Illegal Immigrant

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on May 2, 2011



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The big Cummins diesel roared as the road train I was driving bucked and bounced over the rutted red dirt road of the Northern Territory, my mind was in neutral as I stared through the bug spattered windscreen at the partial desert I was transversing. The next landmark I'd see was the deserted old mining town 20 kilometers ahead; my eyes were tired from the dust and glare of the pitiless tropical sun that burned down on the ruddy desiccated and lifeless landscape. I wiped the back of my hand across my eyes and shook my head to try and concentrate on the task in hand, bringing my vehicle, laden with the necessities of life, to Moondara, the small fishing port 50 kilometers past the ghost town.

There on the flat horizon I could see the rusting buildings of the old mining town and I thought to myself that I'd soon be enjoying a cooling beer in the small pub at my destination. The truck approached the dilapidated remnants and I stamped on the brakes when I saw a figure standing in the shade of a building. The big Kenworth's wheels locked up on the dusty gritty track as I tried to pull it up, dust filled the glare as the truck and trailers skittered and ground to a wheezing throbbing halt. The apparition was hidden from my sight by the red dusty cloud that enveloped the area, I waited for the dust to settle a little peering in the direction of the stranger I'd sighted.

What the devil was he doing way out here in the middle of nowhere? How had he got here it was a long walk to Moondara? The brief glimpse I'd had I pegged him as Asian and there weren't too many of them way out here in the outback. The red haze gradually drifted down in the still air and I could again make out his figure, he stood there wearing just cargo shorts and shoes his incredibly built body now almost brick red with dust, even his thick black hair was reddish as he tried to wipe the dust from his eyes and coughed to clear his lungs.

I climbed down from the cab and sauntered slowly across the hot dirt towards him, I moved slowly so I didn't scare him and I called out, "Are you ok mate? Has your car broken down or something?"

He looked at me strangely then bent to pick up his gear then turned as if to run away, I called out, "Stop! Wait! Don't run off I'm not going to hurt you."

His behaviour puzzled me as people alone out here were usually glad to see another human being especially if they were in trouble as I guessed this bloke was. He went to run on wobbly legs then stumbled and fell to the ground his possessions falling to the ground, I heard him grunt as the wind was knocked from him as he collapsed to the dirt. I stepped quickly to his side and squatted down on my haunches placing my hand gently on his bare shoulder, he felt hot to the touch and he jerked away, "Its ok mate don't panic. I'm going to help you not harm you."

He stopped moving and lay there breathing hard and shaking, I noticed his smooth skin was red from sun burn not just the dust, he'd obviously been exposed for some time to the heat and glare. I gently stroked the thick hair on his head as I spoke quietly and soothingly, trying to get him to calm down; gradually his shaking stopped and he sighed softly. I gently helped him to sit up and said, "Sit still, I'm going to get you some water from the truck."

I'm not sure he understood my words but he sat there his knees drawn up to his chest with his chin resting on his knees as his coal black eyes watched my every move. I sauntered to the cab and climbed up to pull out the 5liter water container, a mug and a hand towel then stepped back down and carried it across to where he sat in the shade of the old building. I studied him as I approached and I was perving on his muscular body, as he sat there knees drawn up I could make out a respectable bulge in those grimy cargo shorts as his family jewels bulged between his uplifted thighs.

He was an extraordinarily handsome young man, hard to put an age on him but he was somewhere between 18 and 25 I thought, he'd obviously worked out heaps as his body bulged with muscles under his smooth dusty skin. I felt a twinge in my groin as my dirty mind conjured up a picture of this Asian Adonis naked and aroused in front of me. Yes I'm gay but seldom get to enjoy my sexual pleasures other than wanking off in my sleeper on the truck now and then I get off with some horny stud out here in the Never Never but sadly that is a rare event.

I poured him a mug of water and offered it to him, he took the mug and smiled nodding his handsome head then gulped down the life giving aqua thirstily, a second mug suffered the same fate as I watched his adams apple bob sexily as he drank thirstily. I warned him to drink slowly or he'd be sick but he obviously didn't understand my warning so I didn't refill the mug a third time and let him relax a little. I gently urged him to his feet helping him stand up and poured some water onto the towel and began washing the red dust off his face, I carried on bathing his torso reveling at the feel of his incredibly taut hard body as my cock firmed and stiffen in my baggy board shorts. His skin glowed with health as the dust washed away, the water cooling his sunburned flesh as my hand caressed and moved about his pecs and rock hard abs.

His large soft nipples firmed and erected till they stood out like erasers, I heard him suck air between his clenched teeth and I immediately rubbed those hot nubs again, the course toweling teasing his excited nips and I felt him shuddering with hidden urges. His now wet and grubby cargos began to bulge obscenely as his manhood engorged with blood began to erect, I tipped more water down his ripped torso to saturate those thin cotton shorts ensuring hs cock was more visible. His whole body was now tensed and shaking with pent up desires, I wondered how long he'd been without relief as I saw his stiffy throbbing against the darkened wet material. Dare I reach down and touch that throbbing member? Would he be ok with me fondling his hardness?

