Ian's Extra Credit

By kurtsilvers

Published on Sep 9, 2024


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Curious to see our boys? With the help of AI I've created PG images of Chris and Ian that exactly represent how I see them as I write. Email me if you would like to see them.

Ian's Extra Credit - Chapter 8

I quietly close the door to the bathroom. Ian looks so sweet right now, snoring deeply, I want to let him sleep.

I won't go into detail but my morning visit to the toilet feels different to what I am used to. And, well, my ass isn't really super sore, something I thought would happen but it is achy. I have an aching ass. Ian made my ass ache. I giggle quietly to myself jumping into the shower. I feel so good about what happened last night I find myself doing a little dance. A few minutes later a quick shave, only needed about once a week, and I head into the kitchen.

Coffee started I sit quietly. I've always enjoyed a period of silence in the morning to collect my thoughts and make sense of the day before. Pouring a cup I sit again. It happened. I'm still a bit in disbelief but it really happened. And when Ian really gets into it he is like an animal. I like that side of him. He can be really gentle one minute and the next he is pounding my throat or ass as hard as he can. I like variety. And I love getting fucked. But I really love the feeling when he is all the way down my throat. My nose buried in his pubes or balls. I would happily die in that position.

I look up to see my Ian. He walks to me bends down and gives me the sweetest kiss.

"Morning baby. Are you, you know, okay?" he's concerned.

"I'm great Ian. Yeah everything seems fine. I'm a bit sore but I thought it would be worse. We did it Ian. I am so fucking in love with you." meeting his lips again with mine.

"Oh good, I was really worried about you. In the moment it was so incredible but after I thought I had hurt you and I don't ever want to do that." he says sincerely.

"Well it hurt but I wanted it. It was a good hurt." I tell him.

After a filling breakfast which we prepared together, I mention. "Ian, we have to take you clothes shopping. You have nothing but what you arrived here with and school will be starting up soon."

"Hey you're right. Never even crossed my mind. Let's go to the mall." he agrees.

Less than twenty minutes later we enter the mall. Fairly quiet with Xmas music still playing, the decorations still hanging.

We hit up all the good stores. We are building him a new wardrobe so I want him to get quality that will last. And make him, if possible, even more gorgeous.

I've got this organized a bit so first we head to a workwear store. He'll need overalls to work on the Jags, some work shirts, gloves. Boots? Nothing in his size. We tally up and on to the next store.

He selects a bunch of clothes for school. Constantly looking at the price tags, putting things he likes back if he thinks they are too expensive.

"Ian, if you like it get it. Please." I urge him.

One thing though, nothing with any big logos or branding. If someone that looks like Ian is going to wear their clothes they should pay him to be a walking billboard.

We make two trips to the car filling the trunk with our purchases. I picked up a few things too. Then back inside. We need to find Ian some shoes, good luck with that, and another little surprise I have in store for him.

The guy at the shoe store is really helpful. Astounded but helpful.

"We have nothing in your size sorry but if you want, pick out a few styles you like and I will have them send me your size. I'll call you when they come in. You can try them on and if you like them great. If not I'll send them back. Not a great deal of demand for size 16s." he laughs. "Should only be a day or two."

Okay so shoes are lined up. Now to my favourite clothing store.

Ian looks up as we enter what looks like a store from the past. Low lighting, dark wood paneling, a light smell of cigar smoke in the air. This is `Rosen's', the finest tailor around.

"Mr. Buchanan," says Mr. Rosen with his welcoming smile. Short and rotund he projects a warm and friendly image but one look around and you know his level of professionalism.

"Let me look at you," he says, studying me up and down.

"No you haven't grown an inch, you've gained about two pounds but nothing needing any alterations. What brings you in?" He asks.

"I want you to meet my friend, Mr. Dempsey." It seems silly but this is Mr. Rosen's way. "He has never owed a suit and I thought we would start him out with three, all season, and with varying degrees of formality. Give him a well rounded starter kit. Everything. Shirts, ties, socks, the works. Oh and we may as well get him fitted for a tux as well." I inform him.

Ian just stands there in a middle of a whirlwind while Mr. Rosen measures every inch. Well not every one. His tape measure flies through the air as he whips it around Ian's neck, chest and abs. Shoulders and arms, legs. Inseam. Ian's eye's go wide. Mr. Rosen slowly, very slowly, rises to his feet.

"Do you want Mr. Dempsey to go through the fabric swatches Mr. Buchanan?" Mr. Rosen inquires.

