Ian's Extra Credit

By kurtsilvers

Published on Aug 30, 2024


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I have no idea who our Archivist is. Articles refer to him as "secretive." I prefer to think of him as private. Even "him" is only used as a pronoun as that is the way he has been identified in the media. All I can say is a heartfelt thank you for what must be an instrumental and often thankless task.

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A few have asked me about my experience with writing. This is really my first foray of this nature. Fiction is a new experience for me. I have been writing for many decades and have a number of published works, but unless you have a penchant for scientific journals or technical manuals and textbooks you've probably, luckily, missed these. I've written political speeches you may have heard. Spent time writing for the highest ranking political officials. So perhaps fiction is not so new. But again, this feels new.

This story has been brewing for some time. An avid reader on Nifty I thought why not give it a go? The story started as a fleeting idea but then it began showing up at the strangest times in my day. Suddenly there was Chris, urging me to tell his story. Finally I conceded and put fingers to keyboard unsure of my direction.

Each chapter comes out in one sitting, I just listen, a voice in my head yes but I just listen. A day of edits and often clumsy proofread and I upload. I try to get these out as quickly as possible as Chris can't shut the fuck up. God he can be exhausting. I ponder if other writers of fiction have their characters constantly demanding of their attention. A very odd sensation. But one I'm beginning to get used to.

As mentioned before, no money changes hands here at Nifty. The only compensation I get is in your reading, your satisfaction, and your feedback. Please keep it coming.



Ian's Extra Credit - Chapter 5

"What do you mean we're moving to Spain. No one asked me." I whine.

"I'm sorry Chris but this opportunity came up. You know the resort that dad and I go to every year?" Mom says caringly.

"The nudist place? Yeah. What about it?" I could not care less.

"We bought it and are going to live there full time and run it. Your dad got a buyout from the airline and I want out of the rat race so..."

"One, I'm not living in a fucking nudist resort and two I don't want to move to Spain. I want to stay here." I yell.

"Chris you're too young. It wouldn't be legal to just leave you here. And you'll love Spain. You speak the language fluently and it will be a new experience for you." Mom tries to convince me at the same time she notices the sadness in Ian's expression.

Ian and I look at each other, our lips trembling.

"But mom."

"I'm sorry Chris, but we are moving." my mom getting more insistent.

"No I'm not going and you can't make me!" I bellow with the full force of my baritone voice. Slamming my fists on the table I push back my chair with enough force to send it flying then I run to my bedroom crying as I go.

"I'm going to go check on him," says Ian, fear on his face, running to my room.

When alone in the kitchen. "I'm concerned Craige, this is not like Chris. We haven't seen him throw a tantrum since he was two." my mom says looking at my dad and placing her hand on his.

"I'm as surprised as you are Liz. Where did that come from? Do you think something happened while we were away?" my dad asks.

"Oh yes Craige, I think something happened." she sighed deeply. "Haven't you noticed?"

"Noticed what, that for the first time in years I was seeing Chris beaming with happiness and now we're going to screw that up for him? He's so different to other kids his age. Shit he's not like anyone I know. Things that are so difficult for most people come naturally to him. He learns so fast. God Liz he is up to what, six languages now? He's taking university level courses and he only started shaving a year ago. I always wished I could be closer to Chris, a friend as well as a dad but we get into a discussion and in minutes, no matter the subject, he is talking above my head. He knows more about my equipment than I do." referring to his aircraft. "It's frustrating. And he doesn't do it to show off or make someone else look dumb, his head is so packed with information when he finds someone that might be interested he can't help but let it out. He's just trying to find someone that he can share interests with. Which is why Ian is certainly not the type of kid I expected Chris to connect with, I thought it would be another nerdy type not an athlete, but he's a really good judge of character Liz. We've known that for, well, forever. There is obviously something about Ian that Chris identifies with. He always wanted a big brother, maybe that's it. Finding another kid he can relate to in some way has taken him a very long time Liz. I mean Chris' reaction was a little over the top over a new friend but Chris really hasn't had a..." my dad stops mid sentence seeing the look on my mom's face. "What?"

"Craige, when we came in they were each wearing the wrong robe, they must have gotten dressed in a hurry." my mom points out.

"It was early, maybe we woke them up." my dad said downing more coffee. A pilot's best friend.

