I?m An Excellent Kisser

By Hank Yager

Published on Jan 28, 2015



Author's Note: This is a work of fiction based solely on the fantasies of the author. It does not depict safe sex practices. It contains graphic depictions of sexual encounters between adult men. Any similarity to any persons, places, or events is entirely coincidental and unintentional. If you have moral objections to such material or if it is illegal where you live do not read it.

This story is the property of the author. Comments are welcome: hankyager@outlook.com

I'm An Excellent Kisser

We all serve together on the board of directors of a local community group. Officially the four of us are Finance and Funding Oversight or something like that but when our committee was first formed one of the younger members jokingly called us "The Geezer Group". We looked at ourselves and agreed. For a while John played with "Boomer Boys" it lacked the suggestion of curmudgeonly grumbling and old man pontifications that amused all of us. We knew it had become official when someone messed up and referred to us as such in the minutes of a monthly meeting.

And Geezers is pretty accurate. While I myself am still under sixty it is only a matter of months until that changes. John, Alan and Brad are all older than me. John retired from teaching a couple of years back and Alan from his engineering job last year. Brad's final day of work as a vocational counselor is close enough that he's starting to talk about his retirement in the present tense. We've known each other for a long time---its small community---and we've been together on the board for over a year. Our committee has been meeting for almost that long and as a group we work well together. Well, to be honest, we work well so long as Alan is around to keep us on task and focused. We are not exceptionally close friends but we are certainly friendly enough that a bit of smart assed quipping can quickly escalate to a full blown bull session. Personally I blame John for most of it. And Brad. I, of course, would never be party to such things.

"Look, I've got it!" Brad said "All you have to do is shift everything over to the third column and it balances"

"No it doesn't" I said "You still have all those miscellaneous funds..."

"You take those out altogether. We just put `em in to try to make it fit."


"He's right" Alan said. "That fixed it!"

"Damn," said John "it does!"

"Who knew you were so good at this stuff Brad." I said getting up to go for another beer. We were meeting at John's. His wife was yet again three towns over at their daughter's house watching grandkids while the daughter traveled for work. Son-in-law had taken off awhile back. John and Kate seemed to think the occasional week of babysitting was worth being rid of him. Anyway, meeting at John's means beer. John fancies himself a connoisseur and is always finding some obscure lager or dark ale or some such thing he insists everybody tries. John adamantly denies the belly he adamantly denies he is developing has anything to do with all those stouts and pale ales. It's a fact that consumption of John's beer had a big impact on what happened that evening.

"I'm very good at a lot of things." Brad said looking over his reading glasses and down at his computer screen. He was sprawled over the sofa. Brad always seems to take up an inordinate amount of room. Tall and lanky, he tends to drape himself over chairs, tables or any furniture in his vicinity. As he approaches retirement his grey streaked hair has gotten longer and his once neatly trimmed silver goatee has crept up his cheeks and down and around his neck. He claims his long buried hippie soul is emerging, phoenix-like from the ashes of years of responsibility adulthood. John says he just getting old and can't remember to go get a haircut.

"Yeah?" John said running his hand across the top of his head. I expect that in past days he would have been running his fingers through his hair but the only hair left is a white fringe. That and a beard which seems to always be coming, going and changeing shape. At this moment it was full and neatly trimmed. "Name three."

"Well let's see." Brad said "As you just saw I'm a whiz at projecting budgets. I make the best omelets you have ever tasted...aaannnd...I am an excellent kisser."

"I think we'd need to ask Rosemary about that." John said.

"Ask her," said Brad, "Rosie loves my omelets"

"Not about your damn omelets. About that kissing thing. You're hardly the one to judge your own skill."

"Can we get back to this?" Alan was flipping through paper. "I told Marjorie I wouldn't be at this all night." They ignored him. I took a beer from the refrigerator, opened it and leaned in the doorway to watch.

"If you doubt me, come over here and I'll show you."

"That'll never happen" I said

"What would you do if I DID come over there?" John challenged "Run scared out of the room is what!"

"Okay, page 12." Alan said, "Looks like they want us to..." But nobody was listening.

"Put your money where your mouth is John...or rather where MY mouth is!" Brad raised his eyebrows and patted the sofa beside him. I laughed and even Alan snorted. This exchange was typical of the two of them, poking and prodding each other, reveling in the verbal banter.

"I'm not at all sure it'd be worth the trip."

Brad leaned over and rummaged through his canvas briefcase and came up with a bottle of mouth spray. He looked pointedly at John and exaggeratedly removed the cap. He opened his mouth, sprayed twice, recapped the bottle and patted the sofa again. Then he tossed the spray to John who caught it.

