Ian's Extra Credit

By kurtsilvers

Published on Sep 3, 2024


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Curious to see our boys? With the help of AI I've created PG images of Chris and Ian that exactly represent how I see them as I write. Email me if you would like to see them.

Ian's Extra Credit - Chapter 6

"Where are those fucking things?" I mutter under my breath. It is 8am on Xmas morning, I've been up for awhile now and I'm searching for those little wooden folding tray tables. I know mom has a set. There they are, pushed to the back of the top shelf in the cupboard. Standing on a chair I reach in and pull them out, losing my hold on one of them. As it falls to the floor everything goes into slow motion. I leap down and with a quick move grab it before it hits. Shit that was close. I'm trying to be as quiet as possible as I don't want to wake Ian before I'm ready. Our first Xmas together.

I assemble Ian's tray. Croissant, fresh butter and preserves, some juicy strawberries with cream and eggs Benedict. Adding a glass of fresh orange juice and a cup of hot coffee I carefully walk to my bedroom. Quietly nudging the door open with my foot I walk into the room.

There he is. Ian. A few days ago he was just another kid at school and a pain to be honest. Now he is laying there, in my bed, our bed, the morning sun beaming on his chest. I feel so damn lucky. I love my parents, don't get me wrong, we have a really good relationship, obviously, but this is my best Xmas ever. My boyfriend. "My boyfriend," I say quietly. I just want to hear the words. "My boyfriend." I'm still a bit overwhelmed. But so so happy.

"Ian," I call softly, then again, "Ian," just a bit louder. He begins to stir, rubbing his eyes they open to look at me. I will never get over how beautiful his eyes are, how open and inviting his gaze has become over this short time.

"Merry Christmas Ian," time for breakfast.

Ian pushes himself up on his elbows and sees what I am carrying.

"Merry Xmas Chris. Are you kidding me? Breakfast in bed?" Ian is astonished.

"Anything for my boyfriend. But don't get used to it, it's Xmas. I'll go get mine, be right back," as I place the table over his legs.

While I retrieve my breakfast Ian takes a few moments to try and make sense of his new life. This is the first Xmas he remembers smiling and feeling happy. Actually this is the first time in his whole life he can remember feeling truly happy. He had been made to believe he deserved the life he had before. He isn't sure how to feel about things now being so one sided. I am providing everything and he is giving nothing in return. (His thoughts, not mine.) He then realizes he doesn't even have a gift for me. I don't care, I don't have anything for him either. But Ian has always felt inadequate, like he could never do good enough to be rewarded with a good life. Upbringing has such an effect on us. Yeah I have my self esteem issues too but I've always known that I am loved.

"Move over honey." as I return, causing Ian to grin.

"I sure will pumpkin." he replied. Okay we have to work on our pet names.

While we ate Ian related to me the thoughts he was having in the past few minutes.

"It's going to take me time to feel like I belong here. I've never woken up in a bed like this. No one has ever brought me breakfast in bed. I think this is the first Xmas I ever smiled. No, there was one but it didn't last long. I was seven I think, or eight. Dad had a pretty good few months so there were a ton of gifts under the tree. I couldn't wait. But on Xmas eve he got an emergency call to work. He couldn't turn it down saying he would be back in a few days. Still I went to bed knowing this was going to be a great Xmas." He pauses, looking down at his tray. "I woke up and ran into the living room. The gifts were gone. All of them. The tree was there with just an empty floor beneath it. I thought we had been robbed. Then I smelled the smoke. I looked out the window and saw mom, a large fire burning continuing to pour more fuel upon it. I screamed at her asking what she was doing. She told me that Santa called her and said I hadn't been good enough and to burn all of my gifts so I would be better next year. I cried for the whole day. And I was so hungry too. She never gave me anything to eat that day but would make me sit and watch her eat. Now look at me. I don't deserve you Chris," as some tears well up in his eye.

"She didn't deserve you Ian. I can't believe she did that to you." I say comfortingly.

"Well that wasn't the only time but it is the one I remember most. Why did she hate me so much." He sobs.

"She didn't hate you Ian, it sounds more like she hated herself. Don't let that happen to you okay? Promise me?"

"I promise," he replies. I believe him. I believe at least he will make the effort.

