If I Were Gay

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Aug 24, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"What the matter?" Flynn asked me after a while. The question was understandable, since I'd been sitting on the couch across from him sitting in the chair and staring at him. Trying to comprehend this man, the one who I'd grown up with, and now we were in college and roommates in our first apartment, my partner in early adulthood, facing the world together. And now...I didn't know him!

"It's..." I floundered. "It's nothing."

"Hey, come on, Chet, talk to me! Something's eating at you!" his quietly cute (not handsome, but cute) face was the same as it had always been, light brown hair mostly combed but slightly askew, his eyes the same pale blue that just missed being green in color, the softly smooth skin on his face that had never blossomed with acne, skin like beige velvet.... I'd grown up with this face, with this man, and now that he was in his early twenties like me, he was so much a part of my life that...that I didn't know what I'd do without him.

I had to deal with this, I had to. "It's...it's our new neighbor down the hall." I said.

Flynn nodded. "What about him?"

"He...he told me he had seen you before."

Flynn didn't blink at that. "And?"

"He saw you at a gay bar." I went on. "He said he's seen you there several times."

"Well, he's wrong." Flynn said. "I've never been to a gay bar before in my life."

"He swears it was you he saw in there. Said you even hit on him one time about three months ago."

"I've never hit on that guy. And wouldn't even if I were gay!" Flynn snarled. "That guy is a fucking liar! God, Chet, you've known me for twenty years. If I were gay, don't you think you'd know about it by now?"

"I don't know!" I admitted. "I mean, yeah, I ought to know, but maybe I don't!"

"Shit, Chet, it's easy enough to figure out if someone is gay!" Flynn stood up and came over, sat by me on the couch. "If I were gay, I'd be sitting over here with you, wouldn't I?"

"I don't know."

"If I were gay, I'd do this to you, too, wouldn't I?" Flynn put his further hand on my inner thigh, while the nearer arm went around my shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess so."

"After all, you're a tasty male morsel of manly studliness." Flynn said and I had to grin at that.

"The girls sure don't think so." I said ruefully.

"But you are." Flynn insisted. "And if I were gay, after I did this and you didn't draw away, I'd do this." And his hand went up my inner thigh and cupped my crotch through my sweatpants. "Hey, you're not wearing underwear, are you?"

"Uh-uh." I agreed, drawing in my breath. You got to remember that it had been about two years since the last time I'd had sex and that time was, shall we say, not the most romantic time I'd ever had. To have a hand on my crotch, even my roommate's, felt so damned good!

"So if I were gay, and felt that dick of yours floating around free and getting nice and hard inside your pants like this, I'd grip it nice and hard, like this." Flynn locked his hand around my cock and it swelled up to full hardness under that touch.

"Oh, God!" I groaned.

"And then if I were gay," Flynn continued, his voice softer now, his breath faster and more audible, the beginnings of passionate panting, "I'd probably do this." And he released me, only to reach up and into the top of my sweatpants and fish inside, then grab me for real, flesh on flesh. "Yeah, I'd do it just like this!"

"Jesus, Flynn!" I moaned. "Shit, man, that feels so fucking good!"

"Yeah, it would, wouldn't it, having a gay man grab your dick, you realize right away that it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman when you get right down to it, it's human contact and your body just doesn't fucking care!" Flynn breathed. "Sex is sex, and you realize when you get that first touch that you're willing, you've always been willing, you never would have asked, but now that it's here, you're more than ready to take it!"

"Yeah, Flynn, yeah!" I grunted as he began to pump on my rod. "God, your hand feels so fucking warm, Jesus, I don't believe you're doing it."

"But if I were gay, this is what I'd be doing, isn't it?" Flynn pressed me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I panted.

"And after you were all hard and ready, then I'd probably do something like this." Flynn scooted around so he could get both hands at my crotch, and then he pulled my sweatpants down and with my dick waving in the wind, he reached for it with his face and his lips caught my dong with a circular wave of his head and then he was sliding my cock down his mouth and throat while his tongue laved me with his mouth-juices. It was like the softest, warmest, most intimate washrag I'd ever had, and no woman I'd been with yet had been half as talented as Flynn was!

I guess my sex life up until then had kind of sucked!

Speaking of sucking...God, Flynn had my cock enthralled! His head was weaving side to side, making every stroke up and down unique and wonderful, my prong was responding with wave upon wave of ecstatic delight.

"Ah, ah, ah!" I guttered as Flynn moved his magical way at my basket. "God dam it, Flynn, you're driving me fucking nuts!" I couldn't help it, I began to thrust up with my hips, trying to match his expertise, but I didn't do so well at it. But Flynn persevered for a time, then he let go, panting heavily.

"The next thing!" He paused for breath, "I would do if I were!" Another ragged breath in and out, "gay would be to!" Another heavy breath somewhat abated in intensity, "Do something like this!"

And he got to his feet and began to unfasten his pants. His shoes were slip-ons, and he was removing them at the same time. I just lay there with my dick flapping in the wind and cooling from the wetness on it from his mouth, and watched him bare himself from the waist down. His shoes were off, his pants went down, then his socks were stripped one by one and then the briefs with a two-hand motion down his hips, and I saw he was packing a rather formidable dong of his own, and it was rock hard! A good nine inches of cock, uncut and arcing gently upwards with a clean, elegant grace God normally reserved for serpents and cats. Smooth movement of raw beauty.

I licked my lips and as Flynn moved in closer to me and stepped up onto the couch, with the clear intent of showing me more of what he'd be doing to me if he were gay, that put his cock right in front of my mouth. Without thinking it all the way through, I caught it and sucked it into my mouth.

Flynn froze and then he grunted, "Yeah, if I were gay, I'd present my cock to you and tell you to suck on it for me, come on, suck it for me, Chet, like I'd sucked you, make my dick hum, man, make it hum!"

