ID Fight for You

By Andrew Davidson

Published on Jul 23, 2012


The next morning, I awoke with a jolt. I texted my best friend Molly immediately: 'You'll never guess what happened at night. I'll tell you when you get here.'

I showered and got ready for school faster than ever before. I heard Molly's car outside, so I grabbed my book bag and ran outside. I practically jumped into her car and started recounting last night's events.

"So basically i was walking home from work and these two dudes try jumping me downtown near 14th street. I take off running and run into onto a residential road, and I found an open garage with someone inside it. Said someone saved my ass and I'm meeting him for dinner tonight." I said.

"Who is he?!" she asked.

"I can't tell you!" I said.

"Why not!?" she asked, agitated.

"You know him!" I said.

"Then I want to know!"

"Girl! In the gay world, we have a code: talked as much shit as you want about each other, but don't out someone!" I said.

"What! You told me that kid from our middle school was gay!" she said,

"Yeah but I was a little shit then! I can't be telling people's business. Besides, he'd kick my ass." I said.

"He's a jock, isn't he? Who is it? Connor Doughty? I've always thought he was gay." she said.

"You will never guess, so don't try. It's none of the jocks." I said.

"Oh.. I thought you liked the jocks." she said, soudning kind of disappointed.

"I do.. but-- nevermind. You'll find out who it is soon enough, I'm sure. You have a way with these things." I said.

"So how is this going to work? Is he picking you up like a gentleman?" she asked, suddenly showing her nurturing side.

"Yes, MOM. Chill." I said. "We're teenagers, this isn't the '60s." I said.

"I'll tell you what, Michael! If you manage to meet a man who picks you up, opens the door for you, and all that good stuff then you better stick with him. You know how many deadbeat guys I've dated since we started high school?" she ranted.

"Yes, Molly.. I've been with you through them all!" I laughed.

"Well, I'm just saying. Don't end up like me. All bitter and stuff." she mumbled.

"Girl. We have got to find you a boyfriend." I said.

"I don't want a boyfriend. Not from here, anyway." she rolled her eyes in disgust as we approached Greenwood High School. We went inside and went to our respective homerooms. I barely participated in the conversation some of my classmates were having. I was too busy thinking about tonight.

In passing from 3rd hour to lunch, I saw Damian at his locker. He caught my eye and gave me a smile before he ran to catch up with two of his equally intimidating looking friends.

"What are you doing just standing in the middle of the hall?" Molly asked sarcastically as she walked up to me from behind.

"Uh, I was waiting for you.. slowpoke." I chided and lead us into the cafeteria.

Even the shitty cafeteria food could not dampen my mood. However, as Molly always lectured me, I should be glad that I'm eating at all. Today, though, would be such a day I wouldn't be able to eat. The butterflies had filled my stomach and were not leaving any time soon.

I ate what little I could and trudged to History class. I ran through my mind what I would say to him when I saw him when I should have been paying attention to my teacher's lecture over native American history.

At the end of the school day, Molly dropped me off at my house and told me to text her updates throughout the date.. which I so was not going to do. After staring at my closet for about thirty minutes as if anything would change, I went for a light blue v-neck and some light blue jeans. I figured I'd keep it simple. Damian didn't seem like the super formal type.

At about five minutes till 5, I heard a loud engine outside my house. Come to think of it, I didn't know what Damian drove. I looked out my window as the engine died and saw Damian stepping out of a solid black Ford F-250. He looked like a completely different person. Whereas I had seen him last night and today wearing some plain shorts and a tank top, now he was dressed in a silky black dress shirt, dark, dark blue jeans, and dress boots.

I let him knock on the door and I answered it. All I could do was smile at him.. no words would come out of my mouth. Thankfully, he broke the silence.

"Breathtaking." he said.

"That's what I was thinking." I smiled.

"Why don't we skip dinner?" he grinned.

"That's not part of the plan." I said.

"I don't play by the rules." he said as he moved in closer.

"If years of martial art training hadn't taught me self-restraint," he whispered in my ear as he got closer, "then I'd have you somewhere where dinner would be the last thing on your mind."

I shivered gently, and certainly not from the 90 degree air coming into my house.

"Let's go." he smiled as he lead me to his truck. He went to the passenger side and opened the door. Either I was short, or it was high off the ground, because I had to use the running boards to get inside.

His engine roared to life as he turned the truck on, and for some reason I found the sound to be.. sexy.

"Where'd you get this truck?" I asked.

"Courtesy of about uh.. fifty guys who have been hospitalized because of me?" he smiled lightly. It was hard to believe that it was the fighting beast who I was about to eat dinner with. He looked so cool and calm the way he was dressed, but I had seen the other side of him just the night before.

"I didn't know it paid that well." I said.

"It pays extremely well.. if you win." he said.

"How often do you win?" I asked.

"You should probably ask how often I lose. It'll tell you more." he said. I watched his forearm lazily flexed as he kept one hand on the steering wheel. I had to wonder if he was doing it intentionally.

"So are you going to freak out after dinner, realize it's scary dating a guy, then kick my ass?" I asked.

"That's kind of crazy." he said.