"Not gonna happen." I said

"Not much of anything is happening here." Alan muttered from his armchair again pointedly sorting through his papers. "We're never going to get this finished. Deadline is next month and we are going to have wasted all this effort..." Brad teasingly calls Alan Eeyore when he goes off like this. I have to admit that Alan's muttered monologues of disaster do evoke the pessimistic donkey from Winnie the Pooh. But right now Brad wasn't hearing Alan, he was too busy taunting John. John was loving it.

"If I did, you know it would scare the hell outta you." John said

"Oh I doubt you're THAT bad at it!"

"Would you guys stop messing around!"

"They haven't STARTED messing around yet Alan...and they won't either `cause neither one is gonna call the other's bluff!"

"Think so?" said John

"Know so." I replied

"Yeah? Just watch!" He uncapped the bottle, opened his mouth and sprayed twice. Making sure he had Brad's eye, he sprayed again. Then he got up, walked over and sat down beside Brad.

"Here I am."

"So you are...so you are...I guess my bluff has been called. The challenge met. What DO I do now?? Do I, as you suggested, run screaming outta the room...I think not. But tell me, should I save face...or suck face?" John laughed in spite of himself and I snickered from the doorway. I looked across the room and caught Alan smiling as he looked down at his computer. "I think all I can do..." Brad reached out and with a finger, touched John's chin and turned John's face to his "is this..." and he leaned in and his mouth covered John's mouth.

"Damn!" I said. I didn't think they had the balls!

"That," Alan said dryly "does not require your balls" And when I looked over at him he looked up from sorting his papers and gave me a smirk.

Meanwhile John and Brad were still joined at the mouth. I could see Brad's lips move and John start to respond I was pretty sure tongues had just gotten involved. It was a long kiss and ended with Brad sucking on John's lower lip before he pulled back.


"Not bad..."

"Whadda you mean `not bad'? That was the best kiss you've ever had. Admit it!"

"You're pretty good..." John was stalling, looking for a way out. "But..." and you could almost see the thought take shape. "I've only ever kissed women. Maybe ALL men kiss that well, y'know maybe it's some sort of guy thing. Maybe" and he looked at Brad with upraised brows "in the world of man kissing, you're just...average."

"Of course I'm not just average. You're a man. And you know I kissed you better than you kissed me back!"

"I dunno. Maybe what we need here is to get ourselves..." and as he said it John turned to me "...an expert."

"Yeah...maybe..." said Brad catching on immediately "...maybe somebody who's kissed LOTS of men..."

"Probably thousands..." John went on

"Hey...watch it with the numbers. I'm right here!" I said "Just because I'm gay does NOT mean I've kissed the multitudes."

"But" John said "you have kissed" and he looked so very proud of himself as he said it "multiple dudes!"

I groaned. Alan snorted. Brad chuckled, John went on. "I've kissed a total of one." He looked at Brad who held up three fingers. John's eyebrow went up "Really?"

"It was the 70s" Brad said "What can I say?"

"So," I said, "just to be clear...You two straight guys are asking the gay guy to kiss you to settle which of you---which of the two straight guys--- kissed the other one best?"

"That's about right" Brad said "But it's more like to show the smart assed bald straight guy that he's wrong and to make him admit the tall, handsome straight guy is, in fact, an excellent kisser."

"I think both of the straight guys have had too much beer!"

"Well, that's an understatement!" Alan said. "Can we please get back to work!"

"In just a minute Alan." John said "When Hank settles this" and he picked up the breath spray and tossed it to me.

"Really?" I said "Y'all think you are going to get ME all flustered with your little game? You do recall that `gay' means I LIKE kissing men? Even.." and I looked them up and down "you two." I tried to appear disdainful but the fact was I had no objections at all to kissing John or Brad. Actually I was more than pleased with the opportunity.

"Yeah, Yeah... Pucker up and get on with it" John said "Do me first so you have a properly high standard to compare him to."

"DO you??" What exactly are you expecting here?" I said as I crossed the room. Alan heaved a long sigh of surrendered and closed his laptop.

"You know what I mean." John said "Come on, spray up and lay one on me!"

"What is with you straight people and the breath spray thing?" I gave my mouth a single squirt and was nearly overcome with burning peppermint fumes. "Damn, this stuff is awful!" I said making a face.

"Look at that expression John and he's not even kissed you yet!"

"You weren't complaining a few minutes ago when I was showing you fireworks!"

