Im Done Waiting

By Eli Me

Published on Dec 6, 2020


At long last, I finished the story! So, if anyone actually reads this, drop me a note and tell me what you thought. I loved getting to live out my fantasy, but hearing that other people enjoyed it would be awesome, especially as someone who's not written very much! You can email me at

This story contains explicit sexual content between adults. Also, don't forget to donate to Nifty to keep the archive going!


End of Part 2

We walked the rest of the way in silence, hand in hand. When we got to the station Dave turned to me and kissed me again, hard and wet, then smiled and said "I'll let you know how the talk goes."

"You two should totally fuck, too, would hate to let that hard cock go to waste."

PART 3 _____________

The next morning Dave called, which he never did. I answered on the first ring.

"Hey, Sam, it's Dave, you're on speaker and Monica is here too."

"Hi you two!" I said excitedly.

"It was so hot, kissing you, feeling your body on mine, knowing you wanted me, just thinking about what might happen with us," Dave started, then Monica jumped in, "He's a great kisser, isn't he?". Hearing her say that was such a relief, clearly she was good with this.

"Hell yes!" I said back, and we all laughed.

After a bit more banter we got down to business. Apparently Dave and Monica had been talking about opening up their relationship for a while, but only in hypothetical terms. They agreed that they wanted to include me in their sexy time. Monica said if I wanted to start by just watching while she and Dave fucked, we could do things that way, or I could jump in right away, whatever felt right to me. We said we'd start with spending one night together, with no expectations for anything more after that, and that we'd play things by ear. Dave had gotten a vasectomy several years ago, so we didn't have to worry about pregnancy. We all agreed to get tested for STIs in the next week, just to be sure we didn't need to include any barriers in our play. We set a date for the following Saturday, a casual dinner at their place and then we'd see where things went.

I masturbated every night that week thinking about spending time with Dave and Monica. I watched a lot of penis porn, I felt like I had to do my homework, study up to be "ready" for the real thing. Nerves make you do funny things. Monica and I had been texting on and off all week, too.

Monica - How are you feeling about Saturday? Me - Like it will never get here! I'm so horny, I've been getting off every night. Monica - Dave and I are both super hot lately too, I know this isn't the point, but it's made our sex life awesome! Me - Hell yeah that's the point, or part of it at least, all of us should enjoy this!

Later that day... Me - Thanks for agreeing to do this, by the way, I'm glad you're ok with it. I also appreciate that it won't be just me and Dave. I trust him completely, it's not that, but what he has, his body, I just don't know how I'll react to it. Monica - Oh Eli, I've wanted to fuck around with you since Dave first introduced us. You're delicious and sexy and I can't wait to get my hands, and mouth, and pussy, on you! Me - Shucks, you're making me blush! Monica - And I totally understand about feeling relieved to have a woman around. I dated women before I started dating men. My first time with a guy was fine, but it would have been way less stressful if another woman had been with me.

By Thursday night all three of us had gotten our lab tests back and were sure we didn't have any STIs, so no dental dams or condoms would be needed.

Dave wasn't much of a host and my place was small, so we usually hung out at Monica's. It was always a casual affair, so I dressed simply in linnen pants, a short sleeve button down plaid shirt, and birkenstocks. (Yeah, yeah, very lesbian-shiek, but they're comfy!) Late Thursday night I had a moment of panick thinking about underwear, wishing I had something special for the occassion, but C talked me down:

