Ians Snatch

By jester

Published on May 21, 2023


coding: gay/authoritarian M/m, bondage, rubber, chastity, cbt, anal, sleepsack

character list: IAN: 21 years old, 5'9", 145 lbs, baggy clothes, short and shaggy blond hair, deep blue eyes DAVID: 18 years old, 6'0", 130 lbs. green eyes, flaming red hair.

Ian's snatch Chapter 1

"i'm actually meeting someone here, but i suppose i could let him know there's been a change in plans."

ian knew an opportunity when he saw one, and this opportunity's name is david.

"go ahead of me. i'm parked around back in the auxiliary lot; mine is the silver sport wagon. i've gotta hit the head, but i'll meet you out there."

david agreed, and ian left him while heading towards the back. he made a quick phone call, and appraised his partner of the new goings on. the news pleased him

"it's a lot easier to pull off this kind of job if the guy is willing to go along with it," he'd said. ian agreed, and let him know when the boy should be expected. with the approval of his partner, ian slipped out the back to meet his new date.

the rear parking lot was seldom used, so ian's car wasn't hard to find. the light around him was dim, but even so, david noticed a very large duffel bag in the back seat of ian's car. lost in thoughts of what might be inside, david didn't notice ian's presence until he'd been spun around, and tasted him first hand. his lips were sweet with the residue of the just finished old fashioned, and david swooned in it.

ian broke off the kiss, though not before grabbing two big handfuls of ass, and he opened the rear door to which david had previously been pinned. "slide in, so i can get a better taste," ian had said before sliding david into the middle and taking the end to himself. with the door closed, ian again locked lips with david, only breaking it momentarily to slip david's shirt over his head.

when he'd tired of the taste, ian pushed david to the other side of rear, and pulled the boy's feet onto his lap. he carefully untied the laces of the right shoe, then slipped off the sock, and started kneading the bottom of the boy's sole, eliciting a slight moan. the outside of david's foot was particularly sensitive, and ian made a mental note of it, before repeating the process on his other foot.

the ministrations had ian's intended effect, as david's eyes were almost rolled to the back of his head. ian undid the boy's belt, and opened the fly on his skinny jeans, before attempting to pull the nearly skin tight material down the lengths of his legs.

"i think you're gonna need to help me with this."

david sat up and with ian's help, the two of them were able to strip off the piece of clothing.

with that last piece of resistance gone, ian opened the middle console, pulled out his stun gun, and the lights went out on david's night.

Ian's snatch Chapter 2

with the preliminaries done, it was time to get started. ian pulled out a roll of duct tape, and balled the boy's hands into fists, then secured them inside a pair of rubber mits, and clipped the mits together behind his back so as to limit resistance if the boy woke up too quickly.

next up were david's legs. ian had a good eye for potential, and this implement was a fine example. he'd cut rubber exercise bands into 15' strips, and used them to heavily restrict leg movement at the high thigh, lower ankle, and above and below the knee.

ian then turned his attention to david's head. he'd had this piece specially made. it's three piece mouthguard/hood/muzzle that is made specifically for this purpose. the mouthguard is oversized, so as to keep the mouth full and stifle any speech. the mouthguard also has an extended hard rubber tube which functions as an both an anchor point and a funnel, should there be a need to control the boy's breathing, or to funnel some liquid nourishment straight down his gullet.

with the mouthguard in place, ian quickly slipped a clip over the catch's nose, so as to force his breathing through the mouthgueard, then fit the darlex hood over the boy's head, aligning the hole over the mouthguard, cutting off the slowly stirring boy's vision.

with most of the work done, ian turned his attention to david's flaccid cock. it's a little small, at about 3" soft, but after a little work, it grew to a plump 6 and a half. though soundly gagged, the boy's pleasurable moans were jusst barely audible. as was the quick and sharp intake of air that directly followed the insertion of a hollow urinal sound through the urethra of david's now stuffed penis. "since you're awake, i'll give you the courtesy of telling you there's just a few more things, until we'll be on our way."

ian fit david's package into a seed pod, then locked the device into place so his half flaccid cock was imprisoned without so much as a whimper. yet.

"now this part's my favorite." with that, ian flipped his catch face down on the backseat and set about opening the boy's ass first with his tongue, then one finger, two, and finally a third. around the insertion of a second finger, david had felt the telltale sign of a seed pod erection. this particular chastity device had a devious little addition in the form of 10 dull spikes running along the top of the steel enclosure. they weren't so much a problem when his cock was flaccid, but when david's cock plumped up, those spikes, dull though they may be, dug in to the top of his cock, and caused some serious discomfort. not that he could express it in a significant way.

after the boy's passage had grown accustomed to ian's three fingers, he was ready for the grenade. though this was only the smaller of the grenade plugs, once inflated, it was sufficiently large, and proving to be more than capable of stretching the boy's chute past it's previous point of acquiescence.

this trussed up boy was quite a sight, but not quite ready. this next part would have to be done quick now that the catch was awake. first ian pulled out the 20 pound mass of thick gauge latex that was in the form of a sleepsack. getting this on right would be tricky because to get the boy's arms inside the internal sleeves, he'd have to release the clip holding each of the boy's mitts together.

but ian was a pro, and david's arms were in the sleeves and immobilized in the blink of an eye. with a quick flip of the boy onto his back, and the zipping up of the bag from toe to neck, there would be no further resistance. as if there'd been any to begin with.

with the hard work done, and the bodybag thrown into the trunk and under the privacy protector, it was time for ian to meet his date.

for a materials list and a preview of chapter 3, see myspace.com/whataboutJESTER

Next: Chapter 2

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