I Won the Lottery

By Joseph Farrin

Published on Jan 10, 2004


I hadn't even checked my tickets for the Saturday night drawing. I sometimes find old tickets in my dresser drawer that I'd never checked. I'm bad that way. Anyway, on Wednesday when I only work half days, I went into the convenience store, on my way home, to buy a coke and noticed my ticket in my billfold. The store is where I always buy tickets and Matt checked it on the machine. He looked at me kinda funny, looked back at the machine and called Debbie, the other clerk, over. Then he said, Jon (my name is Jon Logan) I think you just won it. Debbie looked again and called the lottery office; it was confirmed that I indeed had the only winning number for the record lottery drawing -- 116 million dollars.

My mouth was hanging open, I couldn't speak, I was both stunned and silenced by a sense of disbelief. Matt and Debbie both came around from behind the counter and gave me hugs and kisses. Matt kissing me, even though it was on my cheek, stunned me even more. He was an extremely good-looking young kid and I'd been trying for a year to think of a way to get closer to him (read closer' as get in his pants'). Another customer came in the door, so I picked up my coke and headed for the car.

I was just sitting in the car, my mind going round and round, trying to figure the whole thing out. Matt came out the door and said he was worried about me and Debbie was going to cover for him. "Is there anything I can do for you, Jon?"

Just then one of those fast food vans with a service window on the side -- jokingly called a "roach coach" - pulled into the parking area of the next door printing firm. Matt said, "Let me at least go and get us a couple of hot dogs and a couple of packages of potatoe-chips. I'll sit with you while we eat them." Here was Matt, sitting in my car talking with me after I'd been drooling over him every time saw him in the store.

When we finished the hot dogs, I drove home. A TV panel truck and several other vehicles were parked in front of the house. The only thing I could think of was OH SHIT!

I drove right by the house, wondered if I should see an attorney but didn't know one personally; so I decided to go see Jerry Sutherland, my long time friend and my accountant. I called his office on my cell phone and his arrogant, overprotective receptionist told me that he was busy in response to my statement that I was driving to the office and needed to see Jerry right away on an urgent manner. I heard Jerry in the background; he took the phone and said, "Jon, I'll wait in the reception room and take you into my office right away."

Jerry closed and locked the door behind us, pushed me against the wall, planted an open mouth, wet kiss on me and groped my cock trough my pants before he said, "What's the urgent matter? You OK, Sweetheart?"

Jerry and I were not lovers. In fact, Jerry was married and had two children. But I had known him since Kindergarten and we'd been sucking each other's cocks like forever.

I told Jerry what had happened during the past hour then asked, "What do I do now? I always imaged winning the lottery would be all fun, but it's not. I'm worried and even a little frightened."

"Babe, sex between two men is the only thing that is all fun. Everything else is a mixed bag, believe me."

"Funny, funny, you pervert. So, again, what do I do now?"

"Jon, I think for the most part you should do nothing and to accomplish that I think you should disappear, or at least that's what I've read about lottery winners. But, first, we need to layout a plan and I'll write it down on a note pad. So, here's the plan."

"First, I don't want Gloria in the loop (Gloria was his receptionist) so we're going to do everything necessary on our own."

"Next, I want you to call the telephone company and have your phone disconnected and the final bill sent to you in-care-of me at my home address.

"We're going to go to the Post Office and pick up a Hold Mail Form, you can fill it out in the car and I'll take it back in and give it to the clerk."

"Tell me where you want to disappear to?" It was winter and I should have said Hawaii, Jamaica, somewhere like that. Instead, I said London." Jerry then asked if I had a valid passport and where did I keep it. I told him I had one and it was in my safety deposit box at the bank. He asked which bank and if it was the same bank where I had my checking account. When I told him the bank, he said that was fortunate because he used the same bank and they had a lot of locations in Phoenix.

Before we left his office to go to the Bank and the Post Office, he phoned Liz, his wife, and told her to be at his office in one hour with a suitcase packed for a three-day trip; come in a taxi as she was going to drive my car back, park it in their garage with her car and he'd leave his on the driveway.

The last major arrangement made, before we left for Phoenix, was he typed a document on his computer that, in effect, gave him power of attorney over my affairs as concerns the winning lottery ticket, payout and deposit of funds -- complete control over the situation. His partner witnessed the signing in front of a notary at the next-door escrow office. With that finished, we left for Phoenix, went directly to Sky Harbor Airport and made reservations for the Friday evening flight to London on British Airways. Jerry was pleased when he looked at my credit cards -- for some reason I had always used my middle name, Alexander, on all of my cards. He thought that was a good deal under the present circumstances.

Jeezs, Jerry had been a miracle worker. I was so glad I had sought him out to help me. But he was, in fact, so irritatingly thorough that I began to think the FBI, CIA and everyone else was trying to find me. From the airport, we backtracked to a motel on the southeast edge of the Phoenix metro area that had a nice restaurant and a bar.