Thursday night, 11:52 PM Me - Shit, all I have is my regular underwear, what am I going to do for Saturday! C - What...? Why do you need special underwear for Saturday? Me - Saturday is Saturday, it's dick day, me and Dave and Monica, DICK DAY!!!!! C - Right, you're hanging out and probably fucking around with the two of them, and this requires special underwear....why exactly? Me - BECAUSE I'M GETTING TO PLAY WITH A REAL LIVE DICK!!!! C - you already know Dave wants you, you made out and he got hard, Monica's totally into you too (I'm jealous of that, FYI), so why do you need special underwear? It's a sure thing. Me - I don't know, I'm just nervous, unsure. C - You've hooked up with plenty of people, that's never certain, and I've never seen you like this Me - You're right, I just, I want to do something special, it seems worth, I don't know, acknowledging, some how C - Eli, it's just a dick, half the population has one, it's really not that unique. Me - I know, I know C - I think you should wear something that makes you feel like a rock star... confident and hot, it doesn't need to be new and sparkly Me - yeah, sure, I'm not exactly a fancy guy, maybe just my newest black boxer briefs C - you still wearing the long ones, that go mid-way down your thighs? Me - yeah C - perfect, do that

A day and a half later I was walking up to the door of Monica's townhouse. It was a light, airy place with lots of colourful throw rugs and comfy places to sit. The screen door was closed but the main door was open, so I called out "Hey, I'm here!"

I heard Monica's voice "Sam, come on in, I'm in the kitchen!"

I walked in, slipped my shoes off and walked barefoot towards the kitchen. As soon as I walked in, the rich, sumptuous smell of curry washed over me. I followed it to the kitchen. Before I made it past the dining room and into the kitchen I remarked "It smells amazing in here! What are you making?"

Then I entered the kitchen, saw Monica, and was stopped in my tracks. She was always well put together, but today she seemed to have taken everything up a level. She was wearing a long, strapless, cotton dress. It was white with red and maroon accents. The bust was fitted and it flared out as it came down. The skirt had generous slits that revealed her long, bare legs when she moved. Silver, dangly earrings framed her face and her long, curly brown hair was pulled back off her face, I assumed to keep it out of the way while working in the kitchen. She seemed to have noticed me noticing her. She smiled brightly, her eyes sparkling as she stood over a simmering pot sampling her creation.

"Thanks, it's a new recipe from my sister, eggplant curry, turning out well I think."

"You look stunning."

Another smile. "I'm glad you like it it! I've been looking for the perfect occasion to wear this dress for the first time." She put her wine glass down and wrapped her arms around me for a hug. I noticed that she didn't seem to be wearing a bra as her chest pressed into mine.

"Can I get you some wine or a beer?"

"You're drinking Pinot?"

"As usual."

"That sounds great, I can help myself, though." I said as I retrieved the bottle from the fridge.

A few minutes later Dave joined us, looking sexy in a pure white cotton button down with sleeves rolled up almost to his elbows.

Dinner was delicious and the conversation and laughter flowed easily, as it always did when we were together. After dinner we moved over to the living room and Dave put some jazz on the sound system. Monica sat next to me and took my right hand in both of hers.

"Let me give you a little massage, I know how much you love them, and you carry so much tension in your hands." In a previous iteration of her life, Monica was a masseuse. Several years ago she convinced me to let her massage my hands and I've never been the same. She used her strong, warm hands to work over the tight muscles at the base of my thumb, then worked her way around the rest of my hand.

"Do you remember the first time you did this for me?"

"Mmmm hmmm" she responded.

"I was scared to let you do my left hand because I was so turned on by what you did to my right one."

She chuckled, "I know, I did it on purpose." She turned my hand over then said, "I really wanted to do this that time" and kissed the center of my palm, up my wrist, and arm, watching me the whole time with a small smile on her face. She kept kissing all the way up to my neck and ended with a soft, wet kiss on my lips.

"Now this hand."

Dave sat down on my left side and spoke up when she switched hands. "She talks about that night a lot, you know, how hot she was for you."

Monica was massaging my left hand, so I had to turn away from her a bit to face Dave. "Yeah, I've replayed that night in my mind a few times myself" I admitted.

Dave leaned down and started kissing my neck and ear and dragging his tongue across my skin there. My crotch was on fire, already. The feeling of his soft lips and wet tongue surrounded by his furry face was exciting. Monica finished massaging my left hand and released it, so I turned to face Dave more fully. I felt her weight on the couch shift then felt her lips on the other side of my neck, her brests pushing up against my back. I reached for Dave's mouth with my own, I wanted him, my mouth wanted him. Both of us groaned. Behind me Monica slid her hands up my shirt and rubbed across my flat chest, grazing my nipples, while kissing and licking my neck and blowing gently in my ear.

