I Won the Lottery

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Feb 4, 2004


The flight was a morning flight out of Heathrow and arrived in

Phoenix at 6:30 PM Phoenix time. However it was then after

midnight in London, so it was just as tiring as the eastbound

flight had been -- except for the fact that I had to upgrade to

first class to get my fight changed two weeks earlier than I

had reserved.

Jerry met me and drove me home (although I didn't think of it

as home anymore).

"So, Jon, have you figured everything out?

"Roughly and partially. I do know this much. I'm going to

move to an apartment in Phoenix until I know where I want to

settle. I'm going to close up the office and quit my

psychology practice. I've never been really happy doing it

anyway -- it's personally, too confining. I want to live

somewhere and somehow that I will be able to live a much more

open life as a homosexual. I know, deep down, that is what I

really want. I didn't tell him that Kent was a hustler, but I

told him I had spent the last week and a half with a guy and

we really had the hots for each other."

"I envy your being able to do that. At the same time I hope

you're making the right decision. As for my end, I had your

phone reconnected with an unlisted number. And now for some

news about the facts of life -- I talked with the lottery

people again and you can take a 20 yr. incremental payout or a

cash sum. The cash sum route will necessitate coughing up

between 45 and 50 million to the Bureau of Internal Revenue."

"That's not too surprising."

"It's not all bad though. If you invest wisely you could

still end up with 98 million in 20 years. I really recommend

you go that way."

When we got home, I asked Jerry to pull into a liquor store.

I wanted to pick up a bottle of Scotch. "Scotch, what's with

Scotch?" "In England I started smoking and acquired a taste

for Scotch."

Jerry called Liz from my house and said we were home. He

poured himself a Bourbon on the rocks and I poured myself a

Scotch on the rocks. Jerry, as usual, was horny and wanted to

give me a blowjob. With all that he had done for me I could

hardly refuse him -- I just hoped I could shoot as tired as I

was. So, I asked him "Where do you want me?"

"Get naked and get into bed; lie right on the edge. I'll get

us another drink and take my pants off. I can't stay too long

or Liz might get suspicious." I did as he said. He came in

and sat on the floor right next to the bed talking until we

finished our drinks. He got onto his knees, leaned over and

serviced me. I took a while, I'm sure Jerry didn't mind; when

I climaxed he swallowed my load. He moved up and kissed me on

the mouth while he jacked off. He said he'd love to be able

to tuck me in and turn the light off but I'd have to lock the

door after him. We kissed again at the door. I got back into

bed hoping I'd dream about Kent.

A meeting for the lottery payout was scheduled for next

Wednesday in Jerry's office.

I began looking around the house and decided to sell it

furnished or sell the furniture by auction, whatever the

realtor I selected would recommend. I decided I had so few

items I wanted to save, like a set of china and a set of

silver that had belonged to my folks, my clothes, pictures,

paintings and other small items. Thinking ahead, I'd just

haul it to Phoenix in the car, even if it took several trips.

I went back to the convenience store -- Matt and Debbie were on

duty and gave me more hugs and kisses, saying they had been

worried about me. I explained that I'd been out of town and

they were amazed when I told them I thought I'd try a pack of

Kools as I'd started smoking. And, strange as it seems, they

always have the New York Times on their paper racks along with

the Phoenix and local paper so I always bought the Times every

day. Too, I told them the date for the payout and told them I

would be back after it happened, as I wanted to give them each

a gift.

The store was busy but Matt gave me a wink, I walked out, went

home and started reading the Times, including the classifieds.

One in particular caught my attention:

"Young man seeks permanent position as escort and travel

companion to a rich man who travels a lot, including Europe.

Perfectly respectable except on Saturday nights."

It caught my attention -- it was at the same time both

frivolous and serious. I picked up the phone and dialed the

number given in the ad. Luckily, he answered, not an

answering machine. He had a nice voice, not British, but

indicative of a man well educated. He was at least impressed

that I had paid to call long distance from Arizona as he had

been receiving a lot of wierdo responses.

As it turned out his name was Peter Kline, he was 22, living

in Brooklyn, had a good job but didn't like city life. He had

a degree in Business Administration from the University of

Nebraska and had been born in a small farm town in the eastern

part of the state. I decided to be honest and lay it on the

line. I told him I had recently won a lottery and wanted a

gay, which I felt his classified alluded to, as a partner in a

search for a new life -- like owner of a porno bookstore and

arcade -- a gay bar -- a gay vacation, resort hotel.

