Igniting Around Thanksgiving

By Jason Cox

Published on Nov 7, 2013


The following is a work of fiction. The celebrities mentioned are represented by professional agencies, and I do not own anything about them or the shows that they are featured on. This story will contain sexual content that is not suitable for any persons under the age of 18. This story contains what some people refer to as "slash" which is gay - guy/guy. This story contains guy/guy, and if you are not comfortable with that, I highly advise you leave this section of the nifty archive.

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Nickelodeon star, Jack Griffo sighed as he felt his back connect with the couch that was lined against one of the walls of the trailer he had been given. He was currently on the set of Disney's Kickin' It, and he couldn't help but smile at that. He loved being on the set, but he loved being near the show's star hunk. Jack loved being around Leo. He loved the way the brown hair flowed across the boy's head, and he loved the fact that they had instantly become friends. Jack knew he wasn't gay, but Leo made him question it. Jack didn't know how he was going to tell the star that he wanted to be more than friends. Jack leaned back against the wall, and he sighed. He was moments away from letting out a loud scream. He was stuck between what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. He wanted Leo, but he knew it wasn't going to work. Disney didn't endorse the whole gay thing, and he knew that. Jack needed an answer, but he didn't know if he was going to get one. He didn't have much time to think about it because the minute he looked up, he heard his trailer door close, and the boy of his dreams was standing in front of him.

Leo smiled as he saw his friend against the couch. He loved being close to his friends. He and Dylan had been friends for several years, and they did everything, and nothing was different with Jack. Even though, he was just a guest star, he was still a friend. Leo stepped deeper into the trailer, and he closed the door behind him. He was on a break, and he wanted to see how Jack was adjusting to the whole guest star thing. He didn't know if Jack had any experience with acting, but he saw the way he stormed off when the filming was over. On a normal set that would have been okay, but the script didn't say anything about someone storming off. Leo didn't know what was going on, but he wanted to help. He knew putting up with it all was challenging, but he dealt with it, and he knew that Jack could deal with it too. Leo walked closer towards Jack, and he took a seat on the couch to the right of Jack. He picked his arm up and wrapped it around the boy's shoulders before speaking to him.

"Hey bud, everything okay?" Leo asked him.

Jack turned his head towards Leo, and he felt his heart beginning to pump and his body beginning to sweat. He was nervous. The boy he wanted so badly was sitting next to him with his arm around him. He was so scared. He didn't know how to respond or react to what was happening. Jack closed his eyes and tried to wipe the thoughts away, but they only got stronger when he felt Leo push deeper into his shoulders. Leo wanted an answer, but Jack didn't have one. Everything wasn't okay. He was confused about what he liked, and he didn't know how to tell Leo that he was the one that was making it confusing. Jack was scared to death, but he knew he couldn't hold out. Jack opened his eyes, and he turned towards the guy of his confusion. He looked into the orbs that were placed inside the sockets, and he couldn't help but smile. He saw the friendliness, and it made him happy and excited. He didn't know how long it was going to last for because he knew he was about to change it all. Jack hesitated before speaking. He was scared. He felt the sweat under his armpits and moving down his legs, covering the hairs that lined it in a thin layer. Jack couldn't mask it anymore. He needed to get it off his chest. He continued to look at Leo, and he let it all out.

"Leo, you're confusing me," Jack said.

Leo felt confusion wash upon his body. How was he confusing him by asking a simple question? Leo looked at Jack with that confusion, and he thought he saw a frown come across Jack's face. He didn't mean to make him feel bad, he just didn't understand why he was getting sad. Leo took a moment to think about what his next words were going to be, and before he spoke them, he took in Jack's face. Something was making him worry, and he wanted to know what it was. Leo looked towards his friend, and he spoke. He needed an answer, and he needed on quickly.

"Jack, what did you mean about I confuse you?" he asked.