We all knew why I was there, to explore Dave's dick. To touch it, play with it, see it, smell it, taste it. I mean, we were all there to have sexy fun together, but Dave's dick is what brought us together. I was still nervous about reaching down to start feeling him up, though. It was bizarre, I mean just a week a go he and I were hot and heavy and I was groping him through his jeans, but here I was feeling unsure if I should just go for it. At that moment, Dave rolled on to his back and took me with him. We both laughed and I ended up sitting halfway on his lap, halfway on the couch, then he said "I wanted you to feel how hard you make me, but it didn't quite work out."

I looked down and saw the thick lump in his pants, reached down to grope him, and just like that there I was, squeezing a penis. His pants were much thinner than the other night, so the lump was prominent and easy to make out. Monica scooted up next to us, watching me feel up her boyfriend. She leaned to my ear and said, "Don't you love feeling his hardness, knowing that you made him feel that way? You're making him so excited he's getting stiff for you, his body is getting ready to fuck, because of you."

"Fuck, yes, damn" I wasn't being very coherent, but there was so much happening it was the most I could manage.

I decided to slow down, and really see what I could feel, what I could make out, with all of the layers of clothes between me and Dave's dick. I ran my cupped hand from the top of his pelvis, down. His dick was curved a bit to the side, but I was able to wrap my fingers under the sides of it, to get a sense of its outline. Then, with my other hand I started massaging his balls. They were big, bigger than I thought they'd be. I was careful to be gentle as I sought out the eggs within the sack. Dave leaned his head back, resting aginst the back of the couch, "Damn Eli, I was nervous being 'your first dick' that's a lot of pressure" all of us chuckled, "but it feels so good having you feeling me, knowing me."

I unsed the palm of my hand to press down on his bulge, not hard, but enough get a sense for it's thickness, its consistency. That's when I realized I had started humping his leg, rubbing my crotch on his thigh, wanting the friction, the contact. Monica noticed and suggested, "why don't you move up, see what it feels like to rub it on your..." she hesitated, not knowing what words to use.

"Pussy works" I said. "If we're getting more specific, I call it my diclit or clit or dick."

Dave jumped in, "fuck, I love the idea of my dick rubbing someone elses dick, I'm so glad you like that word."

I stood up and moved up his body, lined my groin up with his and slowly lowered down. He arched his hips up to meet me and we both groaned as I sat down on him and our genitals met. My choice to wear linnen pants was showing it's benefit, because even though we were both fully clothed, I clearly felt his hardness push against my stiff diclit and squishy wetness. I pushed down and ground my crotch into his and he pushed up into me. That's his penis, his dick is hard against me, he's horny and hard and he wants me. Fuck it feels so fucking good pushing against me. I wonder how big it is and what it'll feel like inside me.That thought surprised me, I wasn't really sure I wanted to fuck him, but clearly part of me was curious about it.

"You two look so hot. Dave I haven't seen you this on the edge in forever, it's delicious!" Monica exclaimed. I felt Monica get up off the couch and move behind me and start unbottoning my shirt. Dave smiled and watched Monica's hands reveal my chest to him. He leaned forward and started kissing my neck and collar bone and chest as she unbottoned my shirt. My mouth found his again and I continued to revel the in soft wetness and furriness so close together. I started unbottoning Dave's shirt with my hands exploring his chest as I worked my way down. Once we were both shirtless we embraced, pulling each other in, wanting more skin to skin contact while our mouths stayed attached and our groins humped. Dave's chest was pale with dark brown hair, though not as much as I thought there might be. I liked the thickness of him, his round belly and firm arms. I enjoyed rubbing my body against his, two flat chests, his a bit more hairy, mine a bit softer, the contrast was delightful. While I was enjoying the humping I found my hand gravitating back to his penis, wanting to feel it and play with it more. I sensed some motion to my right then heard Monica's voice "how about we move to bedroom where there will be more room?"

