Im Camdens

By Steven Chidress

Published on Mar 8, 2012


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are fictional.

As I replayed the images of Camden in my head, I could almost hear his slightly cocky voice telling me he was just going to take a seat. My cock started to grow again and I found myself reaching into my pants as I finished navigating to my home. That night, I jerked off three different times as I imagined Camden's naked body intertwined with mine. Fuck he was hot. Little did I know how real my fantasy would become....

Day 2- I arrived at work about 20 minutes before the students started rolling in and received my assignment for the day- Phys Ed. As each class arrived, I waited in anticipation for the stroke of luck that would have Camden arriving to my PE class. The final class of the day arrived in the gymnasium, and a quick glance around the group showed no signs of those green eyes and deep dimples. I had just finished taking attendance when I saw the boy's locker room door swing open and Cam's confident body stroll in. You would think that I would have learned from my reaction yesterday to be prepared for him, but I caught myself staring just a little too long, my mouth slightly agape. If Camden had been hot in class yesterday, he was fucking gorgeous today. His tight white t-shirt showed off more of his toned chest and abs. I'm not into overly muscled guys, and fortunately his particular build and combination of wrestling and track had left him with just the right blend of muscled man and innocent boy. As he got closer, something about his red mesh shorts caught my eye. Is it possible that he is freeballing today? I could almost see the outline of his cock swaying as he walked toward me with that arrogant swagger of his. Seconds later, Cam was standing beside me. As he casually put a hand on my shoulder, he flashed me a smile complete with those deep dimples and said "I know you aren't going to write me up." He gave me a quick pat on the back, a wink, and walked toward his friends who were gathered by the pull up bars.

What the fuck. Who talks to a stranger like that... much less an authority figure. I know I should have been mad, or at least have acted mad, but my mind was racing in a thousand different directions. Why the wink? Was he able to read my thoughts? What the hell is going to happen to my job if people can read me that easily? While I began to panic, I also felt my cock thickening in my khaki pants again as I replayed the feeling of his hand resting on my shoulder. He's absolutely right.. I'm not going to write him up. Like every other person in the school, Camden owned me with one flash of that gorgeous smile.

I barely noticed anything the other students did during that last period. I spent my time trying to catch a glimpse of that unrestrained cock swinging around in Cam's mesh sorts as he played basketball. Somewhere in my mind, I knew that if someone was watching me carefully enough, they would know what I was up to, but my attraction to Cam overruled common sense at that point. Finally, the bell rang and the students went to the locker room.

After about 15 minutes of cleaning up the gym floor and putting equipment away, I wandered down to the locker room office to gather my belongings and head home. The hallway was quiet and empty as the students had either caught the buses or gone off with their friends. As I stepped into the locker room, I could hear a few showers still running. Their voices echoed through the locker room and I heard the sounds of laughing and typical teenage male chest beating. As I began to be able to make out the words of their conversation, I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard my name mentioned. I listened carefully as I slowly crept closer.

"No way. How do you know?"

"It's obvious, dickhead. Watch him sometime. Yesterday, I came into class late and the faggot just stared at me with his cocksucking mouth hanging open. Today, when I heard he was in for Mr. Shaffer, I figured I'd see if I could get the same reaction out of him. That fucker didn't even flinch when I told him he wasn't going to write me up. Probably too busy thinking of all our teenage dicks. What a fucking homo."

I had crept forward to a point where I could look through the locker room office window and just barely see the showers on the other side. I didn't recognize the two guys in the shower with him, but I recognized Cam's dark black hair immediately. His back was to me and I could only see his upper back as the water glistened off his shoulders. I could see the front side of the one guy- typical jock with a decent attempt at a beard, jacked abs, and a light coating of brown hair over well defined pecs. Cam's other classmate was a twink. Blonde hair with a smooth, slim body. I could only see their upper halves, but the thought of the three of them showering naked got my cock rock hard. I unzipped my khakis as I listened to the rest of their conversation. My breathing growing heavier as I stroked my cock harder and harder.

"You're just full of yourself, Cam. I call bullshit"

"No fucking way. He's into dicks. Listen up, assholes, I'll find a way to prove it."

"Whatever, Cam. I still don't' buy it"

"I'm never wrong. I've banged most of the puss in this place. I know when the girls are begging. This guy is begging. Let's place a little wager on it. I prove he's a fag and you guys lose. You become my chore bitches for a week. You do anything I ask.. do my homework, clean my car.."

"Fine. You're on. I can't wait to see your cocky ass proven wrong."

I jumped back from my perch as I saw Camden suddenly run from the shower to his locker. It was then that I got my first quick glimpse of his naked ass. For a flash second, I saw those wet, smooth mounds that sported dimples to match his face. As he reached into his gym bag and pulled out his phone. He dialed a few quick numbers...

"Hey Mr. Rampton. It's Camden"

Camden was best friends with Eric Rampton, the principal's son. In Mr. Rampton's eyes, Camden could do no wrong.

"I heard that Mr. Shaffer is going to be out again tomorrow and I wanted to tell you that Mr. Chidress did an awesome job for him today. We really enjoyed having him as a sub and I was wondering if you could get him for us again tomorrow..... Awesome! You are the man, Mr. Rampton."

Camden ran back to the showers and shared his victory with the guys. As I caught another glimpse of his sexy ass run by the window, I took a deep breath in and held my moan as I shot load after load of my jizz over the locker room wall. I cleaned up quickly and snuck out before the boys noticed I was there.

I did not sleep that night.

Day 3- To be continued.

This is my first attempt at writing. I have the storyline laid out for a two month period but would be happy to hear any of your ideas for where this story should go. Feedback can be sent to

Next: Chapter 3

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