He responded with, "What did you say your name was" Are you

for real?" I repeated my name and offered to give him ways he

could check on my identity.

"Well, I'll say this for you Jon, you sure as hell are up

front and I am gay. Sounds like you're off on a life's

adventure. Like your ideas, but how about this one -- a boy's

school? That would provide an avenue to get to know a lot of

young boys -- provide a long-term relationship -- get into their

pants -- that sort of thing."

"I like that. Where would we get the students and what would

it be -- "A military school."

For students, we could conduct interviews in LA, SF and NYC --

for example.

A military school, however. suggests rules and regulations;

I'm thinking of a name without either a military or religious

connotation to it. For example: how about `Head Start

Academy' -- I kind of like that one?"

"Gotcha. I like your ideas. I don't want to go to New York

because of a payout on the lottery and some other things.

Could you come to Arizona if I sent you the money by Western

Union? We agreed on where to send the money transfer, and the

date he would come to Arizona and agreed that he would confirm

his exact travel arrangements.

Pete asked me, almost as an afterthought, what kind of a

salary I was thinking about. I told him I really hadn't

decided because it depended somewhat on the guy I engaged but

it was in the upper five-figure range. He told me he was


After I hung up, I had qualms like -- what if he is as ugly as

sin -- what if he has a cock the size of a cigarette butt?

But, I decided to ignore my doubts and wait and see; it wasn't

too late to cancel out -- except for the cost of the Western

Union money transfer.

The next day, Jerry and I met with the Lottery officials.

They gave me a check and we immediately deposited it in a

separate account in my name at the bank where I worked. Jerry

had scheduled a meeting for me with a brokerage firm rep that

was coming down from Phoenix to meet with me.

The next day it was back to the convenience store when I was

sure the papers would have arrived. It wasn't a busy time of

day for them, so Matt walked out to my car with me again, sat

down and asked where I'd been when I was on vacation, did I

have a good time, and what had I done.

Three customers drove up so Mat popped back into the store

asking me if I could wait a few minutes. When he returned I

told him what I'd done and he asked me if I'd gotten a lot of

pussy on my vacation. I decided to take the step I had always

wanted to make toward him.

"No pussy Matt, but some non-conventional sex."

"Jon, I've wanted to ask you something for a long time but

didn't have the nerve -- I think you're a terrific looking guy.

Are you gay? I've never seen you with a girl and sorta


I put the ball back into his court by replying, "Wondering or


He returned the ball immediately. "A little of both, I guess

-- I assume you mean gay sex?"

"Yep, have you ever tried it?"

He had to run back into the store, asking me again to wait a

few minutes.

When he returned for the second time, he picked the

conversation right up and said, "Three or four times with a


"And did you like it?"

"Yeh, did you?"

"Enough that I've got a hardon talking to you about it."

"Tomorrow's my day off, could we get together?"

He reached over and grabbed my cock through my pants and said

he would like to.

"Do you want me to pick you up here?"

"No, where do you live. I've got a car." We arranged to meet

at 11AM.

I copped a feel of his dick and it seemed to be quite large --

he too had an erection. This was just too fucking good to be

true. I'd wanted to get into Matt's jeans for over a year.

Right on time, he parked on the driveway and rang my doorbell.

He was with another kid and introduced him as Jeff. He sensed

I thought that strange so he gave me a nod signifying

everything was cool. I handed him my car keys with the remote

to open the garage door and told him to put his car in the

garage -- it was a double garage - and I'd meet them at the

back door. When they got in the house I asked how long they

had and they replied until about 9PM.

"Do you guys want to go get some lunch?"

I took them to the country club and asked for the corner table

that had floor to ceiling glass on each side. After we

finished our salads and the food was delivered, they got right

into the subject -- speaking in very low voices. Jeff was

Matt's bud and the one he had been fooling around with. They

were both 19.

Matt was really a cute young stud, very short, crew cut black

hair, brown eyes and even features. His completion was not

dark, more olive I guess. His main attraction was a killer of

a smile, which he flashed often and I couldn't take my eyes

off it when he did. Jeff was tall, taller than me even by a

couple of inches, brown hair, blue eyes and fair complexioned.

He was also a very quiet boy. His mesmerizing feature was his

beautiful mouth. It just had to have been created for the

sole purpose of sucking cock. I couldn't stare at it for too

long or I'd have shot off -- it was that sexy.

