If Dad Likes It

By Tonio A

Published on Feb 23, 2014



Warning: The following contains material of an Adult nature, specifically gay male on male interaction. If you are offended by such material or underage or live in an area where accessing such material is illegal, you MUST stop reading NOW.

By Tonio. (matoni@hotmail.com)

(If you like the following real story, please e-mail me at matoni@hotmail.com. This story was told to me by one of my Pakistani friends. He swears it's true, only the names have been changed.)

If Dad Likes It

"Hey, great news, Mumtaz, remember I've told you about my friend Zafar, who moved to Dubai?" said my father to my mother after putting down the phone. "Well, he's coming back to live here in Jamshoro!"

"Oh, that's good for you, Tahir, you always keep talking about him," Mom replied.

"Yes, and I invited him and his family to stay here with us while they look for a place of their own," said dad, "and you can get to know them as well."

"Here?" Mom asked doubtfully, "Tahir, how could you invite them over without discussing it with me? How many are there in the family, and where will they all sleep?"

I couldn't help but agree with Mom. Although we did live in a home with a really huge wooded backyard, the house itself was small, with only one spare bedroom, where my grandparents would sometimes stay whenever they were visiting. But dad appeared to be far too excited to concern himself about small details.

"Just Zafar Jamal, his wife Shahida, and their three kids", dad replied cheerfully, "And don't worry, they're really easy-going, no trouble at all. We'll squeeze them all in."

Mom looked even more doubtful but agreed rather thoughtfully. "Hope they won't get too cramped and uncomfortable."

Dad was hugely excited all week before our guests' arrival. He kept telling me about them, particularly his friend Zafar, "Rohan, I'm sure you're going to enjoy their visit. Zafar and I have been friends from grade school till he left for a job in Dubai. His oldest son is older than you by a few years, and I'm sure he takes after his dad, he'll be a good person."

When the Jamal family arrived in a few weeks, it quickly became apparent Mom's worries were over-rated. The entire family was really no trouble at all. Mr. and Mrs. Jamal took over the guestroom, with their younger eight year old son, Bilal, sleeping in a sleeping bag in the corner and the little baby girl, Hawes, on a cot; only the older boy Matin, who was about 17 years old at that time, bunked in in my room in another sleeping bag. I was 14 at that time and 17 seemed so grown up, and Matin was handsome with a nicely defined body, chiselled face with dark eyes and smooth black hair.

Not only Matin, but his whole family was like that. All of them were exceptionally good-looking and kept good care of their bodies. Not only that, they all were cheerful, generous and friendly. When the Jamal's first arrived, they showered us all with dozens of gifts they had bought from Dubai, ranging from new PS3 games for me, exciting Hollywood blockbusters on Blu-ray, and designer clothes for dad and mom.

Having the older son, Matin, to stay with me in my room, became great fun instead of a bother. We became fast friends, almost as if I had known him for ages. He knew dozens of jokes and made me laugh. He made me feel comfortable, and not young and stupid. We both loved playing online multiplayer video games, and Matin taught me tips and tricks to increase my score and skills. He also secretly taught me driving on their stick shift car. What was truly amazing was that he made me feel that way despite the difference in age. We were having so much fun all the time.

I, in turn, showed the younger boy, Bilal, how to make model cars and gave him my collection of comic books. The baby girl was adorable, and she gurgled and smiled toothlessly at anyone and everyone. Mom and Shahida Jamal enjoyed sightseeing, visiting neighbors and cooking meals together, and getting to know each other. Mrs. Jamal also took Mom shopping, from time to time, to trendy shops, and Mom started wearing colourful new designer dresses that she had never known how to choose before.

The only thing that bothered me day and night during that visit, were my growing feelings for Matin. He very soon became my obsession. He was handsome, muscular and worked out daily. I wanted to see his cock, I wanted to see his body, and I wanted to suck him, get fucked by him. I knew what anal sex was (what fourteen-year-old boy doesn't?) and I knew that it was something that both straight and gay people practiced, but I had never experienced it. But I never dared to act out or say anything. Matin never seemed interested in me that way. He seemed to treat me more like a friend or a younger brother.

I was tantalised by glimpses of a thick cock under his shorts when he exercised, a huge bulge in his pyjamas when he woke up in the mornings with an erection. I never missed an opportunity to gawk at his muscular body with its taut nipples whenever he took off his shirt. Like all Pakistani's, everyone modestly changed their clothes in privacy, so I never had the chance to see anything more of his body. Matin appeared oblivious of my fascination. We talked about everything else, but I was too much of a coward to reveal anything about my sexual interest in guys to him, and so the days went by.