"God Craige, Chris is 15, not a child anymore. The guest room hasn't been slept in. Haven't you noticed the way they look at each other? Don't you remember those looks? And look, there is an ass print on the kitchen table." she points, "A small one. Does that bring back any memories?" my mom smiles.

"Oh damn it makes sense doesn't it? No wonder he is so upset. We've never seen this before because he has never faced heartbreak before. You really think that's what is going on here?" asks dad.

"I know it Craige. I know my son and I can feel something has changed in him. We knew it was coming. Kids grow up and we always talked about how we would allow Chris to chart his own course in life."

"He's growing up but in so many ways he is still just a wee bairn. So what do we do? We've already bought the place. Remember how we thought Chris would be so excited for the move? Thought he would make some new friends? Had no idea this would happen. What about if Ian comes with us?" my dad enquires.

"I don't think that is a good idea Craige. Chris speaks Spanish, Ian doesn't. It would be very hard for him in school and he struggles as it is. And...what about if things don't work out? They're very young. It would put all of us in a really uncomfortable position."

"You're right as usual Liz. I know where Chris gets it and it isn't from me."

"And we can't leave Chris here." mom continues. "The thought crossed my mind, he'd be fine, but a charge of child abandonment would be a pain in the ass. We can help Ian find a place. He'll be okay. Oh what am I saying? Craige, we all know that young love rarely lasts. It did for us but if we had listened to others...I just hate for us to be the reason they never get a chance. 15 and 17, sound familiar sweetheart?"

Just then Ian slowly and dejectedly returns to the kitchen.

"I can't get him to stop crying. I can't say much though, look at me." tears drying on his chiseled cheeks, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "He's mad at you but I don't blame you guys at all. You're family and just doing what is best, right? At least we had an amazing few days getting to know each other. Chris is the best person I have ever met. The best, the only real friend I've ever had. And I don't want you to worry about me. Chris told me you can be like that. I'll be fine. I'll figure something out."

Mom and dad look sadly at the young man, him trying to be strong while his world is imploding. He has nothing to return to.

"Ian," mom looks into his eyes, capturing his full attention.

"Yes?" Ian says quietly.

"Is there anything you would like to tell us? Anything you think Chris would tell us if we asked him?" inquires mom delicately.

Ian looks down at the floor thinking about how his feet were just getting used to that nice warm floor feeling. He was just getting used to caring about someone and having someone care about him. What would I want him to say if I were there right now? Honesty right? "Chris is my boyfriend." his bottom lip quivered. "We love each other." Melting into a pool of tears.

"Thank you for your honesty Ian. We're so sorry, I wish there was something we could do. This happened very fast between you two. Quite unexpected. If Chris cares for you the way you seem to care about him you must be a very special young man." mom says through a buildup of tears.

"No it's okay, I understand." he lies. "It's just that I've never cared for anyone so much in my entire life. I don't care that he is smarter than me. I don't care that he has more than me. I wouldn't care if it was just the two of us in that shitty old trailer. I just care so much about him. I'm sure he'll forget all about me starting a new life in Spain."

"Oh honey, Chris never forgets." mom's heart is breaking knowing the pain we are facing. "However Ian, while you are here, I was going to have to contact you anyway." moving things in a different direction, not sure if for Ian or herself. "Your dad asked me to get some documents together and I need a copy of your I.D. You have a license don't you?"

"Yeah I'll go get it, one second." as he heads to get it in the laundry room. Quickly returning and handing it to mom.

"Okay boys," to Ian and Craige, "I've got a bit of work to do. Ian why don't you go check on Chris again." heading to her office.

Mom sits in her worn and comfortable leather high back chair. Left to her in a will from a long time client. Another successful businesswoman. Her eyes close for a moment in an attempt to calm and focus her thoughts. Her arms rest on her antique walnut desk which matches the dark paneling covering the walls. Weary from the drama of the past few hours she pulls out some documents while glancing at Ian's license. `What a handsome young man,' she thinks. Transcribing the details to the form she stops suddenly. Wait...double check...oh god...oh my god, it can't be, she realizes. Opening her office door she yells, "Craige, get in here!"

In my bedroom Ian and I lay cuddling together. The sheets drenched from our copious tears.

"It'll be okay Chris. You'll be okay. I'll never forget you. I'll miss you so much but we can write to each other." Ian sobs knowing that his words were only meant to comfort, not entirely believing them himself.