Matt asked what I was into and I said that until England I had

been only oral -- passive and active. In England a guy had

fucked me several times.

"The same guy? What was he like? Did he have a big dick?"

I described Kent and his endowment.

"God, he sounds hot."

Jeff volunteered the information that he was oral too, both

active and passive, but Matt had lately been saying he'd like

to try getting fucked. I said I'd never done that and didn't

know if I'd be very good at it. When we were finished and

just waiting for the waitress to bring me back my ticket to

sign, Matt said, "Let's go to the men's room on the way out so

we can scope out each other at the urinals. Yours felt so

fucking big through your pants, yesterday."

Off we went and did what Matt suggested; something that I

would never considered doing a few weeks ago.

Matt had a fat dick almost the size of Kent's but he was cut.

Jeff's was a lot like mine, a skinny tube of flesh and free of

veins, only shorter. I parked in the garage again; we closed

the blinds at the front of the house and those on the windows

that faced the driveway. In the bedroom we started

undressing. I was already erect and when I was down to only

my jockeys, I started to pull them off, and my cock, being

hard, got caught in one of the leg openings. Jeff hollered at

me to pull my jockeys back up.

I didn't know what he was after me to do. I thought maybe he

had heard the doorbell ring, or something. He walked over and

said he wanted to pull my jockeys down. He started and

stopped right were I was when he hollered, jockeys part way

off and my erection trapped and exposed in the leg opening. I

was hard as hell and my dick was pushing against the top of

the leg opening.

"Jeeesus, Matt, look at Jon's big, fucking cock; it's the

longest one I've ever seen!" I felt a little embarrassed with

both of those young boys, kneeling in front of me with my cock

caught in the leg opening of my jockeys as well as by their

words of praise.

Things started with kissing, pinching nipples, caressing and

feeling each other's cocks. Then, Matt announces that he was

clean, he'd taken an enema and the lunch hadn't had time to be

digested as yet. I was reluctant, but had brought some

condoms home from England in the event I went looking to get

fucked myself. He kept pleading with me until I gave in to

him. Jeff got into the act and held my balls as I fucked ass

for my very first time. I shot off in the rubber, pulled out

and Jeff sucked Matt to climax.

Jeff was the only one that hadn't cum; Matt told me to go down

on him. Jeff's load was enormous and his cum was the sweetest

I had ever tasted; typical for teens I guessed. They asked if

I had any beer; I did in the fridge for guests that drank only

beer. We sat around naked, looking at porn on my computer,

grabbing each other's dicks when we got the urge. The winter

day ended early as far as daylight was concerned; we pulled

down all the blinds, closed the drapes and went into the

bedroom at the rear of the house and continued to ignore the

telephone when it rang. Before they left, we had another hot

round of sex and agreed to another get together at the same

time, one week from today.

The next day Pete was to arrive in Phoenix, rent a car and

drive on down. He called when he arrived in Phoenix and I

appreciated that. He called again from the rental car agency

and said the girl at the desk told him it would be

approximately a three-hour drive. I appreciated his calls.

They seemed to indicate he was conscientious, stayed on top of

things and that he was considerate of other people. On

arrival, I asked him if he wanted lunch, but he declined, so I

lit a fire in the fireplace and we settled down with a couple

of beers. I couldn't keep my eyes off him; he was about the

same size as I was, blonde, blue eyed, and handsome but at the

same time instant erection cute.

"Jon, ever since we talked on the phone, my mind just hasn't

stopped turning over all the possibilities open to us. I hope

you like the school idea. I think it is the best of all the

others we threw out to discuss -- it almost guarantees young

boys. But, we need to proceed carefully on the gay aspect --

we don't want to put our foot in a bear trap before we even

get a good start. We can use our gaydar in interviews but

from there, we'll just have to hope for the best."

"I agree with that and I've been thinking about it too and

have come up with some steps that will have to be taken in a

logical order before we can do interviews -- like, where will

the school be located -- buying some property -- getting a

facility constructed, for example. We just can't conduct

interviews, select a bunch of kids and then ask them to cool

their heels for six months or a year."

"Good point. On location I have some ideas -- it should be,

not necessarily secluded, but certainly not in a city, so I

think it points to a rural area that's kind of off the beaten

path -- my best friend at the university is now an architect,

working for a firm in Omaha. If you have no one in mind I'd

like for us to talk with him about building a facility -- but

that's still jumping the gun. When you think about it, you

have to make at least one very basic decision before we do

anything and that is: How many students are we talking


"That is a very good point and I'll have to thing about it."