"I trust you. You know what kind of thing we need and you know these fabrics and fashion far better than we do. Just give me a call for his first fitting. Put everything on my account." I say and we are out the door.

Ian looks exhausted. "What the hell was that. You walk into a store, pick something up, look at the size and buy it. Even suits, I know I saw my dad buy one once and he just picked it up off the rack."

"Well yeah Ian, most people do, but I want you to have something special. Once you try on one of Mr. Rosen's suits you will never want to take it off. The man is a master. Trust me, just wait and you will see." I tell him.

"Okay then, more of this rich people stuff. Still feels strange Chris but I think I'm getting used to it. Did you see those ballin shirts I got?"

"Everything looks good on you Ian. It's going to feel a bit weird going back to school. At least you'll look great." I say.

After hanging up and folding away his new purchases we sit for another coffee.

"This still feels so unreal Chris. I spent more on clothes today than I think I spent in my whole life. It doesn't feel right." he laments.

"I know Ian but you shouldn't feel guilty about what you have. And for what it's worth, my family gives a lot more to charities than most people with our kind of cash. My mom taught me early on to appreciate that having more doesn't make us better, it is just a demand on us to find ways to make life better for others too. Actually there is a fundraiser coming up and they usually auction off dates with good looking, or not so good looking guys. You are going to make them a fortune." I tell him.

Ian looks a bit confused but doesn't pursue the issue. He looks to be content and happy. A nice look.

"I'm going to get started on dinner, Sammy will be here in a couple of hours. Why don't you run around and tidy up?"

Just then the phone rings.

"Hello," I answer.

"Hi Chris, it's Sammy." he replies.

He better not be backing out.

"I was wondering how to dress? It sounded kind of formal." Sammy says.

"Oh god no Sammy, Ian and I will just be hanging out in our sweats so don't worry about what you're wearing, whatever you have on right now is fine." I tell him.

I hear Sammy laugh. "I don't think so Chris. All I have on right now is a towel."

"A towel is fine Sammy. We do not give one single shit about how you are dressed." I tell him through some laughs.

"Okay then, I'll see you guys a little later." he says before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Ian asks as he returns to the kitchen carrying the broom and dustpan. "I swept the stairs and the entrance area."

"The foyer," I say.

"What?" he asks.

"Not important, that was Sammy, I was afraid he was going to cancel." I tell him.

"He didn't did he?" Ian inquires.

"Nope, just wanting to know the dress code. You were right Ian. I think it was the `pre-dinner cocktails' comment." I reply.

"Should I get changed?" Ian asks.

"Not how you look but once done here I'm going to take a quick shower to freshen up. Just grab a clean pair of dad's sweats and a shirt from his dresser. You can go first." I say.

"Okay, see you in a bit." Ian replies and off he goes.

A short time later I enter the bedroom. Ian is just coming out of the bathroom, steam following him. How can someone look so good in nothing but sweats and a tee. I am a bit of a clothes horse as you may have guessed from our shopping spree. I have to make an effort to not look like I shop in the kid's section.

"All yours honey." He gives me a quick peck before going to the large mirror on the bedroom wall to carefully style his flowing mane. He really gives my blow dryer a workout.

A quick shower and I too am dressed in our uniform of the day. Well many days. It's comfortable.

"So Chris, I never thought I would say something like this. But, I'm really looking forward to having Sammy over for dinner. It's neat you know. Like we are a normal couple having a friend over. It's a little thing really but it makes all of this feel a little more real. We are really doing this. I have a boyfriend that I love more than I could imagine. A home more incredible than I ever saw myself in, and like when I told Steve that I was starting a new life. Well this is the first time we are really sharing our new life with someone else. Letting someone into our world. It feels good. Another feeling I never expected. I'm not really a bad guy. I don't go around trashing people for no reason. But I never went out of my way to be nice to anyone either. You are making me a better person Chris." Ian states.

"You are bringing out the best in me Ian. I hope Sammy enjoys himself Ian. He's a lot like me. Keeps to himself mostly. He never talks much about himself so I don't know a lot about him. I just know that I can usually tell if I can trust someone as soon as I meet them and I knew right away that he was a good guy. I thought being alone all the time was fine until I met you. It's not really good. I think he's getting depressed and that is not a good time to be alone. We all need friends. Not a lot but at least one or two people we know we can always count on." I tell him. "Ten minutes to five Ian. Sammy will be here soon." I inform Ian as I ready the snacks and nibblies. Ian tells me to not call them hors d'oeuvre.