She was a vision. She'd taken off her dress and was standing there entirely bare except for a pair of shiny black satin underwear. Both Dave and I turned at the same time and groaned in unison, that broke the tension as all of us laughed together. Mon offered me her hand and I got up off her boyfriend and followed her to the bedroom.

I was drawn to Monica's breasts and as she laid down on the bed I followed her and started sucking on one. Dave joined on the other side and began sucking on the other. "Fuck, yes, suck my tits, they're so sensitive."

I found her satin covered pussy and started stroking her through the fabric, feeling how wet and warm she was. I slipped my fingers inside through the side of her panties, I needed to feel her flesh, her wetness. She gasped, "off, take them off."

Dave stopped his tit play and put his hands on either side of her waist. She lifted her hips and he slid them off. Her pussy was beautiful, her clit was visible and plump, her lips juicy and succulent, and the wetness was everywhere. Normally I'd take things slower, but I was so horny I just dove in and started licking her, rubbing my nose and face all over her pussy, taking all of her in. I could see her grab a fistfull of sheet with her hand and felt her body tense up. She was making sounds, but her voice sounded muffled. I lifted my eyes and saw she was making out with Dave while he cupped and massaged her breasts. She pulled away and said, "hang on Dave, I want to concentrate on this."

Dave smirked and pulled back, resing on his side, watching me ravish his girlfriend's pussy. He was gently rubbing his penis through his boxer briefs. That was the first time I noticed he had even taken his pants off! I kept working Mon's pussy, loving her taste and the feel of her in my mouth. I have such an oral fixation, I love the feel of tender, squishy, sensitive pussy flesh in my mouth. Its wrinkles and bumps and crevices. Since this was my first time with Mon, I enjoyed just trying out all of the landscape, discovering her. But I hadn't forgotten about Dave's penis, and my hand slid up his leg, seeking out his dick. He scooted down to give me easier access, and I thrilled when I found it extended down this leg, hard, and thick, and so....available! I loved getting to eat Mon's pussy, fucking her with my tongue, sucking on her clit, while also stroking Dave's cock. But then I noticed Mon starting getting into it, she was moving her hips up and down, and I knew for me that meant I was getting close to cumming. I abonded Dave's dick and brought my hands to join my mouth in stimulating Monica's pussy. "Can I use my fingers? Can I go inside you?" I asked.

"Fuck, yes, fuck me Eli, I want you in me."

I started with just the middle finger of my right hand and quickly added a second, Monica hissed "yesssss, add one more" so I added my ring finger, fucking slowly and steadily, while focusing my mouth and tongue on her clit, pushing down on it rythmically, in time with my finger fucking. She and I quickly synched up and she was meeting me thrust for thrust. Dave spoke up "Damn babe, you are so fucking horny, you really dig this don't you, you love what Eli is doing to you!"

"Yes, oh my goddess, yes, they're so fucking good at this, mmmmmmm, ffffffuuuuuucccckkkkk" and her body went rigid, her muscles contracting as her orgasm overtook her ability to speak. I did my best to stick with her, sometimes holding my fingers inside her pussy, feeling the muscles contract and release around them, sometimes continuing the fucking motion. I attached my mouth to her clit, sucking and licking as much as I was able and she writhed beneath me. I sensed that this wasn't going to be a one-and-done and kept the fucking motion going as her body slowed it's movement and Dave began peppering her with kisses. "Wait, wait, there's more." she said as Dave pulled back again and I pushed my hand into her vagina, found her spongy g-spot, and started stroking it with my middle finger. I latched on to her clit and sucked away and her second orgasm began, somewhat less intense, but longer, with wave after wave of intense pleasure crashing over her body.

Eventually she quieted and slowed down. I left my fingers in and slowly switched to kissing all over her pussy, using all of my lips and my mouth to cover as much of her as I could as she panted above me. Then I slowly, gently, pulled my fingers out and slid my hand up to cover her gentials, covering them in warmth, and contact after all of the excitement. I slid up her body, kissing all the way up to her mouth and we slowly, languidly made out, trading her essence and our saliva. "Goddess damn, Eli"

"Yeah, that was really hot"

"You're really fucking good at that!"

