Ill Bring You to Paradise

By Teighryll Fuentebella

Published on Apr 13, 2002


Hey guys I've been meaning to post this story for months but i can't find the time. Anyways here it is. This story is a series. I'm working on the other chapter. I'll keep you guys posted. Anywayz this is my second time posting a story. I'll be glad to hear ya'll comment on my story, feel free to drop me a line at .

Before you proceed reading this material you have to be legal, you know you should be 18yrs. Old or 21yrs. Old. If not well be careful but enjoy ya know. Anywayz here it is hope you like it.


Chapter 1 Falling?

Manila, Philippines.

Joey was reading a book in the library on a Thursday night. He needs to finish a research for his gen. Psych. Class. Glancing outside the window the streets were deserted and only few cars and jeepneys were passing by. He packed his things and left the library. As he was crossing the street going to the waiting shed he noticed John in the parking lot. Preoccupied looking at his good-looking classmate he wasn't aware of an oncoming car. It was too late when he hears the honking and turned his head. Good thing the car brakes in time and slightly threw Joey on the road. He was kind of shocked and relieved at the same time. The driver got out of the car and came in front of him.

"Ey dude are you alright? You weren't watching the road while crossing. What are you thinking?" His expression was half mocking and half concerned at the time.

"Uh yeah I'm ok, I think. I'm sorry." I don't know what came into me but I started laughing.

John came rushing to my side and has this bewildered look in his face. "Are you crazy? You were just hit by a car and your laughing?"

"I uh I don't know. Gawd I'm stupid."

"Yeah you are!" Both the guy and John blurted out.

"Hey if you feel something, um broken pelvic or something here's my number." He went to his car took out a ball pen and a piece of paper scribbled his name and number then handed it to me. "I'm Alex and you are?"

"Joey, I'm Joey. " I took the piece of paper from him and put in my pocket. He offered me a hand. I straightened my clothes and strode to the sidewalk John was behind me.

"You're lucky, you know. You could've been killed good thing his brakes are good." Gawd he smells good. We watched Alex's car go. "Need a ride? I mean you seem ok but to be safe I can take you home Dude."

"It's ok I can take care of myself." What was I thinking, John's offering me a ride and I declined. Oh well its my pride talking and I can't argue with it.

"Ok if you say so. Just don't day dream when you cross ok." He smiled then went to the parking lot.

I rode a jeepney going to Katipunan. I have to wait again for a jeepney going to our town. After a few minutes I found a ride. It was past eleven in the evening when I got home. My mum was in the living room reading some paperback novel. I kissed her on the forehead.

"What took you so long? I'm worried sick, I called Jake and asked if you're with him. He told me you went to the library. Your in the library until what, nine?"

"I'm sorry. I texted you, didn't you receive it? I forgot to call coz I was busy copying some passages and stuff. Next time I'll make sure to call you ok?" I started leaving. And mum just looked at me. She knows well I can take care of myself, well most of the time. But nowadays loitering on the streets at night is really dangerous. Mugging and hold up cases increased this year. I went over the fridge and took out some chicken, lettuce, tomato, mustard, mayo and ketchup. I made a sandwich and went to my room. I was too tired to read some more so after I ate and took a shower I went straight to bed.

The alarm clock woke me up. It was still dark when I glanced at my window. I looked at the alarm clock, its 4:30 in the morning. Oh wait its Friday I have to go to school. I got out of bed and went straight to the kitchen. I decided to cook some hotdog over the microwave and made a sandwich.

It was 5:30 when I left home. My usual trip to school took me an hour. I'm 30 minutes early for my first class so I went to the sunken garden and smoked some cig. While I was on my third stick and was browsing through my notes when suddenly I felt hands cover my eyes. He always does that when I don't see him coming.

"Hey there loverboy how's life treating you?" Jake has been my best friend since 4th grade. We've always been there for each other, I mean always.

"Ok I guess. I mean I'm still in one piece after the accident last night." I glanced at the soccer field and saw bunch of jocks playing, oooh what a nice sight.

"Yeah you're lucky. So are you coming with us next weekend? I mean come on man its my birthday. And besides we won't have classes the week after, remember? Aw come on! You're gonna ruin my birthday if you don't come."

"I'll do my best Jake, you know I need to finish my paper on 24th of February. And I'm still stuck in my introduction. I'm going to flunk this subject if I don't come up with it till next week."

