Ian's Extra Credit

By kurtsilvers

Published on Aug 24, 2024


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Curious to see our boys? With the help of AI I've created PG images of Chris and Ian that exactly represent how I see them as I write. Email me if you would like to see them.

A few words before we get started on Chapter 3.

Several readers have inquired about the slow pace of this story. I get that completely. I too, often look for a blow and go type story. Also the beginning of the last chapter that seemed a bit, perhaps unpleasant. This was about gross teenage humour. This was Chris seeing flaws in this boy he was beginning to worship. And he doesn't care.

As well,there are a few other things I would like to clear up. Some have mentioned that Chris looks too young. Well surprise, it is a photo of me taken just a few months before my sixteenth birthday. I had AI do some work to fix the photo, it was taken in `79, and give it that AI aesthetic to match Ian's image which is entirely from memory. His looks and much of his character are based on a 19 year old roommate I had in university when I was 16. So sorry if he looks young, he is actually a real 15 year old. If you choose to read on you will find this is what forms a large part of his psyche.

Chris is brilliant academically and very good with his hands but he is two years younger than Ian and the level of emotional development at their age makes a big difference. Also Chris is small even for his age and is often mistaken for a twelve year old. He is used to being treated by most people as an odd little kid as he does not easily engage in idle chit-chat. They think him shy and reclusive. He is just bored by them. This has had some effect on his self esteem. His emotions rarely surface as a protective quality.

And of course yes. Chris is obviously sexually attracted to Ian but please allow things to happen at his pace. He is nervous and frightened. He has never even held another guys cock before. All he has seen are some pictures in In Touch and Blueboy that he had managed to obtain but Ian's was the first he saw in real life. And even by the magazine standards he knew Ian was far above average. He read the stories in the magazines and wants to try some of those things but feels intimidated. Most of those stories were just sex and although he desperately wants that he wants it to be more. Will he do it right? Is Ian too big? Will it hurt? He's never seen a video. He has never discussed this with anyone. There are no resources for kids like him. He is unsure of himself and terrified. Most importantly for him, can he make Ian feel better than he ever has before? That is his goal.

Ian is obviously sexually attracted to Chris as well but he is already feeling so protective and appreciative of his new friend that he doesn't want to push him. Also he is dealing with a great deal of conflict about his feelings for Chris which have been haunting him for some time. He has taken long looks at guys in the shower after a game and...nothing. These are a bunch of good looking guys and they do absolutely nothing for him. He likes girls but now finds himself almost obsessively drawn to this one boy, not boys, just this one. Why? He has beaten himself up a bit thinking that he's attracted to little kids. After all Chris does look like a kid more than a teen. But no, he knows himself enough that he's not like that. Chris is 15, only two years younger. He thinks of him as a peer, an equal. The first time he heard Chris speak he found him even more intriguing. That peculiarly deep voice. It's not just his looks, there is some kind of energy he seems to exude. An energy Ian needs. Nothing makes sense. Imagine the two of them side by side or one on top of the other. Their size difference is demonstrable. Ian is sensitive to his size, especially in relation to Chris' tiny stature. Only two years apart but vastly differing in physical development, he, like Chris, is feeling far more than just lust and it worries him.

I want these boys to be as real to me as possible. Then they may become real for you. For them to have dreams, emotions, fears and yes desires. They are not one-dimensional. These could be the two teenage boys down the block. Or they could be you or me at that age. Eyeing each other from a safe distance. Always horny but afraid to take the next step. Let's remember some of that innocence, that naïveté. Dealing and struggling perhaps with who we are or just a fear of being exposed or exposing too much of ourselves.

So please, let's show Chris and Ian some patience. It may sound odd but they set the pace, not me. I may have birthed them but after the first few paragraphs Chris began to write their story. This is his journey, I just transcribe it. If you are looking for just sexual interactions then this is probably not the story for you. If the pace is annoying, and again I get it, leave the story for awhile and do a batch read later. But if you read on with this chapter you may find a taste of what you are seeking.