"Chris, it's not going to be easy but with your help I know I can do this. Old Ian and new Ian. Old Ian died the day I came to stay with you. From now on it is all about the new Ian. And you. God I love you."

"I love you too Ian." giving him a gentle kiss. "Come and help me clean up. This ain't no free ride." I joke.

"I didn't get you anything for Xmas Chris, sorry." Ian said while putting the garbage out by the back door.

"Ian we barely knew each other a week ago. I didn't get you anything either." I mention.

"Chris, this?" moving his arms about the place like a Price is Right hostess. "Hey there's some guy out back near the Quonset hut. What's in there anyway?" Ian asks.

"What?" as I take a look. "Oh that's Harold, dad's mechanic. He's been working for dad for about 15 years. Really knows his stuff."

"What is in there Chris?" Ian pleas.

It is only then that I realize he really doesn't have any idea. Why would he? "Let's get dressed and I'll show you."

We quickly dress, a relatively mild and sunny day we don't bother with coats, just going a few yards.

"Harold," I bellow, his hearing is not too good.

"Oh hey Chris, Merry Christmas." He says with his constant smile. He actually looks a bit like Santa.

"Merry Xmas Harold, this is my friend Ian."

"Merry Christmas Ian." firmly shaking Ian's hand.

"Merry Xmas Harold," Ian replied.

"Ian wants to know what is in here Harold. Let's show him around."

"Your dad okay with this Chris? You know how he is about these. Maybe I should check with him first." Harold says responsibly.

"He's okay Harold and mom and dad have moved to Spain. I don't know what he has planned for his collection but I'm sure he will be in touch with you. I'll remind him." I tell him.

"Spain, that's a bit of a surprise. Out of nowhere I guess. Most likely your mom's doing." he comments. And he's most likely right.

"Well actually Chris, the timing is good. I was not looking forward to telling him that in another six months or so I'm retiring, for real this time. Arthritis has been making it more difficult to be as delicate as I like and I've dropped tools a couple of times recently. Time to accept thatmy best days are behind me. I've been trying to find someone to take over but no luck so far. A lot of good mechanics but little passion. I should have found a protégé long before now."

Ian stands listening to the conversation. Sounds like no one is allowed inside. Mechanic?Collection? Tools? Are there cars inside here? What was that word he used? Protégé, is that a part?

Approaching the small door to the left side of the large main doors I enter the unlock code. Opening the door the smell of automobiles hits my nose immediately. Behind me are Harold and Ian. Harold knows what to expect. What he is anticipating is Ian's reaction. He has seen it the few times my dad has allowed someone into his little escape from the world.

I flip the large switch which is immediately followed by the bang, bang, bang as the large banks of overhead fixtures come on one after the other flooding the entire space with brilliant light.

Harold and I both look at Ian waiting for the reaction. One, two, and there it is. The look of total disbelief and awe. "What is this?" he enquires reverently.

"This is my dad's Jaguar collection. 27 of the finest examples." I explain.

"26" corrects Harold, "the 27th isn't fine enough yet. More work to do on her."

"Oh my god, I've never seen anything like this. They are gorgeous. And you maintain all of these?" he asks of Harold.

"Every one. They belong to Craige but they are the pride and joy of my entire career. I hate to retire but what a way to end." Harold says with some sadness. "I can't just hand them over to anyone at all. They are like my children. Except I like the cars." he laughed. "You ever hold a wrench young man?" looking intently at Ian.

"Well I do my own work on my car but that is a shit box. I have been able to keep it running though even though it is more bondo than steel by now." he tells him.

"What are you driving?" Harold asks.

"A `63 Chevy Nova. Ugliest fucking thing on the road." Ian laments.

"That beaten up blue thing I see around? You've managed to keep that old girl running by yourself? Who taught you?" Harold needs to know.

"No one, I just kind of figured things out as I went along. I did sometimes hang out at a local garage when I was a kid, just to watch them work. Maybe I picked up some tips." Ian says unsure of himself.

"Maybe you're a natural. Follow me."

Harold and Ian head to the back of the shop. "Hey I'll see you guys in a bit, I have some stuff to do inside." heading back to the house. Cars hold little interest for me.

