I'll Paint You A Rainbow

By Ashley Getz

Published on Nov 23, 2013



I'll Paint You A Rainbow

This story is based on myself and two of my real life friends merged into one beautiful sub. While Grand Forks is a real town, please don't try stalking us. Names have been changed to protect the identities of the guilty.

The things that happen in this story are pure fiction, though you never know what could happen down the road.

Some of the things (such as the knotting) are obviously physically impossible for normal humans but these humans are far from normal. They live in an almost Omega!Verse type world.

Thank you for reading. All feedback is welcome at


Love always, ~Alex

Chapter 1

Alex Allan was born 23 years ago as Ashley Getz. When she was 21, she realized just how unhappy she was with life and more importantly herself. The decision to rename herself Alex was a simple one, picking up her fathers last name along the way. After numerous surgeries, she became he and he was finally happy. Throughout all it, he had a few amazing friends. One friend in particular meant the world to him and ended up as so much more.

Charles MacKree felt free on stage. When his body was moving to the beat thrumming through his veins, he felt like everything melted away. Dancing was Charlie's escape. Tonight though, he just wasn't feeling it. Not even dancing was making him smile.

Alex was curled up in his bed, laptop resting in front of his eyes on his pillow with him. Skype was running and the window showed a beautifully built guy, scantically clad. His strawberry blonde hair was a mess and he was sweaty. He'd just gotten off the stage.

"Come on Pengu! Just a little smile!" Alex asked, pet name easily rolling off his tongue.

The soft cureluean eyes rolled across the screen at him before Charles gave him a small smile.

"Not your best work but it's a start," Alex laughed, sighing and shaking his head. "You sure you won't tell me what's wrong?"

"It's nothing," Charlie repeated once again, not wanting to talk about it, especially with people like James within view.

Alex let out a small squeak. "JIM! PUT IT AWAY! What would your wife say?!" he cried out, covering his eyes. Seeing the occasional naked man wasn't too rare. Charles was a stripper after all and behind the scenes, weird crap often went down. It was just a normal every day part of their lives. Thankfully though, Alex had never had to deal with it in person.

Charlie groaned, tilting the laptop to get James's cock out of the shot. "Sorry," he mumbled, shaking his head.

"It's okay," Alex giggled, shaking his own head too. He was more used to seeing James naked that he'd ever admit. The man may have been straight and married but he was still a nudist.

"I have to go. Time for the final dance," Charlie sighed, using a towel to wipe his face off before grabbing his clothes and getting dressed for the final number.

Alex nodded, always so understanding of Charlie's life and schedule. He would never judge. Especially since the man didn't judge Alex for the surgery he underwent to be the man he was today.

"I won't have internet for a while. I have to go somewhere and they won't have wifi. I'll have my phone though so...text me?" Alex asked, biting his lip.

Charles frowned slightly. One thing he'd really enjoyed was talking to Alex after work. It helped him relax. "Can I call you? Or just text?" he asked, wanting to make sure he could at least hear his voice.

Alex smiled and nodded. "Of course you can. I'd never deny you that," he teased, sticking the tip of his pierced tongue out, wiggling the little purple dice at him. The lamp light caused his snake bites to sparkle along with it and Charles groaned.

"You really are a jerk," Charlie laughed before sighing. "Alright. I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too, you dork. Make it rain," Alex giggled before letting Charlie go and shutting the laptop. He took a deep breath before grabbing his phone. It was time to put his plan into action. This was going to take a lot of coordination and work. Hopefully nothing would go wrong.

"James? You know, I love cock but I don't need to see yours. Is your wife expecting me?" Alex laughed, getting out of bed. Quickly putting on the clothes he'd set aside before the nightly call with Charles.

"Yeah, she's making you cookies. Woman doesn't know how to do anything else. How long will you be?" James asked, carefully making sure that Charles was far out of view. The MC announced Charlie onto the stage and he knew that he was safe.

"You love her and you know it," Alex reminded him, grabbing the suitcase sitting at the edge of his bed and going downstairs. It was going to be a long drive. Especially since it was almost 9 o'clock at night. "Google says about 9 hours so I think it'll take me about 10 hours to get there. Thank you so much for being willing to work with me. I know the time is going to be weird."

James shook his head, even though Alex couldn't see. "It's okay. I'm just happy that you're finally coming up here. He deserves to smile and feel loved. I know you do love him."

"I do. Even though things started out really weird, he and Quinton are still my world and now that Q has Isaac...well I don't have to feel bad," he murmured. Grabbing his keys, Alex got out to his car and started it up. "I'm leaving now. You keep him safe until I get there."

James let out a deep, belly laugh and swore. Hanging up, the longest drive of Alex's life began. 10 hours straight. Could he really do this? This was insane. He was going to die.

I'm miss sugar pink liquor liquor, hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss. I'm miss sugar pink liquor liquor lips, I'm gonna be your bubble gum bitch. I'm gonna be your bubble gum bitch.

Letting out a little kitten yawn, Alex reached across the seat and fumbled for the phone playing out Charlie's special ring tone. The first thing the big dolt had ever sang to him and the soundtrack to the best strip show Alex had ever seen. "Hey baby," he mewled out, accepting the call. He was struggling to keep his eyes open but there was no way he was going to stop. He was going to get there in one piece come hell or high water.