Jack felt more seat cover his body. He wasn't expecting to explain that. Jack couldn't do anything but look away. There was no way he could have looked Leo in the eyes after saying that. He knew that Leo didn't completely understand what he said, but he couldn't find it in himself to explain. He wasn't gay, but he was in love with Leo. He wanted to be closer to him, and he wanted to explore his body. Jack knew it wasn't normal for him to be thinking about it, but he couldn't stop himself. There was something about Leo that set him off. Actually, it was everything about Leo that set him off. Leo was his spark, and he was the flame. One couldn't live without the other. Jack felt Leo stares burning into the back of his neck, and he couldn't help but think about what it would be like to actually have him. Jack needed help, but he didn't know where he was going to get it from. He wanted to tell Leo, but he knew that it would have led to more questions and he getting Leo and he kicked off the show and every other project for that matter. No one wanted gay teenagers, and no work meant no money.

Leo couldn't take no knowing anymore. He needed an answer, and he needed the truth. He didn't want to hear excuses, if and or buts. He wanted the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Leo pulled his hand to Jack's shoulder, and he turned the boy around. When he was face to face with Jack, he moved his hand towards Jack's chin, and he looked into his eyes. He saw the fear, and he couldn't help but want to help his friend. He looked at Jack, and he smiled. Jack was one of his friends, and he helped all of his friends.

"Jack, I promise I won't judge you. Just tell me what's wrong," Leo said sympathetically.

Jack looked at the older teenager, and he felt a tear fall from his eye. He didn't know how to tell him, so he just said. He was sick of being around Leo and not letting him know. He thought it was unfair. Leo deserved to know that he had feelings for him. Jack moved his hands in front of him, and he leaned back against the wall. He didn't know how Leo was going to take it, and he wanted to be ready to sit in his trailer. Jack turned his head towards Leo, and before he could think of what to say it just came out.

"Leo, I think I'm in love with you."

Leo stopped in his tracks. He didn't know how Jack felt about him, but in a way he was glad that the truth was out in the open. Leo looked towards Jack, and he saw the tears falling. At that point, he knew how hard it was for Jack to admit his feelings. Leo felt sadness coming over his own body, and he wanted to wrap his arms around Jack. He knew how hard it was. He knew that the world was cruel, and he couldn't help but think about how he came out to his parents. They weren't accepting at first, but when they realized that Leo was still their son, it all changed. Leo looked at Jack before wrapping his arms around him. Everything was going to be fine. Leo wasn't going to judge Jack. He knew he was attractive, and Jack wasn't the first to fall for him. When Jack felt Leo's arms around his body, he felt his body warm up. His day was getting brighter, and things were only going to get better. Jack closed his eyes, and he thought about everything that he and Leo could do. Jack knew he wanted something sexual, but he didn't know where Leo stood, and he didn't want to make it appear as if he was obsessed with it.

Leo moved his arm from around Jack when he felt his body come to ease. Leo was glad that he could make someone feel good. Leo looked at Jack, and he felt a hold on his heart tighten. He didn't know what was taking over his body, but he knew that he wanted to get closer to Jack. Leo felt his hands moving towards Jack's and when they were entwined, he felt the warmth of Jack's body. Leo looked at Jack, and he smiled. He could tell that the boy in front of him was enjoying and so was he. When Leo saw the smile on Jack's face, he knew that things were going to last a while longer. He knew that Jack wasn't going to be a hit it and quit it. Leo was tired of having one night stand with costars and guest stars. He was ready for a serious relationship, and he now had someone that was a perfect candidate. He pulled his hands away from Jack's before letting the words leave his mouth. He wanted Jack around for a while, and he made sure that Jack knew it.

"Jack, would you become my boyfriend?"

Jack felt his heart and body tighten. Leo was asking him to be his boyfriend. Jack was speechless, and the only thing he did was nod his head. He didn't know what else he was going to do. Leo had asked him to be his boyfriend. He wanted Leo, and now he had him. His life was getting better, and it only got better when Leo asked him to join him for Thanksgiving. Jack smiled at Leo, and he nodded again. He was going to spend Thanksgiving with his hunky boyfriend, and there wasn't going to be anything that stood in his way. He was Jack Griffo, and Leo Howard was his and only his. Jack moved his back away from the way, and he leaned forward and placed a kiss to Leo's lips. He tasted the minty scent, and he felt the warmth that coated the insides of Leo's mouth. Jack was in heaven, and there's wasn't going to be a moment that he would forget it. He was in love, and it was a love that no one could break.

Next: Chapter 2

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