Im Camdens

By Steven Chidress

Published on Aug 8, 2012


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are fictional.

Was there anything that I wouldn't do for my hot teen stud?

I swallowed the last bite of my meal when we I suddenly recognized where we were. Camden pulled up to the gate of the high school football field, put his car in park, and said "It's finally time for you to worship this body. Unlock this gate, bitch, and meet me on the 50 yard line."

As I grabbed my keys and jumped out of the truck (still naked, of course), little did I know that Camden was using my phone to text out pictures from the hot-dog episode to both his phone, and a few of his buddies.

To be continued...

My heart pounded and my hands were trembling as I stood bare ass naked at the gate of the school's stadium. I fumbled around with my keys and finally found the right one. I unlocked the gate and slipped inside, walking briskly to the edge of the field.

I looked back and saw Camden was still in his truck so I hesitated in the shadows a bit. The moon was bright that night and the field was visible from the road to anyone that drove by and cared to look in. I remembered Camden's instructions to meet him at the 50 yard line and started the walk out onto the field. The grass felt cold and damp under my feet as I passed the field goal post. When I arrived at the 50 yard line, I looked back to see Camden stepping onto the field behind me. I got down on my knees, faced him, and waited.

Fuck he was sexy. Even under the moonlight, I found myself having to remember to breath as I watched his sexy body moving toward me. If I thought he walked with a cocky swagger before, you should have seen the way he strutted toward me. I could see the curves of his muscular arms as they swayed front to back.. the smoothness of his tan shoulders and chest sticking out of his muscle shirt. Most importantly, I could see his strong thighs leading to that beautiful package in those mesh shorts. Was I finally going to get to worship this perfect jock who was now in complete control of me?

Camden was within 5 yards of me when he started to walk faster and then broke into a slight jog.

I heard the words "Hi, Bitch" leave his mouth just before WAMMMMMM.

I was laying on the ground yelling in pain. Or at least trying to yell. I could not breathe. I could not draw in a breath or push out a yell. Camden had just kicked me in the balls as if he were kicking a field goal and I immediately hit the ground. As I was trying to hopelessly pull in a breath, I could hear Camden laughing.

"Not a bad field goal kick, huh teech?"

Then, he stepped behind me, grabbed my head with two hand fulls of my hair and yanked me up. He pulled my head back so I was staring directly into the home bleachers.

"Look around, teech. I want this image burned into your mind. Every time you walk into this stadium on a Friday night to get your cock hard by watching our team play, I want you to think of the night I used your faggot ass right here on the 50 yard line. The night you became mine."

He violently yanked my head to the side so I was now staring at the end zone and the concession stand.

"Look there, bitch. Every time you come into this stadium, you will go to that concession stand and buy a hot dog to remember the night that I first fed you my hot, thick baby batter."

Then, Camden stepped in front of me, grabbed my hair, and rammed my face into his bulge.

"Beg for it, slut."

It took me a second or two to process what he said. My mind shut down momentarily as I finally felt my face pressed against his monstrous cock. As he rubbed my face back in forth, I felt the warm mesh sliding between my face and his raging teen rod.

I felt one of his hands let go of my hair, then heard the "ding" as his camera phone started to record. As he continued to smear his bulge across my face, I turned my eyes up toward his face and his camera and started to beg.

"Oh please, please, sir. I want your huge hot teen cock so badly. I have wanted it since I first saw you. My little bitch dick gets so hard just thinking about your sexy smooth body and this huge dick behind these shorts. I want to taste it so badly. I need to feel your shaft sliding in and out of my lips.. my mouth.. in my throat. I need your sweet, salty jizz. Please.. please. I've done everything you have asked. Please let me have it."

Camden's cocky grin grew bigger as I pleaded for the chance to suck his dick. He waited a moment, considering my request, then spoke.

"Ok bitch. I think you're ready for your first taste of CamdenCream. Put your hands hands behind your head and clasp them together.... Good boi. Now, tilt your head back and open your mouth. I need to make sure your tongue is lubed up."

I did as he asked. As I tilted my head back and opened my mouth, I heard the distinct sound of him retching all of the saliva from his mouth and throat toward his lips. His lips parted and a huge glob of his mouth slime started to ooze slowly toward my open lips. A second later, I could taste Camden's spit for a second time as it slid down my tongue.