Thanks for reading and please continue the feedback.



Ian's Extra Credit - Chapter 3

Another typical morning waking up with wood next to an incredibly sexy boy. After some quick ablutions and preparing the slow cooker for dinner I start on breakfast again.

The local AM 1220 radio station has some good news. The storm is moving away and most streets should be open tomorrow. Good news that they will be open and good news that Ian is here for another night.

`"Morning sleepyhead," I say to Ian as he tops the stairs. His hair, golden in the morning light is askew, and he looks so damn cute.

"Morning Chris," then he bends down and gives me a quick peck on the cheek, his massive hands pressing on my shoulders, obviously not realizing his weight, before heading to the pisser.

Did that just happen? Really, has someone slipped me a mickey? Does anyone actually slip' someone a mickey?' Why am I thinking about this shit? What the fuck is a `mickey?' Ian just kissed me and this time he isn't high.

He softy pads back into the kitchen to sit down to a breakfast of homemade Belgian waffles with real maple syrup and juicy sausages. The sun, reflecting off the blanket of snow is almost blinding.

"Keep feeding me like this and I'll never leave."

I could only dream. "The roads will be open manaña so you are stuck here for another night Ian." He doesn't look terribly disappointed as some glistening amber syrup drips from his delicious lips down his strong chin. His tongue runs around his lips, taking in the maple tree's sweet annual treasure. A shiver runs through me. My feet feel cold.

"Well if I have to be stuck somewhere, with someone. Oh shit. I just realized. My dad doesn't know where I am. He's probably been calling. Can I use your phone I have to call his company?"

"Sure, right there on the wall." I pointed.

I start cleaning up while Ian dials.

"Hey Carol it's Ian...what?...no I'm fine why?...really I'm fine...of course it's me...I'm staying with a friend..." he turns and winks at me. "I couldn't get home because of the storm...oh shit...well he shouldn't be worried...no I never even thought...okay well give him this number." He recites my phone number to the company's receptionist.

Not two minutes later the phone rings.

"Hello," I answer, "sure one sec." I hand the phone to Ian.

"Dad? Yeah I'm fine, why is everyone freaked out? Carol seemed surprised by my call...what?...What?...WHAT?"

Ian looks like his world was collapsing around him. This wonderful guy I've been getting to know looks gutted. Pale, white, eyes unfocused.

"Dad tell me you're fucking kidding, you have to be fucking kidding...how?...what?...but everything?...what am I going to ?...what?...you are moving where?...and you were going to let me stay in the trailer?...what alone?...I get that it is a better job dad but...you'll send me money okay but...rent a place? Fuck dad I can't even think right now...okay...okay...okay...bye."

Ian hangs up the beige wall phone and turns to me his face drained.

"Everything...everything...all gone...Chris everything is gone."

"What are you taking about?" I ask with caution as I can see something horrible has happened.

`"A friend of my dad's went by our house last night on his snowmobile. The trailer is gone, burnt to the ground, nothing left, nothing, I have nothing. They all thought I was dead. I may as well be. Where am I going to live Chris? My dad is moving for a better job. He was going to let me stay here but here is gone. I guess I could set up a camp cot in the greenhouse..."

"Ian take a breath and sit down, I'm so sorry this happened but it will be okay. You're okay. You have a place to stay for now and I'll talk to my parents. We have lots of room here. You don't have to sleep in the greenhouse."

"But all my stuff is gone. I didn't have much but now I have nothing. Don't laugh but I had some Star Trek models...I love that show. Have you seen it? I went to see the movie when it opened last week. They were the only possessions I cared about."

"Shut the fuck up, I was there too, come." I grab his hand and take him, for the first time, to my workshop.

"Give me a second." I enter my sanctuary and throw a few strategic switches. "Okay close your eyes." I cover his eyes with my hands until he is inside the room and then...