"Those were..."

"Will you two shut up!! God, do all straight men TALK so much about every damn kiss?? Commere John let me `do' you. It'll keep at least one of you quiet!"

Brad gave John a teasing push in my direction "Go on!" he said, "get yourself done!"

I'm taller than John. When he stood up I had to bend my head down. I took his upturned face in both hands and pressed my lips to his. He opened his mouth and before I could slide my tongue into his mouth his tongue was in mine. John's kiss was playful his tongue darting around dodging then pressing against mine. I ran my tongue over his teeth, around his mouth. I kept my lips pressed to his and let him decide when to pull back. He smiled as we broke apart and I gave him a quick peck on the tip of his nose. "Was that outstanding or what?" He said.

"That was pretty good" I admitted "for a straight man!"

"Pretty good my ass! You know you are, at this moment, completely swept off your feet!"

"No," said Brad, "the sweeping off of the feet will start now as Hank discovers what it is like to be kissed by..."He put his hand on my shoulder and I turned to him. Just as I'm taller than John, Brad is taller than me. This time I was the one who had to turn my face up "...an excellent kisser!" he murmured as he leaned in to meet me.

He started not with open mouth and probing tongue but with a soft brushing of my lips with his, a gentle peck then his tongue running across my lips requesting entry. I opened my mouth and let his tongue wander in. Just like everything Brad does, his kiss was languid and unhurried, encouraging me to explore his mouth as he did mine. Our tongues found each other, entangled and did a slow easy dance before a lingering separation. As he had with John, Brad ended the kiss by sucking my lower lip between his for a few lovely seconds before he pulled back. "An excellent kisser..." I whispered.

"So?" said John

"You're wonderful John but...some people just have the gift and you" I said touching Brad's cheek "are one of the best out of the thousands and thousands of men I've kissed."

"You just said it wasn't all that many." John said. Then grinning "You're probably so out of practice anything would seem good!"

"He kissed you first" Brad reminded him

"I think we need a best two out of three..."

"C'mon y'all, we need to cut this out. We're gonna make Alan really uncomfortable." I said walking back to the kitchen counter to retrieve my beer.

"Why is it" Alan said "you three think just because I like to do what we came here to do, get something accomplished for once, I'm some kinda old stick in the mud? I'll have you know" he said getting up from the table and walking toward the sofa, "that I am as capable as any of you of grabbing some man" He sat down beside Brad and pulled him forward "and kissing him!"

And he covered Brad's astounded mouth with his and did just that.

Now you have to understand about Alan. Alan is serious, ordered, task focused. He's always prepared, always has a plan. Alan's clean cut, clean shaven. Horn-rimmed glassed. His soft wavy silver hair is starting to seriously thin. If he wears jeans, he irons them. He's a guy who, at first glance, you would label a conservative Republican. And you would be dead wrong. Alan's your basic bleeding hear liberal democrat. He' got a great heart, cares deeply about things and is probably more committed to making the world better than anyone I know. He just wants to make it better in a planned, orderly fashion with schedules, flow charts and Excel spreadsheets.

And judging from Brad's reaction when he finally pulled away, Alan was not a bad kisser either. Brad was looking a bit flustered, Alan a bit self-satisfied. He looked around Brad to John, pointed and said "Not one word outta you!"

John held up his hands "I wouldn't..."

"That was two words!" Alan reached over, grabbed John's shoulders and pulled him forward so he was leaning across Brads lap, trapping Brad between them. Alan's mouth found John's. In fact it seemed to me that they pretty much met halfway. Even across the room I could see John responding to Alan and Alan pressing that interest. When Alan finally released him John sat back with a "Whoa...damn!" Alan turned to me still standing in the doorway beer in hand. "Well, smartass, do you have anything to say?"

"Hell yes! Remember I'm the guy who LIKES kissing men so I'll say whatever it takes to get you over here doing that to me!" As Alan walked over to me I sat down my beer and met him with open arms. "And I'm going to show you straight boys how to properly hold a man when you kiss him."

