Ian's Extra Credit

By kurtsilvers

Published on Sep 6, 2024


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Curious to see our boys? With the help of AI I've created PG images of Chris and Ian that exactly represent how I see them as I write. Email me if you would like to see them.

The longest chapter yet. Had to rush the proofing. Apologies to fellow pedants.

Ian's Extra Credit - Chapter 7

Yawning and stretching awake I slowly open my eyes to the morning light breaking its way in through the slats in my window blinds. What a night. Ian really let me do that. Was it just to help me keep my promise as he said or was it something he's thought about before? I doubt that actually. He's been pretty honest with me and I think he would have told me that. Could he possibly love me that much that he did something he never ever thought he would do? Just for me?

"Morning Ian," rolling over to face him.

"Ian?" where is he? Oh he must be in the can. No, I can see he isn't in there. Not like him to be up before me. My feet hit the floor and I stand, heading to take a piss. I see myself in the mirror and notice I am completely covered in splotches of dried cum. I look down at myself.

"I need a shower," I say out loud. Jumping in the steaming water I lather up removing at least the physical evidence of last night's encounter. I take a freezing cold rinse, dry off and throw on a pair of sweats and old t-shirt. We really can't be naked all the time. I wonder if Ian is okay with last night? Sometimes peoples thoughts change after having some time to think.

`Well shit, those sheets need washing,' I think as I strip the bed. Looking around I realize that the walls might need to be repainted too. Fuck. Must be those huge nuts. I throw in the laundry and head to the kitchen. No sign of Ian yet.

As I get closer to the kitchen I smell fresh coffee. Hey Ian made coffee. How sweet. Oh but what is that? Something burning? I enter the kitchen to see Ian frantically scraping over a pan at the stove.

"Oh fuck, why is it doing this? Shit. Oh come on. How can anything stick this hard to a pan?" I hear him mutter.

"Ian," I call causing him to turn in surprise, dropping the pan which falls with a loud crash to the floor.

"Chris, sorry, fuck, I'm sorry. Let me get that..."

"Ian, stop and take a breath. What's going on?" I ask.

"I wanted to make you breakfast for a change. But I fucked it all up. I don't know what went wrong. I watched you and I thought I was doing it right." a look of disappointment on his face.

"Well let's see. Coffee," I take a sip, "perfect, bacon looks nice and crispy, toast isn't burnt. So what happened with the eggs?"

"I don't know, they like cemented themselves to the pan." he laments.

"Did you remember to use butter?" I inquire?

"Fuck! No. I forgot the butter." he concedes.

"Then do it again but with the butter this time." I encourage taking a seat at the table.

Ian grabs a new pan and heats it up as I showed him before. Once hot he adds the butter. While the butter is melting he beats the eggs, lightly seasons and pours them into the pan. I watch as he carefully stirs, never taking his eyes from his task.

"Here you go. I hope it tastes okay," as he places my breakfast in front of me.

I dig in and you know what? "Ian this is delicious. You did great. For your first time cooking you should be very happy with this. I am. Thank you."

"The eggs aren't overcooked? Because I know you said it is really easy..."

"Ian this is a perfect breakfast." I interrupt. "Learn to take a compliment."

"Thanks Chris. So...last night. You had fun?" Ian asks.

"I don't think fun is the word for it Ian. It was absolutely amazing and the way you reacted whenever I would push..."

"I know, that was what was so incredible. Each time you would hit that spot it sent jolts of electricity through my whole body. What's in there anyway?" he inquires.

"Not sure to be honest Ian. But it must be something special to cause that kind of reaction. Hey let's see if that book mentions it." I stand and begin to head to the bedroom.

"Chris," calls Ian as he reaches to the top of the fridge. "Here, I was taking a look." handing it to me with a look of chagrin.

My smile automatically goes from ear to ear knowing that Ian is wanting to discover more things we can do together. I flip to the table of contents. Scanning down the page I find what I think is what we are looking for and turn to the page starting to read. "Wow. Okay. Hmmmm. Really? I think I'd like that." not realizing I'm speaking out loud.

"What is it Chris. I tried to find something but how the hell do you read that. What an odd language." Ian states.