"Swish it around, fag. Lube up that mouth for my huge cock."

As I swirled his spit around my mouth, coating my cheeks, gums, tongue, and teeth with Camden, he gave his final instructions.

"Ok bitch. Remember, hands behind your head. You're going to get these mesh shorts off using only those faggy little lips, and then you are finally going to get a chance to work on my huge, beautiful dick."


My heart was racing with anticipation of this moment I have been waiting for. I tried to pinch the top of Camden's mesh shorts with my lips, but I was momentarily lost in the electric feeling of my cheeks and nose pressed against his hard abs, just below his navel. The soft hair of his faint happy trail tickled my cheek as I regained my composure. I started to pull (well, rather push) downward on those shorts. They slowly started to slide down, revealing his trimmed pubes and the smell of teen sex got stronger as I slid the shorts down further. The task got much more challenging when the waistband rested against the base of his now fully erect cock. I tried to pull outward, my nose and lips rubbing the base of his shaft, but realized the task was impossible without my hands. I needed to try a different approach.

While keeping my hands locked behind my head, I crawled around Camden and was now kneeling behind him. I heard him smirk as I moved to his back side.

"good bitch. hurry up."

I couldn't help but stop for a second and admire the tight mounds of his perfect soccer-player ass. I remembered my first glimpse of his cute buns just two days ago in the locker room showers and my body shuddered with excitement. I pressed my face into the small of his back and started to press downward again. Slowly, the top of his ass crack peaked out from behind the mesh waistband. My face slid along his ass... my nose tracing his crack.. as I slid the shorts down even further.

"Mmm.. I like you in this position, teech. Give my ass a little kiss."

I puckered my lips and pressed them against his left ass cheek. I held them there for a second when he suddenly pulled away. I looked up in surprise as he glared at me. SMACK. His right hand collided with my cheek and I felt tears well up in my eyes. He grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked upward so I was forced to look up at him and the camera.

"Who the fuck do you think I am, shitface? Your fuckin' grandmother? When I tell you to kiss my ass, you make out with my asshole like you are passionately in love with it." He spit in my face for emphasis, let go of my hair, then turned around, pressing his ass into my face again.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I reacted to the sudden pain of the slap and the hair pull. Being face to face with his perfect Adonis ass, however, caused me to forget the pain immediately.

I pressed my face into his beautiful ass and slid my tongue into his crack. I began to make out with Camden's ass... my face gliding into his crack... his hips rocking and grinding against my face, as my tongue pressed in and out of his hole. I could taste his sweat mixed with a slightly bitter twinge that I cared not to think about. I continued making out with his ass for several moments, gasping for air when I could. His moans got louder and then quieter as he continued grinding his ass into my face. At last, I pulled back and continued the task of removing his shorts.

"much better, slut."

The waistband finally slip passed his two perfect ass cheeks and I could tell the task was almost finished. I crawled back to his front side and now, very easily, guided the waistband over his rock hard dick.

His mesh shorts dropped to the ground and I was finally face to face with that beautiful, perfect cock. It bounced in the moon light as it had just sprung free from the tight waistband. As it bounced, I noticed the large drop of pre-cum glistening in the moonlight at the tip of his incredibly large dick. I leaned in, and gently kissed the cock head. As I drew back, a long strand of pre-jizz stretched from his piss slit to my lips. I ran my tongue over my lips, tasting his salty boy juice. Mmmm.. This was heaven. I opened my lips, wrapped them around his head, and started to suck. His hips and my head began to bob in rhythm. I felt his veiny shaft slide past my lips as his dick probed deeper into my mouth with each thrust, coating my tongue with the delicious pre-cum.

Suddenly, he grabbed the back of my head, thrust his hips forward, and impaled my head on his dick. My eyes grew wide as his nutsack slapped against my chin. I started to move my head back to continue bobbing, but he maintained his grip. I tried to relax my throat muscles as his cock invaded deep into my skull. Several seconds later, my lungs started to burn as I needed to take a breath.. I tried to pull back but he held firm. I started to scream, although only muffled groans escaped. As I started to struggle, I heard Camden laughing..

"Fuck yea, bitch. Keep trying to scream... mmmmm. Your vocal chords are massaging my hotttttt teeeeeen cock."