Pete said he'd like to shower, so I told him I was going to

pop down to the bank and I'd be right back. At the bank I

purchased two cashier's checks, each in the amount of $20,000

-- one for Matt and the other for Debbie. Fifteen minutes

after I got home the phone rang. It was Matt asking if he and

Jeff could come over tonight. I told him I had company, but

he was gay too, how about we take them to dinner at the

country club. The boys had a couple of beers each before we

left the house. This time, I asked if all the private rooms

were reserved, they weren't and that's where we were seated,

ordered steaks and highballs for Pete and myself. The boys

were dying for a beer, but I told them they'd have to wait

until we got home for that.

"Matt, you may want a beer but, at least, I have a consolation

prize for you", handing him an envelope -- when he opened it

and found the check he was stunned but ran around the table,

gave me a big kiss and said, "Jon, you really didn't have to

do that. I never expected it -- hell all I did was sell you

the winning ticket."

"Well, don't mention it to Debbie. I'll drop by to get

another paper tomorrow and give her one, too." Matt said

Debbie would go wild. She was divorced, had a small child and

could really use it. That made my feel good feel real good

about sharing with them.

Dinner was slow and Pete and I managed a second highball

before the salads were served.

Pete wanted to buy a round, so between the salad and the

steaks we had another, which we really didn't need. When Matt

asked if I'd decided on what I was going to do I opened up and

told him, saying Pete was a part of the plan.

Matt was wild with enthusiasm and started bombarding us with

questions, most of which we didn't, as yet, have answers for.

Then, to my surprise, he asked if he and Jeff could be

included in the plans. I looked at Pete; he looked at me. I

answered, sure, why not. Back home, we were kissing and

hugging as soon as I closed and locked the door. Pete

boosted up the fire and put more logs on, as I went to the

kitchen to mix drinks and grab some beers, then detour to the

bathroom. By the time I returned to the Living Room the three

of them were practically undressed. We sat on the carpet in

front of the hearth, totally naked, displaying our erections.

Pete's was magnificent. Hung heavy and fat, topped with a huge

cockhead, he was just a little shy of being a donkey dong. It

was near 11 o'clock before the boys left and everyone was as

the saying goes "fucked out". Pete helped me turn off the

lights but didn't ask about sleeping arrangement -- he just

followed me to my Bedroom and helped me take off the bedspread

and pull the covers down. Our clothes were still draped over

the chairs in the Living Room and we climbed in naked.

Pete was on his side and threw an arm over my chest saying,

"I'm sorry, Jon, I'm too drained to take care of you and I

feel that I should have."

"I don't know why, you seemed to have fun with the boys and I

did, too. Tomorrow's another day." Another day came too

early. At 8 o'clock, Jeff and Matt rang the doorbell. I was

so stupidly tired, I actually answered the door naked and with

a piss hard-on. Jeff grabbed it and said, "Too bad you're

going to piss that down the toilet, but I'll take care of it

later. Now go back to bed and we'll make coffee and fix


After breakfast in bed, Pete got immediately into plans for

the boys' school suggesting that we not start off with too

many boys because there were problems - we would need

qualified, accredited teachers, dorms, classrooms, gyms,

offices and whole ton of stuff. You'd have thought he had laid

awake all night thinking about it the way he was so organized.

"Jon, do you have an atlas?" After I found one on the

bookshelves, he opened it to Nebraska and pointed out a

location on US Hwy 6, west of McCook and to a couple of lakes

south of a small dot on Hwy 6 called Imperial; he explained

this was a nice area, semi-remote but to buy a big chuck of

land would be prohibitive.

He then had us look at Nebraska Hwy 71, south of Scottsbluff.

He said he liked it the best, the land was ranch land and not

out of line, thinking we should buy a minimum of one square

mile. He thought it better because Scottsbluff had air

service and Hwy 71 linked to I-76 at Ft. Morgan, Colorado and

hence on into Denver.

"You know Jon, we need some isolation. This area I've been

talking about may not seem too desolate to you, Matt and Jeff,

being you live in a desert region.

And, if we recruit boys from California, that doesn't men

they'll have been born and raised there. As I see it, we'll

probably pick up a lot of kids that are runaways, drifted to

California, and are pimping themselves on the streets. They

might or might not find the area desolate. Then, too, we

can't cage them up. At least twice a month we've got to take

them by our own bus, or some kind of tour bus and take them to

a large metro area -- for which Denver classifies.

