Ians Snatch

By jester

Published on Aug 4, 2023


Coding: gay/authoritarian m/m, bondage, rubber, chastity, wetsuit, sauna, sleepsack, depilatory

IAN: 21 years old, 5'9", 145 lbs, short and shaggy blond hair, deep blue eyes DAVID: 18 years old, 6'0", 130 lbs. green eyes, flaming red hair.

Preface: this is about 2 months in the coming, so sorry for the delay. there's really no good reason for it, other than the fact that i like to have a buffer chapter already written, and figuring out how to progress in chapter 5 has been a bit of a constipator. i'm all blocked up.

since this one is written, i figure i'll put it out, and hope inspiration strikes up again.

Ian's snatch Chapter 4

the boy was now fully awake and completely lucid. his skin was a bright red, obviously irritated from the shower.

with shackles still holding the target in place, ian set about the process of removing the boy's excess hair. with a pair of shears in hand, in a matter of seconds, the curly red locks on the top of the boy's head were gone. in another second, gone were the sparse pubes surrounding the imposing piece of metal holding the boy's frank and beans.

the rest of the boy's body hair would be taken care of in a second.

ian fetched a jar of balm from the medicine cabinet. he'd ordered it special from germany, and had found it to be tremendously effective at removing hair and preventing it from growing back. making sure to wear a pair of dishwashing gloves, ian set about applying a thick coat to the boy's irritated skin, getting into the boy's crack, and even unlocking the seed pod, so as to make sure no area was missed.

for the balm to really work, it would have to have pressure and heat applied over a couple of hours. to get this done, ian thought it best to dangle a carrot.

"boy. if you cooperate and help me get this suit onto you, you'll earn yourself a treat..."

and never one to be shy about threatening the stick, he warned "if you resist, in any way, things will get much more shocking, if you catch my drift."

the boy nodded.

ian set about removing the mitts covering the boy's hands, and unwrapped the duct tape that balled the boy's hands into fists. he gave the boy a moment to stretch out his fingers and regain some circulation before continuing the next step. ian again asked if they had an understanding, and again the boy nodded.

~it's always easier to pull this off if the boy is willing~

with that, ian unlocked the shackles holding the boy's feet, then he slacked off the chain that had been holding the boy's hands taut to the ceiling.

the boy was handed a full body neoprene surf suit, and ian told him to put it on. the legs were a bit of a tight fit, but the balm acted as a lube, and with some work, it slid on.

after a quick change in position that saw ian remove the boy's wrist shackles, and attach a hobble to his ankles, the boy slipped on the upper half of the wetsuit, and ian zipped it up.

with the boy proper hobbled, ian stripped himself down to a pair of bicycle shorts, then led the boy to the end of the hall and into the steam room that had been build almost exclusively for this purpose.

steam, sweat, heat, lube, and neoprene made for an oppressive combination in david's mind, but that wasn't the subject of his immediate attention.

this was his first time getting a good look at ian's body, and he was a little shocked by what he saw. the man who had so thoroughly bound and made helpless david, was himself a victim. there were welts, all along the front of ian's body. there were scars of all sorts marring his visage.

david wanted to speak up, but was at a loss at how to approach his battered captor.

thinking back to the conversation they'd shared so long ago, though only last night, ian had chatted about his love of rubber. he'd talked of the smell, the slick feel, the weight of it, and david could tell by the way he was being looked at that ian was trying to control his thoughts. david saw passion and fire in his eyes, but also he saw something else he couldn't quite put his finger on.

having had enough of the silence, david thought of a way to break the ice.

"you're right, you know. i really look good in this."


"it feels like a second skin, like it's there, but it's not there. you know?"

"yeah. how's your skin feel?"

"i was gonna say something. it's really tingling. it feels like a hundred fireants crawling around under the wetsuit, stinging me all over."

"it'll only be a little while longer, then we'll get you into the shower to wash the balm off."

"balm? it's not lube?"

a smile curled ian's lips. "it's just a little while longer."

"okay..." david paused for a second to gather his thoughts, then spoke. "what happened to your body? i see scars. and welts. i don't know what to say."

ian responded after a brief pause, "who do you think i am?"

"you are my master."

"no. no, i'm not." ian removed the shorts he was wearing to reveal a seed pod the exact model of the one he had locked on david a few hours previous. "you'll meet my master tomorrow. whether he'll become yours will depend on what he thinks of you."

"i think that's enough time in here. follow me."

back in the bathroom, ian stripped the boy of the wetsuit, exposing a musk heavily scented by the medicinal balm that had lathered on the boy's body. he guided the boy into the shower, then had it run at a comfortable temperature.

"you ASShole."

"watch yourself."

backing down, david remained silent until the water shut off, and ian came in to hand dry him. "you could have warned me, you know. i look like a 12 year old."

"only men have hair" was ian's response, and he took great pleasure in toweling the remaining stubble off the boy's body.

"it's time for that reward."

ian brought the still hobbled boy into the basement's dungeon, and had him sit in a chair not all that different from one that might be found in a dentist's office. he strapped the boy's legs and torso tightly to the chair, and then followed suit with each arm.

ian prepped the boy's arm, then set up a i.v. line to deliver fluid straight into the boy's bloodstream. "this is a saline solution that i'm putting in. it should perk you up in a little while."

true to ian's word, the boy did feel better following the infusion of fluid, and when the first bag ran out, ian set up a second, which emptied in about half an hour.

quickly, ian unstrapped the boy from the chair, and brought him into the prison cell, where the rubber sleepsack was waiting. with the boy's cooperation, both arms were placed into the sleeves, and with a quick stretch, the material again outlined the boy's body. ian zipped the bag up to the boy's neck, and left him to get some rest till the morning.

before ian was out of reach, david decided to ask the question on his mind.

"sir, how much fluid did you put in me?"

ian smiled, "2 liters."

"and sir, the last time i peed was in the shower after the sauna."

ian smiled wider.

"uh, i don't know exactly how to ask this, but can you let me out for a minute, so i can go, uh, to the bathroom."

ian let out a laugh. "good night."

"and pleasant dreams."

david knew that sleeping tonight might be an elusive proposition.

***** for a preview of chapter 5, see myspace.com/whataboutJESTER

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