If I Let You Go

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Jul 4, 2000


Note: I really want this not to be just a romantic story but a story about the perfect romance. I'm sure you guys know what I am talking about. Unfortunately, while I am writing this, I get so frustrated that I'm not experiencing it at the moment. Hope you guys are luckier than I am.

******************** If I Let You Go - 4 ********************

Ryan's POV:

"You okay Ryan?" Anna gave me a worried look.

"Yeah," I answered her as I forced a smile. A few days had passed since that night. I tried to tell myself that everything was fine but it seems that Jason was avoiding me. He seems to always arrive late at the dorms and when I wake up, he's gone. Why did I have to say those stupid things to him that night!

The rest of the day flew by quickly and I found myself walking back to the dorms with some of my classmates. I stopped by their room for a few minutes to exchange some notes and to chat. Then I proceeded to my room and got a very big shock. I saw Jason putting his clothes inside a bag!

"Hey," Jason looked up at me and gave me a smile as I stepped in the room and closed the door behind me. "How was your day?"

"Wh-why are you packing?" I stammered out stupidly. "It..it's not because of...you..you don't think I'm ga..." I trailed off as I lost the courage to talk or even look at him.

"I need to go home for the weekend because a cousin of mine is getting married on Sunday," Jason answered me softly. I look back at him sharply and saw that he was giving me a smile. Jason then continued folding his clothes. "Umm...you wanna come?"

"What?" I stopped in my tracks. I was about to walk to my bed when Jason said that to me. I couldn't believe it at first but Jason repeated what he said. I stared at him in the eyes and saw that he was serious.

"Yes!" I said a little too enthusiastically. I blushed a little and composed myself. On a more subdued voice, I answered him again. "I'd like that Jason."

"You'd better start packing now and we'll leave as soon as you're finished," Jason said to me as he continued with was he was doing. I immediately took out one of my bags and started to stuff some of my clothes in it happily.

"How's school so far?" Jason asked me while we were on our way to Dayton, Jason's hometown. It was a few hours ride from the university.

"Okay so far," I said as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "Ummm..how come I don't see you at the dorm lately?"

"Don't remind me," Jason groaned out loudly. "The council has been working me to death for the last few days. What I wouldn't give just to lie on my bed for a whole day."

"Ohhh," I looked at him in surprise. I didn't expect that answer. "You mean you aren't avoiding me?"

"Avoiding you?" Jason looked at me sharply and gave me a quizzical look. "Why would I avoid you?"

"Ummmm," I turned my head away as I blushed. I started to fidget slightly as I answered him. "I thought you got angry at what I said that night."

"For wanting to have a best friend?" Jason said to me in a soft voice. "Why would I avoid you because of that? Sometimes I wish I can have a friend like that also."

"What?!" My jaws dropped open in shock as I stared at him in disbelief. Did he just say what I think he said?

*********** Jason's POV ***********

"I don't have that many friends actually," I smiled at Ryan nervously before looking back on the road and concentrating on driving. "Tommy and Jack seemed like very good friends, didn't they?"

"Yes," I heard Ryan answer me as I felt his gaze burning right through me. He cleared his throat before saying, "You seem to be very popular back at the university. I'm sure you have lots of friends back there."

"I guess I do," I said softly. "But no one really knows the real me inside Ryan."

"I'd like to be your friend and get to know you," I heard Ryan reply to me in almost a whisper. We remained silent for a while; both of us lost in our own thoughts.

After a few minutes, I started to ask him about school stuff and soon we forgot about our previous conversation. We finally reached Dayton just as it was getting dark. I drove directly to my house. It was one of the biggest estates in town.

"Wow!" Ryan said in amazement as I pulled in the garage. "You live in this huge mansion Jason?"

"Yeah," I said casually as I turned off the engine. We got off the car and proceeded to the house. My mom and sister were waiting for us in the living room. I dropped my bag and gave the two of them a hug and kiss.

"Mom, Sarah this is Ryan Clark, my new roommate," I said as I faced Ryan who was standing rather shyly by the archway. "Ryan, meet my mom and my sister, Sarah."

"Please to meet you," Ryan said politely. Mom had the servants prepare us a meal and then I showed Ryan to the guest bedroom.

**** Ryan ****

"You must have been a really spoiled kid, huh?" I said jokingly while Jason and I was walking along the banks of the river running besides Jason's house. "Servants, a huge bedroom, your own boat."

"I'd like to think I turned out into a pretty nice guy," Jason said to me with a grin.

"You're the nicest guy I've met in the university," I said to him sweetly.

"You're just saying that because I'm your roommate," Jason made a face at me.

"No,really," I shook my head at him. "Considering that you're rich, popular and handsome, I didn't expect you to be this nice too. You seem to be too perfect to be true." I stopped in my tracks as Jason looked at me weirdly. I blushed deeply as I started to stutter out something unintelligible but Jason cut me off.

"Was that a compliment or what?" Jason said to me as he laughs nervously. "I have to tell you right now, I'm not good at receiving compliments. I don't really know what to say back to the person."

"You don't have to say anything," I heard myself answer him. "Just give me a smile and that's enough."

"Thanks," Jason smiled at me. "For everything you said about me."

"Anyway," I said to change the topic. We started walking again. "I heard something about you yesterday Mr. Councilor."

"What's that?" Jason said to me quizzically.

"Is anything going on between you and Ms.Masters?" I tried to make it sound as light as possible but there was still a hint of seriousness in my question.

"Lisa?" Jason tried to stifle a laugh. "Like I would get involved with someone as controlling as her. Don't get me wrong, she's a very nice girl and kinda cute but she's so bossy."

"You're not involved with anyone?" I looked at him hopefully.

"Not that I know of," Jason shook his head at me. We both decided to go back to the house then. We continued joking and pushing each other playfully. I really loved touching his arms or shoulders. I almost fainted when Jason put an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him half way to the house. We walked like that the rest of the way as he related a very funny story to me.

****** Jason ******

I don't know what possessed me to put my arm around Ryan like this. Not that I don't enjoy his warm body being so close to mine. I was just expecting him to pull away by now but he hadn't.

I finally had to let him go when we reached the house. I opened the back door and we both entered the kitchen. I saw Sarah and my grandma eating some ice cream at the kitchen table.

"Nana!" I said happily as I walked up to my grandmother and gave him a hug and kiss. I introduced Ryan to her then but instead of smiling, she frowned at Ryan.

"Clark?" She looked at Ryan closely. "You're not related to a Amos Clark, are you?"

"He's my grandfather," Ryan said to her slowly, looking at me quizzically. "Is there any problem ma'am?"

"You're grandfather is Amos Clark?!" My eyes grew large in shock as I backed away from him a little. Ryan looked at me in confusion as I started at him dumbfoundly.

*************** To be continued ***************

I'm really busy right now so this is the only part I could add to the story at this time. Hopefully I could write more soon.

Any comments are welcome at: sliders21@iname.com

Next: Chapter 5

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