I wrapped my arms around Alan and pulled him to me. As our faces drew closer, I put one hand on the back of his head letting my fingers trail through his hair. I left the other around his waist, my hand resting on the small of his back. His eyes closed and our lips met. I knew this started as a joke and maybe it was still a joke but here was a warm breathing man, a guy I knew, a guy I liked, in my arms parting his lips to my probing tongue, his hair soft under my caressing fingers. It felt wonderful, it felt exciting...erotic. He opened his mouth wider and I let my tongue roam over his teeth, find his tongue and entwine with it. I let my hand slide down until it rested below his belt, on his ass. When I pressed him closer, I felt it, the hard ridge pressing against my crotch...where my own cock was also growing. I knew we should stop, keep this light. I should make sure it stayed a joke but he fit so comfortably in my arms and, I realized, I in his. Alan's arms were around me, one hand rubbing my back, the other resting on my shoulder. This certainly didn't feel like a joke. He was so responsive to my kiss that it wasn't easy to stop but finally I borrowed Brad's little lip suck and with that ended it. I still held him against me not wanting to let go. This seemed to be moving into a whole new territory and I wasn't sure I should let it. I didn't want anything to change between the four of us but everything seemed very close to tilting sideways. My brain searched for the quip, the wisecrack, the joke to put things back where they were supposed to be. I was befuddled and I didn't think clearly about what I was about to say. Before I realized it I said, in a voice a little hoarser and a little sultrier than it probably should have been, "Alan, is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

From the sofa Brad and John guffawed, Brad falling back and literally kicking his long legs in glee. But with my arms still around him and his around me, Alan turned his head to laughing pair and said with the greatest of dignity "Yes, I have an erection...And don't your clowns try and tell me that you haven't gotten aroused too!"

Alan continued to stare at them until their laughter subsided. Finally Brad said rather sheepishly "It's true I might be having a bit of a physical reaction that might have started about the time I kissed John..."

"I knew I was good! You melted under the power of my kiss!" John said. Brad just raised his eyebrows and pointed to John's crossed legs and his hand casually covering his crotch. John grinned and lifted it in surrender. "Yeah, yeah...okay all this kissing and watching kissing got to me too"

I looked at Alan and said, using the hand against his ass to press his crotch against mine, "You can gage my level of interest for yourself."

He smiled then said, "The question is, now that we have them, what do we do with them?"

"Whaddaya mean?" John asked

"Well, we can go back to work on the budget" Alan said "and pretend nothing... ever came up," Brad chuckled "or we can...get creative."

"Creative?" I asked letting my hold on Alan loosen but still keeping one arm draped around his waist. His hand remained on my shoulder.

"There's more than one way to relieve one's self of an erection." he said "or to relieve one's friend of his"

"I don't know about y'all but for me there aren't as many of `em as there used to be. It does seem a shame to just let these...fizzle out" Brad said

John frowned "What are you talking about relieve a friend...are you saying we should have a...whadda ya call it...you know... a circle jerk? Have any of you ever done that?"

They all looked at me. "What? Again with the gay guy knows all thing?? I hate to tell you but I've never been part of a circle jerk! And no,

they're not covered in the gay handbook!"

"Shouldn't be too hard to figure it out" Brad said slowly "the name is kinda self-explanatory..."

"Should we get naked" John wondered "or just...you know...pull `em out..."

"My experience has always been" Brad said "that any sex works better naked..."

"Would it be sex really" John mused "or something else..."

"You mean a sex-like product made from processed white fish and flavoring?" I said "Of course it's sex!"

"So we would all be having sex...together...with each other...." John was hesitant.

"We all just spent the last ten minute tongue kissing each other to the point of hardons" Alan pointed out "I think we've BEEN having sex. Together. With each other."

"And it WAS some damn nice kissing wasn't it?" John slowly smiled as if he had just recalled the last 15 minutes. Then he grinned and clapped his hands as if the matter were suddenly settled. "Sex together it is then. Count me in! So, first thing we get naked..." and John started unbuttoning his shirt. He looked around at the three of us. "What? If we're going to do it let's do it. I don't have all night. Dunno about know about y'all but with me a hardon is a kinda use it now or lose it thing these days."

"If you lose it we can probably help you find it again" I said "but tell me, how do you even keep up with yourself?"

"Huh?" He now had his shirt unbuttoned and was pulling off his socks

"Never mind."

Brad kicked off his shoes and stood up unbuckling his belt. John looked across where Alan and I were still standing and tossed a sock in our direction "Hey...get naked! Come on!"

I released Alan and started to undress. Watching the three of them take off shirts, drop pants pull undershirts over their heads, pull off socks and finally slide down underwear---John loud red boxers, Brad tight black speedos and Alan white Jockeys ---was incredibly exciting for me. I was the last and when I slipped off my own underwear, there we stood, the four of us stood naked in John's living room sporting four very decent boners...decent at least for men who get the senior discounts.