I tried, God knows, but it's one thing to suck a cock and another thing to do it the right way. Flynn didn't get soft, but he grunted in pain rather than pleasure a few times, then he said, "Let me show you now what else I'd do if I were gay."

"All right." I let go of that pud and it glowed at me, and I swear that single eye of the slit winked at me as I saw it recede from my lips. But I forgot about that, for Flynn was sitting down on my prick, and dear God, the guy was lubed up down there!

I mean, he was already packed with some greasy substance. I looked at him surprised, and saw that one hand was wielding a tube of clear oily stuff in it, I guess he palmed it when he was taking his pants off or had it in his shirt pocket. He'd lubed himself while I sucked on him, and now he was ready for me. My cockhead kissed his anus and it irised open like a flower in bloom and then I was sliding inside.

It wasn't a snag-free ride for me, but only a couple of pauses and grunts by Flynn, then he resumed pushing himself down further, and then he was sitting on my lap, my cock fully imbedded in him and then he looked me right in the eyes.

"Do you see the fundamental difference here, Chet?" He asked me. "This is how you tell someone is gay, not by the words of some strange guy you barely know. You can't tell someone is gay even when they're touching you, loving you. You tell someone is gay by who they love and how they love, not a simple matter of the plumbing."

"But...but you've got my cock up your ass, man!" I protested. "I mean, you sucked me like a professional and then you had that lube in your pocket and now you've shoved my dick up your butt, I mean, you got to be gay, man, you got to be!"

"Hey, dude, how long have we known each other?"

"Most of my life."

"You think that if you wanted me to suck your dick, I would say no to you?"

"I don't know."

"You sucked on mine. Are you gay?"

"No. That is, I don't think so."

"You've seen me on dates with girls before, haven't you?"

"Sure. But that guy."

"That guy is full of shit!" Flynn dismissed him. "Me, I can take the cock of a damned good friend up my ass and not be gay! Couldn't you?"

"Maybe." I admitted. It's not hard to be less than emphatically negative when you have your hard rod stuffed up the bum of the guy who's asking you the question!

"So I chowed down on you the best way I could, and I was good at it because I know what I would like to have done to me." Flynn went on and he began to move up and down on me slowly as he said this. "I had a tube of lube with me because I picked it up at a pharmacy earlier today. And I'm taking your dick up my ass without much trouble because you're a hell of a good friend and damn it, that makes a huge difference than if you were some stranger at a bar, and no, I've never been in a gay bar before, that guy is a fucking liar."

"All right, all right." I gave up. "I'm sorry, Flynn, sorry for even asking you."

"That's better." Flynn said. "Now shut up while I fuck myself on your dong, man!"

"All right." I said meekly.

Flynn began to move faster now, he was bouncing in my lap and I felt the warmth as it moved up and down my shaft like a ring of liquid fire, because that warmth was also where the pleasure grew from as my cockskin was carried along and moved on my shaft with him.

"Oh, oh, ah, ah!" I grunted.

"Uh, uh, yeah, man!" Flynn grunted himself. "Damn, but this feels good, dude! You got to try this out some time!"

"Yeah, sure!" I was ready to agree to anything right then. If Flynn had asked me to cut off my left nut and give it to him, I would have said yes.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Flynn was panting and I realized that he was actually getting tired here. Having him ride me all the way to climax would have been nice, but he wasn't used to this no matter how well he'd done at it, so I needed to give him a break.

So I caught hold of him and held him tight and managed to get to my feet with him still attached to my cock, and then I laid him and me onto the couch, him face up and me on top and with his legs wrapping around me and me in charge, I began to fuck him.

Flynn grunted in pain a time or two, but not loudly, and I didn't stop moving. My orgasm was coming up fast here, and Flynn's face held only rapturous pleasure on it as I rammed him with an urgency that built inside me moment by moment.

And Flynn suddenly convulsed and I felt hot sprays of his jizz on my stomach and chest. I'd made Flynn come! He was ejaculating all over both of us just from the feel of my cock in his butt. There is no compliment higher than that, to have your best buddy climax because you're fucking him and I knew that this didn't have to be gay, it was just me and him sharing our bodies the way we'd shared our whole lives, the way we shared this apartment, just two best buddies, Flynn and me, and now we were bonding closer than ever. There was nothing gay about it and I don't know how I can convince you of that, considering what we'd been doing, there's a world of difference between me sharing something with a friend and me wanting to go out and suck cocks of random strangers.

And in that moment of complete realization, I crowned my own delight and I shoved my dong in deep and I held it there while I squirted my jizz, filling Flynn with all the hot spunk I had, and Flynn was just finishing his own pleasure and was watching me orgasm in that post-climactic glow and he smiled at me with a gentle indulgence while my hot wads plunged deep inside of him.

I finished, and sagged down onto him and he held me in firm, warm, masculine, friendly arms, our sweat mixed the way it had when we'd been younger, playing football in the back yard, wrestling, groping each other, and our bodies mixed together in exertion and joy, just like now, God, yes, just like now.

Flynn's hand stroked some strands of my hair back from my forehead and he said, "Now, do you see what I mean? There's no way I'm gay. That guy is confusing me with someone else."

"Yeah, I see it, Flynn." I said. "There's no way you're gay. If you were gay, there's no way you would have given me such a good fuck. Or sucked my dick so damned good!"

"You suck a good cock too, for a straight guy." Flynn responded. "I'm looking forward to us doing it some more, too."

"Yeah." I said. "First, I'm going to get up, and go give that guy down the hall a piece of my mind, the nerve of that guy, calling you gay! Then, I'll come back here and we can fuck each other silly the rest of the night."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Back in a few minutes."


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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