Ians Snatch

By jester

Published on May 22, 2023


coding: gay/authoritarian m/m, bondage, rubber, sleepsack, steel, hot/cold

Ian's snatch Chapter 3

"yeah reg, it's done. we'll be back in about an hour."

that's the reason why ian had gone forward with the packaging of his catch so quickly. with a drive back from the club that would last upwards of an hour, ian had figured it much easier to package his catch up immediately, so as to avoid any unwanted small talk or potentially giving any insight as to his intentions.

ian had chatted david up at the bar, and he knew that the boy was looking for a more...extreme, experience. ian had pulled out some other useful information during the conversation. the boy was a single child living with his parents, but they had left for a two week vacation to the mozambique the previous morning. they'd be out of the picture for at least that long. the boy was attending community college, but the spring semester had just finished, and he wouldn't have class until the next month. he was looking for something more, and in ian, he thought he might have found that something.

so, yes, the boy was willing, and yes, he was interested, but he may well have bit off much more than he anticipated.

lost in a mass of rubber, and without a means of expressing himself verbally, david was deep in thought. 'how long has he been here? how much longer would he be here? why the hell was he tasered? who was 'reg'?'

physically, his body heat was radiating inside the thick gauge rubber sleepsack. there were no pores for the heat to escape from, and the thickness of air, polluted by sweat and the heavy scent of rubber was deep in his throat.

even so, david was quite thankful that the material ended at his neck, that his head was only covered by the significantly thinner, much more breathable spandex.

"we're here" was all ian said as he'd backed into the carhold.

in this case, here was an out of the way parcel of land in the middle of what james carville would call alabama. they were about an hour outside of even the suburbs, and completely off the radar. being so far out of the way gave ian and his partner a level of freedom when dealing with packages such as the one ian had just brought home.

with a little effort, ian had hoisted the package onto his shoulders, and had maneuvered it through the main domicile and down the stairs into the basement.

though the house was a modest sized cottage, the basement was a work of art. there were 5 rooms, spread out over an area 3 times as large as the visible upper floor. there was a prison cell, a full bathroom, complete with a 360 degree shower, a sauna, a master bedroom, and a proper dungeon.

the bathroom is where ian was headed to unwrap his package.

with a stern warning, ian went to remove the headgear. now wasn't the time for the package to speak up, but to prep the body, the head really did need to be exposed.

next up was the stripping of the sleepsack. the boy was clearly awake, and this was the riskiest part of the operation, so ian left for a second, and came back into the room holding a taser, warning the boy, "if you resist, you ~will~ feel this again. do we have an understanding?"

the boy nodded, eager to be stripped of the heavy rubber prison that had him sweating bullets.

with the sleepsack unzipped, the room filled with a heavy musk, an intoxicating combination of warm rubber and heavy b.o. the sudden change in temperature made the boy's chest hair stand up. noticing this, ian eased the boy, with a quick pet, promising a warm shower in a minute.

getting back to his work, ian was pleased to see that the leg bindings had held up, since it would make the next step quicker.

after a second away in another room, ian returned with two pairs of steel shackles. pulling the boy's arms clear out of the sleepsack, there was no fight as ian put the boy's arms into the metal cuffs, and none as he fit shackles onto the boy's swollen ankles, releasing the 4 rubber strips that had bound the boy's legs.

ian left the boy in a heap on the bathroom floor to get some lengths of chain from the dungeon next door. on return, he found the boy in the same position, having not moved an inch.

with a little coaxing, ian maneuvered the boy into the shower. he used two lengths of chain to secure each leg to opposite sides of the shower, and then another to raise the boy's shackled hands towards the ceiling, so he was stretched both vertically and horizontally. the boy's body was slack against the chain, and though his feet were comfortably on the ground, he hung from the ceiling as if he were unconscious.

ian had to laugh to himself. a shower would do the boy good. not so much this one, but he didn't know that yet.

this was a 360 degree shower, yes, but what made it especially terrific was the programs ian had put into it. the one david was about to take started at a modest 110 degrees fahrenheit, then gradually chilled down to 45 degrees before going back up to 140.

ian took a seat on the throne, and waited for the boy to perk up.

david's mind was reeling coming out of that rubber prison. he'd played soccer throughout highschool, and had had bouts of heat exhaustion once or twice on really hot days, but that wasn't like this. his whole body was shut down after getting out of that sleepsack, and though the shower was nice, all david wanted was to curl up in bed and go to sleep for about half a day.

though he may have been out of the loop, david was just lucid enough to make a few observations. his shoulders were starting to ache from being hung from the ceiling. his fists were still bound and at this point, virtually useless. they were stretched to the ceiling and confined very snugly by a pair of metal cuffs. his legs were stretched toward opposite sides of the shower, though not uncomfortably, by a similar pair of cuffs. and he could swear that the water was getting colder.

another couple of minutes, and he was a little more lucid, and a little more sure that the water ~was~ getting colder.

in fact, it was getting a little too cold. hesitant at first, david spoke up. "hello. um. ian. i think i'm ready to, um, come out of here now."

"62 degrees. not awful, but you've got a ways to go."

david was starting to realize that ian wouldn't be much help from this point forward.

after another 10 minutes and 10 degrees, the boy was full on shivering. it would be another half hour before those shivers would stop. the only saving grace was that at its coldest, the spray had turned from thick beads, to a fine mist.

but that presented a whole new problem when the water temperature would not stop rising. again, david spoke up, but again, ian brushed off his inquiry. and again, it was a half hour before the discomfort had subsided, though this time, the water shut off completely.

"it's good for you. the hot water will open your pores, and get you ready for the next step."

***** for a preview of chapter 4, see myspace.com/whataboutJESTER

Next: Chapter 3

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