"Sorry, it's called the `prostata,' prostate in English. Produces much of the seminal fluid. When physically provoked provides delights that will contribute to more intense orgasms. God who wrote this? Well we discovered something new without the book. Let's see what more there is."

"Why don't we start on the page your dad was taking about?" Ian suggests.

"Like that picture do you?" I ask.

"Well... your dad seemed to like it." he says.

"Ian let's not talk about my dad okay? Not really a turn on." I request.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Kinda gross to think about, there it is." he calls out with excitement as I flip to the page.

"Oh you like this do you?" I ask as I shove the photo into his face.

"I think I would with you." he replies with a small laugh. Those damn eyes again.

"Well okay, let's see." I read the page struggling over some unfamiliar terms. "Ian, you may be on to something. It says that oral stimulation of the anus causes relaxation allowing for more comfortable penetration. Maybe that's a way you could fuck me. Oh and I ordered the butt plugs but we could try this tonight and if it's true...Ian, we've had sex, some stuff anyway, but I want us to make love. Not just something where we get off so quick but I want to spend hours making love to you. All of you. But right now we have to go and get your car or did you forget about it?"

"Holy shit I did. Okay well let's clean up, get dressed and go. When we get back let's read the rest of the book, or well you read it to me, and we can have the best night yet." Ian looks truly excited. Anticipation is making him wait.

We have a nice walk to school. The sun is bright again and the day fairly mild, mild for us that is. A very different experience than our last walk along this route. The parking lot is empty except for Ian's car. He's right, it is ugly. The mild weather has helped as there is no shoveling to do. As Ian opens his door we hear a shout.

"Ian." Where is that coming from? "Ian." Getting louder. I turn to see Steven McGrath. One of Ian's teammates. Fuck. He's not usually a bad guy but something about him just annoys me. I notice also that Samuel Greenberg is walking along the path behind the school, his head down as usual. Sam is good guy but hard to get a read on. He is my age and taller of course, about 5'7", with light brown hair and brown eyes. He lives just a couple of streets away from me. I've known him for over a year but we never really became close. He's the guy I call if I have a big job and need help in the theatre. He's pretty good with stuff like that and has always been reliable. I did try a couple of times to be friends with him, inviting him over to the house and stuff but he always, very politely, declined. I wonder why? He seemed to like me. He was always really nice.

"Ian you cocksucker, where's my weed?" Steve yells causing Sam to stop and see what is happening.

"Fuck you Steve, you still haven't paid me for the last bag you got." Ian scowls.

"I told you I would get you that money but I need some weed now. This is all I have on me." showing Ian a paltry sum in his palm.

"Can't help you, sorry. Anyway Steve I'm out of business. I have a chance at a new life and I'm not going to fuck it up dealing to shitheads like you." Ian stated.

"What are you talking about new life? Fuck you Ian, you are white trash the same as I am. And what are you doing hanging out with fuckwad?" Steve demands.

Why do they call me that?

"Watch your mouth Steve. Chris is my friend and you don't talk about him like that." Ian insists.

"What are you talking about dickhead? You were the one who started calling him that." Steve squeals.

I look at Ian in disbelief. Ian started that? All of the assholes at school call me by that name. I've got a few questions for my new boyfriend.

"You heard me Steve. Now fuck off." Ian says angrily.

"Why are you protecting him? You were always shitting on him. Oh wait, new life? Your place burnt down. Are you living with him now? That's it ain't it? The two of you are shacking up. Is he your itty bitty bitch boy Ian? Or your sugar daddy?" By this time I'm struggling to hold Ian back. "Does he scream like a stuck pig when you fuck his tight little ass with your monster cock?"

I lose my grip and the next moment I hear the sound of Ian's fist connecting with Steve's nose. He goes down screaming in pain.

"Ian don't. I don't want you getting into fights over me." I beg holding his arm.

"Sorry but I can't let this go." He answers pulling away from me.

Bending down he pulls Steve to his feet and dusts him off. The anger seems to have suddenly disappeared from Ian's face and is replaced by, well I'm not sure but he stands almost nose to nose with Steve who by this time knows to keep his mouth shut.

"Steve listen to me very carefully. There are a couple of things you have to know." Steve was looking panicked. "First off he is not my bitch or my sugar daddy. He is my boyfriend."

Did Ian just say that?