Tears streamed down my face and I felt my gag reflex kicking in... Just as panic started to well up inside of me, he let go. I slid my mouth off his dick entirely, gasped for air, when WHACK.. Camden's hand collided with my face again.

"Don't you ever fucking take my dick out of your mouth once you've started blowing me, teech. You are so fucking stupid. How did you ever become a teacher, asshole?"

I opened my mouth to begin sucking his cock again when he grabbed my hair and started to violently fuck my face. I pointed my tongue upward, massaging the sensitive underside of his dick as it slammed in and out of my throat.

I could feel his shaft start to thicken as his thrusts became faster and faster. His hips moved even more quickly as he yelled "oh fuckkkk... I'm gonna cum in your mouthm bitch. Don't even think about swallowing it yet."

He slid his cock all the way out of my mouth and then slid just the head back in.

"MMMfuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmmmmmm" He howled into the night sky as I felt glob after glob of his hot teen spunk land on my tongue. The taste was incredible. I wanted to swallow it so badly and struggled not to as it began to fill my mouth.

He held my head in place for a few minutes. His body heaving up and down as he caught his breath.. his softening cock head sitting on my tongue, leaking the last bits of CamdenSauce. Finally, he pulled out.

"Look here, bitch. Open wide and show the camera my baby batter swirling around in your mouth. mmm.. tastes good right? How could it not taste good. it came from me! My perfect little sperm cells are swimming all around your mouth, you faggot whore."

I opened wide as he zoomed in on my mouth.

"Swirl it around with your tongue, fag. Show everybody how much you enjoy having teen jizz in your mouth."

As I was swirling, he continued to talk.

"Look everybody. Here is my teech, kneeling on the 50 yard line of the football field, enjoying the flavor of my spunk."

The word "everybody" caught my attention and terrified me. What was he going to do with this video? Fear worked its way back into my head, mixing with lust for this teen god and my own pent up need to cum. I heard the sound of the camera turn off as he reached into a backpack that I hadn't even noticed he brought with him. He pulled out what looked like a leash and small, leather strap. Without saying a word, he wrapped the leather strap around my very hard dick and my ballsack. It sounded like it snapped shut and then I heard a click. I realized he had attached a ball and cock harness to me and that harness was was now attached to a very short leash.

"Remember, slut, don't swallow until I tell you to do so."

He pulled upward on the leash and I had to stand up to avoid having my dick pulled off. With a yank of the leash, he started to walk back toward the gate. I followed, like a little puppy, as my hot master led the way. When we got to the gate, I had expected to head toward the car, but Camden turned in the opposite direction... directly toward the school. Fuck.. now what's happening?

As we walked, his jizz continued to swish around in my mouth. It became harder and harder not to swallow as my saliva began to mix with his spunk, filling my mouth. I felt small amounts of jizz start to leak down my cheeks.

When we got to the main entrance, he handed me my key ring (how did he get that... he's so good at this..) and I opened the front door. He led me down the hallway, past the cafeteria, and through the double doors that lead to the locker room. My cock throbbed in anticipation as I thought about the fact that I was being led naked through the school building. When we arrived at the locker rooms, I started to walk toward the boys locker room but Camden tugged on my leash and pulled me in the opposite direction. The girl's locker room? I looked at him with a questioning look. I turned on the lights and we wandered in. He led me over to a row of benches in front of the lockers.

"Sit, bitch."

I sat down.. the metal benches cold on my naked ass. He pulled his camera phone back out and clicked record.

"Open up, bitch. show me that jizz you've been savoring for the last 10 minutes."

As I opened my mouth, jizz and saliva flooded out the sides of my mouth, down my chin, and onto my chest. Camden laughed hysterically.

"Ok slut, time to enjoy the meal i provided for you. Swallow."

I had to swallow three times to get all of his jizz down. I felt the slime run down my throat, and I knew that a part of Camden would be inside of me forever.

As I swallowed, he walked over to a locker that was labeled "Jess B." I recognized that name.. Jess B was.. Camden's girlfriend.

He opened the locker, and motioned for me to look inside.

"Get dressed, fag. Our guests will soon be here."

My heart sank..

To be continued.

This is my first attempt at writing. I would love to hear any of your ideas for where this story should go. Feedback can be sent to

Next: Chapter 6

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