Once inside I begin to prepare Xmas dinner. This has usually been a dinner I look forward to, helping mom, but this year it is all on me and after hearing Ian's Xmas day experience I am determined to make him forget it. The turkey has been thawing in the fridge in anticipation of mom and dad being here today but this will be even better. I busy myself chopping and cutting, seasoning and tasting. Oven heated and turkey is in. God Ian has been in there with Harold for over two hours I realize when I check the clock. Well I'm on schedule. What else? Oh I know. I enter my bedroom and strip the bed, tossing everything into the wash. I remake my, god, our bed, with the deep burgundy satin sheets my mom has. Both of our beds are king size and these feel so soft and silky. Our first Xmas night in our bed together is going to be something special to remember.

A few hours later I am finishing cleaning. Yeah, about that, Ian and I can't start living like pigs. Gotta stay on top of stuff like that. If were are going to be in this house together we can't keep acting like kids. Putting away the vacuum I hear Ian enter through the kitchen door.

"Hey, that guy is incredible. Have you ever watched him work? Those are not like cars to him. I think the guy is in love." Ian states.

"Harold lost his wife years ago and never remarried. His kids live far away and never visit. I think this is a refuge for him and my dad always makes him feel appreciated. I don't know how he is going to retire." I say.

"He might not, well not completely." Ian looks at me with excitement. "He said that I have a natural talent for cars and he wants to teach me so I can take over his `babies' as he calls them. He told me that if you trust me, then he has no worries about my character. He knows it will take time to teach me so he said he is willing to stay on a bit longer but just as my instructor. He said for the next six months he will have me work alongside him but after that he is not handling a single tool, just watching and advising me. He said he might point at things now and then. Chris I think I can do this. I think this might be what I am good at. I know it is just a mechanic but..."

"Shut your mouth. What the fuck do you mean just a mechanic. Do you see how proud Harold is of his work? What those cars mean to him? The knowledge and skill that it takes to keep a bunch of ridiculously expensive and incredibly high maintenance vehicles running. My dad says Jag's are like aircraft. Two hours on the lift for every one on the road. Harold isn't a just a mechanic Ian. He is a fucking artist."

"Wow, sorry I wasn't putting him down, just me."

"Ian I will tell you right now that if Harold ever allows you anywhere near one of those cars with a wrench then he sees something in you. He protects those damn things like they were his babies. He won't let me lean over an engine with a tool and he knows I'm pretty adept mechanically. He hovers constantly."

"Well today he let me change the spark plugs on the `58." Ian says proudly.

"Are you fucking kidding? Shit Ian this is really something. Let you in on a secret. Even dad isn't allowed to service those cars. He had to agree to that before Harold would take on the job. You're the first person other than Harold to touch under that hood since dad got the car and that has been years. I'm impressed. You have really made an impression on Harold."

I turn to wave to Harold as he drives off. Out of the corner of my eye I see Ian smiling, a huge smile, a feeling of accomplishment. He is giving himself permission to enjoy a moment of pride. He deserves this feeling and I am so happy for him.

"God Chris, if Harold can really get me to a point where he thinks I could take over then that would be a way for me to contribute instead of just taking." Ian beams.

"Ian, stop that. I told you none of that matters." I complain.

"It does to me Chris. If you and I are going to be a real couple then I should be contributing too. Don't Chris." he says as he sees me starting to speak. "I mean it. It is really important to me that I do this. I will work my ass off to learn from Harold. If I impress him enough and he can somehow convince your dad to allow me to take care of his cars. I want to feel proud of myself Chris and also I would feel like I was being disrespectful living here otherwise. Please?"

"You're right Ian, I get it. Sorry." Realizing that I was being disrespectful of Ian and his feelings. "That would be great. You taking care of the cars would be a great way to contribute. If we make the best of each of our skills this house will run like clockwork. I love you baby, I just don't want you to think you have to work. Do it because you want to. Money doesn't buy happiness but it does buy choice." I told him sincerely.

"I do want to. I think it will be good for me in a lot of ways Chris. I want something that I can really be proud of. I really need this." he replied.

Looking at Ian I can see the sincerity in him. This could be life changing for him in that it could bring him some sense of purpose. Allow him to hold his head up high. I am going to do everything to make this work for him.