"And second. I don't fuck him. He...fucks...me." he continues.

I feel faint. Ian shoves Steve back and he turns and bolts off.

"Ian why the fuck did you say that?" I ask.

"Because it's true, all true. You are my boyfriend and you fuck me and I'm not going to be ashamed of it." Ian states proudly.

"But you could have stopped at boyfriend. You didn't have to go on." I say

"Yes I did, I want him to have nightmares of that image. It will haunt him." he says with a smile.

I notice then that Sam who has been watching and listening quietly is slowly approaching us.

"Hi Sammy." I say wondering exactly how much he heard.

"Hi Chris, hi Ian. Are you guys okay? Fucking Steve always has to be an asshole." He says in his usual calm tone. Sam has a really neat cadence to his voice. It's really soothing.

"Yeah all okay, thanks Sammy for asking. What are you doing around here today?" I ask.

"My fucking sister is on the rag again and I had to get out of the house for awhile. So...I couldn't help but overhear and Steve's mouth is always spewing bullshit but then I heard you Ian. Is what you said true? I mean are you guys boyfriends? The way you handled him was really cool Ian. "

Ian and I look at each other and then back at Sam. "Yes." We state in unison.

"Cool, that's so cool. Wow. It must be a nice feeling. I'm really happy for you." Sam says.

"It is." I reply. There is something in Sam's eyes. Oh god, I recognize that look. I recognize it from my mirror.

"Are you gay Sammy? You don't have to answer if you don't want to." I inquire gently.

Looking down while scuffing his feet on the asphalt, his hands buried deep in his jeans pockets he says, so quietly as to almost go unheard. "Yes, well I think so. No I don't think so. I mean yes. Yes I'm pretty sure I'm gay. I always thought you were really cute Chris. Sorry Ian I shouldn't have said that. Not cool."

`Give us a sec Sammy," I say pulling Ian aside.

"Ian, tonight is going to be just for us but why don't we invite Sammy over tomorrow for a dinner and movie night. It might be fun and I know how he feels, being a gay kid, alone with no friends."I ask.

"You are a good person Chris. Sure, sounds like fun. Our first gay friend." Ian replies.

"So Sammy, Ian and I were wondering if you are free tomorrow? You could come by for dinner and then we can chill with some movies. Just us three. Friends. You can stay the night. We have a guest room." I ask.

"Thanks Chris but..." he replies.

"No Sammy, I'm not taking no for an answer this time. Please I would really like you to come. Please?" I say.

"Well okay then, what time should I be there?" He asks.

"Come by at around 5 for some pre-dinner cocktails." I say, noticing the uncertainty in his look.

"Okay, wow, cool, ummm, thanks. I'll see you guys tomorrow." As he turns and heads off on his walk.

"Chris you do realize most 15 year olds don't get invitations for pre-dinner cocktails?" Ian says with a questioning look.

"Yeah maybe a bit much. You are the only friend I ever had for dinner so I'm not really on top of today's etiquette." I admit. "Oh well. I hope he shows up."

As we leave the parking lot Ian asks, "Do we need to go to the grocery store? I noticed we're getting low on some things and if Sam is coming for dinner tomorrow." Ian asks.

"No I just fax my order in and they deliver it." I reply.

"Are you kidding me, you don't go grocery shopping?" He asks.

"Sorry Ian but no, I've never been grocery shopping." I say.

Well, a few minutes later we pull into the parking lot of our local chain grocery store. We find a spot right in front of the door. I get out and head into the store.

"Doofus," Ian calls, "a cart?"

I give him a puzzled look. What does he mean?

He grabs the thing you put groceries in. "Oh a cart." I say feeling quite dumb. "Were you going to just carry everything?" he asks.

Inside I am like the proverbial kid in a candy store. The selection of products. I just made out a list and it was delivered. I didn't know I had a dozen different options for every item. We run around the store, well I do. Ian follows like a dad following a misbehaving child. By the time we are ready to leave our cart is overflowing. We get tallied up and I hand the cashier my credit card.

"What's this young man?" she quizzes me. "What is someone your age doing with a credit card?"

"I don't know miss but that is my card, can we pay please?" I ask.

"I'm going to have to check with the manager." giving me a dirty look.

Moments later the manager approaches. "What seems to be the problem?" he inquires.