"Hey, people talk." I shrugged.

"Do they? Got names of these people?" he asked.

"Confidential." I said simply.

"Fine. I assume you're keeping my secret confidential too?" he asked.

"Are you kidding me? You would pulverize me if I told anyone. I'm not that dumb." I said.

"That's not true. I could never hurt a pretty face." he said.

"What about those guys last night?" I asked.

"Oh, they were pretty? I could tell through their looks of fear. Also, something was wrong with the nose of one of those guys.. couldn't tell what though." he said.

I laughed as we pulled up to a restaurant called `Rob's Steak House'.

"Ever been here?" he asked me as we walked in.

"Never." I said.

"Hope you aren't a vegetarian." he said.

"You think I got these guns by being a vegetarian?" I asked as a playfully flexed my small biceps.

"Oh no sir, dunno what I was thinking." he grinned.

The hostess sat us and brought us both a Pepsi each. I ordered an 8oz steak and he got a rib dinner.

"Are you sure you can eat that much?" he asked.

"Don't tease me. I've always been this skinny." I said.

"Yeah, and I've always been this buff." he did an exaggerated sigh and puffed out his chest so that his pecs threatened to burst through the buttons of his shirt.

"Yeah, I think I'll pay my bill and leave now.." I joked.

"Think you can outrun me? You saw how big my calves are, right? Besides, I drove you." he said.

"If you recall, I was walking when we met." I said.

"Actually you were more like running." he nodded.

"Shut up and eat your bread."

"Wow, feisty. I might have to put you in your place later." he said.

"I'm not scared of some meathead." I said with faux courage.

"Wanna bet that I can make you submit in less than ten seconds?" he asked.

"I know you can." I said, dropping the macho image I had going on.

"That's right." he popped his knuckles and grinned.

"Hey, no one likes a jerk." I said.

"What'd I tell you last night? I ain't gonna hurt you. Unless you catch me on a bad night."


"Okay, okay seriously. No one's gonna touch you. If they do, they're gonna eat dirt. That's the truth." he said.

"I'll hold you to that." I said.

We received our food and I slowly ate mine, whereas Damian wolfed out his entire meal, sides and all, within minutes. I just looked at him.

"What? You think I got this muscular by eating nothing?" he asked.

"I guess not." I laughed. I finished my meal faster, then the waitress brought the check.

I went to grab it but Damian grabbed my hand.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Why don't you take your hand away from that bill?" he said smoothly. He pulled out his wallet and dropped $30 on the table, then stood to leave. I got up with him and followed him to the truck.

"Wanna come to my house? My parents are gone." he said.

"Sure, I'll bite." I said with a smile.

We pulled into his familiar driveway, although this time under better circumstances, and went inside through the garage.

"My parents are gone." he told me as he lead me into his bedroom. "Do you mind if I take off my shirt?" he asked.

I could have laughed. Any person who finds guys attractive wouldn't have minded. I told him I didn't care, so he unbuttoned it slowly and let it fall to the ground. It was all I could do not to jump his bones. He looked extremely sexy with his thick torso exposed, wearing dark jeans and his boots.

I tried to control myself. I mean, I had just met this guy yesterday. I didn't want my hormones to fuck something up.

"Why don't you take yours off?" he asked if he got closer.

"O-okay." I said, and I slipped my v-neck off.

"Do you mind if I touch?" he asked.

"No sir." I said instinctively.

He put a rough hand on my torso. "You are so fragile.. it's beautiful." he said seriously.

I didn't feel the need to say anything. I just smiled. He took off his boots and socks but left his jeans on.

"I'm not trying to make you feel rushed or uncomfortable." he said as he lifted me off the ground and set me on his bed. He laid himself down beside me and looked into my eyes.

"I just want you to feel relaxed and safe." he said.

"You're doing a good job." I said as I extended an arm and rested my hand on his bicep.

"You think so? I've never done anything quite like this." he said.

"You're telling me you've never let a guy see this side of you?" I asked.

"Never." he said. "It's exciting.. and a bit scary."

"Don't be scared." I felt pretty out of place telling him that, considering he was twice my size. But some things didn't have to do with your size.

"Thanks." he smiled at me.

"See? I can protect you too, just in a different way. I can keep you from going crazy. I've been where you are." I said.

"Yeah. Self-acceptance is something that comes with time I guess."

"Just like the ability to fight." I winked at him.

"Naw, some of us are born with that." he said as he made a sudden move to get on top of me. "This is called the full mount, `cause I have total control of you." he said as he pinned my arms to the bed.

"Try to get out." he said. I struggled from side to side, tried to overpower his grip on my arms, and tried to buck him off like a bull, but I couldn't make him budge.

"Don't feel bad. I weigh 220 lbs. Not to be mean but I doubt you can even bench a hundred." he smiled down at me.

"You're probably right." I said glumly.

"Don't sound sad. I'm just playing with you." he said as he let my arms go and stroked my cheek.

"You know how straight guys don't want to date a woman who can kick their ass? I guess I'm the same way with guys. A pride issue, maybe." he said.

"Are there many gay guys who can kick your ass anyway?" I asked.

