Ill Bring You to Paradise

By Teighryll Fuentebella

Published on Apr 23, 2002


Hey guys I've been meaning to post this story for months but i can't find the time. Anyways here it is. This story is a series. I'm working on the other chapter. I'll keep you guys posted. Anywayz this is my second time posting a story. I'll be glad to hear ya'll comment on my story, feel free to drop me a line at . Before you proceed reading this material you have to be legal, you know you should be 18yrs. Old or 21yrs. Old. If not well be careful but enjoy ya know. Anywayz here it is hope you like it.


Chapter 2 Diversion

Alex put some ice on the other glass and poured some coke for chaser. I took the first shot and then Alex.

"So Alex wats up? Have you been invited to join any fraternity yet?"

"Nothing much with me and yup a few fraternity wanted to recruit me but I'm not into those brotherhoods."

"Yah you're right one of the reason of campus violence. Although some of them are not but most of them organizes the best parties on and off campus and mostly for fund raisers and for a cause we gotta give them credit for that a'ight?"

We got silent for a while just watching the crowd party. Some were getting wild stripping at the pool to the music blaring on the loud speakers. It brought me back when I use to be a raver and a wild one. I use to attend the best and wildest parties in town. I was thinking what happened to me? Where's my wild side? Where was the person who always laughs even in times of sorrow? Where was the person who's outgoing and live life like there's no tomorrow? And at the back of my mind a barely audible voice spoke. He's long been buried under those sorrows, hurt, frustrations and depressing moments you can't deal with. Too much had gone on your life and most of them you regret. That person had been buried because you weren't able to accept and move on all these years you've been carrying a grudge on God, to those people who hurt you, to him. You have to forgive and forget, only that way you can go on and be the person you once are no more appropriate is; the person you really are. Stop living in the past. You wont be able to change your actions and what happened all you can do is to rectify your mistakes by living the present without all those excess baggage you've been carrying. Look how pathetic you are. Move on and have a blast!

I heard a finger snap. "Now I lost you. Where have you been? The nearby galaxy?" Alex was shaking his head.

"I was just thinking of something. So why?" I started to continue the round.

"So you like parties a lot?" he took another shot of the brandy.

"I use to bu..." I stopped myself, why did I have to say that? Now he's going to ask me.

"You use to um party is that it?" I took another shot and handed him his'.

"Um yup." At this time I felt a little sorry for myself.

"So why did you stopped liking and going to parties?"

"I grew tired of partying." Hmmm a good one I think.

"Ok." He wasn't satisfied with my answer but he sense how uncomfortable I was so he changed the topic. We talked about the things we like and what we usually do. He likes playing basketball while I like lawn tennis. We both like to read, though. The music was starting to mellow down and we`re almost finished with our third bottle of brandy and I now I'm really wasted. But when I get drunk I still am conscious of what I'm doing the problem is I don't have any control.

"I think I'm going to turn in Alex. I'm really wasted." I started to stand up and Alex did the same.

"I guess me too." We started heading for the door. When we both get trapped on the doorway. We faced each other and started laughing like crazy. When we ran out of breath we were still facing each other and both of us smiling. Suddenly the mood changed and our heads started o move and meet. I closed my eyes realizing what was about to happen I wanted to snap out of the trance but I can't I don't have the will to. My mind was debating when I finally felt his lips met mine. The argument in my head left me and all I can think of was how sweet his lips are. I felt his hands stroking my back and neck; they felt warm and strong. I became aware of his tongue push its way to my mouth. I parted my lips. His tongue probed my mouth and seeks for mine. Our tongue played and dueled. It was one of the most intense feelings I've ever had. I felt my reserve broke down and caressed his body. We were so hungry for each other. We made our way to the bed without breaking the kiss. We both fell on top of the bed. We wanted to do more then kissing. We were able to remove our clothes except for his boxer short and my brief but our tired bodies ruled and we fell asleep.

I woke up with a bad headache. I scanned the room trying to remember what happened last night. When suddenly I felt someone stirring beside me. I turned to look at the person when I met a set of intense brown eyes then the incident last night came rushing back to me. Alex was looking at me with questioning eyes when he saw me blush. Abruptly his expression change into one of realization and he too started blushing. He began saying something to break the silence.