"This young man is trying to pay for this huge grocery order with a credit card. Why would a kid his age have a credit card?"

The manager shoots me a skeptical gaze. "May I see the card?" She hands it to him.

He looks over the card and suddenly his demeanor shifts.

"Miss Karen, please process Mr. Buchanan's card. My apologies sir." he says looking chastened.

"Not a problem. Sorry for the trouble." I tell him.

We load up the car and head home.

As we drive Ian asks, "What was that about? The manager looked like he was about to shit his pants and he called you sir."

"Yeah I really don't like that. Ian that is why I always get our groceries delivered." I tell him.

"Sorry, not getting it." Ian says.

"My mom owns the store, well actually a huge chain of them. She inherited the business from her parents. She has a board of directors that run things but she is the only shareholder. Well other than me. And I'm actually on the board so when he saw the name it probably freaked him out. I don't like that though. I don't like feeling like people are intimidated because we have money. It's a strange problem to have."

"Well honestly I kind of like seeing my man wield his power." Ian says getting me to lighten up.

After about fifteen minutes of storing things away we sit down to a nice steaming coffee.

"So what do you think of Sammy? He seems nice right?" I ask.

"Yeah he's okay. He might want to wash his face one in a while though." Ian says.

"What do you mean Ian?" I inquire.

"Well look at him. The kid's got a face like a pizza." Ian replies.

I'm floored. Stunned. Is this a lack of understanding or a lack of compassion?

"Ian that's not his fault. He can't help that. Come here. Look." as I face him towards the mirror on the kitchen wall. "What do you see? Hmmm? What?"

"I don't know what you mean Chris. What are you asking me?" he says.

"I'll tell you what others see when they look at you. Tall, incredibly handsome, the guy men dream of being and women dream of being with. Your looks alone get you better treatment and people wanting to be seen with you. You always have something of an entourage at school. That's why I thought you had so many friends. Now imagine one day you wake up and you no longer have this face. People look at you in disgust and no one wants to be seen with you. Here look at this." showing him a picture in a photo album I had dug up earlier.

"Hey that's you." he says.

"Yeah, at last year's early summer neighbourhood picnic." I say.

"Who's the guy with you? Were you guys playing around? I mean he's pretty good looking I guess right? Good body. Must work out." he says objectively.

"Ian you know you are my first. Look closer." I tell him.

"What? What am I looking for?" He asks.

"Oh fuck." as it becomes vividly clear. "That's Sammy."

"Yeah, that's Sammy. That is how he started the summer. Just after moving here. After he returned from summer camp, just before school started, he looked like he does now. Imagine what that is like for him."

"Jesus Chris, I feel like total shit. I've never said anything to him but I've thought some bad things about him. Just because of zits. Fuck I'm shallow." he says.

"Don't beat yourself up Ian, it happens. People react without thinking sometimes. Even me. I'll admit Ian that I did think he was cute but after he came back from camp I lost interest. So I'm no better." I tell him.

"Well I'm glad you lost interest but now I just feel bad for Sammy." he mentions.

"Me too Ian but we can't feel sorry for him. That won't help and I don't think he would appreciate it. The thing is my mom's cousin, who lives about half an hour away, is married to one of the top dermatologists in the country. I'm sure she could help him but how do I even bring it up? And the new drug therapy she is using is really expensive and his mom could never afford it. I'd pay for it but no one likes to accept charity." I lament.

"Chris, leave this one to me. You do all the thinking. My turn. I have an idea. Let me think and trust me. I want to make up for the way I've looked at him. Just go along okay?" he asks.

With no idea what he has in mind, "Okay Ian, I'll leave this to you." I agree, curious to see what he has in mind. Trusting him.

"Now get in the kitchen and make me dinner bitch!" he bellows in an over the top voice from the rec room as he places his enormous feet on the coffee table.

God I love him.

I begin preparing dinner. It would be nice for Ian and I to have a friend. Someone like us. And I think Sammy would really benefit too. He really is a super nice guy and his introduction to our school was not a good experience for him. I was actually one of the few kids that talked to him. I should have put in more effort. God I had no idea he thought I was cute. I thought he was too. But I wasn't ready then. Then I saw him at the end of summer. Fuck I am an asshole.