"You'd be surprised. I've seen some gay guys who bigots would think twice before they assaulted them." he said.

"Yeah I think I know what you're talking about." I said as I cupped an arm around his tricep.

"Why don't you stay the night? No pressure." he added quickly.

"Well, it is Friday.. and I don't have work tomorrow." I said.

"My fight's tomorrow. I was thinking I could take you with me and get you in for free." he said sheepishly.

"I'd love to see that." I said. "But if you lose, I'm getting with the other guy." I laughed.

"Guess I'd better win then, huh?" he asked. "So is that a yes?"

"Sure, I'll fall for your trap." I smiled.

"Not everything's a trap." he whispered in my ear before getting up off of me.

"Do you want a drink? Water? Beer? Juice?" he offered.

"Uh, some water please. Your parents keep beer in the fridge?" I asked.

"Don't yours?" he asked.

"No, they've always been hush hush about alcohol and such. I know they drink but it's kind of an understood silence." I explained.

"Well, I don't drink beer. Too many calories. If I wanna get drunk I go straight for the hard liquor. But the only reason I'd wanna get drunk is.. I dunno, if everyone else is?" he asked.

"That's a terrible reason." I laughed.

"Well, is there a good reason to get drunk?" he asked.

"I guess not. I mean, who wants to lose self-control?" I asked.

"It might be nice every once in a while." he said dreamingly.

"Boy, go get my water." I said in the best demanding tone I could muster.

"What? It's like that?" he turned around in the doorway and looked at me.

"It's been like that." I said, trying as hard as I could not to laugh.

"We're giving commands?"

"I'm giving commands." I corrected him.

"My turn then. Get over here. On your knees." he said.

I remained where I was on the bed and stared at him with determination.

"I won't repeat myself." he said in a stern tone. "And if I have to come over there, you will wish I hadn't."

I decided I'd play his game, so I crawled over to where he was on my knees and looked up at him.

"Kiss my foot and say you're sorry." he ordered.

"That's weird." I laughed.

"Stop laughing and do what I say." he said fiercely, just like he had commanded that thug to put up or shut up.

I felt a strange compulsion to do what he said, and I found myself bending over and kissing his foot once.

"Haha! I can't believe you did that!" he laughed suddenly.

"Dude! You sound scary as hell when you give commands like that." I said, standing up abruptly.

"Makes you wanna think twice about getting on my bad side huh?" he said.

"What a jerk." I said as I lightly hit him in the abs.

"Come on, that didn't hurt. Do it again." he said cockily.

I didn't hesitate to throw another punch at his abs. He laughed again and said, "You can do better than that!" so I threw with even more force and it just bounced off. "Come on man!" This time I used the entire weight of my body and threw the hardest punch I could, and it still bounced off of him like nothing.

"You're so cute." he gave me a hug before walking off to get my water. I sat on his bed, dumbfounded at his resistance to my punches.

"What, do you just have really strong abs or something?" I asked.

"I've been hit a few times." he laughed as he handed me the glass of water.

"It's kind of crazy. Like what am I supposed to do if you go haywire? Obviously you aren't afraid of knives." I asked.

"Get on your knees and beg for me to stop?" he said.

"Fuck that." I laughed.

"I'm kidding! You act like I'm on roids and will go off at any second. I'm a really calm and collected person." he said.

"You didn't seem that way last night." I pointed out.

"Dude, you know how long I have had a crush on you? And you were being chased by two thugs. Anyone would have reacted that way." he said.

"No they wouldn't have Damian. Only you would have. And that's why I'm sleeping in your bed tonight." I nodded reassuringly.

"Oh! So you're gonna stay?" he asked.

"Duh! I already said that." I said.

"Watch the tone. Never know when I'll feel like practicing my holds." he said.

"That's what your friends are for." I said.

"Oh okay, I see now. I'll remember that." he said.

"So what's with the truck? Got a manly streak going on?" I asked.

"There's a whole lot about me that you don't know. I told you that. You'll see." he said.

He stood up and walked to his dresser drawers.

"Do you want some gym shorts to sleep in?" he asked me.

"Yes, please." I said. He pulled out the same black pair that I recognized from last night and handed them to me. They smelt just like him and I quickly put them on. I had flashbacks seeing him sweaty in nothing but these gym shorts the night before and I had to fight off an approaching hardon.

He took off his jeans in front of me and put on a pair of white gym shorts. His hamstrings bulged with muscle, and his legs were surprisingly hairy, even his thighs.

"See something you like?" he asked, looking down at the stirring in my pants.

"I.. uh.." I mumbled.

"Don't worry about it. `Cause..." he started and I looked his shorts. They were bulging out in the front, even more so than mine.

"I'm gonna be good.. but I'll just say this: A guy like you should never have to sleep alone." he said.

He walked over to his door and shut it. He turned on his air conditioner and then hit the lights. I felt him climb into bed and he instantly put an arm around me. I felt his thick legs wrap around me and draw me closer to his body. I buried my head into his wide chest and felt the warmth of his muscles all around my face. I felt safer then than I did with any gun or knife in my pocket.

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