And there we stood. And stood. And stood. Beyond some very obvious looking, nobody seemed to know what to do next nor was anyone prepared to make the first move. It was right on the verge of ridiculous. "For God's sake!" I said finally "We all had tongues down each other's throats not five minutes ago!" John was just across from me so I grabbed him, pulled him forward and said "Kiss me you fool!"

That broke the tension. As John guffawed, I covered his mouth with mine and led him into a lingering kiss. Breaking away I saw Alan and Brad had moved closer. John reached out his hand and ran it down across my, admittedly, rounded stomach. "And you tell me I'm getting a belly!"

"You are" I said "but it looks very good on you". And it did. I reached out and ran my hands over John's chest lingering at his big erect nipples. His belly had a generous sprinkling of hair which, like the bush around his dick, was mostly silver. His balls hung down below a six inch cut cock with a big flaring mushroom head. That the tip glistened with a drop of precum suggested he was in no real danger of losing his erection. When he bent down to pick up his clothes and turned to toss them onto the sofa I had a great view of a tight round ass.

He turned back and rubbed his hands together. "Okay circle jerk. Here we are all nicely naked, I got kissed yet again because I am so damn good at it." and he raised his chin to Brad who gave him a pitying look and responded with "Or need all the practice you can get."

John pretended he didn't hear..."What's next?"

"Like I said I think it's pretty self-explanatory" Brad said "You get in a circle..." I watched him as he positioned himself between John and me and motioned Alan to take the place across from him. Brad's lanky body was fairly smooth, a small patch of hair in the center of his chest and a still dark bush around his cock. He had beautiful legs that ended in long shapely feet. His dick, in contrast to the rest of him was short and thick with an upward curve. He too was circumcised and his ball sack was tight under his cock. "And you..." he went on "Reach out and touch someone..." And saying so, wrapped his hand around John's cock.

"What...Ahhh...oh!" John's surprise turned to delight "That's feels very good!...just reach out you say..." and he grabbed Alan's cock in one hand and Brad's in the other. "Oh...wow...not at all like holding your own is it? But damn interesting...nice..."

"John," Brad said "Just one to a customer or it won't work."

"Oh sorry...which...er...who? Hey, this isn't all as easy as you made it out to be Brad my boy!"

"John." Alan said "take the cock to your right and lips to your left...no your OTHER right...okay. Now turn around here and kiss me"

As their faces met I heard Alan mutter "All these damn beards!"

John was behaving just like John always behaves, half fooling around, going for a laugh. But John being John meant the rest of us could settle into our own skins and relax. We were still buddies. We knew and trusted each other. Naked or not we really enjoyed being together and together we were about to have ourselves a little adventure, make a little secret to keep. I felt Brad take hold of my cock and I reached for Alan's. I watched him kissing John and thought how incredibly sexy he was. Certainly Brad was sexy. Brad pretty much exudes it in his casual good looks, his relaxed manner and that deep slow southern voice that rumbles out of his throat. And John is undeniably cute. Cute as hell on all kinds of levels. But Alan...it's usually so easy to overlook Alan. It gets a whole lot harder to overlook him when he's standing beside you naked with his hard, dripping cock in your hand. Alan is a hairy man. A thick matt of silver and brown fur spread across his chest, up over his shoulders, down his belly and around his cock. His dick was slightly bigger than John's but uncut. When I took him in my hand the skin was still stretched over the head, the tip wet with pre cum. His cock jutted out with a slight upward bend and under it hung a magnificent pair of ball in a loose sack. Alan likes to hike and muscular hairy legs showed the effects of that. I had seen as we undressed that the sprinkling of hair on his shoulders spread down and across his back extending to both cheeks of his tight ass. I masturbated him as I do myself, using the foreskin, letting it slide back and forth over the head, now slick with pre cum.

"Lips to your left" Brad said using his fingers to turn my head to him "We'll have to use your left, the lips to my left are occupied."

Brad really is a most excellent kisser. I could have been content to just spend the evening with his mouth exploring mine. He seemed to know instinctively where to meet my tongue, when to probe when to pull back, when to nibble. It was incredible stroking Allan's hard uncut cock while Brad's mouth played with mine. I started with my left hand resting on Brad's shoulder but it soon dropped to caress his back and then to run lightly over the rounded cheeks of his butt. I know straight men have some pretty strong (and pretty strange if you ask me) feeling about their asses but I was sensing no pulling back so I let a finger trail down his crack, just barely inside, just tracing the curve of it. I felt him squeeze my dick a little harder. I pulled back from the kiss "Okay?" I whispered

I glanced down to see John's hand moving slowly up and down Brad's shaft. At the bottom of every third of fourth stroke he would stop to rub Brad's balls or stroke his inner thighs. "Mmmmhmm...just fine...wonderful..." Brad murmured and his lips were seeking mine again.