"Dinner Ian." I yell.

We sit down to a nice dinner of pork tenderloin with garlic and rosemary, roast potatoes, caramelized apples, asparagus and a green salad.

"Chris you outdid yourself again. That was incredible. God it was so tender." he says.

"Thanks Ian. It's so nice to have someone to cook for." I reply. "Tomorrow will be our first dinner party. Well, only one guest but it will be kind of fun I think. Give us a chance to get to know Sammy better. And show off how happy we are." I tell him as we clean up.

"But tonight. Tonight is just for us. I want us to explore every inch of each other. I want to make love to all of you Ian." I tell him.

"Oh god Chris. I want to make you the happiest man on earth. I've made some notes in my head from reading, well looking at the pictures, in that book. I'm sure you have too. There are some things I couldn't imagine wanting to do with anyone else but I'll do them with you."

"Prepare to get us toasted Ian. I'm going to go make the bed." as I turn and head to the laundry room.

After making the bed again with the satin sheets I light the candles and ensure the room is perfect. One last sniff, hey we're teenage boys, smells great.

I'm a bit worried about tonight. Everything so far has felt amazing but has gone too fast. But really, at our age we should be able to go more than once so if I happen to go off a bit too early I'm going to keep going. Ian and I have had sex. I want us to make love. I want us to experience the joy that two men can share together. Gotta thank mom for that book. What an eye opener. I really thought that sucking cock and fucking were it. What did I know? Damn was I surprised. And knowing Ian went through the book as well. Some of the pictures tell the whole story, no words needed. What does he want to do most with me I wonder?

I join Ian in the rec room. He's sitting there in a pair of dad's workout shorts. Again navy blue with the logo. We're going to have to go clothes shopping for Ian. But that is far from important for the moment. He hasn't noticed me yet giving me an opportunity to appreciate what an incredibly handsome man he is. Beautiful inside and out. Full of pain but that only manifests on the inside. I love this man so completely. Our emotional connection has grown really fast. Too fast? No I don't think there are rules about that. I think it may be a bit stupid to question being so happy.

"Ian." placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Shit you scared me Chris." jumping a little at my touch. I notice he is looking at the page my dad mentioned. Oh fuck stop thinking about dad.

"Do you want to do that Ian?" I ask.

"Yeah, I do. It seems a bit gross but I would do it to you. Just to see how it makes you feel. Look at this guy's face. I don't really get it but it must feel pretty good." he tells me.

"Well, we'll take a nice shower together first. It mentions how to make sure that we're, you know, clean." I inform him.

"This night is going to be really special isn't it Chris? I love you so much but I don't think we've really made love yet. It was like we just got off as fast as possible. It felt great, really great but I know the difference now, being with you, between sex, which can be great, and love, which is amazing. I want to make love to all of you Chris."

We each down just one beer and surprisingly only share about half a joint between us. Don't need it to calm the nerves anymore.

"Let's go baby." taking Ian's hand in mine and leading him to our bedroom. His hand feels relaxed. His nervousness is gone too. This is exactly the right time. Maybe we had to get to a certain place before we were ready. This night does feel different. Incredibly exciting but right, just right. There was a bit of an edge on things before. Guilt? Maybe just normal nerves. All gone now.

I lead him to the bathroom and turn on the shower. While waiting for the water to get just right I reach up with both hands placing them on the back of Ian's head and pull Ian's lips to mine. This feels so beautiful. Holding him and stroking his hair. I didn't think it was possible to feel even more passion with Ian but that's what's happening. His hands take up a similar position on the back of my noggin. Running his fingers through my hair and pulling me closer.

God Ian is such a good kisser. Okay I know I have nothing to compare him to but it couldn't get much better. His wide tongue explores every part of my mouth. Entwining with my own. He pulls his tongue back a bit allowing mine access to his mouth. I think I would be happy to spend an eternity just doing this. But tonight this is just a beginning. Looking down I hook my thumbs into the waistband of Ian's shorts and lower them, allowing them to drop to the floor. He steps out of them and then places his hands in the back of my shorts. His large hands cupping and caressing my butt cheeks. He holds me like this for a short period while resuming our passionate kissing. Then he lowers my shorts too.