After a couple of highballs and dinner, Jerry announced that he thought the best way for me to spend the evening was to completely relax because there were still a lot of things to do the next day. His idea of total relaxation was related to his idea of total fun -- sex between men. Consequently we drove almost clear across town to the western part of Phoenix where he stopped at an adult arcade and bookstore. The store was one several establishments in a courtyard building that included a rough trade bar on the other side of the courtyard. Of course, we visited the bar first and then went into the adult store -- a magazine and video room plus a video arcade with about twelve booths on the first floor. Upstairs there were two theaters, one straight and if you walked through the straight theater there was a gay theater beyond it.

We went upstairs first. Jerry explained that the straight theater was as good as the gay one for giving someone head. Jerry sat on the left side of the aisle and I sat on the right side about 3 seats removed from the aisle and right up against the rear wall. The movie was sickening but Jerry made no overtures toward leaving and pretty soon a young, blonde, good-looking dude came in and sat beside me (the room was so fucking dark -- the only light being from the screen -- that I guess he was all the things that I just said about him.) I kept stealing glances at his crotch area when he unzips and whips it out and starts fondling, not masturbating, his cock. He catches me looking at him, but neither says nor does anything. Finally he has me so fucking hot that I reach over and wrap my hand around his dick. It wasn't large -- about five inches, cut and it felt nice and warm and exciting. Feeling him up made me even hornier so I bent over and sucked his cock into my mouth. After he gave me his love juice, I handed him a Kleenex. He thanked me and said that was the first head job he'd ever had. I asked him if he liked it and he replied, "Fantastic."

Jerry and I decided to try the arcade next, as the crowd in the theater had sort of thinned out. The booths were unusual, about 5'x5' with the screen and a seat to one side of the booths and an aisle to the corridor on the other -- absolutely no door to shut them off from the corridor. Too, the booth occupant sat facing the corridor so a guy cruising around in the corridor couldn't tell if the occupant was watching a guy screwing a cunt or two men going at it. So, in walks a nice looking dude about 20 years old with his right arm in both a cast and a sling. He might have had his arm in a sling, but he sure as hell wasn't bashful and he knew exactly what he wanted. He took one look at me and said, "Take it out for me." Who was I to argue with that, so I unzipped his jeans, reached in and flipped out his already erect cock and reached back in his pants to get his balls out, too -- they were nice big ones. I just took over from there without further instructions -- it was obvious what he wanted and it was obvious that he wanted it bad. I did a tongue job on his balls and then sucked them into my mouth. When I got around to going up and down on his shaft my mouth was already wet and hot from sucking on his balls. The only down side of cock sucking, to me, is that cocks get so damn excited so damn fast and shoot way before the cocksucker has had enough sucking. Anyway he shot a really nice load and I cleaned up his cock with my tongue (didn't have anymore Kleenex). He bent over, kissed me on my mouth and said, "Thanks. I can't tell you how much I needed that."

Then it was back to the bar for another drink then upstairs to the gay theater. It was very small -- three rows of seats on each side of the aisle. Each row had four seats. Jerry and I again, sat separately.

After about ten minutes, some guy in the front row stands up, yanks down his pants and pulls his sweatshirt over his head and stands naked at the front of the room, bathed in light from the screen and another guy drops to his knees in front of him and gives him a blow job. Well, I got kinda excited watching that and whip out my dick. I haven't told you but it is a thin, eight inches, cut, (I'll give you a full description of myself later on). I push my pants down and start jacking off. The guy in the adjacent seat, the one next to the wall drops to the floor between my legs and starts sucking on me. The guys in the row behind us stand up so they can see the action and keep offering us bottles of poppers. Guys from the other side of the room start drifting over and there I was -- the main attraction in a porno theater. The cocksucker that was working me over was good at his profession and I had a very intense orgasm, so intense that I jerked forward and pulled the guys head down on my cock. I figured he'd just enjoyed an 8 inch one so he could damn well swallow its load. Afterward, I apologized to him, as I didn't like it when some guy grabbed my head and forced it down on his cock when I was doing the sucking.

No body wanted the show to end. Guys in the row behind me kept reaching over trying jack my dick. One of the guys from across the aisle tried to get me to take his dick in my mouth. Finally I just said, "Sorry guys but the show is over."

I had to admit that Jerry was right. I was more relaxed than I had been for a long time. By morning, I was further relaxed. There were two queen-sized beds in the room, but Jerry crawled in beside me and slung his arm around me. I slept like a baby. He was also right that, in the morning, we still had a ton of stuff to take care of.

We got up early and were in the restaurant at 7AM. Right at 8 o'clock I used Jerry's cell phone to call my office. Fortunately my receptionist was on time. I told her I was out-of-town and on my way to Europe. She said she didn't blame me. She'd seen my news on TV, heard about it on the local radio station and read about it in the local paper.

I told her to take the appointment book with her, go home and cancel all appointments until further notice. If someone needed immediate attention refer them to Dr. Keller. Too, call Keller and tell him what you did -- though he probably already knows about what happened to me yesterday. Too, go to Jerry Sutherland's office each payday and he will give you your paycheck. Too, if you and your mother want to take off for a couple of weeks have Jerry give you a check for $5,000 as a gift from me.