"Hello schatz. How are you?" Charlie murmured, stretched out in his bed, eyes closed and hand down his pants. He was such a little horny bugger. One of the man reasons Alex loved him so much.

Alex sighed and shrugged, so used to having Charlie being able to see him, he didn't even think anything of it. "Tired but I can't sleep. Not for another umm..." he glanced at the clock, groaning. "Three flipping hours."

"Where is it you're going?"

Biting his lip, Alex answered softly. He just prayed Charlie couldn't tell the lie in his voice from the truth. "I'm going down south. Finally getting to see someone I haven't seen in a long time. 's a family thing. I'm excited but so tired."

"Are you going alone? Can't your mam drive ya?" Charlie asked, a hint of confusion in his voice as well as worry.

"Nah. She's driving separate. We both wanted our cars. Figured it'd be easier this way," he sighed.

"You sure you're gonna be able to get there safe? You sound too sleepy," Charlie asked, more than just worry in his voice now. There was true, deep concern. Alex couldn't die!He sounded to sleep though, like he could just fade away while driving.

"That's why I have you silly. You should be sleeping though. You have work again tomorrow."

"Baby, not until the afternoon. I'll go to sleep ina hour okay?" Charlie purred, curling onto his side and closing his eyes again.

Welcome To Grand Forks.

Finally. It'd been a long ten hours, with numerous breaks for coffee, gas, and to stretch his legs. There were moments where Alex swore he was lost, or had taken a wrong turn and was going to end up in Canada (Which wouldn't have been a bad thing mind you.) but in the end, he just had to find James's place.

It was just past 7 am and Alex was dead tired but he managed to find the little place. Getting out, he smiled as a beautiful woman came out to greet him.

"I'm Linda, James's wife. You must be Alex! Did you find us okay?" the woman asked, reaching out and touching his shoulder, a gentle gesture to let him know that he was okay now. He could crash without killing anyone. It was comforting, really it was.

Alex gave her a small smile and a light hug, not one for too much physical contact. It went back to the times before the surgery when he was nothing but a bundle of nerves and anxiety around other people. While things had gotten better over the years, he still had some troubles.

"Thank you so much for opening your home up to me so I can surprise Charles," he murmured as he followed her inside. It was a beautiful home, classically styled and well kept. You could tell how much Linda cared about her home, at least when guests were around. Alex had a feeling it wasn't just because he was there though. This was simply how she always kept her home.

"Not a problem dear. You and he deserve to finally meet face to face. I think it'll be good for you both."

Alex blushed, feeling shy. How much had Charlie or James told her? It wasn't a big deal. They had never really hidden what they were to each other after all.

"I'm sure you'd like some sleep. I set the guest room up for you," she tittered, leading him up a wide staircase to a lovely little room that smelled simply divine. Alex wasn't sure what the scent was but he wanted to roll in it.

"Thank you for everything. Hopefully I won't sleep all day," he chuckled, biting his lip lightly. An old habit that was hard to break. "It smells so good. What is it?"

Linda looked over her shoulder as she turned the bed down with a sly smirk on her face. "Charlie spent the night the other night and I didn't bother changing the sheets."

The soft pink flush on Alex's cheeks turned into a full blown tomato blush. If this is what the room Charles slept in smelled like, what must the man himself smell of? Heaven?

"Sleep well," Linda told him before going out, leaving him to fall into the sheets and really wrap up in the scent.

Alex closed his eyes, curling around one of the pillows, taking a deep breath before letting himself drift off into a beautiful land filled with dreams of what that night would bring.

Alex's eyes fluttered open, stretching with a soft groan. He hadn't moved from where he'd fell asleep, enjoying having his nose buried in the pillow too much. Taking one last deep breath of the dark, woodsy scent, he got out of the bed.

Looking through his bags, Alex found the outfit he'd picked for tonight, noting that it was just after 3 pm. He took out a pair of tight black jeans, a v-cut dark black and purple stripped shirt with little white skulls scattered around, and plain black converse. He wanted to blend in tonight rather than stand out. Charles spotting him before it was time would mess everything up after all.

Alex headed for the door before doubling back. He'd almost forgotten his hat. It was a black and white beanie with Jack Skellington on it. It was something he'd had since he was a teenager. It was a favorite of his. His auburn shaggy hair barely fit under it but it worked. It looked good.

He checked that he had his phone and wallet before heading out the door and down the stairs, looking around for a familiar face, or any face at all really.

James popped out of one of the doors with a smirk on his face. "There's the girl we've all been waiting for," he teased. Alex just let out a soft huff and rolled his eyes.

"I can still kick you in your balls," he reminded him, coming over with a bright smile and a big hug for the man. "What do you think? Is he going to recognize me the moment I walk through the door?"

Taking a small step back, James held Alex by the shoulders and looked him up and down, eying him carefully. "I don't think so. The hat really hides your hair. Here...wear these," he murmured, grabbing a pair of fake glasses with purple wire frames for him to put on.

Alex took them with a soft thank you, slipping them on and looking in the mirror. "That looks perfect. Thank you. Are you sure this plan is going to work?"

James nodded. "I know it will as long as you remember the steps. Just remember to be yourself and breath," he chuckled, smiling at him and rubbing his back.