"I think I must be really drunk last night. About... what happened..." He can't think of anything to say.

"Oh...well...I... I ...think...were both...drunk...and... and ...alone" I continued.

"Yes..." We were both stuttering real bad. Nervous of what will happen next.

I took a real long breath and looked at him. When I thought I composed my self I started speaking. "Look Alex we were both drunk so no hassle. Let's just keep it to ourselves and yah know forget what happened last night, a'ight?"

"Okay um so...wana go out then? Uh for breakfast I mean. No what I mean is we hafta go outside I'm starving and we should look for Jake." He was looking at the ground unsure of himself, though.

"Uhu me too I'm starved and Jake yeah. But I think I'll go freshen up first have a shower." I stood up and made my way to the bath.


I closed the door and started to undress. Although I know what I'm doing I kind of felt like lost, thinking of what had happened last night with Alex. I felt the passion in our kiss, I liked it very much and never regretted a bit. But he seems uneasy or maybe rebuffed. The alcohol must have taken over and he got a little disillusioned. Alex is a great guy and I'm starting to like him. Oh no just what I need. I haven't sort out what I really feel for my best friend and now here comes Alex. I got to find something I can busy myself with this coming summer to get my mind off these things. Habitat for Humanity, that's right I can join them and build housing projects. Not a good idea, I need money and volunteer works wont do. What the hell am I going to do?

I stepped off the shower and dried myself. My eyes were red and my temples are throbbing like a loud speaker. I tied the towel around my waist and went into the room. Alex was getting clothes in his backpack. I went to my clothes and started to put on my black briefs. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see Alex staring at my bulge. Hmmm must be my imagination so I continued with my clothes. I turned to where Alex was but he wasn't insight. Guess he can't wait to take his shower. I went down stairs to look for Jake. The whole house was a mess, people were sprawled on the floor and couches; they must have passed out stumbling their way upstairs hmmm. I tiptoed my way to the kitchen and found Jake staring out the window while sipping his coffee.

"Hey where'd you sleep last night?" I asked him while making my way to the counter and prepared coffee for myself. He was cut out of his reverie and stared at me for a couple of seconds before he started answering my question.

"Huh, the room next to mine. Ugh sakit ng ulo ko (My head hurts). Jake was rubbing his temples for emphasis.

"You shouldn't have drunk a gallon of brandy last night. Anywayz what time are we going back to manila?"

"They all wanted to hang out for a while and the girls wanted to go shopping, so I think mga midnight pa."

"Uh diba I told you bout the reunion I hafta go to? So I have to be back in Manila by afternoon." Gawd he said we'll head back right after lunch. Now I'm starting to get pissed at him and I still have this fucking hang over to deal with. I shouldn't have promised mum. She's going to be mad at me.

"Joe come on. I know you hate attending those boring reunions. I'll talk to tita when we ok so just chill." He looked at me with pleading eyes; I'm not sure what that meant. But damn he's cute.

"No Jake, I promised mum! I have to be there this afternoon. I'm all set you can just give me a ride to town and I'll catch a bus!" I looked outside the window. I felt the cool morning breeze coming from it. It feels so relaxing.

"Hey no way your not gonna commute ok. I'll talk to our mum don't worry. Ooohhh...ahhhh... shit my head hurts. I'll got take a shower we'll talk later." He started to got upstairs. He can be so insensitive sometimes. Alex then appeared at the door.

"Hey, coffee?" I offered him.

"Uh, yeah thanks." He sat across me. I made him coffee. "So what's with the face?" He asked me while he looked at me intently.

"Uh nothing. Ey Alex can you give me a lift to town? I need to go back to manila. I'll just catch a bus from there."

"I also need to be in manila this afternoon. You don't need to commute I'll give you a ride." Jake then sipped at his mug.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure so what time do you want to go?"

"Uhm how bout after breakfast?"

"Okay then." We finished our coffee and went upstairs to get our things. Alex had just finished getting dressed.

"Jake, Alex also needs to be in Manila this afternoon so I'll ride with him." I informed Jake while stuffing my clothes in the bag.3.

"What?! Come on you guys can't go we still have a celebration. And I barely saw you last night." He looked somehow pissed.