"Tada." I remove my hands.

"Jesus fucking christ." Ian's jaw drops.

In front of him, lovingly displayed against a starfield background are the AMT models of the Enterprise, the Galileo, the Romulan Bird of Prey, the Klingon D-7 Battlecruiser, the K7 Space Station, the bridge, phaser, communicator and tricorder. Due to my passion they are all internally and externally lit, with sound effects and custom, highly detailed paintwork. I'm a nerd okay?

"You are my god and I shall worship you until the end of time." He iterates dramatically while curtsying. "Did you really do all this? My models were just what came in the box. How did you do all this? God they look amazing. Can I?..."

"You don't have to ask. You have permission to touch anything of mine Ian." My mouth is doing it again.

"Oh my god these look as good as the show. They're so real, well you know what I mean. The detail and the lights, holy fuck the bussard collectors are rotating. Oh my fucking god, you are a genius. You should do this for a living." I am a genius I guess but holy fuck and oh my fucking god he knows they are called bussard collectors and not round spinny things. My dad's terminology for them. Could I like this guy any more?

`"Nah I enjoy it too much to ruin it by making it my job."

"I just can't believe you made these. Everything I used to dream of at night. This show got me through some tough times."

"I know what you mean Ian."

I realize that like me he feels out of touch, a bit different. Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land. Star Trek is a welcoming universe and no matter who or what you are there's a place for you. It gets me through a lot of tough times. It seems Ian as well.

I see the look in Ian's eyes as he stares at the Enterprise. The pride and joy of my entire collection and I have to admit she is stunning. It took me the best part of eight months and about $300 to take her from a basic model kit to where in a beauty pass it would be tough to tell her from the real thing. I put my heart and soul into her. But I have so much. I reach behind her and disconnect the power. Releasing the wire harness which suspends her I hold her with the reverence she deserves and hand her to Ian.

"Here my friend. You say you have nothing, now you have this. Let the Enterprise be the beginning of your new journey, your five year mission, to explore..." okay a bit cheesy but I am trying to make Ian laugh.

I stop as Ian looks into my eyes, I see the tears welling up.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I can't take this. My god how many hours, days, shit how long, how much money, I mean no, I can't, god she is so beautiful, I can't."

"You can and you will. I want you to have her, please, you've really affected me Ian and I want to give you this so you know how much it means to me to have you as a friend."

"Well okay I guess but I don't deserve this. Let's leave it here for now anyway. Not like I have anywhere to put it. I just want to stare at them. Does the Galileo's impulse drive work? Oh god what am I saying? I have fuck all to give you and you are giving me something I know means the world to you."

"Ian if I have it you have it. Except for my clothes, you're too big to fit into anything of mine." I catch those last few words a bit too late.

Finally Ian laughs . "Why do you make me feel so good even when I shouldn't?" wiping a sniffle. "My dad will send money so I won't..."

"Ian, believe me, money is not a concern. My dad gets paid more in an hour than most people make in two weeks and my mom don't do too shabby either. I've always wanted a big brother around."

He looks at me for a moment, quietly pondering and then, "As good as that sounds I don't think I want to be your big brother."

I'm crestfallen, my breath leaving me. I'm so naive. "What, why not?"

"Because brothers shouldn't do this."

Instantly his tongue is in my mouth. My cock is rising to the occasion.

He pulls away grinning from ear to ear.

"I've just lost everything but I feel like I've gained everything. I've said before I have nothing to go home to and now I really have nothing to go home to. And I don't care. My life has been shit until now. Maybe I need to be somewhere else, with someone else."

"Well right now you are here with me."

"I think that's where I'm supposed to be."

"What's happening between us Ian? I don't have any real experience with friendship but I don't think this is it. I'm gay, you're straight. We indulged in some frottage while stoned." He looks puzzled, "rubbing together," he nods, "we've kissed. Ian I'm a bit fucked." I turn to look into his pastoral green eyes. "I think I know, at least academically the difference between friendship and love and I feel one of those for you but I don't think it is just friendship."