As the clock ticks towards five I tell Ian, "Watch this Ian, watch the clock."

As soon as it ticks to five the doorbell rings. Reliable Sammy.

"Wow he's punctual." says Ian.

"I know, I've never seen him even one second late." I inform Ian.

Opening the door to an unexpected chill, the wind is picking up and the temperature dropping, I welcome Sammy inside.

"Hey buddy, I'm so glad you came. I was worried when you called." I tell him as Ian takes his coat. What a gentleman.

"Well guys, you know, I almost did cancel, a couple of times, but it was really nice that you asked me again, I know I've said no before, and especially after that stuff with Steve, I had to come." As he spoke he was taking in the rather grand entrance with some awe. "It's not you guys, oh this is not cool. Can we sit down and talk for a few minutes?" Sammy asks.

We go to the rec room, the fire is on, candles burning. I love this atmosphere.

"You guys have to know something about me okay? I'm a bad, bad Jew." he giggles. "Really guys, I am one hundred percent not religious and our family is not terribly observant when it comes to all the rules but then a couple of years ago I was reading about, well, the Holocaust and I felt I wanted somehow to be closer to my history, my ancestors. I wasn't going to start going to the synagogue. Nope. So I decided I was going to make a small sacrifice out of respect and eat kosher. Not really strict kosher, that's fucked up, separate kitchens, plates the works. Not doable. But I try as much as possible to only eat kosher approved food. I know that goys aren't going to be prepared for this and I don't ever expect anyone to go out of their way for my peculiarities. Oh sorry, I shouldn't have called you that."

"Called us what? Ian asks.

"Goys," I reply, "non Jews, no offense taken Sammy."

"Okay, good, well anyway I brought a few sandwiches with me. So you don't have to worry. It's going to be fun just hanging out with you guys." Sammy says.

"Sammy, come with me I have something to show you." I tell him. Ian follows. I explained this to him earlier and he wants to see Sammy's reaction.

I lead them to the kitchen.

"Oh god that smells so good." Sammy says. "What are you guys having?"

"Sammy, take a look at that cupboard over there." I point.

He walks over and notices that on the cupboard door is a small sign. `Sammy Only' it says.

"Why do you have a cupboard with my name on it?" he asks.

"Sammy if you are going to be our best friend," wow did his face light up upon hearing that, "you are going to be around here a lot. Open the cupboard."

"Oh my god, really? I mean you bought all this for me? You guys really think enough of me to do this?" as tears form in his eyes.

"Well Sammy, I wasn't sure how observant you are so I stocked up on all of the kosher food I could get. Our entire meal tonight is as kosher as this goy can do. I even got the steaks from Gelman's." I tell him.

Sammy sits down at the kitchen table wiping the tears from his eyes. ""Chris this is one of the reasons why I always turned down your invitations. I didn't know how to tell you without sounding like I was looking for some kind of special treatment. And of course the other thing. This house."

"What do you mean by that Sammy?" I ask.

"Chris come on. Your property alone takes up almost half of the entire neighbourhood. You were always really cool with me you know but it just felt weird to think of being in here. The rest of us kids don't live like this and well, rich kids can be assholes." He tells us.

"Oh I am fully aware of the capacity of a rich kid to be an asshole Sammy but you don't think of me that way do you?" I ask.

"No Chris, never. That wouldn't be cool. But I take a lot of ribbing from some of the other kids just `cause I help you in the theatre sometimes. They say I'm pretending to like you to get stuff out of you. Why do some people think everything has to have some evil motive?" he sighs.

"Because that is the way they live Sammy. And they think everyone else is as shitty as they are." I tell him. "But not here. Let's move back to the rec room. Grab those trays Ian." I instruct.

"Manischewitz?" I ask offering him some kosher wine.

"God no that tastes like piss in a jug. Do you have any rum?" He asks.

I like this kid. "Sure thing, how do you like it?" I ask.

"With coke?" he replies.

"Coming right up." I answer.

I return to the room with a tray of drinks. What the hell. Rum and cokes all around.

We sit and start nibbling on the snacks. Crackers, some fresh veggies, deli meats.

Ian stands. "We forgot cheese, let me get some."

"No cheese Ian. Not tonight. Meat and Pareve, no dairy. Remember I was telling you."

"Oh yeah sorry." Ian sits.