Matt, then, asks Pete a question, "When do you have to go back

to New York, Pete?"

"I don't. When I moved there I sold my car, I lived in a

small, furnished apartment, packed my clothes and sent them to

my parent's house with instructions to forward them when I

knew where I was settled. I was so intrigued with Jon's

proposal that I also quit my job."

"Jeez, you took a risk. Jon could have been a 80 year old,

ugly SOB."

"You're right and I could have been the ugly one, too. We

both took a chance and fortunately we both won. And, since

you introduced the subject, you and Jeff are real frosting on

the cake. Right now, I'm happier than I have ever been in my


"Well, with that I think it's time for a break -- how about a

sex break -- anyone interested in that."

"Only if you and Jeff go somewhere and entertain each other.

I've been here almost 24 hours and I have yet to get into

Jon's pants and just looking at him is driving me crazy."

Pete led me to my Bedroom, undressed me and, for the first

time since Kent had screwed me in London, he threw a fuck into

me with his donkey dick that was so fucking good that I damn

near levitated off the bed, even with his cock in my ass and

my legs locked around his body. For a minute, I thought I'd

died and gone to Heaven.

Nobody wanted to fly to Denver and then rent a car. Everyone

wanted to go by car and leave immediately after we could pack

some clothes. At Flagstaff, AZ, Los Vegas, NM and Denver,

where we stopped for a few days recuperation, we all become

very close, very attached to each other; we were a good

foursome -- even if we didn't play Bridge. Jeff and I seemed

to gravitate toward each other when it came time to go to bed.

The same happened with Pete and Matt. Matt was getting his

ass filled with Pete's big cock and Jeff and I couldn't seem

to get enough of 69ing before we dropped off to sleep. But,

that is not to say that Pete neglected me, either. What a

fantastic, fucking cock he had.

I was really happy with the group and had never dreamed that

winter nights could be so filled with warmth and love,

eventhough they were spent in motel rooms. And, it was

amazing that, in such a short time, how like-minded we became.

When we looked at the lake site near Imperial, none of us

liked it because we didn't think it was suitable.

Likewise, the region south of Scottsbluff didn't appeal to us

at first, but after we had contacted a realtor and he had

shown us a few sites, the area began to grow on us. The vast

emptiness of the area, the sweeping vistas -- always dominated

by a blue sky, the solitude, the cold temperatures under sunny

skies, the quietness and the sense of what it must have been

for the first settlers to face the challenge of establishing a

small semblance of civilization began to make us, too, rise to

our challenge. As a result, we were able to assemble a 1,920-

acre (4 square miles) site in an L shaped parcel. The house

and farm buildings were located half a mile off the nearest,

major farm room on a side road that ended at the house. It

couldn't have been better for our purpose.

Pete called his friend in Omaha that was the young architect

and we cooled our heels for a day until he arrived at the

airport. Clyde Morgan turned out to be a very practical young

man and by the end of our first meeting I had complete

confidence in him. The school we agreed on was to be a

campus style complex, with a central square centered around a

grove of existing trees at the north side of the house,

probably planted, originally, as a wind break.

Clyde said that extras to his fee would be necessary because

soil tests would have to be taken as well as an exploratory

hole drilled to ascertain that water was available in

sufficient quantities for a small school complex. He also

said that the more functions we could fit in as few buildings

as possible, the less expensive it would be. He then asked if

we wanted to save any of the existing structures like the

house and the barn. We told him we'd get back to him on that

one. He took a lot of pictures and said he'd have duplicates

made and send them to Arizona for us to remember the details

of the place.

After he left, we went back out to the property, got out of

the car, Matt and Pete wandering off in one direction and Jeff

and I in another. Away from the farm buildings, Jeff stepped

behind me and wrapped his arm around me. It was an unusually

warm day for the time of year. He kissed me on the back of the

neck; I turned and kissed him back. We began feeling each

other's crotches and ended up taking turns going down on each

other. It was an unusual experience for me, sucking the

beautiful dick of a handsome 19 year old, out in the open, in

plain site of anyone who wanted to look but there was no one

to look.

When we assembled back at the farm, we immediately took off

for Denver. The boys kept chatting back and forth about how

they couldn't believe how much we had accomplished in such a

short time and telling us how excited they were about the

project and how happy they were being with Pete and me. Pete

and I told them how happy we were, too. The boys were right.

We had made a terrific start toward the Head start Academy.


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