"Ok, I understand you. I'll see you around I guess?" Oh god what kind of friend am I? It's my best friend's party and I don't want to go. Why didn't I see it coming? I'm falling in love with Jake. I can't be in live with him; he's my best friend for god's sake. And I'm not yet ready to fall in love again. I think my heart and emotion is too fragile to accept the hurt if ever. I had been very desperate before to be in love that the first person I chatted with over the net and met in person I fell in love right on the spot. We were both in the closet before and until now. Paolo was the best thing that happened to me. I had been delusional then but pain made me a rational person. Infatuation blinded us. We came to the point were we had started to think that we are so much right for each other and we'll spend the rest of our lives together until he fell out of love and started seeing people behind my back. I never accepted that fact I know he'll stay with me. Those guys are just sex but we ar different we share something special. How pathetic is that. Then the times came when he started to see me less and less. I tried to salvage our diminishing relationship but I can't without his effort. I was a wreck. Jake noticed my change. How I became quiet. I tried hard to be positive whenever I hang out with him and the guys. Jake noticed Paolo's nearly nonexistence in my life and got the idea something bad happened between us. I never told him I was dating that jerk, all he knew was he's a good friend. After a week of persuading I eventually came out to Jake in a week after Paolo and I broke up. He was kind of shocked but accepted that fact.

I can't let anyone hurt me again I won't be able to take it. All I need right now is study and go on with my worthless life. Anyway until I sort out what I really feel for him I have to avoid him for the mean time. Ooops 7:00, time for my first class. The whole time my professor was discussing my mind wandered on how I'll end my paper. I'm almost finished with it but I really haven't decided whether I'm going to attend Jake's party or not. Time flew by and my class was over yet I haven't thought of a good conclusion to my research. I got through the day without much hassle and I did not see Jake. I was on the way to the waiting shed when I spotted Jake approaching me.

"Joey uwi na tayo? (Joey are we going home yet?)" For the past three years Jake's been giving me a ride picking me up and taking me home, we're that close. But lately I opted to commuting rather than spend time with him and falling deeply in love.

"Ah hindi pa Jake. I still have to get some materials for my research paper. So Library muna ko." I opened my bag and pretended to get something avoiding eye contact with him.

"Hmm I'll go with you, anyway I'm not busy naman. Oo nga pala you should have seen Nicole, sexy as usual." He was smiling, cute but...

"Thanks but no thanks Jake, I'll bore you and besides I think Joan's waiting for your call. I'll be fine dude." I smiled at him and punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"You're going home late again? You know it'll be hard to find a ride home late at night. Sige na I'll wait."

"Yan ka nanaman. Don't be silly I'll be alright."

"Ok I'll go ahead then. See you tomorrow I'll pick you up at 6 am."

"Tomorrow ok, oh wait I forgot I need to be here at 6. I think I'll just commute. So don't bother dude."

"Ok, take care dude." I waited for him to go and headed for the library. Suddenly I was regretting my decision. It's already 7 in the evening I have to finish typing my paper so I can submit it tomorrow. I need the extra points in early submission to make it to the dean's list, oh shit!

I got home about quarter to nine in the evening. I went straight to the computer and started typing my conclusion adding some ideas and at 11pm I started printing. I finally retired to bed 12 pm. I woke up 5am the next day. My morning seems a little ok. I got to school at six in the morning. I was wondering what I'm going to do an hour before my class. I went and sat at the lobby and reviewed my paper. I got tired last night that I did not notice my eyes closing and my unconscious took over. Jake and I were on a deserted island. He's telling me something I didn't understand. Suddenly he kissed me full on the lips. We heard a shout then a guy with only his silhouette we saw stood beside a tree. Now his voice is audible he was talking to James, "Don't kiss him, don't, just to satisfy his longing. I'm the one who loves him." It shocked both Jake and me. Jake's about to stand up when suddenly I felt hands shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Jake with this bewildered look on his face.

"Are you ok? Hahaha you were sleeping Joey. People were staring at you." I began to blush this is so humiliating.

"I'm just tired you know." I began to gather my things.

"Oh yeah you have this funny look on your face. Dreaming of your boyfriend?"

"Jake, lower your voice a little. Someone might hear you."

"Sorry. Hey its seven gotta go to class, bout you?" He started to walk.

"Yeah see you around." I went to my class in a hurry kind of blushing with what happened. I tried to pre occupy myself with the professor's lecture but the dream I had this morning kept on filling my mind. Oooh well it's just a dream. My day went on but I was restless. The week was pretty much the same. Jake's birthday is coming near and I haven't decide whether to go or not. I weighed it carefully before I made a choice and decided to go.

Jake wanted to celebrate his birthday in Subic. I didn't knew Jake decided to invite the whole town; we were like 30 in all. Jake's mum owned a villa I knew that it can only accommodate less 20 people. Well who says were going to sleep, all of us will be drinking our hearts out till morning. We arrived at past 3:00 in the afternoon. Jake's parent's where preparing to live for manila when we arrived. They were just instructing the caterers what to do.

"Joey its good to see you. Jake told me you couldn't come?" Jake's mum was approaching me.

"Oh I thought but I finished my paper tita. How are you?"

"We're okay. You haven't been to the house much lately did you and Jake had a fight?"

"No tita, I'm just busy with school stuff." I was blushing and I don't know why!

"Okay I want to see you next week, visit us. Sige you kids enjoy your tito and I have an appointment at 8:00 this evening sa manila pa." She kissed me on the cheek and left.

People were starting to get in the villa. I went straight to Jake's room to take a nap. I was beginning to get my sleep when suddenly the door opened with a bang!

