If I Let You Go

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Jan 9, 2001


************** If I let You Go 10 **************

********** Jason's POV **********

FUCK!! What the hell is Ryan doing here?? Dancing with a guy no less! What the hell is he doing?!

"Here," Billy handed me the paper that I forgot to have him sign earlier. I glanced at him distractedly as I accepted the papers. Billy looked at me then where Ryan was dancing.

"Ryan seems to be...enjoying himself," I heard myself say as Billy gave me a somewhat sly smile.

"I saw him outside half an hour ago so I told him to come back here and enjoy the party," Billy said to me. "You know this isn't an exclusively gay party, right?"

"I...umm..better go," I said to Billy as I tried to act like Ryan being here means nothing to me. "Don't forget the meeting we have tomorrow. You guys are on the organizing committee this year."

I walked out of there as fast as I could. But the memory of Ryan laughing as he was dancing with that guy was still burning in my memory. Fuck!! Why did I have to go back here tonight?!

"Jason!" I heard my name being called, as I was halfway back to the frat party. I stopped and turned around slowly because I recognized the voice. I saw Ryan running up towards me. Ryan was panting hard and was trying to catch his breath.

"Hey," I said as I forced myself to talk to him in an even voice. Like I wanted him to notice how affected I was to see him enjoying himself in the Queer Coalition party.

"It's not like what you are thinking," Ryan said to me as he licked his dry lips. Does he know how crazy he was making me feel the sexy way he was doing that?

"What are you talking about?" I said as I acted stupid. I just hope he buys it.

"I...umm...Billy..... I mean I met Billy and he invited me inside and I didn't want to pass up the free booze and food and ..uhhh... I didn't want to be in that party okay?" Ryan said to me as he gave me a very peculiar look. He looked almost nervous as he looked at me.

"O-kay," I said slowly at him, not really sure what to believe in anymore. It hasn't really sunk into me yet that I saw Ryan dancing with a guy. Now he's here, denying that he was gay.

"You..don't believe me," Ryan said in a whisper. It looks to me that he was on the verge of crying. He was sniffing back his tears as he looked at me helplessly.

"Why shouldn't I believe you?" I laughed a little bit sarcastically. "You were just at the QC party, dancing with a senior."

"I..I..." I watched Ryan starting to sob and cry as tears fell down his face. Then he turned around and ran away from me. Like a fool, I just stood there and watched Ryan disappear for the second time that night.

********** Ryan's POV **********

I felt a really hot mouth on my nipples. A hot wet tongue flicking against my left nipple as rough hands fondled my raging hard cock thru the boxers I was wearing. The hand squeezed it and I gasped out in pleasure. For the first time in my life, someone else other than me was touching me there.

"More...ohhh...please....moreee..." I whispered out as I felt my boxers slowly being pulled off me. "OHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I moaned out in pleasure as I felt an impossibly hot mouth envelop my rockhard cock.

I felt a hot velvety tongue caressing the cockhead as I moaned louder. I haven't felt anything like this before. I humped the mouth as I felt electricity shooting through my body.

Then I felt a hot hard cock slapping against my cheek. I opened my mouth as it slid into my willing mouth. It slowly fucked my mouth and throat as I received my very first blowjob. My hands eagerly caressed the hot body on top of me. It felt so good to finally be able to touch warm flesh.

I felt the body starting to pump his hot cock into my throat faster. Then I tasted my first cum as the cock shot load after load of tasty hot thick cum. The mouth working on my cock started to suck on my cock like a vacuum and I also let loose the load I have been building up.

*********** Jason's POV ***********

"Smile!" Lisa said to me with a giggle while we were walking back to the dorm area. Lisa, me and a bunch of other guys all decided to leave the frat together and walk towards the dorm area together. "You have been brooding the whole night? Anything bad happen?"

"I told you I just have a slight headache, nothing serious," I said to her with a deep sigh. We dropped off Lisa and the other girls in their dorm before we headed to ours.

I didn't know whose bright idea was it but one of the guys thought it would be hilarious to see who among the guys in the dorm brought a girl into his room since it was Friday night. We all knew that it sometimes happen but no one ever admits it.

It must have been a very slow night because most of the rooms were empty and those guys that were in their room were either studying or watching TV. Our group was still laughing because we saw one guy hugging a teddy bear as he slept when we reached Kyle's room.

"I'm pretty sure Kyle has some slut in here," A guy named Bradley said with a sly smile as he opened the door. We all stepped in as someone flicked on the lights. My eyes almost popped out at the sight I saw.

Kyle and Ryan were on the bed together! Naked!

*************** To be continued ***************

Any comments are welcome at: sliders21@iname.com

Next: Chapter 11

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