I chuckled, "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Wait, are you still wearing your pants?"

I looked down, "yeah, I guess I am."

Dave came around to the side of the bed, "May I help you with those?"

"Mmmmm, yeah, sexy, you can" I grabbed his dick through his underwear, which was right next to my face as he stood by the bed. He unbuttoned the button, slid the zipper down, and tugged on my pants.

"Why don't you take my underwear off too?" Dave grinned and did just that, revealing my hairy, wet pussy with my hard diclit pocking out. Monica leaned over, bringing her face right down to my crotch. "Oh, very yummy, you're so hard!"

"Since we're getting naked, I want to see your cock, in the flesh, Dave."

He smiled as I sat up, brought my hands to his waistband and started sliding his underwear down. Almost immediately, they got stuck on his rigid dick, and I started giggling, which made Dave and Mon start chuckling too. I pulled the front part of his waistband up and over his dick, which popped up as I finished removing the garment.

There it was, a real, live, attached adult dick. I was really, really horny and excited. Dave's dick was right there, in front of my face. I was grateful it didn't smell like anything in particular, I was pretty skeeved out at the idea of a funky penis. I reached out and held on to the middle of the shaft with my left hand. There was a bit of room between my hand and the root of his cock and a bit of flesh on top of my hand, before his crown. As so many have described before, it was warm and hard but the skin was super soft. Without thinking I leaned down and kissed the head. It was brief, almost chaste, if it weren't so obscene. I wanted to use the sensitive skin of his lips to feel the sensitive skin of his dick head, and it was thrilling!

I felt Monica slide away from me, then she said "Dave, why don't you come in between the two of us?"

Dave climbed over me, letting his dick slide across my tummy in the process, I shivered. His dick left a slimy trail of precum. As soon as he was on his back, I scooted down and continued exploring the magnificent piece of meat between his legs. "Damn, this is so hot, Dave, I love how hard it is."

"I've been hot for you for so long, then watching you bring Monica off like that, fuck!"

I was rubbing up and down his cock with my right hand. Watching the skin slide up and down was mesmerizing. The precum was oozing out of the tip and every so often I swiped it off with my tongue. Again, my mouth was just drawn to his dick, I wanted it in my mouth, to feel his flesh, his thickness, his weight. I wrapped my lips around the end of his dick and explored it with the super sensitive tip of my tongue. I felt the ridges on his flesh and his piss slit. I started sucking and slid down, taking more of him in my mouth. It was like i was living in some kind of fantasy, sucking on an actual attached cock! Then I remembered his balls! I came off his dick, moved it up and out of the way, and cupped first one, then the other, in my palm. In the flesh, they were also a bit bigger than I expected. I liked rolling the eggs around in my hand and playing with the skin sack. Then I start kissing his balls, I was kissing his balls! Again, I was just drawn to them, I wanted my mouth on him, all over him, the kisses spread, all over his cock and balls, sometimes wet kisses with little licks, sometimes pecks, but just kissing, over and over again. Kisses are so personal, so loving, so meaningful, and here I was kissing a dick, and fucking loving it!

Monica moved down to the foot of the bed. "Eli, can I play with your dick, too?" I stopped the kissing. Immediately.

"Yes, damn, yes, please, I'm so hard and so wet!" Dave scooted up so he back was resting on the headboard, I followed him up, and Mon got between his legs, but facing me. I opened up my legs and she went right for my dick, rubbing up and down, scooping some of my wetness out of my vagina and rubbing it all over me. As soon as she started doing that I went back to Dave cock, and the kisses. I immediately started humping my crotch into her, desperate for more contact, more friction, more of her. Now I was using my hands and my mouth on Dave, sometimes speeding up, sometimes slowing down. I seemed to be able to sense when we was getting close, and I knew I didn't want him to cum yet, there was so much more I wanted to do!