"And you could visit. We get free flights so you could come whenever you want. I'll have mom get your passport." I say between snotty sniffs, trying to convince myself i will be okay. No, I will not be okay.

A bit later I've composed myself enough to help mom get dinner. I have to keep myself occupied and preparing Xmas Eve dinner together is a tradition. She grabs the menu and I dial. Chinese food. I said we were in a Jewish neighbourhood.

The four of us eat in almost total silence. Every ounce of that new joy I was feeling is gone. Back to normal which was okay I guess. If I hadn't had the last few days I wouldn't miss them. Glances are being exchanged but few words are spoken. I hear the doorbell to mom's office.

"Oh that's Barb," says mom. Barb is mom's notary and best friend. They do a lot of business together. But on Xmas eve? Mom goes to let her in.

While she is gone Ian and I clear up the dishes. About ten minutes later mom calls, "Craige get your ass in here." Sometimes they need a witness signature, must be that.

`Sit down boys," she says to me and Ian as she and dad return a few minutes later, mom carrying a wrapped gift.

We generally exchange gifts on Xmas eve as dad used to have to fly a lot even on Xmas. But we don't go overboard. Without much enthusiasm I give my mom her usual Chanel #5 and dad a magazine subscription. As usual I get a few hundred dollars in Radio Shack gift certificates. How am I supposed to use them?

"Boys?" says mom. Ian and I both look at her noticing that dad seems to be suppressing a grin. Nothing much to smile about dad. But I know what is coming, another little tradition. Mom likes to get me something that will embarrass me a bit, not too too much but, like last year an electric razor when I was just beginning to shave.

She hands me a wrapped package. Looks like a book.

"I got this for you Chris. I know you're growing up fast and with all that has happened here I'm going to give it to you both." I unwrap the book and see the title. `Die Freuden der Schwulen', "Holy fuck mom, really?" I quickly cover the book.

"Sorry I could only find it in German," my mom says apologetically.

"What is it Chris?" asks Ian, trying to act enthused.

" `The Joy of Gay Sex.' My mom thinks she's funny." Mom has a huge smile.

"Ian, Liz told me Ian your license says you are 6'3". Big boy. Over a foot taller than Chris." mentions dad.

"No just under a foot taller," replies Ian confidently"Chris is 5'4"."

"Chris is 5'2". Chris did you lie to Ian about your height? I thought you were over that." asks dad.

"Blushing red, embarrassed I turn to Ian. "Sorry Ian, I didn't mean to lie to you, it's just habit. I tell everyone I'm 5'4". I'm 5'2" and that is only first thing in the morning."

"Chris, we talked to Ian and he told us how you two feel about each other." Oh my god, he really did? "I don't think two inches makes a difference to him does it Ian?" asks mom.

"Of course not. Why would it? Chris measures up in every way." Ian says with his clumsiness again.

I'm sure he does Ian," turning to me, "your dad and I struggled with this but," again turning to Ian. "Ian, how old are you?"

"Seventeen." He states assuredly.

"What is the date Ian?"

"The twenty-fourth, oh fuck, I completely forgot." Turning to Chris. "I turned eighteen yesterday. Thanks for the gift." he winks.

"Oh what did he give you Ian?" asks mom before quickly realizing it is time to move on.

"I can't stand this," says dad. "Chris notice that a page is marked, see the picture on that page?" God why was dad asking me this? The photo was two guys, one sucking while the other was licking the ass...what? Why is he doing that? It describes it as Anal-Oralsex.' Rimming.' Have to read more about that. It sounds gross but the guys in the photo seem to be enjoying themselves and Ian does have a gorgeous ass. This book could be great.

"My roommate and I did that a few times in college." says my dad proudly with the look of a warm memory coming over him. Seeing me wrinkling my nose he continues. "A good shower together first. If you're wondering, we took turns."

"God, fuck no I'm not wondering. Daaaaaad." I whine.

"That was Kevin wasn't it Craige?" asks mom.

Oh fuck, Kevin is my dad's friend and my gym teacher. He and his wife and their annoying daughter, Grace, live just a couple of blocks away. Good looking guy for such an old dude. Like 45 years old.

"Dad, mom, really why do I have to know that?" Why do they always over share? Why are they being so light hearted right now?

"Just look at the bookmark."