"I'm afraid I have to Jake. You know mum, she going to get mad at me. I hate to disappoint her." My tone says no arguments and my decision is final and Jake knew that tone so he just threw his hands in the air gesturing his surrender, with an expression of disbelief.

"Yeah whatever. I'll see you Monday!" He went out with out even saying goodbye. Alex looked at me uncomfortably.

"Hey Alex wanna go na?" I got my back and started downstairs.

"Yea, sure." Alex hurried behind me.

Alex started the car and started to back out the garage. I looked at the front door. Jake was standing there and staring at Alex's car. I Sighed and looked ahead. Both Alex and I felt uneasy around each other. I'm starting to regret I even asked him for a ride. We were driving for about 20 minutes when he started to talk. The thick tension was cut off.

"So um Jake looks real mad at you?" He was constantly looking at me.

"Yeah but he'll eventually forget it. He's always like that. Magagalit pag hindi nakuha ang gusto (he'll get mad at you if he din't get what he wants)." I looked at him and noticed how really cute he is.

"Oh okay." Alex then licked his lips. Oooh god I quivered just the sight of him licking his lips.

"So what are you doing next Friday?" I remember we haven't eaten yet, just a cup of coffee. My stomach growled with the lack of food to grind.

"Me? I'm not sure yet but I think I'll just stay home and read my notes I guess. Why?"

"My org is putting up this party. There's going to be foam and a rave party plus a fashion show going on."

"Sounds cool so where's it gonna be held?"

"Oh, Eastwood Ave, the sidewalk near Bargo. Come on It'll be fun and besides our org needs your support. We're raising money to fund the Tele Counseling we're organizing. So what do you say?" God I'm hoping he would say yes, but I have to appear not too anxious, though.

"Sige okay I'll go." He gave me that cool smile again.

"Yeah that'll be great I'm relieved with one ticket, I still have what, um five tickets more to go. So don't buy any ticket when someone approach you from the Psych org okay?"

"Yup. My stomach's rumbling so what do you say we stop on the first convenience store we see?"

"Okay." Hmm I kind of feel good after that conversation. I don't feel uneasy around him anymore and I think he does to because he smiles at me from time to time. We stopped at a McDonalds and bought us a lunch. It was already 11:45 noon so we decided to eat on the way. I was really tired and when we stopped talking for a while I suddenly drifted off to sleep.

Alex was saying something when he noticed Joey sleeping and slightly snoring. He felt a warm feeling in his gut. Joey looks so peaceful lying on the seat beside him. The traffic was getting heavy and he needed to be home by 5:00 in the evening. Her girlfriend invited him to go with her in some family gathering she'll attend. But then if he hadn't had a plan this afternoon he won't be able to spend some more time with Joey. He suddenly recalls the incident last night, how soft and sweet Joey's lips are and how the kiss felt right. He thought he's over this battle, then why did it felt right kissing Joey. Everything was going smooth until last night. Maybe there was no battle at all to be won. Well there is a battle but maybe he's not battling with his homosexual tendency he's battling against himself. He glanced at Joey again and sighed. He knows now what would make him happy and that is not with his girlfriend and but possibly with Joey. If only Joey feels the same for him. And then all the thoughts of rejection from his family came flooding into his mind. He felt scared, but he won't let this come in the way of his happiness he just have to live this life underground and coming out would be the last thing he'll have to deal with. The traffic light turned red Alex stopped. He turned his gaze to Joey. His slightly long black hair fell over his eyes. Joey has a slight build the Keanu Reeves type, not too muscular not too thin but kind of defined. He felt a stirring in his groin. He thought how nice would Joey feel. He looked at Joey's face again, he imagined how warm and sweet Joey's red lips feel and taste. Butterflies started to flutter his stomach just thinking of kissing Joey again. The he realized how complicated this would be and sighed. He'll just have to deal with all the complications.

My neck hurts. I still feel sleepy but the uncomfortable position and the cramped space the car has prevented me to sleep again. I opened my eyes and looked outside the window when I don't recognize the place I asked Alex.

"Um Alex were are we? Are we near Quezon City na? " I brushed off the hair sticking in front of me eyes.

"Uhm actually we're in Cubao na." He looked at me smiling. Damn that smile.

"Oh, I din't make out the place." I looked outside again wondering.

