finally, Amy slowed down. Reaching down, she unbuckled her harness, leaving the dildo inside me. She reached behind her and removed my legs from around her, laying them on the bed. I was now lying there, legs together, dildo fully up my ass. I felt full in a way I never had before.

She mounted me as I lay like that, and the combined pleasure of her cock in my ass and her pussy wrapped around my cock had me cumming within seconds! My whole body shook and I felt tingling from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Oh God, that felt good.

But Amy wasn't quite done. She'd managed to collect my cum at the entrance to her pussy, and now she crawled up to where her pussy was above my face. I thought at first she wanted me to eat it out of her, but she had other plans. Positioning herself carefully, about 8 inches above my face, she squeezed the cum out of her pussy, and onto my cheeks and nose. Then she moved around a bit, and more came out on my chin, eyes, and forehead. Thankfully she missed the wig.

"There," she said, sounding satisfied, "your first facial. How did you like it?"

I laughed and said, "It's wonderful!"

"Want to clean up?"


She slowly removed her dildo from my ass, and went into her bathroom to wash it off. I followed and used a towel to wipe the cum from my face. My make-up was ruined and my ass was sore, but I felt wonderful. I walked over to Amy and kissed her.

"Thank you so much. Do you want me to return the favor? I don't think you've came once tonight." I asked.

"Not tonight. Tonight was about you. We'll have fun as lesbians some other time. Now it's time for another first for you," she grinned wickedly as she said this.

"What's that?" I asked, wondering what else would there be.

"The Walk Of Shame!" she laughed as she said this, but I knew she was serious.

Well, I'd wanted the full experience, hadn't I?

I went to her room and pulled on my panties, then went to the living room and put on my blouse and skirt. I was having trouble walking with my ass so sore and legs so weak, so I took my heels off, grabbed my purse and walked out her door.

Amy watched me walk out to my truck like this, jokingly taunting me about how I was walking funny. I heard her camera snap and saw a flash. She was apparently making sure I'd never forget this night. As I got in my truck, she yelled one last thing,

"Wait till I tell Becky I was the one to deflower you!"

Yeah, she had, but I still wanted a man. Still, I supposed that I could back off my strict requirements now. Maybe Tony Blue Eyes was up for a date. First though, I so wanted Officer Bill.

As I got home and got ready for bed, I considered the night's events. I'd won some and I lost some, but all in all, not a bad night for Madison. Not bad at all...

*I enjoy feedback - if you have any, please e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 7

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