"How long until we leave?" Alex asked, bringing a hand up to his mouth. He started to chew on the corner of his thumb, rocking on the balls of his feet. Filled with nervous energy, he felt like he had to do something. Anything really. He just needed to move before he went nuts.

"Well I'm not scheduled to go in until 5 so we have two hours. Would you like to go downstairs and work out? Practice your Tai Chi?" James asked, knowing how much nervousness could be building up in the boy and wanted him to calm down before they went in.

Alex nodded, eyes going wide at the suggestion. "Can I? It would help a lot," he murmured, voice obscured by the biting he had yet to stop doing.

James reached out, carefully pulling Alex's hand away from his mouth. "Stop before you make yourself bleed. Let's go down. I'll even practice with you."

Letting James guide him, Alex already felt his body starting to relax. When he was younger, physical exercise was not something he participated too much in, his old body not really in shape at all. Now though, it was almost like an addiction when he wasn't doing good. The Tai Chi calming him more than anything. It was all focused on poses and breathing, feeling the energy swimming through him, awakening him.

The basement of James's house was refinished with a nice, large exercise room including a calming room to do Tai Chi and Yoga in. Alex felt right at home in the room, quiet relaxing music playing through speakers in the corners.

"This is really cool. I'll have to do this in my own house...when I get one," he giggled, smiling softly and getting into his first pose, facing James and mirroring him. He stopped talking, stopped focusing on anything but his body and the way it moved.

After a little over an hour of slow movement, Linda called downstairs with her bright voice, "Boys, come get some food before you leave!"

When they got upstairs, they saw the nice spread of sandwiches, chips, and drinks she'd laid out, wanting to make sure they had their strength for tonight. She wasn't sure exactly what the whole plan was for tonight but she knew they would need it.

Alex and James joined Linda at the kitchen table, a plate in front of each of them laden down with good, home style food. The sandwiches were all homemade, pork ham and chicken, and the chips far from ordinary Lays. The drinks were iced tea for Alex, something a little stiffer for James, and flavored water for Linda.

When they were finished, Alex gave his hostess a big hug, submitting to the fact that he did like her hugs. "Thank you so very much. It was scrumptious."

"You're welcome little one. Now go get your man!" Linda giggled, patting him on the butt. She gave her husband a love filled kiss and sent them both out the door with cookies for the other dancers who were on duty tonight.

Alex bounced in the seat of James's truck, heading towards Joysticks. The strip club used to be an arcade, and after being abandoned and empty for two years, it was bought and converted, a dirty little secret for the town of Grand Forks. It was where Charles went on stage as Queso. As cheesy a name as it may be, he was a great dancer and his body was simply divine.

They parked behind the club, heading in through the back door with James checking the coast was clear first. Alex had simple instructions. He was to stay in the back until it was time, avoiding Charlie at all costs. The other dancers were to help him by distracting the strawberry blond any time he got too close. So far, so good. Now just to keep it up for the next half hour.

There were a couple close calls but everyone had managed to work together and now it was time for Alex to get changed. The outfit was simple but sexy. He started with black fishnet stockings, pulled up to his thigh. They attached to a garter belt and black lace panties that hardly covered anything, a cock sock underneath to keep him in check. He slipped a neon purple mini skirt on, bending over in front of the mirror and smirking when his tight round ass showed. Even as a woman, he'd never looked this good. Lacing up the black and purple corset, he grinned. Fuck he looked good. Black fishnet arm warmers finished the job, hair left fluffy and loose.

Alex leaned over, grabbing the heels he had to wear and walking out. He would put those on last. It'd been a while since he'd attempted to dance in heels and fuck if he wasn't worried about breaking an ankle.

James came over as Alex got to the back of the stage, behind the curtain. He had a black bowler hat in his hands, twirling it around. "A little present for your act. Wear it down over your eyes like this." He took the hat and put it on the front of his head, holding it in place with one hand, the other going across his stomach like he was waiting for something to come uncover him.

James handed the hat over to Alex, who mimicked the pose for a moment. "Like this?"

"Perfect. Now Charlie is at the bar. He'll have the perfect view of you. Ray is over there with him, ready to take the bar over when you call him on stage. Knock um dead kid."

In front of the curtain, the MC announced the next act, Alex. "For one night only, we have a very special guest here tonight. He's preforming for a secret love of his here in the audience. Are you the lucky guy? Give a warm welcome to Alexander The Great!"

He positioned Alex right in the middle of the stage, just behind the curtain. Taking a deep breath, he waited for James to clear the stage and nodded. The curtain rose slowly, lights low as Hold It Against Me started playing through the clubs sound system, filling the room with the beat.

The dance was new, a routine devised just for Alex's skill set and intention of making Charlie blush. It started off innocent enough, with Alex bouncing the hat on his head along to the beat, walking slowly towards the front of the stage. Once the chorus started, he lifted the hat up to sit on top of his mop of hair, eyes finding Charlie's at the bar quickly.

From there, he was preforming for Charles and Charles alone. The beat moved through Alex, making him move, body shimmering under the stage lights. His fingers beckoned the other forward, watching as Charlie followed.

As soon as Charlie hit the stage, Alex started to sing along with the music, singing to him. Alex wasn't classically trained, he didn't have a beautiful voice like Charlie's but his heart was in it completely.