"Let's get in the shower my love." Ian says. As we step under the water. Perfect, hot but not too hot, providing a bit of wispy water vapor in the air. Steamy. Just like what I had planned.

Resuming our embrace we begin to kiss again. It seems Ian likes to kiss me as much as I do him.

"I could spend my lifetime doing nothing but kissing you." He says while staring deep into my eyes. Yup seems I was right.

I break off the kiss and gently push Ian back a bit. "I have some other things in mind baby."

The water cascades over us, our bodies feeling refreshed. We soap up each other. I lather up his back and then his chest and abs. Oh god those abs are mine. My hands move lower bypassing his steely rod and soap up his legs and feet. I stare at that perfect cock, inches from my face as the hot water rinses the suds off of him. I take his cock in my hands causing Ian to let out a small gasp. Soaping it up and gently stroking I pull his foreskin back, carefully washing him. Don't misunderstand me. Ian is always impeccably clean. Just following dad's suggestion. For fuck sake dad go away. My soapy hands invade the crack between his perfect globes, cleaning him thoroughly.

"I'm going to put my finger in just a little bit okay Ian?" I ask

"Okay." Ian replies

Gently I insert my finger, just up to the second knuckle. A small gasp comes from Ian. Moving it in and out several times I rinse my finger and then Ian. As I am cleaning him with one hand the other is behind me, ensuring that all of me is as cleans as Ian. Standing I momentarily gaze into his eyes.

I begin to nibble his earlobes. Gently licking and sucking on them, then slowly moving down his neck. Ian shivers. I am still astounded by what can be accomplished with something as small as the tip of a tongue. He shivers again, a bit more than before. I continue down licking each of his strong shoulders. Lifting his left arm I bury my face in his armpit, the wet hair against my nose. I just lick and nuzzle before moving to the other side. I then move down to his flawless chest, seeing it rise and fall with each breath. I begin to nibble on his nipples. Alternating between them. He seems to like this as evidenced by the loud sigh I just heard. Not for me though. Feels icky.

Ouch, I accidentally snort in a bit of water. Okay.

As I continue downwards I look up at Ian. He is watching me intently. Every stroke of my tongue, every caress of my lips being carefully observed. Ian likes to watch me? Let's give him a show.

Skipping past the jewels I pass my tongue over his muscular legs. Hairier than they look due to his blond hair. I can feel the tight, veined muscles under my attentive tongue. Licking and tasting his thick thighs and toned calves I reposition myself, the water stinging my eyes for a moment I sit myself on the shower floor. Taking his left ankle in both my hands I look up at Ian. "Lift your foot Ian." I ask.

I find myself facing a couple of things. One is my comfort zone and the other is the sole of Ian's gigantic foot. I mentioned before I thought his feet looked nice but I had no idea until reading our book that they are an erogenous zone. I've noticed his shoes are never stinky. He's a bit fanatical about personal hygiene like I am. I don't have a fetish or anything but I want Ian to experience this even if I feel a bit awkward doing it. Extending my tongue I start at his heel and with the broad part of my tongue lick up all the way to his toes. Ian shudders. That was neat. So I do it again and again, each time causing Ian to vibrate. I notice the curve of his arches, how each toe curls down slightly. I lick between his toes and then begin sucking on them one at a time ending with his big toe in my mouth. Ian cannot stop shaking. I continue this with the other foot getting a similar reaction. Okay, I could enjoy this, if for nothing just to see and hear Ian's reactions.

Still sitting I lean back against the shower wall. Looking up at Ian I ask myself how am I so lucky. Reaching behind him I grab his perfect ass and pull him closer. His oversized cock, foreskin fully retracted, is within reach of my tongue. I place my face underneath giving the underside a long lick. But right now it is his balls I want. They are enormous like two large limes. They hang really low and I find myself burying my face in them. His nutsack forms over my nose and face. Fuck what a feeling. I extend my tongue and lick his bag then I gently suck his left nut into my mouth. This is wicked. God the feeling as I suck and roll that big nut around in my mouth. Ian seems almost to be dancing, unable to stay still. I shift to the other nut, not wanting it to feel left out. Can I fit both in I wonder? Discovering quite quickly that yes, I can.