Ian takes my small shoulders in his large hands, staring directly into my eyes. "Chris I'm going to say the most terrifying thing I've ever said to anyone in my whole fucking life...well...ummm...fuck it. I LOVE YOU CHRIS!"

Is my heart still beating? Did he say that? Yes he did. Oh god, oh fucking Jesus, Mary and Joseph, god almighty heaven and earth what the fuck? What am I going to do now? I have dreamt of hearing those words, never for a moment believing I ever would. Now Ian has said them and I don't have a fucking clue what to do. I stand here just staring blankly. Then...

"I love you too Ian." Some of the most honest words I could utter.

"Fuck you scared the shit out of me. Why did it take you so long to reply?"

"Actually Ian it was only 2.3 seconds but are you sure? You're not gay right?"

"I honestly truly really don't like guys but I can't think about anyone but you. It's kind of like I like you so fucking much I don't care that you have a dick, or that you are a guy. I mean shouldn't you fall in love with someone that makes you feel better than anyone else ever has? You know about my mom, my dad is a decent guy, a hard worker, a good father but not always the best dad, I don't know if that makes sense. These last couple days Chris have been the best days of my life. I'm seventeen years old and you have given me the best two days out of all those years. And it isn't everything you have. I would feel the same if you were with me in that shithole trailer. You make me feel like I actually mean something to someone. I've never really felt that before. I always thought life was shit because of what I didn't have. It was shit because of who I didn't have." Not as dumb as people think. In some ways he is smarter than I am.

Then something highly unusual happened. A tear formed in the corner of my right eye, then the left. One after the other tears began running down my cheeks. Slowly at first but then a torrent as I began to sob uncontrollably. What the goddamn fuck is happening? I don't cry. Okay. A sniffle now and then sure but outright tears? Simple, doesn't happen.

"Oh my god Chris did I say something wrong? I didn't mean it. What is it?"

Regaining a bit of composure I sputtered, "Ian, I love you so fucking much. All I can think about is making you happy. Making you feel good."

Ian held me in a tight embrace as we both sobbed onto each other's shoulders.

"You do make me happy Chris. You do make me feel good."

"Well for now let's fill you up."I sniffle. We sit down to a delicious beef pot roast. The merlot is perfect.

"Ummm Ian," I say over a bite of garlic bread, "when I said I wanted to make you feel good I mean like Tracey used to, you know?"

"I don't know."

"Like when you fucked her or when she gave you a blowjob."

"Never happened bud. Best I got was she let me feel her tits once. She said it was too big to fuck her and she wouldn't go anywhere near it with her mouth. She barely touched it. Said it looked funny and gross."

"I think it looks beautiful." Oh god that was out loud? Then quickly, before I lose my nerve. "Ian, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to do whatever I tell you for the rest of the night, no questions...please." I command him with a bit of pleading. Oh and I haven't mentioned in spite of my small size and that I look like a little boy I have a voice deeper than Ian's. It can be disconcerting.

He looks a little startled, smiles and simply nods.

"First, get us baked." I tell him.

"Yes master." He replies, grinning. How very cooperative. I could like this.

We again sit for a bit getting high chatting about the girls he finds attractive and the guys I do. He has a list a mile long, basically anything with a set of tits. I mention two guys at school, Jack and Benji, that I think are good looking but I was never really attracted to them. Then I realize I am delaying what I really want to do.

"Let's go to my bedroom." I take Ian's hand and lead him to my room.

"On your b-b-back on the bed." He follows what is meant as a request but stutters out more as an instruction.

I stand near the foot of the bed looking at Ian lying on his back, his chest rising and falling with nervous, anticipatory breaths. Moving up between his feet I take his legs in my hands and move them apart. I am desperately trying to recall some of the stories I've read. What to do. But as I stare at Ian's growing cock nothing I've read matters. I just know what I want to do.