"Dave, I want your dick on mine, I want our dicks to touch, and rub."

"Fuck yes, yes, l want to fuck you so badly." Dave said.

"Easy cowboy" Mon jumped in "they said they wanted rubbing and touching, not necessarily fucking"

I laughed, "Thanks Mon, let's start with some frottage, shall we?"

Dave nodded vigorously. I moved up and put my head on the pillow, laying down, while Dave got on his knees between my legs and started rubbing the tip of his dick all over my crotch, and it was delicious.

"Fuck yes, oh my goddes, yes, fuck, your dick is on me, shit" I ran my hands over any part of Dave I could reach, his arms, his chest, his thighs. I put my hands over his hands and felt him rubbing his dick on me.

"Can I have a go?" Monica asked?

Dave laughed, "sure!"

She reached in front of Dave and took the root of his penis and slowly started rubbing his head up and down across my diclit.

"Fffffuuuuuucccckkkkkkk yeeeeessssssss." Oh my god it felt amazing, his dick, in Monica's hands, kept slipping and sliding over the hardness of my diclit, then she switched directions and started moving it horizontally back and forth over my diclit, for a whole other kind of pleasure. I couldn't help myself and started humping my crotch up and down.

"When I get really horney I have to move. I can't cum if I'm not active, doing something, always been that way" I panted.

"You could slide up and down on his dick, you don't have to put it in if you don't want to. You could lean forward to give your clit some stimulation, too."

"Yes, that, I want it."

"Dave, you lie down, fuck, I'm going to watch Eli humping you, Eli's going to cum on you Dave, and I get to see it!"

I mounted Dave, pointed his penis up, parallel with his belly, and lined my vagina up over it, then descended, feeling my squishy, horny, wetness make contact with his rigid, hot cock, "fuck yes, fuck yes, oh my god, yes."

I immediately started sliding up and down on his shaft, feeling his ridges and the vein on the under side of his cock. Dave was moaning and rubbing all over my back and arms, every now and then he'd kiss me on the mouth, too. This kisses were nice, but a little distracitng as I was totally focused on the connection between my junk and Dave's dick. I angled my torso down a bit and was able to get the crown of his dick to rub against my clit, and that was it, I was done. I went for three of four more strokes, then just smashed my diclit onto his cock and rabit fucked until my orgasm took over and I was in bliss! Wave after wave just kept coming, Dave said "shit, fuck, I can feel you pusling on my cock, fuck that's amazing!"

I was panting and collapsed on Dave's chest. The hairyness was a little...weird, that close and personal, but I was in extasy after that aweomse cum and was enjoying coming down off of that feeling, when I noticed Dave's still hard cock under me.

"Dave, I want you inside of me, I want your dick in me, now."

"Whatever you say, Eli!" Dave said grinning.

My cunt was open and I was totally horned up and knew this was a good time for penetration. I mean, don't get me wrong, I've been penetrated a lot over the years, but I usually opted for thinner dildos or strap-ons. That was part of the fun of getting to customize! Dave's dick was about the length I was used to, but it was definitely thicker than what I would normally go for. I leaned down and kissed Dave, at first gently and then more passionately.

I pulled away and said "thank you for this Dave, I really appreciate you doing this with me."

"Fuck Eli, I've loved this, all of it, believe me, this is a mutually enjoyable evening!"

I lifted myself up and felt my vagina with my hand. I was still totally soaked and very open. I angled Dave's dick up, lifted myself up bit more, and rubbed it up and down against my clit again, savouring that contact. Then I brought the tip of his cock to the entrance of my front hole and lowered myself down. I had to push a bit to get his head in, and the stretching hurt, but just for a moment. I stayed like that for a few seconds, with just his head in my pussy. I was amazed at the site. This was Dave, my friend Dave, goofy, funny, sexy-but-straight, Dave, and his attached penis was inside of my vagina. I reached down and felt around our point of connection, where his penis entered my vag. I grasped his sheath and squeezed, making Dave groan. Then I slid my hand up, feeling my stretched out pussy lips around his hard dick, and moved up to my own stiff cock.