Fuck this is better than anything I expected. His enormous balls fill my mouth leaving little room for my tongue to play but just my sucking is keeping Ian rising up on his toes and making small squeaking sounds. As always, his gaze is locked on the action. Removing his boulders from my mouth my tongue begins to tease his taint. Again this brings such an amazing reaction from Ian.

"Fuck my mouth Ian." I instruct.

His large member, dripping with water and pre-cum rests on my closed lips, my tongue darting out in quick pokes. I open up and he slides, in one move, all the way in. He is down my throat, moaning as he watches himself slide in and out of my lips, expanding them to their limits. Looking forward to all the other things I want to try I can't help but feel that cock sucking will always be my favourite. Extracting him from my mouth I tell him, "Ian baby, turn around. Lean against the wall like you're being frisked." He does so. "Now push out your sweet ass."

I grab his cheeks, squeezing them and spread them apart. The water starts to course down his ass crack. Okay. Yeah I saw it the other night but my head was in a different place then, and I wasn't this close. I draw in a deep breath through my nose. Clean. Fresh. Ian. I find myself staring at the little starfish. Once again I am surprising myself. I never thought I would find this body part so enticing. Inviting me to get closer.

Starting at his taint I press my tongue into his crack, applying some pressure. I lick up the length of his crack to the top, returning to the bottom and doing it again and again. I noticed that each time the tip of my tongue would pass against his hole he would twitch. A bit of magic there. I pull back to get a clear look again and then place the tip of my tongue against his opening. Flicking lightly. Ian trembles, growling. Then my tongue penetrates him, entering him from behind. His whole body locks up and shakes violently. His right leg jerking in a rapid motion.

"Fuck Chris," he says through some tears of pure joy. "Oh god that is so good, you are so good. Fuck, dear god how does this feel so good?" He sobs. "Chris you have your tongue in my ass. God." squirming as he struggles to remain standing. "Fuck Chris, you better stop, you're gonna make me shoot." No fucking way. Nope.

I stop and stand, kissing him before he can think. My tongue goes directly from his ass to his mouth. I don't think he even picks up on that.

"Let's dry off and get into bed." I say turning off the shower.

We dry in silence, never breaking eye contact. I wish I had a camera right now. The way Ian's eyes look at me is the perfect representation of true love. Oh god. He loves me so much.

We enter the bedroom. I lay down on my back, shuffling my body so my head is hanging of the edge of the mattress. "Come here big boy and fuck my throat." I instruct.

Ian grins wide and does as I ask. He places his head against my lips which immediately open. One movement all the way to the hilt. Sliding easily in and out. I have to fight for a breath at times. Obviously I can't breath through my mouth but his large nuts are weighing down his sack on my face, covering my nostrils. What a way to be smothered.

Continuing his fucking motions he exclaims. "Jesus Chris, I can see my cock moving in your throat. Fuck this is so hot. Jesus. Tracey wouldn't touch it and now you have it half way down to your gut. Fuck every guy should experience this." he pauses. "Not with you though. This throat is mine."

Fucking right it is Ian.

"I'm getting close again Chris." he blurts.

I stop immediately. Not happening. Not now. Not yet.

I turn and sit up on the bed again staring into those green eyes. "That was good?" I ask.

"Fuck Chris, everything feels so fucking good. I had no idea that our bodies were like this. Yeah I knew that getting my cock sucked would feel good but my toes, my ass? It's like you can turn me on anywhere on my body. I had no fucking idea. But I have another idea. Get on your hands and knees." he requests.

I do so somewhat nervously as the last attempt to get my ass involved didn't go so well. He takes my ass cheeks in his big hands and massages them.

"Fuck Chris, you have the cutest bubble butt." he tells me.

I feel his hands slowly and gently spreading my cheeks. "God Chris, all of you is so perfect." Then I feel it. As I did with him he starts on my taint. I feel tingles all over my body. Like little electric shocks. Tingling. He licks along my crack a few times sending me into mild fits. Then his tongue hesitates right on the button. Flicking and swirling. Dear Jesus fuck what a feeling. As I feel like I am climbing walls he goes back to my taint, licking and using his lips for suction. Now he takes both of my balls in his mouth, sucking furiously. This I like. Since my cock is not of the stature to easily be bent down and gobbled from behind he returns to my asshole, tickling and teasing but then, holy fuck then, his tongue enters my ass. Is this real. The swirling plunging motion is absolutely astounding. Ian is eating me. My ass. Ian is eating my ass. Fuck. His lips providing suction in an attempt to turn me inside out. Does everyone know about this except us?