I told you he was big but I only really saw it soft. Growing now, in anticipation, to full hardness it becomes even thicker and grows to its full 10.5 inches. His foreskin continues to cover his enormous knob even when fully erect.

Oh my god this is it. I have felt it squished between us but I've never even touched it. I feel my heart begin to beat harder and faster, I'm so fucking nervous. I can hear my pulse in my ears. I'm going to be sick. Oh god. My tummy calms.

There is a new smell coming from Ian. Coming from the region of my current obsession. Heady, earthy, musky, sweaty, a tiny bit of pee smell but none of it is off putting. Quite the reverse somehow as I feel myself getting even harder with every inhale. Wait...biochem...pheromones...gotta do more reading. I get distracted so easily.

I reach out and gently take him in my small hand which is unable to close completely around him. Not like I have much to compare to other than my own but he feels so different than I expected. It is like a steel rod but simultaneously soft under my fingers. And it is so hot. It's like there is some little furnace pumping out heat in there. Pumping heat with each throb. What is that? Oh god I can feel his pulse in his cock. As I look up I see him looking at me. Those beautiful green eyes melt me. He looks horny, nervous and confused at the same time. He starts to shake his head no.

"I don't know Chris. Are you sure?"

"Ian, you are mine for the night. Do nothing but lie back and let me make you feel amazing. This is all about you...shhh...not a word."

Gripping him tightly at the base I move my face closer, the tantalizing aromas becoming more pronounced. It is so close now. I can see the veins tracing their way along its length, his large nuts hanging down to rest upon the mattress, oh god the smell keeps getting better. I notice how his foreskin hugs the wide head, and as I pull it back a bit I see just the tip of his head peek out. A large drop of clear liquid is shimmering at his piss slit which gapes open looking large enough for my tongue to fit inside. So that is where it goes.

In one quick movement my tongue plunges right into that glistening globule and I feel Ian's piss slit envelop the tip of my tongue.

"Jesus!" Ian yelled, his hands clenching the sheets.

Done, I've actually made contact and there is no going back.

I begin licking his cock starting at the base and making long strokes with the broad part of my tongue along the underside. I flick my tongue around his hooded head then gently nibble with my lips on his overhang. Then I plunge down taking it almost half way causing me to gag and sputter. I want this to be the best thing Ian has ever experienced. Will my lack of experience ruin that?

"Chris stop. I don't want you to hurt yourself." He has that stop/don't ever stop look on his face.

"I'm okay, I said no talking."

And down again I go, a little more cautiously this time. I find that each stroke into my mouth makes it easier to go a bit deeper. First though I pull back so just his juicy plum sized glans is in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around his head and then slowly began to pull back his skin.

Oh god, oh my god. The taste, the feeling, smooth as glass, silk like under my busy tongue. This skin feels so much different than the rest of Ian's cock, the texture is just so...so...okay I have nothing to compare it to. I can't believe this is happening. Something I've dreamed of doing for years and now I am. I'm not scared anymore. It feels so right. And he tastes amazing as clear liquid continues to flow in an almost steady stream. It is so sweet and tastes nothing like I imagined. I pull back and look at his cock head. Every ridge every curve looks like perfection to me. The V where his head meets his shaft, his broad corona, his frenulum.

I rapidly flick my tongue back and forth over that frenulum, so sensitive, Ian begins writhing on the bed. His legs which had been flat out were now flat footed on the mattress, his toes gripping the sheets in unison with his fingers.

"God Chris, this is so amazing. I never thought it would feel like this. Your mouth, oh fuck your sweet mouth. Your lips are all puffy. They're stretched so wide. How do I taste? Is it okay? I know I leak a lot."