"There you are! I thought the bats ate you," he turned to outside the door and ushered a guy in. "Alex here's my room just cramp in the bed with my best friend. Alex meet Joey."

Both Alex and me were shocked our mouths were hanging literally and our eyes were wide. Jake had this puzzled look on his face. "What, you guys know each other?"

I still have this puzzled look on my face when Alex started to say something. "Yup actually I nearly ran him over."

"Oh so you were the one who hit him? Good thing you didn't ran him over or I'll have to kill you." Jake smiled but I don't know what's with his comment.

"Um I'm tired so I took a nap haven't got any sleep the past few days."

"Yeah okie dokie you guys rest for few minutes. I'll get the party started." Jake left the room and went outside.

"So how's it going? You didn't get any bruise or something?" He smiled at me. I didn't notice it before but Alex is really handsome. This guy stands 6 foot. His hair nearly shaved suits him. And his got smoky puppy eyes you'll get lost to.

"I'm okay and doing great. So you tired?"

"Yup and I got a headache." He sat laid down beside me. His wearing Dark Blue by Hugo Boss smells good.

"You want to drink a painkiller for that?"

"I'll sleep nalang muna and if it still hurts I'll take your word, inom ako ng pain killer. So you and Jake are best friends?"

"Uhu for quite a while now. I'm stating to get sick of his face nanga eh. Hahaha joke. His cool."

"Yup Jake is cool."

"So how did you and Alex meet?"

"We're block mates."

"Block mates? I know everybody from his block?" That's weird I thought I know all Alex's block mates?

"Oh I just transferred last semester."

"That's why then. Anyways I'll let you sleep and rest."

"Uhu I really need that rest." He closed his eyes and drifted to dream land. When I was sure that his breathing was steady I stared at him intently. He is handsome I wonder why I did not notice it before. Nobody tried to bother us in the room I must've dozed of a few hours coz when I opened my eyes it was dark. I looked at my watch and it says 7:00 well pm then coz its dark. I didn't notice it but when I slowly get in tuned with the world loud music was blaring outside and I hear voices real loud voices and raucous laughter. I started to get up I don't remember where am I when suddenly I heard someone moan beside me I was quite surprised and fell off the bed.

"Uh hey are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice and suddenly I remembered Alex.

"Oh I didn't notice you and when you moaned you scared the shit out of me." I found the whole scene funny and I started to laugh hysterically. Alex then stood up and went to find the switch. I was still laughing when the lights came on. He had this amused reaction on his face. Gradually my laughter died down and I was smiling at him with no particular reason and he joined me.

"Hmmm the party's all heat up wanna join them?"

"Yep I think I'm ready. So is your head okay na?"

"Depending on what head your referring to." After making that remark Alex had this evil grin on his face.

"Whatever, I'm starving I need food!" We both went outside to check out the happenings of the party. I begun to look for Jake the moment I stepped outside. Some people were already drunk and can't seem to shut their mouths. Ugh! Alex followed me; we went to the buffet table and gabbed something to eat. I found seats near the pool. I was trying to eye Jake on the crowd when a hand grabbed my shoulders I freaked out and screamed real loud.

"Hey okay ka lang. Its me Jake." He and Alex were laughing real hard.

"Shit Jake, don't do that." That's what I hate about him he always sneaks and surprise the hell out of me.

"Sorry, so you guys enjoying my party?" He grabbed my barbecue and took a bite then handed it back.

"Your friends are too loud." I said between bites.

"Its okay I like the music." Alex said moving his body as he gestured toward the loud speakers.

"Yep Jake good thing you didn't let your parents choose the cd's." And I lightly punched his arm.

"Funny! Hahahahaha gawd you're really funny Joe." Jake then started messing my hair.

"Whatever, anywayz where's Joan?" I asked Jake.

"She's with the other girls upstairs having some quality time. Alex enjoy the party just ask Joe if you need something I hafta check out the others." Jake moved to another table.

"He can be a major pain in the ass sometimes well most of the time. He likes to crack wild jokes on me. I'm gonna get him soon." Sigh.

"So tell me do you know all the people in this party?" Alex asked.

"Yep mostly."

"Then why don't you join in? They seem to be having a lot of fun?"

"Nah I'm not really in the mood. If you want you can join them?"

"How but we get few bottles of hard booze and have a one on one?" Alex suggested. Hmmm this is interesting.

"Okay? Lets go to upstairs on Jakes veranda." He nodded. We went to get 2 long neck bottle of brandy and two liters of coke plus a bucket of ice and headed to Jakes room and went outside his veranda. It was facing the white sand beach away from the noisy crowd. Its in the other side of the house. I opened the bottle and poured the first shot. Alex put some ice on the other glass and poured some coke for chaser. I took the first shot and then Alex.

To be continued.

That's all for now folks. Don't forget to share your comments with me, thanx. Give me your comments at I'll reply to all of those who'll e-mail me bye guys and gals.

Next: Chapter 2

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