"You feel like paradise and I need a vacation tonight...so if I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me? If I said your body, would you hold it against me?" he sang, resting his hands on a stunned Charlie.

A chair rose out of the center of the stage and Alex pulled Charlie over by the suspenders James had thankfully gotten him to wear before pushing him down and dancing around him, giving him a little lap dance on the stage.

As the song came to a close, he turned around and straddled Charlie's waist, kissing him deeply to the cheers of many people. In the corner, one of the other dancers was recording the whole thing for posterity's sake of course.

It was a tame dance compared to a lot of what this stage had seen but Alex's body was only for one person and that person was sitting on the chair, hands reaching out and holding his hips, smiling with a shocked expression that had yet to leave his face.

"Alex? Wha--? How?" Charles mumbled, so unsure of what was going on as the curtain fell, hiding them away from the eyes of the roaring crowd.

Alex giggled, still sitting straddled on Charlie's lap. He reached up and caressed his face tenderly. "It was a group effort but...I'm here and I"m not going anywhere. At least not for a few days."

"Group effort? Who all was in on this?" he asked, eyes wide and full of emotion.

"Oh...everyone? James and Linda, all the guys here, your sister...She didn't just suddenly decide to go visit your parents with her husband after all. She did it so we could have a place to go, just us...if that's what you want." Suddenly Alex wasn't feeling so sure of himself. Now that they were face to face, maybe Charlie would change his mind, not feel the same.

Charles felt like crying and refused to let go of Alex, even as James lowered the chair back under the stage so the next act could go on. "Alex...I've loved you for a long time in a lot of different ways. You're beautiful, smart, funny, and there is no where I would rather have you be than here in my arms. I never thought you'd be able to. It's what I want. It really is," he murmured, fingers carding through Alex's auburn hair until he found purchase, pulling him down for a sweet first kiss, lingering and full of love.

Alex had had kisses before, both as a woman and a man, but never had he felt such a spark on his lips as he did when Charles and his lips connected for the first time. It was like two people reunited at last. He didn't want it to end. Sadly though, they needed air.

Resting their foreheads together, icy blue met cerulean. It just felt right, being together like this. Then James had to walk in and ruin everything.

"Alright, break it up. Alex, you're welcome to come back and dance at any time. Charlie, you have the next couple nights off. Enjoy some time with your man okay? Linda dropped Alex's bags off at the apartment already so...go," he laughed, giving them both a fatherly kiss on the tops of their heads. James really was like a father to both of them, helping them even when they fought and wanted to do nothing more than slap each other silly.

Alex carefully got off Charlie with a lap, his dick straining in the cock sock. It was such sweet pleasurable pain. Charles was in a similar situation as he stood. "Thank you for everything James," Charlie murmured, taking Alex's hand and guiding him out of under the stage.

James shook his head, waving the thanks off. He didn't need to be thanked for giving them something they'd dreamed of. It was the least he felt he could do.

Alex blushed as they came back up into the light of the club and the other dancers wolf whistled. He wasn't used to being around people like them. Charles was though and he just flipped them off. "Where are you street clothes?" he whispered into his boyfriend's ear, squeezing his hand lightly.

Alex pointed to a black and blue bag in the corner shyly. Charlie grabbed it up, along with his own bag and lead him into one of the changing rooms. "To give us a little privacy. I know it's hard to get changed in front of strangers at first."

Alex was grateful to Charles, blushing and nodding. Once they were alone in the changing room, the blush intensified. He had to get changed in front of Charlie for the first time. They'd fooled around on skype and on the phone but this? This was different. So very different. This was crystal clear and within reach.

"It's okay," Charlie murmured, reaching out to gently touch Alex's bare shoulders, forcing the other to look into his eyes. "I know your beautiful. I've seen you, all of you," he reminded Alex, giving him a soft little kiss.

Alex's fingers curled around Quint's suspenders, laying his head on his shoulder. He took a deep breath, pulling in the scent from the pillows only much stronger, better. Charlie had a certain spiciness to his skin that was hard to resist. "I love you. You've made this all so easy. I don't know if I could've done it without you," Alex whispered, speaking of the surgery and the therapy he had to go through for it.

"Oh mein lebling. There's no where I'd have rather been," Charles purred, Frech-German accent thick with emotion. His hands moved from Alex's shoulders to his back, unlacing the corset with nimble fingers watching as Alex's chest started to heave, finally able to take deep breaths again. "That feel better?" he purred once the corset was setting on the bench.

Alex nodded his head slowly, fingers tracing over the small red marks from where it had cut into his chest. "Feel's a lot better," he whispered, taking Charles's hands and placing them on his chest. "Feels even better now."

Charles let his fingers curl and relax, massaging Alex's pecks tenderly, finding his neck and kissing at it. A shiver violently ran down Alex's back, whimpering lightly. He felt a lot better now that Charlie had caused him to relax greatly.

Alex reached down, fingers snapping the clips on Charlie's suspenders, getting them off with ease. His fingers moved back up, unbuttoning the shirt and pushing it off Charlie's shoulders. The beautiful wash board abs came into view. Alex made a sound like a kitten, want flooding his system.

"As soon as we get changed and back to my place, you can do whatever you please," Charles promised. "But first, we need to finish getting our street clothes on."