Seeing John working Brad's reminded me of Alan's nice low hanging nuts and I let go his cock to fondle and weigh them in my hand before again gripping his dick and sliding the foreskin all the way back so I could slowly slide it over the head again. I let my finger probe deeper into Brad' ass crack to the point I could feel his heat and damp sweat. There was still no resistance so I went deeper and felt my finger make contact with his tight puckered rosebud. He gave a little moan and his kiss became more frantic, I rubbed his hole, not penetrating him just running my finger over it, around it, trying to do with my finger what I really wanted to be doing with my tongue.

Alan and John seemed locked at the mouth. John had his hand on Alan's chest fingers playing in all that hair. Alan was working John's dick with an alternation of slow strokes followed by a series of quick jerks. The slow strokes came forward to allow Alan's hand to engulf the big head of John's dick, the short strokes stopping just behind it. It was clearly working for John who, even deep into kissing Alan was giving out long satisfied moans and grunts. I expected the only thing keeping John from giving a running commentary of his pleasure was Alan's tongue in his mouth.

I continued to rub Brad's asshole as we kissed. It seemed to me that Brad, the excellent kisser, got even better if you put a finger on his hole. I wondered what would happen if you put a finger IN his hole and gave a little push. Brad's hand that had been resting on John's shoulder darted to the back of my head and he pressed our faces even closer. I sucked his tongue hard and he opened his mouth wider to let it probe deeper. I pushed my finger in further and made little slow thrusting motions, starting to finger fuck him. He pulled away from our kiss long enough to mummer "Oh God Hank, don't stop doing that!!"

John broke from his kiss and turned to us "What is it he's doing?"

"This." Brad said pulling back from me and reaching his free hand behind John. There was a moment and then a long groan from John.

"I do...that...when I jerk off...but damn Brad, you do it so much better!"

"It's that element of surprise" I said "you never know," and I wiggled my finger a little deeper into Brad's ass "what's coming."

"What's coming pretty soon I think is John" Alan said "That finger fuck has gotten you close hasn't it Babe?"

"Babe???" I thought but was too involved in playing with Alan's dripping dick, kissing Brad and working his ass as he stroked my cock to make a smart assed comment.

"I'm right there!" John moaned "Oh God, this is wonderful!"

"Kiss me while you cum!" Alan said and drew John close.

I looked down to see Alan's hand slide down the length of John's cock. I let go of Alan and held my hand under John's big gleaming cockhead just as it overflowed with thick cream. Alan Lifted his mouth off John's and John gave out that cry of pleasure that's so intense that it's almost pain. Brad was watching too as more thick cream flowed out of John's dick into my hand. It was hot and sticky and wonderful. John had let go of Brad's cock and Alan reached out and took it.

"Damn!" Said John as he fell back into a chair. "Damn...Damn...DAMN!"

I lifted my hand, covered in John's juice, to my mouth and sucked a huge glob of my finger. It was still hot, musty and amazingly sweet. Brad watched me lick another finger before grabbing my hand and pulling it to his mouth. "I wanna taste it!" and his tongue darted out to lick at John's juice "It's so good," he said in amazement "so much better than mine..." he was sucking my fingers into his mouth one by one.

"Seeing you two eat that is so fucking hot" John said "I might end up making more..."

I pulled my hand back from Brad's mouth. "Give Alan a taste" I said putting the last cum covered finger to Alan's lips. He flicked out his tongue and delicately cleaned my finger.

"Good stuff John" he said. At least he dropped the Babe thing "I think we're about to get some more Hank..."

Brad had let go of my dick and was pressing his ass down on my finger. I buried my face in his neck and whispered "Cum on, shoot it for me Brad..." I wiggled my finger in deeper and from the loud groan he gave I knew I had just hit his prostate. "Come on, give it to me...shoot that big load...cum for me Pretty Man..."

"That" I told myself "is as bad as Babe, maybe even worse!" Then I got smart and told myself "To hell with it, kiss the man already!" And I did, feeling his passions rising.

"Shoot your load Brad" I said again kissing his neck and rubbing his joy spot "You're so beautiful right now! I want to see you cum, I want to eat your juices just like you ate John's" Even though there was almost none left I reach my hand to his mouth to let him seek out the last drops of John's essence.