I looked at his face it was contorted as he bit his bottom lip obviously trying to control his close to ejaculating erection, it was now or never, he was totally aroused and I was sure close to spurting. My trembling hand gently rubbed that hot incredibly rock hard tool, he gasped and pushed against my intruding fingers. I unzipped his fly and his pants fell to the dirt releasing his contorted briefs struggling to contain his beautiful boner, he was big, much bigger than any Asian I'd met; not that I'd met very many except for a few Japanese tourists in Darwin. I estimated he was 7inches long and about 5inches around I reached inside those wet almost transparent briefs and clutched his fat hot sausage then tugged it free as I fell to my knees in adoration of his dark manhood.

His cock and big egg shaped balls jutted from a crazy standing up, thick patch of jet black pubes his cock almost black as was his soft ribbed scrotum filled with those delicious sperm makers. My hands automatically moved one to grasp the thick base of his commodious cock the other to fondle his baby makers in their velvet sack as my nostrils flared inhaling the pheromones wafting from his sweaty crotch and dense pubes. He smelt so erotic and my senses reeled with lust as I plunged my mouth down his bulging boner impaling my hungry throat and making me gag. In nothing flat his cock throbbed crazily and spewed his thick rich sperm gushing down my gullet in huge globules, I pulled back to taste his offering and fell in love with its sweet tangy taste as my taste buds rioted in my mouth.

Lifting my eyes I watched those rock hard abs rolling as his body contorted to pump out his life giving ejaculate, his handsome face was hidden as his head was arched back, I let go his now tight nuts to caress those incredible abdominal muscles relishing the sensation as they tensed and relaxed under his sweaty slick smooth skin. He slowly calmed after his tempestuous climax and his face reappeared looking down at my eyes glazed lips parted as he gasped for breath in the hot humidity. His trembling hands clutched my head as his hips gently swirled his now semi stiff dick in my saliva and sperm filled orifice.

He then mumbled, "Thank you sir."

I realized he spoke some English and I replied, "No thank you sir, that was beautiful."

He chuckled and smiled lighting up his handsome face, I stood up and encircled his narrow waist and looked down into his jet black eyes, they were like bottomless pits and I felt I was almost falling into them; I rubbed my nose on his to see his reaction he rubbed back, I then gently pressed my lips to his he followed opening his lips and my tongue accepted his invitation slipping into his warm moist cavern as our tongues danced together sensuously. We made out for some time our hands roaming over each other's bodies before he dropped to his knees and undid my boardies before taking my aching hard on into his incredibly talented mouth. He'd obviously done this before and in no time, aroused as I was, he soon had me pumping his gullet full of my seed as I frantically rammed his face my pubes mashing against his fine nose.

Once he drained my nuts he arose and we went and sat together naked except for our sneaker and boots on an old oil drum, I was eager to find out more about him and where he'd come from the language barrier made it difficult as his English was poor but I gathered he'd arrived on a people smuggler's boat and been dumped off at the dilapidated wharf of the mine a distance of 10 miles away and followed the rusting rails of the old railway back to the mine. I found out he was from China and being gay had been listed for imprisonment but had been warned by a friend and had fled across China and into Viet Nam from there he'd bought passage on a fishing boat to Australia.

I felt for him and began to plan how I could help him. He could be my mate on the truck and that way nobody would be any the wiser about his history, when in Darwin he would share my life and my bed in my flat. Of course that was if he wished to do so, after I explained my plans he was happy and hugged me, we kissed to seal the deal and then we finished washing each other before getting dressed and climbing aboard the truck and heading to my destination Moondara.

We unloaded and spent the night in my bunk in the truck, sharing our cum several times through the dark hours, next morning we loaded up with fresh fish and prawns in the two refrigerated trailers and set off back towards Darwin. It was the best trip ever sharing my truck with Joe, as we'd agreed to call him, we shared sex morning and night and kept our balls drained, in Darwin we dropped off the road train and drove to my bungalow in the Kenworth. Joe loved my home with its view of the harbour, we sat out on the veranda enjoying the dusk as the sun sank into the sea and the skeeters arrived hungry for blood driving us inside and after a feed of fresh prawns courtesy of the fisherman at Moondara we retired to bed and whatever might eventuate.

Joe topped me, the first time in ages and I struggled to take his cock but after much fingering and rimming he slathered his hot horn and my tight hole with lots of lube then took me to paradise. The feel of his log sawing back and forth was incredible and when his derrick gushed I was howling to the moon like a sex crazed dingo. Once we'd calmed down he rolled onto his back lifting his muscular legs up exposing his incredibly muscular firm buttocks with the tiny dark freckle of his portal to paradise inviting me fill him to the brim which I did. This set the tone for our lives and we remained committed to one another, we totally enjoyed our bodies and Joe got me exercising till my somewhat flabby trucker's body was as cut as his, when we appeared on the beach together even the Darwin red necks couldn't help looking at us and the local sheilas were all trying to engage us much to their disappointment we wouldn't participate. Of course Joe never lodged a tax return or appeared on any official records, so the authorities never knew of his existence.

The End

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