"Dinner is almost ready sweetie. Why don't you go and watch tv and I'll call you."

Ian gives me a quick kiss and then goes off to find some mindless entertainment.

I really want today to be special for Ian so we won't be eating in the kitchen. I have already set up the dining room for dinner. A huge rectangular table that could sit 12 with beautiful linens, silver candelabras, crystal goblets, sterling flatware and the most exquisite china my mom owns.

The sun is going down and provides me with the opportunity to dim the chandelier and light the candles. We've had some nice meals together but this will be our first romantic dinner. I check everything to make sure all is perfect. Looks great. Oh, one more thing. Opening the sideboard I turn on the radio within, tuning it to a station of soft instrumental music, interspersed with Xmas tunes, I lower the volume to a nice background level. Okay, now it's perfect.

I again go to the kitchen and begin transferring the food to serving dishes. Mashed potatoes, mashed carrots and turnip, homemade stuffing, bread and butter, gravy and cranberry sauce. I bring these and lay them on the dining room table.

"God that smells so good." Ian yells, "Do you need any help?"

"No I got it, just a few more minutes." I reply with haste. I want this to be perfect.

Placing the turkey on its serving platter I grab a carving knife and bring it to the table. Okay, I think that is everything. Oops, wine. I get a nice Chateau Margaux Burgundy. I like something with a little bite with turkey.

"Ian, dinner's ready."

"Where are you?" I can hear Ian's voice coming from the kitchen.

"In here Ian," I singsong opening the door to the dining room.

"Holy shit, how much more house is there?" Ian says upon entering.

"Have a seat my love." I tell him giving him a little peck.

"God I feel like royalty. You know Chris, this is my first real Xmas dinner."

"If you feel like royalty then I'm doing this right. I want you to feel really special Ian. You mean the world to me and seeing you happy, like today with Harold, well that makes me feel really good. But you know what, we get too serious. Let's enjoy dinner and then the evening. Wine?" I ask not waiting for his answer before pouring.

I carve the turkey and we begin eating, the music playing softly, the candles flickering their play of light and shadow on the walls, the smell of great food in the air and Ian, sitting there, enjoying something that he should have been enjoying for years. Having second and third helpings. You know I too have to stop thinking about old Ian, it makes me sad. Time to just focus on my Ian and what is ahead.

"This is so fucking good Chris. Oh my god I don't think I can move." Ian moans.

"That is what Xmas dinner is supposed to feel like Ian. Let's clean up quickly and get started on the rest of our evening."

After a very quick but fairly thorough tidy we retire to the rec room, another bottle of wine in tow. Lighting candles there as well as the wood stove I turn off the lights. A bit earlier I turned down the heat in the house, I want it a bit chilly, more cozy for us being cuddly under the blankets, watching the fire.

"This is heaven Chris, thank you for everything. Thank you for making me part of your life." Ian almost whispers.

"Thank you Ian. This is heaven and it is because you are here. More wine?"

"Sure thanks, god this is a lot better than the stuff I've tried before." Ian mentions.

"With what my parents pay for this it should be. I think it is a big waste of money but it's their money. Oh, speaking of wasting money, I have another treat for you, just a sec."

I dash to the kitchen hoping I remember correctly. I do. There it is. A tin of the finest Russian caviar. Plating it with some fine crackers and a mother of pearl spoon I return to Ian.

"Want to taste something silly expensive?" I ask him.

"What is it?" he asks taking a closer look. "Doesn't smell great."

I tend to agree but taking a small amount on the tiny spoon I place it on a cracker. "Here, open up." I place it in Ian's mouth.

I watch his face carefully. Kind of screws up at first but then all of the wondrous elements that make caviar such a delicacy hit him. "My god this is delicious. Strange but delicious. What is it?"

"Caviar," I reply. Seeing his uncertain look, "fish eggs."

"Jesus are you fucking serious? That's gross." he blurts.

"More?" I ask.

"God yes." he replies.

After finishing up our little snack I mention. "By the way Ian, remember I told you not to ever worry about money? That little caviar snack cost about $250. Money is not a problem for us."

The look of shock on Ian's face says a lot. Again I am learning about the human element of relativity.