His ass clamped tight on my finger and he gave out a long low moan "Ohfuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkk!" I looked down to watch his thick cock erupt in Alan's hand...It was beautiful. He was beautiful as he moaned and strained and thick spunk ran out over the hairy back of Alan's hand. As Brad collapsed beside John, Alan reached over and offered me his cum covered hand.

"Rub it on your dick" I said dropping to my knees in front of him.

"Circle JERK, remember..." Alan said raising his eyebrows to me

"Gay guy's prerogative" I said. "The cocksucker thing. It's in the handbook." And I guided his hand covered with Brad's cum to his cock.

"I would be a fool to argue this" He said and coated his cock with Brad's juice. "Besides, I can guarantee you won't be sucking it long."

He wiped Brad's cum from his fingers to his cock and, cupping them, coated his nuts with the last of it. I moved my face forward and Alan ran his sheathed cockhead across my lips., My tongue darted out and caught a drop of Brad...it was lovely! I started to lick Alan's cock clean. The taste was amazing. Brad's cum and Alan's cock mingled together into a sweet, sticky musty taste that was absolutely, totally, completely male. I gloried in it. The shaft clean, I went for Alan's balls, sucking in each one and using my tongue to clean the last of Brad's spunk. I looked aside to see John tentatively sucking one of Alan's fingers, tasting what was left of Brad on Alan's hand. Then Brad, face was beside his, his tongue searching out any stray drops of his own essence in the hairs on the back of Alan's hand. I felt Alan's other hand on the back of my head, guiding it toward his rigid shaft. I slipped back his foreskin and ran my tongue over his cockhead...some of Brad's juice had gotten under Alan's sheath and the mingled taste of them was even stronger there. I let my tongue play around his piss slit then trace the curve of his dickhead. His hand was pushing my head forward. "Take it!" he said. I opened my mouth and let him slide his cock in until my nose was in his bush and his balls rubbed my chin. "Oh yeah, there's what that damn beard's for...tickling my fucking nuts!"

I loved having Alan's cock filling my mouth, reaching for my throat. My own dick was hard and dripping and I reached down and took it in my hand. A moment later someone pushed my hand away.

"Nobody has to do that for himself here!" John whispered in my ear as he started to slide his hand up and down my cock. My mouth was full of Alan but I reached out and stroked his cheek in thanks.

Alan was holding my head in both his hands now, pulling his cock out and letting it slide back into my mouth. I let him set his own pace. I my hands roamed up and down his hairy legs, up his belly and around to his furry butt. "Oh yes!!...you like to finger ass don't you...get it in there!" he said as I touched his crack. I probed between his cheeks, found the puckered treasure hidden within and started to rub it.

I felt lips on my shoulder and a hand cupping my balls as John continued to work my cock. Brad ran his hand down my back and rested it on my ass. "You want me to?" He whispered a finger stroking my crack. "Mmmhumm" was the best I could say with Alan's dick filling my mouth. Brad found my asshole and began to rub and tease it just as I had his.

Alan's hands gripped my head harder, his fingers entwined in my hair "This is so damn good!" and he pushed his cock as far into my mouth as he could, held it there until just before it was too long, then pulled out. He moved one hand to my face and stroked it and when he murmured "Babe...Oh damn Babe!" I didn't mind at all.

I was nearing my limit with John's fist griping my cock as he pumped it and Brad teasing my hole. That along with a hard hot cock in my mouth and a tight furry ass gripping my finger were more than any man could stand. I sensed Alan was close too and tried to hold myself back. I wanted my orgasm to explode with his climax. I slid my finger out of his ass and placing a hand on each cheek, I pulled him forward into my mouth. He understood and immediately started to fuck my face with hard fast strokes. His breathing quickened. So did mine. His fingers in my hair tightened, I pressed his ass harder, forcing him deeper into my mouth. "Hank, I'm there Babe...I'm there..." So was I. "OOOOOHHHHHHoooooohhhhh" Alan's cry was almost a howl as his dick gushed cum, filling my mouth and my cock erupted in John's hand. I swallowed fast, using my tongue to milk out every drop.

"John, quick, here" Alan was saying as he reached a hand to help John up, "Share!" and as I nursed the final drops of Alan's thick musty cream oozing from his softening cock, he was licking my spunk from John's hand. I let Alan slip from my mouth. Brad had slid to the floor and was now on his back his face between Alan and me. He reached out a finger and caught a last drop from Alan's cock and used the same finger to swipe my own still dripping tool. He brought the finger to his mouth and smiled as he flicked out his tongue "Had us all!" he said.