Alex nodded his head in understanding. Just because he understood didn't mean he had to like it after all. He left the lacy panties on but slipped off everything else. He liked the feel of them and it made it easier for him to be confident about himself as he got dressed this way.

Charles was quick, wanting to get home. His street clothes were casual, almost pajama like. It was getting late after all and he wasn't one for going out after work. Usually he just wanted to get home, get in his bunk, and have some alone time with Alex across the wires.

Tonight though, he'd get more than just a face on a screen, a tinny voice coming through the speakers. He'd get flesh and blood, sweet symphonies in real time, and the touch his body had craved for longer than he cared to ever admit.

"You look so good, even in just your street clothes," Charlie whimpered, stealing a last kiss before guiding him up and out the door towards his car.

Alex wanted to blush and hide away but instead just curled into the arm around his shoulder, letting himself be guided. It'd always been weird, trying to find your way around a new town. Thankfully he had a native, well native enough, to guide him.

"You really aren't mad that I went behind your back and set all this up?" Alex mumbled, wanting to be sure that what he'd done hadn't upset him.

Charles sighed softly, not an unhappy sound, placing a soft kiss to his temple. "I promise, I'm not upset in the least." In fact, Charles was over the moon. He couldn't be happier.

The drive back to Charlie's apartment was quick. He didn't live too far from the club at all. Within 15 minutes, Alex was staring at a nice, big apartment building in a quiet mixed neighborhood. Getting out of the car, Alex took in a deep breath of the cool air.

Charlie got out of the other side, walking around and taking Alex's hand. "Sorry if it's a bit of a mess. I didn't expect company while my sister was away," he chuckled, blushing a little.

"Don't worry," Alex murmured as Charlie unlocked and opened the door. "I'm sure its....spotless? Umm...wow."

The entire apartment looked like it'd been through a deep clean. "Linda really is the whole package."

Charlie's blush was simply adorable. "I hope she didn't find anything too...extreme..."

Alex giggled and trailed a finger down Charlie's chest with a little tint to his own cheeks. "Mmm ya mean like yer knot toy? That little bit of extreme?" he teased, always enjoying making Charlie flustered.

He let a sharp nod of his head as the coloring deepened. "Yeah...that little bit of extreme," he whined softly.

"I've dreamed of playing with that toy with you," Alex whispered, wrapping his arms around the taller males shoulders and climbing up his strong frame. "Dreamed of my hand controlling how fast and hard the knot fucks you, watching it popping in and out of that tight hole while you beg me to let you cum..."

Charles gave a hard shudder, whimpering in what and need. Despite Charlie being nearly a foot taller than Alex, there was a certain difference between them. While Charlie was older and larger, Alex was more dominating. Charlie was older by a few months but Alex was Master...at least in the bedroom.

"Please sir..." Charlie begged, reaching out. He let his hands fall before they made contact with Alex though. He could feel the change in the air and knew he wasn't allowed to touch without permission.

"You may touch," Alex decided after just a quick moment. "Undress your master."

Charlie jumped to comply, fingers tugging the hat off first, before working his way down to Alex's top. His fingers curled around the bottom of his shirt, slipping it up slowly. He wanted to savor this, he wanted to savor every inch of hard work that Alex had put into his body.

Lifting his arms, Alex let Charlie take his shirt off with a grin. For some reason, that Alex couldn't really explain yet, he liked Charlie's eyes on him, his hands touching every inch of his body. There was a hunger in his eyes that made blood pool between his legs.

"I'm going to have so much fun fucking you," Alex mewled as deft hands worked on the belt holding his black jeans up with ease. Soon that too joined his hat and shirt on the floor. With a simple little flick of Charles's wrist and a snap of his fingers, his pants were undone and slipping down his waist. All that was left on Alex's body was his black lace panties and a cock sock holding everything in place.

"May I take these off as well Master?" Charlie asked, fingers running from the dimples of Alex's spine, around the lace towards where the large bulge was hidden in plain sight. A bulge Charlie couldn't wait to nuzzle and get his lips around.

Alex pretended to think it over. "Get on your knees and take them off with your teeth. Nice and slow. Don't wanna be nicked by them after all."

Charlie wanted to comply and he did so without hesitation, dropping to his knees and catching the lace into his teeth. He pulled them down slowly, whimpering when his prize wasn't revealed. Of course Alex had a cock sock on. He'd completely forgotten. It was a requirement to go on stage for all male dancers. Kept things in place and from getting out of hand.

There was nothing more uncomfortable or harder to get off than a cock sock with an erect cock. It took a few tries but Charlie had experience getting them off himself so getting it off Alex wasn't too trying.

Once his boyfriend and master was standing in front of him naked, he looked up at him, sitting back on his haunches with a waiting look.

Reaching down, Alex carded his thin fingers through that shaggy strawberry blonde hair, humming at how good it felt under his fingers. He'd often wondered what the others hair would feel like. He never thought it'd feel like pure fluffy heaven.

"So pretty, aren't you?" Alex purred, squatting down to steal a kiss for a moment before standing back up. "Let's go to the bedroom. I have a present for you but we'll have to find my bags first."

Charlie mewled into the kiss, loving the attention. When Alex told him to take them to the bedroom, he stood, leading Alex by the hand to his room, a small blush on his cheeks. "It's beautiful. Very you baby."