"Ian why don't you rolls us a big bat. I'll be back in a few minutes."

I go to my mom's bathroom and get the tube of KY I know is there. Going to my own bathroom I squeeze some out onto my finger and then rub it around my bumhole pushing some inside. I made a promise to myself that today would be the day Ian and I would fuck. I always keep my promises. I place the tube in my nightstand then make sure everything looks nice. Satin sheets, candles. Room doesn't smell like farts. Nice.

Returning to Ian, "Ian, something you will learn about me is I always keep my promises. I made myself a promise and now I'm making it to you. Tonight we fuck. Now get me stoned."

We sit and smoke. I can feel a tangible sexual tension. Yes we've kissed and swapped blowjobs but I know Ian has always wanted to fuck a girl so at least he will get the chance to fuck me. But it's so big. My butt is not that big. Will it actually fit? I know it's going to hurt but how much? I can almost hear his thoughts. He is so horny. Just like me so eager to explore each other's bodies in new ways. But I really only know about two ways and we've done one so now it's time for the other. God I'm so nervous. I don't have the highest pain threshold. Okay Chris, collect yourself. This will be okay. The day has been perfect so far.

Ian gives me, once again, that look that melts me. "Oh my god really Chris. Do you think you're ready? I mean I want to, like really want to but I'm kinda big and you're kinda small."

The longing is visible in Ian's eyes. I can do this.

"Let's go to my, our bedroom." I softly whisper into Ian's ear.

We stand and I reach out for Ian's hand but instead he, quite literally, sweeps me off my feet and carries me in his thick, strong arms to our room. Laying me gently upon the bed he steps back and looks around.

"Wow Chris, it's so romantic and you are so beautiful. This couldn't be more perfect. This, right now, this moment in time. This is the happiest moment of my life. To know you want me in this way. So completely.

"I wouldn't do this with anyone else Ian. You are the only guy I would allow, you know, in there."

"Look at this thing Chris," looking down at his massive, rock solid cock. "Every guy dreams of having a dick like this but it hasn't gotten me anywhere. I kinda wish it were smaller Chris. I'm so afraid of hurting you."

"Look Ian, I know it's going to hurt. Nothing that big ever comes out of me so how the fuck will it go into me? I'll admit Ian I'm nervous but I know you will be gentle. I've read stories and other guys do it even if the guy is big. In fact in the stories they're always big. So, how do you want me?"

"Well I know I want to kiss you while we are doing it so on your back I guess." he looks at me so lovingly and with such tenderness.

His large hands take me gently and position me on my back. Leaning in he begins gently kissing me, "I love you Chris, I love you." being muttered every few seconds as he licks my neck. God this feels good. This is really happening. He is going to take my virginity. Take me.

"Ian here," I take a big glob of KY and grease up his swinging schlong. Taking notice once more of his disproportionately sized head. His breathing is beginning to become more shallow and rapid. It's time.

I grab my legs behind my knees pulling them back towards me. This places my virgin hole in what should be the perfect penetration position. I still can't believe this. I'm giddy. Terrified but giddy. Okay stoned.

Ian looks down taking his cock in his hand giving it a few strokes. Oh come on, really? It's getting fucking bigger? He looks into my eyes as he lines his head up with my tiny, tight pucker. Rubbing it right on my hole. Holy fuck that feels incredible. How did I not know about this? Just touching my asshole like that feels amazing, shooting jolts through my whole body. Fuck this is going to be good. He presses gently against me.

"Are you sure Chris? Are you ready?" he asks in such a loving tone.

"Yes Ian, just take it slow."

"I will baby, I will never hurt you."

And he gives a gentle push. Well sweet Jesus what the fuck? Jolts of searing pain shoot through me almost taking my breath away. And he pushes a bit more. The pain becoming more intense I keep a poker face trying to hide the horror I am dealing with. I want this. I want it for me and I want it for Ian. But I can't hold it for long. I feel the entire head pop in at the same time as I let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I think I may have momentarily passed out as Ian looks so worried.

"Oh my god Chris I hurt you. I'm so sorry. Are you okay? I'm so sorry Chris. I knew it would hurt you. I'm sorry."