Alan slipped back onto the sofa and John fell down beside him. I collapsed between Brad and the sofa. I reached up and grabbed a large throw cushion and tucked it under my head. "Share" Brad said and I moved over so his head rested beside mine. He turned to me and smiled. "Hi there." he said. Everything was quiet for a moment as we caught our collective breath.

"Well Babe" Alan said reaching out his foot and resting it beside my belly his toe tracing a line back and forth along my stomach "I guess we know at least one thing you're good at."

"Indeed. I am an excellent cocksucker!"

"You are that." Alan said as I reached out and caressed his foot.

"Clearly so." John agreed and Brad turned his face, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said "Absolutely!"

"What? No challenge? No contest to see if I'm exaggerating? No vying for my title?"

"No Babe, you are the undisputed, unquestioned, and unchallenged best!" Alan said lifting both feet to rest them, crossed at his ankles, on my chest.

"What IS with you and this `Babe" thing??" Brad said

"It's a term of affection and endearment I use only for very special people, people whom I am exceptionally, extraordinarily, fond of...Babe."

There was a long moment. "Damn" said Brad reaching over to grasp Alan's leg "You mean that don't you!"

"I do." said Alan "I most certainly do."

"Sweet, Silly old Eeyore!" Brad said still holding Alan's leg. And only I was close enough to see the moisture brimming in his eyes.

Again there was a long moment before John broke the science. "You know," he said with great pride "I've kissed three men!"

"In an almost adequate fashion." Brad chuckled.

"And I" said John pointy ignoring Brad "ahh...I circle jerked too!"

"And lost" Brad said. Clearly, the last hour had changed nothing. We were still us.

"Whadda ya mean lost? How can you lose a circle jerk?"

"You came first..."

"Hey! Nobody said anything about that. If I had known..."

"John, he's jerking you again and this time not by the dick." I said poking Brad who was chuckling "YOU stop it! Nobody loses a circle jerk John. It's kinda like win-win...win...win"

"You clowns can fuck around through the best of afterglows." Alan grumbled "Can we just enjoy this a little longer?" And when John started to reply, Alan pulled him over "Hush!" and kissed him. When Alan pulled away he kept his arm around John who cuddled beside him, his head on Alan's shoulder.

"I'm starting to get cold" Brad said snuggling himself beside me. I stretched out an arm and he nestled in. He reached over and squeezed Alan's foot, still resting my chest. "Your toes are cold too...Babe." I saw Brad smile and heard Alan's soft laugh "What time is it anyway?"

"Too late to finish the budget projection tonight, we'll have to meet again in the next few days." Alan said. "Or we are going to get so far behind we'll miss the deadline and have to look for a different grant...if we can find one."

"Eeyore, Eeyore we'll be fine. We'll meet any time you want for as long as you want. For days and days..." Brad said sitting up.

"And Brad'll bring omelets" I said, "one of the less distracting things he's good at." "Hey, thanks to me John and Alan got to kiss their first men." Brad said "Three men in fact. Kisses and more!"

"Yeah," I said as lifting Alan's feet aside as I sat up "You're the hero!"

"The hero AND an excellent kisser!" Brad said giving me a peck on the cheek as he stretched his long arms above his head "Don't forget that."

"Before tonight you had only kissed three your own self" John reminded Brad "And that was `way back at Woodstock or something."

"I wasn't at Woodstock. I wish I had been. I still have the album you know. Great music! And it's still three more than you two. But nothing like the thousands Hank's..."

"Why is it Bradley," Alan interrupted him lifting a foot to poke Brad "you think this is the first time I've kissed a man. Or done...whatever...with one?"

"Huh?" It was very hard to trip Brad up and Alan had just done it. "Ahh...well because you're...you know, you... Eeyore...which is fine. Better than fine but...You?? Wait whadda you mean `whatever'???"

"Y'know when I think of it, you were pretty damn familiar with what to do when a man's sucking your dick..." I said

"So just how many men HAVE you kissed...or whatevered... Alan?" Brad said

"Counting tonight? Ahhhmmm..." and his fingers moved exaggeratedly as he pretended to count "about twelve or fifteen." He looked around at our stunned reactions. He smiled smugly, lifted a finger and pointed it around to include all three of us. "The problem with you people" he said "Is you make far too many assumptions!"

He gave John a peck on the cheek, stood up, stretched and reached a hand down to touch my hair and the other to stroke Brad's "If you gentlemen will excuse me I need to go wash up" and we watched his furry ass disappear down the hall.

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