Pulling off for a second, "You are fucking delicious Ian." Then I take a deep breath, prepare myself and plunge down on him until I feel my nose against his golden pubes. Oh god I've taken him all the way. I've earned a trophy. I put my hand to my throat and I can actually feel him inside me. I've actually deep throated my first cock.

I hear what sounds like sobbing. I look up while sucking and see Ian's gorgeous face contorted in what looks like agony.

"Am I doing it wrong Ian?"

"I've never felt anything so good. I just never imagined..."

He takes a deep gasp as I swallowed him again. My tongue never ceasing its tango.

His legs wrap around me like the other night but this was different. His legs were around my neck pulling me down and pushing himself deeper.

"Fuck Chris you better stop, I'm not going to last much longer."

That is all I need to hear. This is what I've wanted for so very, very long.

"Now Chris, pull off, stop." And with that last word Ian's whole body flushes and arches, his ass lifts off the bed, fingers grasping the sheets his legs tighten around my neck and with a yell he releases himself into my mouth. I feel the first two blasts hit the back of my throat dripping back down into my mouth. I ravage his head with my tongue and he continues pumping his sweet tasting load. I am tasting every drop he produces and it is delicious. And there is a lot. I don't really know how much is normal but this seems to be a lot. Some leaks out of my lips onto my hand. It is thick and white. Gooey and gelatinous. I lick up what has spilled not wanting to waste any of that precious liquid.

Unable to completely fathom what has just occurred I stay kneeling in stunned silence staring at Ian's cock as it slowly deflates. I give it a few kisses as its tumescence subsides. Then, almost with a little fear, a bit of trepidation, I look up at Ian, quite visibly swallow his thick huge load of ambrosia and ask, "Was that okay?"

"No Chris, that was not okay, that was the most amazing thing I have felt in my entire life. Shit, I've heard guys talk about how good head is but I had no fucking idea. And you fucking swallowed." Then he giggled quietly.

"What's funny?" I enquire.

"Nothing Chris. It's just that you have my cum on your lips and I don't think anyone has ever looked so goddamn cute." He leans in giving me a kiss on the lips his tongue plunging deep into my mouth. . "Hmmm I do taste pretty good." he grins the widest smile.

I lick my lips getting the last of his emissions.

"Oh god Chris that is so hot to see. Do you really like my cum?"

"No Ian, I don't like your cum, I love it. I will eat it whenever you want. Ive never tasted anything better. I've never had more fun. Ian you look so good, smell so good, taste so good this is better than anything I imagined."

"Chris, I'm gay."

I startled with shock. "What Ian, did you just say that you're gay?"

"Well I don't like guys in general, no attraction at all. But I'm falling in love with you in ways I never even felt about Tracey and if a guy loves another guy that way then that is gay. So since I love you like that Chris, I'm gay. But only for you. I'm still a bit confused."

I gulp, "Are you sure? You really love me?"

"Yes Chris, I can be uncertain about a lot of things but I am 100% certain about this. I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. For the first time in my life I really look forward to waking up in the morning. I had nothing to wake up to for years, now I have you."

"I love you too Ian. More than I thought possible." My mind reels with how much a life, or two, can change in just hours.

"Now I should help you out."

"Ian, I said tonight was just about you. This night has been perfect. I've just lived a dream, a fantasy I've had for years. You know I've been gay for awhile now and have always wanted to do this. I'm glad my first time was with you. Let's get some sleep. Don't worry about me." And I mean it. I feel like I'm continuing to ride the wave of a tantric type orgasm high and I don't want the feeling to end. We spoon, this time I am the big spoon so instead of being wrapped in his comfort and safety it is like sleeping with my arms around a big teddy bear. I'm so happy. Just so happy. This feeling is usually so elusive for me. Tonight Ian feels my hot breath on the back of his neck and this night it is me that says the words, "I love you Ian." I drift off with his taste still in my mouth, little drops of his DNA drying on my face.

Next: Chapter 4

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