Alex had only seen the room in little glimpses and flashes but it was so very Charlie, full of pretty things, clothes, and video games. Alex couldn't have summed the man up better if he tried.

Charlie blushed. He spotted his boyfriend's bags adorning his bed and fetched them for him. "Here you are. I may need to have a serious talk with Linda," he mumbled, feeling embarrassed that she'd seen his most private of spaces, the last line of defense.

Alex being in the room invoked a different feeling in the dancer. A feeling of completion and comfort. One of hope and happiness. It was a feeling that Charles prayed he would never lose.

"Thank you pet," Alex purred, taking the bag and kissing his cheek. Carefully holding it with one hand and opening it with the other, Alex dug out a deep brown leather collar with sheep skin lining and a brass D ring with leather and brass embellishments. It was truly a work of art.

Alex placed the bag by his feet before presenting the collar to Charles. "There's something I've wanted to do for a long time Pengu. Will you accept this collar?" he asked, tilting his head and looking deep into those beautiful eyes of his.

Charles knew what that collar meant, knew what it would bring to his life. To their lives. There was the briefest of hesitations before Charlie fell back to his knees, head tilted forward with a slight whimper. He was submitting, completely. They had talked about this for a long time but the day was finally here. It was finally here.

"Please master, please..."

Alex cleared his throat. "Charles MacKree, will you accept this collar?" he repeated, needing a clear answer. As close as the pleading was, it wasn't enough. Alex would never take a supposed answer.

"Yes. I, Charles MacKree, will accept your collar. I understand what it implies and am ready," he whispered, eyes on Alex's feet.

Alex smiled brightly, wrapping the collar around his neck and fastening it. Charlie would wear it always, unless he was on stage and Alex understood that his job made it impossible to keep it on while working. He'd never complain about that.

As soon as the clasp was locked, Charlie reached up and felt the soft leather under his fingertips, feeling something stir inside him already. Completion. He finally felt like he truly belonged to Alex.

"Stand," Alex whispered. He wanted to see the collar on his boyfriend's neck from a better view than Charlie kneeling gave him.

The sub obeyed without pause, rising to his feet, eyes still lowered out of respect. Alex was proud of him. He loved the other so much.

"You're so perfect," Alex murmured. His fingers went to both sides of Charlie's neck, feeling the flesh and leather coming together.

Charles blushed and shook his head. He wasn't perfect. Not at all. At least, not in his mind. Alex saw nothing but perfection in him though.

"We need to work on that self confidence. Have you been talking to yourself in the mirror every morning to work on that like I told you to?" Alex asked, humming softly as he waited for an answer.

Charlie shook his head slightly, blushing deeper. It was hard to face himself in the mirror. That was the point and he knew it but it just made him too uncomfortable.

Alex gave a soft sigh, shaking his head. "Pengu...I'm going to have to punish you for that. If you can't even listen to that simple instruction, how will you ever listen to the rest?"

"I'll do better, I promise," he whimpered, shivering slightly.

"I know you will but I still need to punish you and I think you know that."

Charlie bit his lip lightly. "I understand sir. W-Where would you like me?"

Alex went over to the bed, guiding Charlie with a finger through the D-ring on his collar. "I want you over my knees," he decided.

Sitting down, Alex held a hand up to stop him from moving. "You are too overdressed though. Off with your clothes."

Flushing, he started to take his clothes off, not bothering to get fancy like he would on stage. Once everything was off, he leaned over Alex's knees, presenting his bum like a prize just waiting to be taken. He flushed darker when he realized he still had his plug in. He got so used to wearing it, he forgot about it completely until it shifted inside of him as he bent. Charlie whimpered, wondering if Alex would take it out before spanking him.

Alex couldn't stop the snicker that bubbled out. "So naughty, aren't you? Couldn't help but keep yourself nice and open," he giggled, finger reaching down and finding the little dip to swirl the plug around in slow circles.

Charlie moaned, shaking in pleasurable bliss. He'd never had someone else play with his plug before. His ex hadn't been interested in it. His ex hadn't been interested in a lot of things though. Thankfully he had Alex now. Perfect Alex.

Fingers moved from the plug to gently rub the cheeks surrounding it, warming and preparing. Once Alex felt like Charles was ready, he reached his hand back and brought it down lightly at first, hardly causing a ripple in the flesh.

Charles's reaction to the pleasurable pain was exactly what Alex was looking for. A whimpering moan followed by a little beg for another.

Alex hit both cheeks in quick sussestion, the light flesh darkening, reddening with each hit. There was a hardness pressing into his leg, a stirring in Charlie's loins shifting his cock.

"Ooo...do you like that? Like when master spanks you?" Alex purred, stroking the cheeks again to sooth them before he continued his assault.

"Y=Yes da---master," Charlie whined, rocking against his legs a little.

Bringing his hand gliding up the curves of Charlie's spine, letting his nails scratch light at the flesh and making him shiver until his fingers were knitted in his hair, he pulled his head up sharply. "What was that you were going to call me?" Alex demanded, looking into those deep eyes.

Charles quivered with fear. He hadn't meant to slip, but even if he was a few months older than Alex, he still saw him in a...specific role. "D-D-Daddy...I'm sorry...I didn't mean to..."