"So Joey where do you live?" He spoke without looking at me. I don't know but I found it amusing, in a funny sort of way.

"Uhm Taytay, Rizal but you can just drop me off Araneta Center I'll take a jeep from their."

"Whoa your from Taytay?" He smiled again.

"Yeah why?"

"I'm from Antipolo, well near Antipolo. You know Fil-Invest Village?"

"Yup, so your from Fil-Invest. Where in Fil-Invest? I mean what street?"

"Howard, why you know someone who lives there?"

"Uhm yeah but you probably don't know her."

"Oh yeah? Try me so what's her name?"

"Okay, Coleen you know her?"

"Coleen sounds familiar but I doubt I know her. Yeah your right anywayz I don't go out the house that much. When I'm at home I stay inside my room the whole time."

"Me too, I only go out when I need to buy something from the store or when I jog in the morning but not that I'm snob or something. I just like to be alone. Anywayz sige you can just drop me off at Santa Lucia." I suddenly notice that we're in Katipunan Area already.

"Come on I always go to Taytay to hang out with my friends. It's quite near so just give me directions when we get their okay?"

"Okay then if you sure it won't be a hassle. Thanks by the way."

"No problem."

Alex is one helluva cool guy. He's a party rat I found out and he likes to dance too. We found interesting topics to talk about, like what parties he's been to and what were the cool places people go for gimmicks. He can't stop talking about the cool and smashin' parties he's been to. All of a sudden I remembered how I use to party a lot before. How I loved to mingle and go out and meet new friends. So much time had passed by and I think I won't be able to bring my life back, the way I use to be. We reached the intersection in Cainta and he asked me where to. I gave him directions. We finally parked in front of the house at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon.

"So you know the way out to the Village?" I asked him before I got down his car.

"Yup natatandaan ko (Yup I remember)."

"Sige thanks you take care. See you in school." I got out his car and waited for him to go. I opened the gate and called inside the house. Everybody seems to be taking their afternoon nap. I knocked at the front door. I knocked and waited for nearly 5 minutes when Mary our help opened the door. I'm really tired and was about to nag but then restrain myself; it would only be a waste of energy so I just headed upstairs to my room. I took off my shoes, shirt and pants then plopped down on my bed. I was just starting to get my sleep when my mum knocked on my door. Ugh I really hate her right now.

"Yeah mum come in." I pushed my face on my pillow and groan.

"So how was the party? Did you have a good time?" She sat at the foot of my bed.

"Uhu I had a good time." I think she caught the sarcasm in my voice.

"Now what happened? I thought you had a good time?"

"Nah I'm just playing with you okay? I had a good time."

"Okay then. Get up and go freshen up we'll be leaving in an hour okay?" She stood up and went to stroke my hair. I remembered we still have to attend the reunion. Ugh can this day be brighter?

"Okay mum. Next time there will be a reunion mum spare me and leave me at home."

"Oh no of course you have to mingle with your relatives. Now go take a bath, you smell. And oh you're going to have to drive." Great I'm still tired and she asks me to drive.

"Mum my body's sore and I'm really tired let Ian drive please?" I gave her my best pitiful look.

"Okay but next time you'll drive." She then left my room.

I went to my shower and took a bath. The cold water woke up my senses. When I finished I went to get dressed. I opened my closet and took out my light blue polo shirt and black denim pants. I sprayed Love Spell all over my body. (Kind of girly but hey I like Victoria's Secret's Body spray.) And went down. I found my younger brother and little sister playing Play Station. I sat beside my sister and waited for a turn to play. I was half way to winning against my brother when mum said we have to get going. I felt somehow fresh and okay so I took the driver's sit. Ian got disappointed. He only got his non-professional license two months ago so he's kind of adamant to drive. My sister and mum sat at the back of the car while my bro sat beside me. I backed out of the drive way and drove off to our destination. The reunion is going to be held in Dasma, Forbes Park. One reason I hate going to these reunions is because of our snobby rich relatives, although some of them are real nice and accommodating. I took the C-5 way so it took us an hour and 15 minutes to get there.

To be continued.

That's all for now folks. Don't forget to share your comments with me, thanx. Give me your comments at I'll reply to all of those who'll e-mail me bye guys and gals.

Next: Chapter 3

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