"Fuck, Dave, this is so hot, feel me, feel how hard I am." Dave went stratight for my dick with his fingers and commented "look how far it's sticking out, damn Eli" and began massaging it with his thumb, index finger, and middle finger. Then Monica added, "fuck, this so hot Eli, I love that your fucking my boyfriend."

Hearing those words out of her mouth did it, I pushed down the rest of the way and took his dick all the way inside of me. It felt full and warm and so fucking sexy. I kept looking down at the spot where his crotch and mine were joined, then rubbed and felt all around that spot. Mmmmmm, so yummy. Then I squeezed my vagina around his cock and he moaned.

"Oooooo, this is fun!" I said, exploring the ways I could experience his cock from the inside, and loving his reaction to me. Finally, I started small up and down movements, then I went side to side and tried shifting forward and back. I felt a little like a scientist, experimenting with the different ways I could move around and what it felt like. I had gotten used to Dave's size pretty easily, so this was pure pleasure. I leaned down, holding myself up with my arms, and began a nice steady, in and out fucking rhythm.

"I love that sound so much" I said, "the squishy, wet, sliding sound"

"Yeah, and your bodies slapping together!" Monica added. She had been watching us from the side of the bed, rubbing her pussy the whole time. I looked over at her and smiled as she came in for a kiss.

Watching us kiss must have really done it for Dave, he groaned and started speeding up the pace of our fucking. The two of us broke apart "Yeah, you like that Dave? You like watching me and Mon make out? You like seeing how horny she gets watching you fuck me? Feel her, feel how wet she is"

He reached over and started gropping her pussy while he and I fucked. Monica moaned into my mouth as I fucked her boyfriend and he felt her up. Dave was really fucking me fast now, and I pulled away from Mon and concentrated on fucking her boyfriend. I was all in, leaning down over Dave, my hips and pelivis thrusting in synch with his. I was trying to take it all in, feel everything, notice everthing, his hairy pubes rubbing up against my hard diclit, the sucking feeling as our bodies separated and the pushing and filling feeling as we came together. This fucking part was fun, but it didn't really feel all that different than fucking a detachable dick. What made this so hot was that it was Dave, and that we were doing this with Monica, and that I'd get to play with his dick using my mouth and hands some more later! I reached down with my right hand and started rubbing my clit, yes, that's what I was missing!

"I'm getting close Dave, I'm gonna cum."

"Me too, fuck, I'm close Eli, fuck, yes!" and I felt his dick spasiming and lurching in my cunt. I furiously rubbed my hard, wet clit and pushed myself over the edge, my pussy clamping down on his still cumming cock. Both of our bodies contracted and flexed and moaned and relaxed and started all over again, it was amazing. I found myself laying on top of Dave, exhausted, as we came down off our highs. It felt good having his dick in me, but the top-half closeness was a little much. I pulled off of his cock and rolled to the side, giving myself some space. Monica leaned down and kissed me gently, then climed over me and snuggled up next to Dave as all three of us fell asleep.

The next morning, over coffee, we enjoyed reliving some of our favourite moments of the night.

"Yeah, attached penises are fun!" I said to Dave. He bowed dramatically and said "I live to serve."

"I have to say, the parts I liked best were using my mouth and hands on your dick, the penis-in-vagina stuff was fine, but I can get penetrated any time I want. What was unique was the other stuff and I liked it!"

Monica laughed, "Yeah, attached dicks definitely have their appeal." After a pause she continued, "Eli, was it just me, or do you and I have some serious chemistry?"

In response I stood up off the stool i was sitting on, made eye contact with Mon, walked over and shared a hot, wet, insanely sexual kiss. As we made out Dave chimed in "Yeah, chemistry is not a problem between you two!"

We hung out for a bit longer before I headed home. The three of us will definitely be getting together again, and now that I've had some experience with a penis I can confidently go forward having fun with the wide world of attached pensies!

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