Alex shook his head, leaning over and kissing Charlie quiet. "Shh...it's okay. I..." He sighed, biting his lip in a moment of uncertainty. "I liked it. You calling me daddy kinda makes me feel warm and fuzzy," he admitted.

"So...I...I can call you that?" he whispered, hope in his voice and eyes, wavering with fear of rejection. It'd always been his biggest fear after all.

Alex gave him a smile and nod. "I'd love nothing more than for you to call me Daddy."

The look on Charlie's face was pure bliss. He had a daddy. A real daddy. "Th-thank you," he mewled, kissing the wrist holding his head up before looking back down at the floor.

Alex released Charlie's hair, letting his head fall before his fingers trailed back down to his round, plump ass. "I don't think this is red enough at all," he sighed, shaking his head. In fact it was hardly pink. That would never do.

With an almost evil smirk, Alex let the next spank fall against the concave round of the plug, pushing it in deeper suddenly. Charles arched his back hard, shaking with a whole new spark. He'd dreamed about things like this but it was so much better. So much sharper.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Alex murmured, rubbing the plug, causing it to move.

"Th-Thank you daddy. M-May I have another?" he whimpered as his fingers curled into the carpet.

Alex let out a soft laugh, shaking his head. "You're forgetting to count. Though you may definitely have another."

"Wha-what am I at?" Charlie mewled, biting his lip. He'd lost count already.

Alex thought for a moment, fingers drumming on one of the soft pink cheeks. "I believe you're at 5. ...I could be wrong but that's what we're going with."

Charlie nodded, clearing his throat to count out before Alex continued. His hand came down hard, leaving a perfect print of his palm as Charlie cried out, "S-SIX!"

The hand repeated on the other side, making Alex smile at the twin imprints. They wouldn't fade any time soon.



"N-Nine! T-T-TEN! ELLEEVEN!!!!"

Alex's hand went back to the soothing rubbing it'd been doing earlier, the red of Charlie's cheeks something to feel proud of.

Charlie was panting as he lay across the lap of his daddy Alex, rocking his hard cock down against the smooth flesh of Alex's leg. He felt it dripping with precum, making the movements easier.

Alex was playing with the plug currently embedded deep inside Charlie's tight hole. He would start tugging at it, pulling it out before letting go and watching his ass suck it back in hungrily.

"Fuck your arse is just begging me to take it, isn't it?" Alex groaned. He leaned over, tongue licking around the puckered flesh. He wanted this to last but his cock was straining against Charlie's stomach. He couldn't wait any longer. He needed to be buried inside him, to finally fill him. To go from being just Charlie's boyfriend to finally claiming each other as mates. Real and true.

"Y-Yes daddy. Please st-stop teasing. I can't take it. Feel...feel like I"m burning up," Charles whimpered. He couldn't take the heat building up inside him, the natural slick flooding between his legs, preparing his body for whom it recognized as a true potential mate.

The scent of slick hit Alex's nose and the plug practically pushed itself out of Charlie with the wetness. "Mmm you really are ready for me," he purred, laying Charlie down on the bed and spreading him out. Alex took a moment to just take his body in.

"Ich liebe dich," Charlie mewled as Alex got in between his legs, spreading them open. In that moment, Charlie really did look made for Alex.

Alex smiled and gave Charlie a soft kiss, whispering back, "Ich liebe dich auch."

Putting his cock between Charlie's cheeks, he rubbed the head around his pucker with a groan before pushing in. Charlie arched off the bed, forcing him deeper.

"FUCK!" Alex moaned, biting his lip, his eyes closing on their own. Every nerve ending was alive in both their bodies. It was like they were feeling for the first time. Every sensation was new.

Charlie's chest heaved in pure pleasure, his fingers curling into the duvet they were laying on top of. His head was cradled in the pillow, another under is lower back to keep him propped up nicely for Alex.

"Are you ready for me to move baby?" Alex asked, his long cock pressing against his prostate at the moment, waiting to grow and fill.

Charlie could only moan and nod, words failing him in this moment. He'd had dreams of this, so many dreams but none of them equated to the real thing. The real thing was like a million bursts of light radiating from with, pulsing and pushing against every little spot most sensitive to him.

At first, Alex didn't thrust. He simply rolled his hips, allowing them both to adjust to these new feelings coursing through them.

They quickly found a good rhythm that gave them the best for both boys. Alex leaned over, licking a stripe up Charlie's neck before nuzzling it. His teeth sank into the tender flesh, a sharp flash of pain pressing throughout Charlie, radiating and forcing a new rush of pleasure to take over. Marking. Charlie was being marked by his mate. He would wear it proudly, a badge of honor to forever be presented as a scar, claiming him fully.

Letting go of the sheets, Charlie wrapped his arms around Alex. His nails left lines of raised reddened flesh as he clawed down. Alex was moving faster, the bed rocking hard and fast against the wall.

The room was filled with a symphony of sounds. Moans, whimpers, whines, begging. All of it came together to make a beautiful song of passion, lust, and love.

"Daddy! Harder, please!" Charlie begged, the press of Alex's cock moving deeper, bulging his stomach, making it grow. With wide eyes, Charlie realize he could see his mates cock through his stomach.

Alex was never one to deny his love, working his hips as hard and fast as he could, the little bulge moving under Charlie's skin in a way you'd think not possible.