Ian takes a moment to catch his breath. I notice he is staring at my pucker. "Chris, it's getting bigger." he says with some amazement.

"What is." I ask.

"Your hole, it's getting bigger. It's opening up for me." He replies.

Quickly realizing it is his tongue that is causing this he returns to devour me. God I think he's right. I feel more relaxed down there, his tongue going deeper. Opening me up more and more with each swirl.

"Ian quick, before my ass changes its mind." I beg.

Ian looks puzzled but quickly clues in. "Are you sure baby?"

"Yes Ian, please." I reply.

Flipping onto my back like the other night, I want to see him while he fucks me, I lift my hole. Ian places a glob of lube on my ass and greases his pole. Ian places himself against my hole and pushes. Fuck. Oh god no fuck.

It still hurts, not near as much but damn. No, no fucking way this is happening again. I recall Ian's move the other night. I can't have any hesitation that might give him time to stop me. I take a deep breath, then another. Locking gaze with Ian I tell him, "I love you Ian." I'm doing this.

He starts to respond but before he can, with one continuous movement I whip my legs up around his back and pull him in. All the way. Pain sears through me. I throw my arm over my mouth, biting down to avoid screaming. That's gonna leave a mark. But then it happens. The pain is suddenly replaced with an unexplainable sensation. The most intense feeling I've ever had. Physically mind blowing yes but seeing Ian's face as he fully penetrates me for the first time is even better. I see the bliss in his eyes as I feel it deep inside of me, feeling better with each balls deep thrust.

"Chris this feels incredible. Fucking incredible. God your ass is so tight. My cock has never been squeezed like this before." as he continues violating my virgin hole. All I can think about is how far he is inside of me. And it feels so good. My body, my soul, my mind belongs to Ian completely. Every nerve ending in my body is firing in sequence making it hard to focus my thoughts. The prostate, now I understand what Ian meant. Why is it so hard to get to? The pleasure it provides is incomparable.

Ian's face is flushed and sweaty. Dripping onto me. His breathing is strained. He is still trying to be gentle with me.

"Ian fuck me hard. As hard as you can. Pound my ass hard." I tell him.

With a wide smile appearing on his face he leans in close to me. Close enough to whisper in my ear. "Okay bitch, I'm going to pound you." I kind of like that dirty talk.

And god does he. He grabs my hips and shoves himself as deep as he can go. I'm in another place right now. Colours swirling, my head spinning. This is what ecstasy is like. Pure blissful feelings. He continues to assault my ass, pulling almost all the way out, just the head inside and then ramming it deep again, causing my mouth to open wide and let out a huge sigh of contentment. His thrusting continues, getting more rapid, his breathing becoming faster and more shallow.

While doing this he lifts my leg, positioning my foot in front of his face.

"You have such cute little toes Chris. I want to gobble them up." And he does, one at a time and then all five at once, the repeating on the other foot. Fuck, this shouldn't feel so good.

My cock has never felt so hard as I begin to jerk myself. Never has jerking off felt like this. The intensity. The sensitivity. Everything feels heightened. I know I don't have long to last. This is like a culmination of all of my fantasies and more coming true at the same time. I feel myself getting closer. I take my hands away to hold Ian's face as we kiss.

He continues to punch deeper. His head constantly rubbing and probing that sweet spot. Then without even touching myself again I shoot my wad. More than I've ever seen comes blasting out of my cock hitting Ian in the chin and some ending up in his hair. I've never come this much. No where near the amount that Ian blasted the other night but damn it's a lot. Then Ian's mouth opens, his eyes roll back and with one last, deep long shove he unloads filling my guts to overflowing with his copious load. He yelps. I've never heard him do this before. He is completely lost in his orgasm and he is beautiful.

We stay there for a while, sticky and sweaty and not giving a fuck. We really should clean up.

"Ian?" I say softly.

"Yes baby?" he whispers in response.

"Should we get cleaned up?" I ask.

"No, don't move, I just want to hold you." He replies.

So I don't move and we drift off in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 8

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