Mr. Jamal, whom I soon started calling Uncle Zafar, was busy all day while Dad was at work, viewing suitable houses for themselves to live, or going on job interviews. In the evenings, Dad and Uncle Zafar would slip on sweatpants or trakkies and t-shirt and go off jogging in our neighborhood. They were both about 37-ish and in good shape. Sometimes Matin and I would join them to go jogging or the gym. During the weekends, we would all go out together to the movies, or play badminton in our huge backyard.

One evening, just after my father and Uncle Zafar had already gone jogging, Matin wanted to go to the gym as well. Mom and Aunt Shahida had earlier also gone to visit some friends, taking both kids with them. I was feeling more in the mood for playing a new game on the PS3, and demurred. Matin tried to persuade me. "Come on, lazy-bones, a jog this lovely evening, and then I'll play the game with you. I know this game, and it has some tough spots!"

But I still didn't agree till he said, "Ok, just let's take a quick jog through your backyard. We won't go out into the neighborhood, ok?"

Twilight had fallen and everything was almost dark. Matin and I jogged slowly, keeping an eye on our footing on the dirt path. Suddenly, Matin stopped. "Hey look!" "What?" "There a sort of light on in your garden shed". We were almost at the very edge of our property, and the shed, where we kept the lawn mowers, bags of gardening soil and other garden stuff, was completely isolated from the house. I looked where Matin was indicating. There was a sort of dim flickering light, like a flashlight, visible from the shed's single window.

"It can't be thieves!" I gasped, "There's nothing to steal there."

"No, probably some couple from the neighborhood, looking for a place to have sex! That shed is so private." Matin opined, "Also, see how the shadow outlines on the window seems to show two people."

I squinted. It did seem like the just a frantic silhouette of two people close to each other doing who-knows-what, but my feverish imagination conjured up the image of two people kissing.

"Let's go see... Quietly now, don't let them hear us coming!" he added, "Maybe we can see some boobs!"

Matin and I crept cautiously towards the shed, excitement in our hearts. "Wonder how pretty the girl is?" Martin whispered excitedly to me. I was far more interested in checking out the size of the cock of the unknown guy, but didn't let that appear in my face. We kept to the bushes, heads down, and reached the windowsill. We both slowly raised our heads over the level of the window. Luckily, there was a row of flowerpots on the sill, with the Frangipani plants in full bloom, and we could peek between the lush green leaves.

The unknown couple had placed their flashlight on a pile of full sacks of some sort, and their bodies were completely visible in the beam, but the upper portion of their bodies and heads were in shadows. I stared open-mouthed at the sight. One figure was bent over, with ass arched out, clutching the wall for support, the other was behind, thrusting a thick dark cock, glistening in the light from the flashlight, as it see-sawed in and out of the first one's behind.

"Wait-a-minute!" I thought, "that's a far too hairy ass and muscular thighs to belong to a girl..."

"The guy's fucking another man, yes another man!" I realised gleefully. Yes, both were definitely men, clothed in T-shirts pulled up to their chests. I now saw that the guy in front had his trackkies pushed down to slightly above his knees, exposing his hard cock, which was prominently aroused and had its scarlet head fully exposed, and the full cheeks of his ass. The guy behind him had his trakkies pushed down all the way to his calves, revealing occasional glimpses of the thick base of his cock protruding from his pubic hair, as his hips moved back and forth against his partner's buttocks. The guy behind was hugging the one in front with one hairy arm around the other's waist as their bodies moved together. It dawned on me that I was watching the two men having full-on anal intercourse - the guy behind actually had his cock inside the other man's butt and was pushing it in and out! I could hardly believe it: here it was - gay sex in all its glory, right in front of me!

At first I was mesmerised by what I was looking at. The sight of a really thick cock sliding back and forth between buttocks which were unmistakably male (they were quite hairy and had a squat, muscular shape) was absolutely fascinating. That such a large organ could enter an anus was also remarkable to me and I stared at it, absorbed by the thought of how deep it was pushing into the other man's body.