"I really can't believe this guys. I have never felt this welcome anywhere in my life. Am I really your best friend? I mean we don't know each other really really well." he says.

"Sammy, Chris and I just became a couple which means that our lives are now connected. Part of that new life we are living means making friends together as a couple. You are our first friend so yes, you are our best friend. I think it is good for us to have a friend and maybe it would be good for you too? Not great to be alone all the time. Ask Chris if this is better." Ian says while I nod.

"It's better Sammy. You and I are much alike, we have to force ourselves to be social. Well you don't have to force yourself with us. The three of us can have a really good friendship where we support each other." I tell him.

"Well you have a ton of friends already Ian, like you are the coolest guy at school." Sammy states.

"Oh that is a story for later Sammy but I don't have any friends at school. Well Ian admits.

"Let me check on dinner." I say heading to the kitchen, giving Ian and Sammy time to chat.

"So Sammy, how do you like our town?" Ian asks.

"Well the place is nice I guess. It's pretty. And most of the people are okay. When I first met Chris I was happy. I had a ton of friends before moving here. And Chris reminded me of my best friend back home, just really nice to everyone. But I liked him more than that and I couldn't tell him. No way was I going to lose my only friend. That would not be cool. And then, well I went to camp and it had nothing to do with that, just bad timing I guess. I started breaking out and it didn't stop. I tried everything and nothing works. Chris was one of the only kids that would have anything to do with me. Ian, in a few months my mom and dad broke up, I moved and lost all my friends and then I end up looking like this." as he starts to shake breaking out in tears.

"What about that new treatment they mentioned on the news the other day?" Chris lied. "There is a really good doctor not too far from here and she is doing some kind of tests or something and it's completely free but she only can take I think they said two more patients. Oh damn. What was that phone number? I think I mentioned it to Chris, maybe he remembers. Just a sec."

Ian rushes to me in the kitchen telling him what just happened. Okay, clumsy but could work. "Tell him I have the number here and will call and ask." He returns to Sammy. No need for any phone call. Sammy has an appointment tomorrow morning at nine. I knew somehow Ian would come through.

"Sammy," I yell as I run to the rec room. They are able to get you in. Tomorrow morning at nine. Ian will drive you won't you Ian?" I give Ian a wink.

"Really, do you think this might work? Fuck I'll try anything. You sure it doesn't cost anything? I'll pay you for gas Ian." Sammy says excitedly.

"No need buddy. It's on me, us." He replies.

"Well this evening is starting off pretty good. Let's eat." I tell them.

We sit down to a meal of a scrumptious Caesar salad, baked potatoes, broccoli, and the most amazing filet mignon I have ever tasted. It was a bit of a challenge for me to cook without butter, butter is a chef's gift from the gods, but it tuned out really good. "I'm only buying kosher meat from now on." I decide.

After dinner Sammy helped us clean up and we go to the rec room. Sammy sits in the recliner and just looks at Ian and I sat side by side on the sofa.

"You guys look really happy. Thanks guys for inviting me over. I've never just sat and talked with friends like this before. You are the coolest. But still. I still feel nervous talking about stuff. I could never at camp. A bunch of fucking gossips. I know I can trust you guys. You've been really nice to me. Still..."

"Sammy, Chris didn't tell you about our agreement, our pact?" Ian asks.

I look, quizzically for a moment, at Ian. Then it clicks.

"Yeah Sammy, sorry I should have told you. It's kind of a rule Ian and I made up and if you are going to be our friend and spend time with us here you are going to have to agree." I say as Sammy looks a bit trepidatious.

"Okay," Sammy swallows uncomfortably.

"It's simple Sammy. Anything that we say," remembering Ian, "or do in this house stays with us. We can tell each other anything and we promise not to repeat it. You can act like a fool and no one but us will know. If you yell, laugh, cry, dance, we don't fucking care. You are our friend and your privacy and your secrets will die with us."

"Oh my god," Sammy says, tears in his eyes again. "You would include me in something like that. Like a group of friends that always are there for each other?"

"Always Sammy," I tell him.

"Always," repeats Ian.

"Wow guys you are so cool. The coolest. Thank you. I haven't felt this good in a long time." Sammy says.

"That's how I felt Sammy," said Ian. "Chris has that effect on people." giving me a peck on the cheek.

I noticed Sammy's eyes as he took in something he had never seen before. Two boys kissing. Something he wanted. But it wasn't a look of envy. "Ohhh, you guys are so cute together. You are so cool."