Charlie's eyes were large as he looked into Alex's. "Please can I touch it?" he whimpered, biting his lip. Alex nodded, so curious to see how it would feel to have Charlie's fingers wrapped around his cock through the hard wall of his stomach.

Charlie's fingers pulled down, leaving a red trail down and around to Alex's chest before his hands fell to feel the bulge pushing inside him, stroking his own flesh to enhance both their pleasures.

"I...I can feel you...Fuck I can feel you stroking my cock," he whimpered, harshly biting his lip. He had never felt any sensation like this before. It was bloody brilliant.

Charlie grinned, a soft whimper coming out. "Daddy feels so good inside me. Please can I have daddy's seed? Wanna have his pups. Fill me up. Please daddy. Fill me up and give me your knot!" he begged, rocking down hard and fast on his cock, fingers moving in time with his thrusts.

Alex couldn't take it. It was all too much, pushing him to far, making him cry out too loud. With one last sharp thrust, Alex's cock started to spew deep inside Charlie, his knot swelling instantly, sealing them together.

"Mate...my mate," Alex panted, chest heaving as he felt Charlie cumming untouched between them. They collapsed together, arms wrapping around each other and holding the other close. The knot would seal them together for a long time.

"My mate...my daddy," he mewled, nuzzling into his neck and closing his eyes. "I love you. You've made me so happy since the day we first met."

What little blood was left in Alex's body rushed to his cheeks. He was still human after all. "I love you too mein kleine," he whispered back.

Charlie was silent for a few moments, just looking into Alex's eyes. Eventually he seemed to find his voice again, stroking his mates cheek. "Will you---you know how we used to roleplay and your muse would fuck mine with his knot?---Will you do that to me?"

He felt weird asking for something so...kinky...but it was one of his biggest fantasies and something he did often with his toy. He couldn't help but be curious about what it would feel like with a real knot though.

Alex froze for a moment, a fresh rush of blood engorging his cock more with the exciting though. Between his cum and Charlie's slick, there was more than enough natural lubrication to make it work.

Holding onto Charlie's hips, Alex started pulling out, not bring the knot past the rim, just tugging at it. He wanted to start slow, working up to really knot fucking him.

"Hnng...oh fuck," Charlie moaned, shivering under his mate. He started to produce more slick, body wanting to make it as easy as possible for his mate to slip out.

With one hard tug, Alex's knot came out. Charlie suddenly felt empty and cold. He started begging for it back, wanting to be refilled with it. He needed the knot back inside him.

"Shh, it's okay mein kleine," Alex whispered, pressing the knot back in and right against Charlie's prostate for a nice, loud cry from his mate. He didn't leave it in for long though.

Alex started to move faster, not pausing when his knot came out. Charlie's screams of ectacy got louder. He felt a pressure building within himself. He was going to cum again and still, his cock hadn't been touched. It was almost too much. The feelings building.

"Please daddy! Please may I cum!" Charlie whimpered, begging for his release. He needed it. He didn't know how long he'd be able to hold back.

"Cum for me baby," Alex groaned, pushing faster, harder. He wanted him to cum, needed to cum. He needed to fill him up.

They were going to cum together this time. With one last final, deep thrust, they started to come together. Alex pushing more seed into Charlie as the Omega's seed splashed on their skins.

The Alpha wrapped his arms around Charlie's upper chest, rolling them both onto their side, still locked together. He gave his mate a soft kiss, stroking his back.

"Sleep my love and when you awake, I will still be here," Alex promised. Charlie nuzzled his neck, his own eyes closing.

"I love you daddy," Charlie mewled, words slurring as he got closer to sleep.

Alex smiled, drifting off. "Love you too..."

Growing up, both Charlie and Alex had always been plagued by bad dreams, nightmares that consumed their sweetest of dreams. Sleeping together, in each others arms for the first time, they had good dreams. Dreams of the futures they could have together.

They woke up slowly, Alex still buried inside Charlie, though his knot had long since deflated. Alex's face was buried in Charlie's neck, snoring lightly against the warm flesh. There was a mark under his lips where he'd suckled in his sleep. The instinct to mark Charlie, even when he was in a dream state, was great.

Alex was adorned with marks of his own from Charlie's lips. The boy was a sleep biter after all. It hadn't awoken Alex from his dreams though, simply adding to them.

Charlie mewled as he woke up, curling tighter around his mate. He didn't want to be awake. There was a fear that it would break if he woke up, the sweet spell of love around them.

Alex opened his eyes, stretching like a cat. He felt Charlie tightening around and smiled softly. "Morning pet," he purred, stroking he back of his neck, pulling back to look into his eyes.

"Morning daddy," he sighed, pecking his lips lightly before groaning. "I gotta tinkle."

Alex chuckled lightly, carefully pulling his almost flaccid cock out. He moved so Charlie could get out of bed before following him into the bathroom. Alex stood behind Charlie, holding onto his soft cock as he peed.

"It's going to be a great day today," Alex promised, kissing the back of Charlie's neck before going to the bathroom himself.

Chapter 2

Alex was biting his lip as he paced around the almost empty bedroom. This was it. It'd been a month since he'd came back home from his weekend with Charlie in Grand Forks. It'd been a long, lonely month without his mate at his side but there were loose ends to be tidied up before he moved up north. Forever.

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