It wasn't a bookmark, it was a legal document. I recognize the blue card wrapped papers from similar stacks in my mom's office. Impatiently my mom grabs it, opens it up and hands it back to me.

"Read it Chris," says mom, beaming.

So I do, and again, and again. My hands are clenching the papers, knuckles white, I'm vibrating with nervousness. "Is this real? We can do this?" I ask in disbelief.

"Barb," mom yells. Barb comes into the room.

"Merry Christmas Chris, and you must be Ian. Merry Christmas Ian." says Barb loudly, smiling wide, giving both of us an overly enthusiastic embrace. Barb was there when I popped out and I'm sure mom has told her that I'm gay. She is a beautiful black woman who in addition to being a notary works as a plus size model on the side. She can be a bit over the top sometimes. I can see why she and mom are friends.

"Dad and I have already signed, we just need one more signature and then Barb will notarize it."

Ian is looking puzzled. Barb is looking ecstatic. Mom is looking impatient. Dad explains. "Ian we know that Chris is quite capable of taking care of himself but the law doesn't allow us to leave a child to live alone. These papers, if you agree, make you Chris' legal guardian. You will be responsible for medical decisions and when he's a bad boy at school you will have to meet with his teacher." Dad laughs at the look on Ian's face. My dad is truly happy for me."Ian, we never saw a way until Liz realized you are an adult now. Once you sign and Barb does her thing you and Chris are free to stay here in the house. For as long as you want. Chris, when your mom and I met I was only 15 and your mom 17. Everyone and everything was against us. It's not always easy but if you love and respect each other, and are always honest, I expect your mom and I may be visiting the two of you here for a very long time to come. Ian, welcome to the family."

"We can live here together Ian. I'm not leaving. I'm not moving to Spain." I look into Ian's eyes and see the tears building. Mine are too. So are my parents, and Barb's.

"Where is the pen?" Ian demands.

Grabbing the pen and adding his signature Barb then signs and adds her seal. It's done. With all the pain lifting so quickly I giggle a bit from the endorphin rush. "Ian, you're my daddy."

"Have you been listening at our door at night Chris? Why don't you boys go to your bedroom? You probably have a lot to...ummm...talk about?" mom suggests.

Ian and I stand up and we both give hugs to my mom and dad. Could they be any more amazing? As we turn to head to my bedroom mom reminds, "don't forget the book boys."

One we were out of earshot.

"Damn girl, that is one fine looking Adonis your boy has there." Barb laughs along with mom, both sets of eyes following us down the hall. "Did you see the size of those feet? And there was something taking up a lot of the slack in the front of his robe too. Mmmmm...damn I need to cool down. Seriously I've never seen Chris look so happy. Do you see the look in his eyes when he looks at Ian? I'll keep an eye on them for you. Gotta go. Later Liz, Craige. Merry Christmas." and she was gone.

Once in my room Ian and I hold each other tightly. There are more tears but not like the ones before. "Ian, we're together. Really together. My parents know about us, thank you for being honest with them, and they really seem to like you. I'm so happy. We have this whole fucking house to live in and you've only seen a small part. We even have a greenhouse just beyond the quonset hut out back. You can grow your weed there. Oh but I don't think they'd like you to be dealing from here. You can grow it just for us."

"It's the only way I have to make money Chris." admitted Ian. "I don't really have a lot of skills."

"Ian, I told you what I have is yours. So we have money. Believe me we will be just fine. Listen Ian, I keep this quiet for obvious reasons but my grandparents, the one's that went," making an explosive gesture, "they left me a lot of money and with mom's help it has grown to half a million dollars that is just mine, not my parents', mine. Ours."

Ian sits with a stunned look on his face, unable to believe what I've just told him. Strange how everything in life is relative. I know that is a large chunk of cash but for me, honestly, not life changing. I've had full access for three years and nothing really changed for me. Ian couldn't fathom that amount of money. He wouldn't even allow himself to dream about it. In the last few days this lost boy has ridden a roller coaster of emotions, spending too much time at the bottom. I have too but I am determined to never see him down again. Money doesn't mean much to me. I begin to realize that is because I have it. How is it Ian is teaching me so much?

"Wow, I knew you were rich but fuck. You really have all that money?" Ian asked in disbelief.

"Get used to it Ian. We have all that money." I assured him.

"No Chis, it's yours. You have given me more than enough already. I didn't earn that." Ian insisted.