I am beginning to feel bothered about our little subterfuge with Sammy about his doctor appointment. Our whole pact included honesty. I know our intentions are good but this will always be the way we started our new friendship. I don't like this. Fuck.

"Sammy, I have a confession." as I look towards Ian, my head then down.

"What, about the experimental acne treatment?" Sammy looks at me with a grin.

I look at Ian then at Sammy, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Sammy laughs. "Come on guys, you are no actor Ian and neither of you are very good liars. Chris I know you have a relative that is supposed to be really good with stuff like this, she's like world famous, but my mom said we could never afford it. I saw them talking about it on a show recently and it costs a fortune. There is something I really want to ask, I'm afraid to ask, maybe I shouldn't ask. Should I ask Chris?" Sammy inquires.

"No Sammy, don't, there is no need to. Okay? Please?" I beg.

"Okay, I won't. Thank you guys. You really make me feel like someone gives a shit."

"Oh we give more than that," Ian says, "your friendship is important to us and I think that the three of us could make a good team with things, maybe help some other kids."

I like the way Ian is beginning to think.

"But Sammy, tonight is your welcome to our, well, in a way, family." I say. "Cuba Libre?" I ask.

Grabbing the limes I cut up earlier we begin downing our drinks. After a couple Sammy is already showing some effects. Nothing serious but he is redder than usual.

"Do you partake?" asks Ian as he shows Sammy a fat joint.

"Oh god guys, I've never, I don't know, Ummm." he stammers.

"I grow it myself Sammy. Nothing nasty in it. And it is fucking wicked." Ian insists.

"It is really good Sammy. It's up to you. If you don't want to, fine. If you want to try just a little, good. If you want to get fucking baked, fucking great." I tell him. I would like to see him with a buzz on.

"Well okay, I trust you guys. I've been curious so this is the best place to try it I guess." he admits.

"Oh wait. Sammy go to the guest room, your uniform is there." I tell him.

Sam looks at me with a question on his face but just heads out without question. He returns a few moments later. The three of us, identical navy blue sweats, gray t-shirts, barefoot. Our family uniform. Sam, realizing the three of us match, begins to break down again. Ian and I rush to give him a great group hug.

"This is amazing guys. The coolest day of my life." Sammy states.

Ian lights up and takes a long drag, passing me the doob. I do the same then pass it along to Sammy. Sammy holds it with uncertainty, some unease in his look. He follows the wisps of smoke with his large brown eyes. He has really nice eyes. With one last look at me and Ian, before Ian can warn him to go easy, he copies our actions.

He begins to sputter then cough, a little at first and then more violently. Hacking and wheezing his whole body shaking as he tries to control his breathing. He turns beet red, waving his arms about. Then silence. He sits in silence. Sweat dripping from his brown, snot from his nose. He grabs a tissue out of the box on the table and gives a huge blow. Three tissues later he sits back and takes a moment.

"Again." he says emphatically.

Taking it a bit easier the next few tokes he begins to get the hang of it. Shortly the three of us are toasted, a bit drunk and enjoying John Carpenter's Halloween. The three of us snuggled together, under a thick blanket on the sofa, screaming and grabbing onto each other. By the time it was over it was like we had been on a rollercoaster ride.

"Oh god this is fun." says Sammy, a mile wide smile. God guys you are the coolest guys I have ever met. The coolest. Thank you so much."

"Thank you Sammy for joining us tonight. Ian roll us another, I'll mix some more drinks and then time for the hot tub." I say heading to the kitchen.

I return to see Ian finishing up a rolling lesson with Sammy. Sweet.

"Here you go guys." handing them their drinks.

"Guys I don't have a swimsuit, I didn't know you have a hot tub." says Sammy.

"Don't need one Sammy," says Ian, "another rule, no swimsuits in the hot tub. It's just us guys." Ian says.

"Geez guys, I don't know, I've never been, well..." Sammy trails off.

"Naked in front of other guys? Fuck what is it with you guys? I've been naked around dozens of guys in the showers after practice or a game. Chris had never been naked in front of anyone until me, last week." Ian tells him.

"Really Chris? That's weird. Never? No I've been in the shower with other guys at camp but I've never sat around naked with them." Sammy says.

"It's kind of what happens in this house Sammy," says Ian. "A lot of new things. And I know Sammy that at least for me, so far, all really good new things."

