If I Let You Go

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Sep 20, 2000


************** If I let You Go 5 **************

********** Ryan's POV **********

"Ummm..." I looked at Jason nervously as he continued looking at me in shock. "Is..anything wrong Jason?" I glanced at Jason's grandmother and sister and they were also looking at me weirdly.

"N--no," Jason shook his head as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away. "Let's go up to my room. I have to show you something. Night Nana, Sarah." I just let Jason drag me up the stairs to his room. Neither one of us said a word until Jason closed the door behind us.

"Is anything wrong Jason?" I asked him again nervously as I walked up to the bed and sat down.

"Ummm..I don't know how to tell you this but..." Jason had faced me by now but he was looking at me uneasily. "Your grandfather and my grandfather are...were business rivals. My grandfather always said that Amos Clark ruined his business back in St. Louis before he moved here."

"Ohhhh.." I stared at him dumbly, not sure whether to believe him or not.

"I remember your grandfather coming here once," Jason continued slowly. "There were a lot of yelling and name calling. I just didn't connect your name with Amos Clark."

I wasn't able to say anything for a minute. Then on a weak voice, I heard myself say, "I guess you want me out of your house now." I stood up, my head hung low. I was about to walk out of the room when I felt Jason grabbing my arms firmly. I almost didn't want to look at him but somehow I got the courage to lift my head. I saw Jason smiling at me weakly.

"Where are you going?" Jason asked me softly.

"I'm going to pack my thing and leave," I whispered to him.

"I didn't say you have to leave, did I?" Jason pulled his hand back.

"But your family hates mine," I answered him.

"My granddad hates your granddad," Jason gave me that sexy smile of his again although I could see that it was a little forced this time. "That doesn't mean we have to hate each other, right?"

"No," I shook my head at him.

"Good," Jason said to me. "You wanna watch Four Weddings and A Funeral? I think it's on HBO right now."

"I love that movie," I nodded my head at him.

"Me too," Jason grinned at me again, this time there was no tension on his face.

************ Jason's POV ************

"Mom!" I looked at her exasperatedly the following morning. Ryan and I spent the whole night watching movies and talking. I was uncomfortable with Ryan for a while since he was the grandson of the man my grandfather hates. But eventually, I realized that what I was thinking was stupid. Ryan was still the same great guy I know. Even if his grandfather stole my grandfather's company a long time ago. "Ryan's my roommate! I can't just ask him to leave."

"Your grandpa is going to arrive this morning," My mom said to me grimly. "You know how he feels about the Clarks." I was about to argue more when I saw Ryan coming down the stairs slowly. He walked up besides me. I glanced at him and he was looking at the floor, his face a little flushed from embarrassment.

"I'll leave Mrs. Brooks," I heard Ryan said in a hoarse voice. "Thanks for-"

"You're not leaving!" I said loudly. I looked at my mom and said to her defiantly. "If Ryan leaves, I'll leave." I saw the look of frustration on my mom's face. She knew I would do it. I wasn't that close with my granddad so she knew I would leave.

"Jason..." Ryan said to me in surprise. I looked at him and gave him a we'll-talk-later look.

"Look Mom," I sighed out deeply as I looked at my mom again. "Ryan's my roommate and I don't care if he is Amos Clark's grandson. I have to live with him for a year, not grandpa. Besides, Ryan is a pretty nice guy. You even said so yourself yesterday."

I saw mom looking torn at being hospitable and asking Ryan to leave. She sighed out deeply as forced a smile at Ryan, "I think you're a nice kid Ryan. But my father-in-law would only think of you as Amos Clark's grandson. If he says anything to you, I'd like to apologize in advance and hope you'd understand him also."

Mom then told us that breakfast was ready and she proceeded to the dining room. We were left alone in the living room. I faced Ryan and gave him a smile but he wasn't smiling at me.

"I'll just go Jason," Ryan said to me softly. "I don't want you to get in trouble with your granddad."

"I asked you to stay with me this weekend," I whispered to him firmly. I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Let's attend the wedding this afternoon and drive back to the campus afterwards, okay?"

"Are you sure it's okay?" Ryan looked at me doubtfully.

"Of course," I nodded my head. "Now come on and let's eat breakfast. I want to show you around town before the wedding."

********** Ryan's POV **********

I couldn't smile during breakfast or during the car ride to the mall. Jason tried his best to engage me in conversation but I just gave him short answers. Jason didn't ask me what was wrong. At least not until we were alone in McDonald's having a sundae.

"Sorry about that," Jason smiled at me weakly. "My granddad still can't let go of the past."

"Thank you for sticking up for me," I said to him as I tried to give him a smile.

"It's nothing," Jason told me. "You'd do the same for me, right?"

"Of course," I answered him immediately.

"I mean, your granddad might not like me being your friend since I'm his enemy's grandson," Jason said half seriously-half jokingly.

"The only thing that matters is that I like you," I said without thinking. Then I saw Jason giving me a look as I blushed deeply from what I said. "I..uhh..mean I think you're a good friend."

"Well..you're a good friend too," Jason laughed at me and gave me a wink. I giggled like a schoolgirl as he laughed. I didn't know if he was flirting with me or just joking around.

*************** To be continued ***************

I'm really busy right now so this is the only part I could add to the story at this time. Hopefully I could write more soon.

Any comments are welcome at: sliders21@iname.com

Next: Chapter 6

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