"Neither did Ian," I remind him.

"But Chris we're not talking about five bucks. Holy shit. That is more money than I would make in my lifetime. Well maybe not but I can't even imagine that much cash. To never want for anything." Ian lamented. Yes, I can afford anything I want. Then why did I feel so empty until I met Ian.

"Ian, if we are going to be boyfriends, a couple, have a life together, then you have to get used to this. Both of our lives have been really shaken up recently but things seem to be settling into place and it is starting to feel good again. I was so afraid of losing you. I mean we are just getting started. There are so many things I want to do with you." Ian puts on a lecherous grin.

"Not just that," I laugh, although god yes. "I want us to have a nice normal life. Dinners together, cuddling by the fire watching the newest Blockbuster release."

"We've done those things already." Ian comments.

"Did you enjoy them?"

Ian comes to a sudden moment of clarity. When he and Tracey would go out to dinner all he thought about was sex. When the two of them would watch a movie, the same. And so on with every situation they had been in. He never felt love for Tracey, he just wanted to get laid. Oh god, he was never in love with Tracey. But in those moments with Chris, all he can think about is Chris. Is he happy? Does he feel safe? Why does he trust Ian so much? Ian realizes that although he really wants to have a ton of sex with Chris that he is feeling love with a depth of intensity he has never felt before. He would give his life for Chris. Chris is his first and only true love. He never knew what love meant before. He turns to Chris his eyes welling up.

"Yes Chris, it feels so good, every moment I'm with you. And I think I get some of it. I never thought loading a dishwasher would be fun but doing it with you feels good. Or watching you prepare a meal. The simple things I never noticed. I guess it is the kind of life I dreamed of but dad always told me to not punch above my weight. I couldn't see myself in a house like this. Maybe cutting the lawn. How has this all happened? In just a few days? I've gone from kinda okay to really not okay to better than possible. I want to be a good boyfriend, as good as you have been to me. I'm just having trouble keeping up with all these changes. Mom used to tell me that I had no reason to be happy when she was unhappy. She was always unhappy. How do I let myself feel happy when I don't feel like I deserve it."

"Ian, you deserve it and I will do everything to make you feel happy. God you make me so happy. You're a good person Ian. You trust me right?"

"Of course I do Chris, with all my heart."

"Then stop overthinking right now. Mom and dad will be gone in a week and then we can just see how we want our life to be together. But you will not be worrying about things like money. Worry about more important things like looking pretty for me." I see Ian is finally starting to relax, the tension in his shoulders falling. He laughs.

"You're right, it's just so much all at once. I've learned more about myself in a few days than in 17 years. Because of you I'm starting to like myself a little. Okay, I mean how can I complain about this?" sweeping his arm in the direction of our backyard. "So we're really rich?"

"Yes Ian, stinking rich, but don't let it go to your head, please. Nothing worse than a rich snob." My parents considered a private school for me a couple of years back. I went to see the campus. It was nice. But the kids? Some of the most pretentious jerks I ever met. The way they talked about some of the scholarship kids turned my stomach. And even there kids were ranked, not by character, intelligence or knowledge but by how rich their parents were. We were ten minutes into a meeting with the admissions director when I stood up and said one word. "No." Mom and dad thanked the admissions director who sat there shocked and perplexed. We left and never returned.

"I don't think I know how to be a snob." stated Ian. I think he's right. I've never heard him make a negative comment about someone unless that person is specifically a jerk. He doesn't trash talk anyone, he isn't gossipy. He's got this.

"Boys," mom enters the room, dad following. "All the work I had planned for the week is done, so, dad and I will be heading back to Spain mañana, early flight. Sorry we won't be here for Christmas Day but when you boys wake up the place is all yours. All of our contact info is on my desk. Love you boys." Hugs and kisses from mom and dad and they head off to bed.

Ian and I gaze into each other's eyes. Ian reaches up and with a loud slap strikes himself in the face. What was that for? "Ian, what the fuck?"

"Just making sure I'm not dreaming." he replies.

"Yeah I know what you mean." I say.

"Do you want to, you know, try some of the things in that book?" Ian requests.

"I want to try everything in that book Ian but let's wait until tomorrow. We both tend to be a bit loud." I confirm. "It's been a long day. Let's get some sleep." and we head off to a night of blissful slumber, arms, legs, bodies and hearts entwined.

Next: Chapter 6

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