"You're right. I'm just being silly. We're all guys. Be cool Sammy." Sammy says.

I make sure the tub is ready and then let the guys know. We are standing in front of the patio doors looking outside.

"Well here we go," says Ian removing his shirt and dropping his sweats, followed by me and then Sammy.

"Damn dude," says Ian looking towards Sammy. "You are fucking built. How much time do you spend in the gym?" Sammy is turned slightly away from me so I can't...sweet thundering Jesus. I see Sammy's reflection in the glass of the doors. Every muscle is clearly sculpted and big, bulky. His chest looks like it is about to burst. Then I see his fucking cock. Is everyone bigger than me?

"I just have a set of free weights at home. Hey you're not circumcised. That's a first for me." As he turns to look at me. "Hey you aren't either. How cool. Strange isn't it, a god that makes a boy and then says, "Yeah, about that, give this guy a call, he's called a mohel. He'll make the necessary alterations." he jokes. He's funny.

"So how big are you Ian, like soft. Does it grow a lot?" Sammy asks as we relax in the tub.

"Yeah, it's six inches but grows to 10.5" replies Ian.

"Holy fuck," states Sammy as he looks in my direction. "Ouch. Well mine's the same," says Sammy. Oh for fuck sake. Always the little guy. "It's six inches soft but mine doesn't get any bigger, just harder." Okay, that makes me feel a bit better. "It does get attention though. Especially from some of the counselors." he laughs.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. Guys, I love you guys, thank you. And all because I overheard some asshole." Sammy tells us.

"Because you were honest when I asked if you were gay Sammy." I tell him.

"Thanks Chris, thanks Ian." Sammy says quietly.

"We'd better sit up on the edge for a few minutes," I say, "I don't want us to overheat."

We do so each of us quickly noticing the state of the others. Amazingly, Sammy and I are about the same size, he may be a bit chubbier and his head is bigger. But the look on Sammy's face when he see's Ian's is priceless.

"Nice isn't it Sammy." I tease.

"Jesus, I see now why Ian isn't fucking you Chris. Holy crap." Sammy says looking at Ian with some admiration.

"Actually Sammy, he did, last night." I confess.

"You're kidding me, and you can still walk?" Sammy looks incredulous.

"Yeah, it hurts like fuck at first but then the feeling is incredible." I tell him.

We return to the tub for another few minutes. Quiet, enjoying the light snowfall just beginning.

"We should head in." I suggest getting up and ready to close the tub. The two boys get out and head into the house. I follow behind. Nice ass Sammy.

Once inside and dressed we sit again, Elton John playing.

"This has been a really great evening guys. The best ever. You guys have been so cool with me. I don't know how I'll ever thank you." Sammy tells us. "Oh wait, I do have something for you guys." He runs to the guest room and back handing me an envelope.

"It's a gift certificate for a movie and dinner for two. I won it in a radio contest and I thought you guys could use it to go on a date. On me." Sammy says.

"Wow thanks Sammy. It will be our first real date. It's fun having you over." I tell him. "Let's plan right now for the same thing next weekend okay?"

I get a big "Okay!" from both Sammy and Ian. Yeah this is nice.

"Hey guys, I'm getting sleepy." Sammy says, his eyes tiny slits.

"Yeah, time for bed guys," I say, a round of hugs and, "you know where the guest room is Sammy. See you in the morning."

"Yeah guys, see you in the morning. Thanks again guys. So cool." Sammy says as he heads off to sleep.

Ian and I get into bed after a quick bathroom visit.

"Hey Ian, thanks for being so nice to Sammy. He looks really happy." I tell Ian.

"Didn't take much effort, I really like the guy. He's funny and pretty easy to be around. But I'm falling asleep. Good night baby." he kisses my cheek as we enter another night's blissful slumber.

God I love this, on my knees, my nose buried deep in Ian's groin, smothered against him, my lips spread wide by his thick cock. I slurp at the base then pull back slowly, my tongue always at work. His muscular ass cheeks are in my grasp as I pull him towards me. As I pull off of him I notice something feels a bit different. It's thick but seems shorter and something is missing. I look up into the smiling eyes of Sammy standing over me, his fucking incredibly built body dripping with sweat, his hands gripping my ears, thrusting himself back into my throat, unleashing his load. With a gasp I sit up, startled awake from this dream. The room is dark. Silent. I look over at Ian, the love of my life, sleeping soundly. Oh my god. Oh my fucking god.

Next: Chapter 9

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