They continued to writhe together, one man pushing his rear back against the other man's grinding hips. Matin pressed near me. As my eyes grew more and more accustomed to the dim lighting, I finally looked towards the faces of the two men who were fucking in our shed. Slowly realisation dawned on me. I was about to blurt out "DAD!! UNCLE ZAFAR!?' when I felt a grip on my arm. It was Matin, and our eyes met. We both knew. He clamped his hand on my mouth and tried to pull me away from the window in the backyard shed.

I dug in my heels and turned my eyes back to the spectacle. I was less than 5 feet away from the men, safely hidden outside under the windowsill, behind the flowerpots, crouching down and peering at this scene. Uncle Zafar vigorously and energetically thrust his cock in my dad's ass while Dad kept on one-handedly masturbating to the rhythm of Uncle Zafar.

Uncle Zafar smiled, embraced Dad tightly and turned his face towards himself so they could meet lips. They kissed passionately and I had what felt like the biggest erection of my entire life. Uncle Zafar soon threw his head back and moaned even more loudly. I could see their bodies more and more clearly as they accidentally shifted slightly more into the beam of the flashlight, and the shadows cleared. I could now just easily discern Dad's facial expressions as the huge cock plunged down into his ass. One of Dad's hands was alternately gripping Uncle Zafar's buttocks behind him and pulling them down with each thrust and furiously jacked off his own cock, while the other propped up his body against the wooden wall of the shed. Both of them groaned with pleasure.

I was still crouching down with wide eyes, when Matin turned his eyes away up off his father's sexcapade and looked directly at me. I froze, terrified that Matin would again try to drag me away, but Matin simply nodded, then resumed watching-- but he edged nearer to me, maintaining body contact with me. Somehow I realized that Matin was now enjoying the sex scene too. Damn it, it wasn't his father's ass that was being pounded.

Uncle Zafar started fucking my horny dad really fast, and playing with his nipples with his right hand. Dad jerked his cock harder and harder and finally groaned, "Cummming... Zafar... cumming.. now..." and I could clearly see the white splashes actually spurting against the dark wooden shed walls.

"Me too...love... me too" Uncle Zafar panted as he thrust real hard a couple more times, then froze, with his hips plastered to Dad's hairy buttocks, so close that they seemed like one. Uncle Zafar's legs trembled and shivered for a few seconds, and I knew he was shooting his load directly into dad, deep breeding him.

After a couple more moans and groans, Uncle Zafar backed out slowly. I actually heard Uncle Zafar's cock pop audibly out of Dad's ass, as Dad murmured, "I love you."

Matin and I had still a perfect view as Dad turned around and hugged Uncle Zafar, bodies grinding together. Uncle Zafar and Dad locked their lips together and held each other as they made out passionately. They kissed so beautifully, moaning and feeling each other all over. Dad tilted his head back a little, reached behind him and took a paper towel or something from a packet to clean up Uncle Zafar's still dripping cock. It was so sexy-looking. Uncle Zafar's cock was now softening and wet. I was wishing I was in there to clean off Uncle's thick tubular shiny cock. Dad tenderly cleaned and dried Uncle Zafar's cock. He was a glazed mess. Dad grabbed a few more towels from the packet to wipe his and Uncle's faces.

Dad then knelt down and pulled his buddy's sweats back up - no underwear. They moved their mouths close together and they kissed so again so tenderly. They kissed and they stared at each other. Uncle Zafar sat on a convenient riding lawn mower, and dad precariously perched on his lap, facing him.

Uncle Zafar began to kiss Dad's face and cheeks passionately. After a while they both relaxed and as they sat there, they held hands. It was such a beautiful moment that only two men can share.

"You will always be my real wife, Tahir...forever" Uncle said while stroking Dad's hair.

"And you will always be my husband, husband of my heart and body..." Dad said in return, cuddling up like a teenaged girl in a movie, to Uncle Zafar.

"Looks like the show's over!" Matin hissed into my ear, "Let's go before they come out."

Matin and I crept away and once we were out of earshot, started walking silently side by side. I was in total disbelief of what had eventuated that day. I had just seen my own Dad being fucked by his best friend.

I looked over to Matin, silently walking before me. Was that an erection I saw in his sweats? Yeah! It was impossible to mistake the humongous tent in Matin's lowers. He was as turned on as I, his penis bobbing ahead obscenely as he walked. Maybe, no, SURELY I would get to be fucked by him after all. I figured, "If dad likes it, I would too!"

Part two. Coming soon.... After we got home...

"Rohan, can I fuck you?" Matin asked with a gleam in his eyes. I kissed him and said, "Sure."

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