"No Ian, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have made you a promise if I wasn't ready. I thought it could work. I saw ads in some magazines for things called butt plugs that are supposed to help make things a bit easier. I'll order some but that doesn't help for tonight. It just hurts too much. I'm really sorry. I guess I do break promises.

"I love you Chris."

"I love you too Ian." I feel so dejected. I've let both of us down.

Suddenly Ian asks, "Chris, what was that promise? Do you remember?"

"Yeah, that you would fuck me tonight."

"No it wasn't Chris. You said `tonight we fuck.'"

"Yeah well what's the difference?" not getting where he was heading.

Ian falls to the bed on his back lifting his legs into the air exposing his most intimate place. What does he want?

"Lube up your cock hot stuff and fuck me." He says with insistence.

What? "What? What did you say?"

"You heard me Chris, fuck me, you said you wanted to feel me inside you well I want you inside me. Fuck me."

"But Ian."

"But what? Fuck me!"

"Are you..."


Almost without thought I align my cock head with his puckered opening, rubbing his as he did mine. I see his eyes roll back, his lips quivering. He then looks at me, both fear and longing in his gaze. "Do it Chris." he begs.

With a gentle push I feel myself begin to enter him. His eyes go wide, jaw clenched, stoic.

"God Chris you're right it does hurt. Fuck." his breathing is heavy and pained.

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask with some concern.

"Just give me a sec. Hold on." He wraps his legs around me. His gaze seems to penetrate my soul. "No." And with one huge pull of his legs he drives me, pubes deep into his ass. He lets out a huge agonizing scream. Then something happens. His eyes kind of glaze over becoming unfocused. His breathing becomes deeper, slower. A look of pure pleasure crosses his face. Ecstasy. Wow. This is amazing.

"Ian I feel like I am part of you." kissing him deeply.

"My god Chris. I didn't think anything could feel like this. Especially this. It is like there is something inside me that, oh god there it goes again. Whenever you, fuck, god, whenever you thrust like, fuck, Jesus Christ Chris, it feels so incredible. FUCK!"

I continue thrusting into him. He continues to pull me as deep as possible. Sweat is pouring off me, dripping into Ian's mouth and all over his face. He has never looked so hot. He is panting and squirming like he wants me even deeper inside him. Our eyes never breaking contact. With each thrust I make he lets out a whimper, moan, or curse. I've never felt so close to anyone in my life. I can't wait to feel what Ian is feeling.

Ian grabs his cock and starts stroking. It looks even bigger than before.

Ian is pumping his cock harder and faster, timing with my deep strokes. His ass feels so tight around my cock. Fuck. It starts to twitch and clench then with a scream Ian blows a load that goes over his head and splashes against the headboard. Damn. Shot after shot flies out, painting the walls, the sheets, me. Holy shit. Where did it all come from?

Then it happens, I feel that moment coming where it is now or never. With a few more thrusts and a deep growl I empty my nuts into Ian's ass. Thrust after thrust delivering more and more of my boy juice into this god. I'm empty. We just lay there for a few minutes in each other's arms. Breathing heavy and slowly in unison. I pull out with a soft pop.

I feel drained. I am in disbelief. I just had my first fuck but I never once envisioned myself as the fucker. Just the fuckee. I couldn't have imagined myself fucking Ian. Oh my god. I fucked Ian.

Ian looks at me grinning like he can read my mind.

"Didn't expect that did you?" he smiles.

"Ummm, no." I giggle. Why did you let me do that?"

"I wanted to help you keep your promise. It's my Xmas gift to you." he replies.

"Did it hurt?" I ask.

"At first fuck yeah, but then this thing happens, like pushing a button, and I have never felt anything that good. I could feel it in my toes, my fingers, everywhere. Thank you for making me feel so fucking amazing Chris. I can't wait for you to feel like that. But I will wait. You're worth waiting for."

"God Ian thanks for being so understanding and then letting me..."

"Fuck, the word is fuck Chris. You fucked me. Chris you went where no man has gone before."

"Fuck, I was waiting to use that line." I whine.

The two of us end up in laughter. Each day with Ian brings new surprises.

Cuddling close, never wanting to let him go we drift off into another blissful night's sleep. Life is so good.

Next: Chapter 7

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