Now you know I'm a doctor, so this is probably as good a time as any to give you a detailed description: I am 30 years old, but look younger, not a totally good thing for a doctor. I'm 5'10", totally slender but my build is good -- not fantastic. I weigh 130 pounds and have very fair skin and almost no body hair, so I don't even try to get a tan in the summer. I have long brown hair, I don't get it cut very often, and am always sweeping it back off my face. My eyes are blue and, as I've already mentioned, my cock is large enough to get attention. I am a psychologist dealing mostly with teen-age youth and, believe, me today's teenagers make it a challenging and interesting profession. Jerry kept interrupting me telling me to hurry because we had lots to do.

We went to a mall in Scottsdale, stopped in a travel agency and made reservations at the Tara hotel, a hotel in the Kensington area. I had stayed there before and liked the place. Then I bought clothes, including a leather jacket, shoes, toiletries and luggage. Jerry had been in such a hurry to get me to Phoenix that I didn't have anything with me except the clothes I was wearing. We also went to a branch of our bank, he cashed a check, gave me a lot of cash plus money to buy traveler's checks. He said when he got home he'd find out how and where to send me more money as I needed it. When he returned to the hotel, he hugged and kissed me, said he felt he should be getting home and to take care of myself and call him as soon as I checked into the Tara, so he'd know I arrived safely.

Well, if I had been sensible, I'd have just hung out at the motel. With the motel and restaurant and bar I really had everything I needed. But, all the sex Wednesday night had spoiled me. I was so sexed up that, after dinner, I took a taxi back to the adult arcade and bookstore. I now knew how criminals on the lam got caught -- it was probably that their dicks made them take chances that they shouldn't take. It was just a thought. I wasn't on the lam but my cock was sure calling the shots.

Like the evening before I alternated between the arcade and the two theaters until I saw some guys coming down a set of stairs behind the cashier's stand. I asked the clerk what was up there and he explained there were small rooms with full-length movies on TV screens. I paid him five bucks and went up, out of curiosity, for a look around. He gave me a room number. You could select from about five movie channels but they were all crappy. Guys kept wandering up and down the halls looking into the rooms, none of which had doors. I tried the same thing, some guys were actually watching a crappy movie and jacking off and gave you dirty looks -- guess they were straight -- as you know straight dudes, even married ones, jack off.

One guy in the only large room waved for me to come in. I said thanks but left. He didn't have meat that interested me. I went back to my room and thought I'd have better luck if I started jacking. I had it worked up to full size when one of the cruisers that had looked in before came by again -- this time he walked in -- guess I had what he was looking for this time. He felt it, unzipped and showed me his -- a fat 7 inches -- very nice. He asked me if I wanted to go somewhere else. I said, "Sure" and followed him out. Before he started the car he said there was a bathhouse nearby if I didn't have a better place to go. I told him I had a motel room way across town. (I had put the money, credit cards and travelers checks in the motel's vault, along with my passport.) He said he liked that idea better than the bathhouse and it didn't matter to him how far it was. On the way, he pulled into a liquor store and came out with a 12 pack of beer.

He was a really nice looking dude, around 20 years old I guessed. We showered the first thing to start the ball rolling. Then, we both sat on the bed, naked, cross-legged, drinking beer and once in a while reaching over to feel the other's erection and kiss.

He told me his name was John and I told him mine was Jon and spelled it for him.

"What are you into, Jon?" "Oral for the most part; I hope that doesn't disappoint you."

"With your dick you couldn't disappoint me. Do you like to suck and get sucked?"

"Love both."

"Haven't you ever been fucked?"

"Yes, a couple of times, by a guy with a small, 4" dick and I just don't think I'd enjoy getting it from a guy with a big one."

"You might, Jon. It takes a little practice but it's great once you get used to a big one."

"We were both pretty worked up and got down to it in fairly short order. We took turns sucking each other and ended up 69ing. About an hour later after more beers and more cock talk we got into a really hot session of kissing, tumbling around together and rubbing our cocks together until we were hotter than we were when we first went after each other. The end result was we had another 69 session, showered again, because we had really worked up a sweat. He left around midnight.

He asked if I was going to be around tomorrow and I told him no that I was leaving. I had an iron and ironing board brought up to my room and spent the day ironing shirts, taking the labels off clothing, packing, cleaning out my billfold -- including old lottery tickets, showered, shaved and got my stuff out of the motel vault and called a cab. I wanted to get to the airport early. I knew the security routine had increased and was time consuming. I went to a newsstand and bought a paperback book and some newspapers. By 7:15 I was checked through the boarding gate and at 8:00 PM the plane was airborne.

Despite the late hour, I had a couple of highballs, an excellent dinner and two glasses of complementary wine. Then the stewardesses started up and down the aisles showing passengers duty free goods that they had for sale. I did find some nice earrings and put them in my briefcase as a gift for Liz.

Finally, I dropped off and slept quite well until very morning. The sky was just beginning to light up but the only thing I could see out the window was the wing of the plane. Everything including the wing was a beautiful, deep, icy blue. Breakfast was served early and then the Captain announced that if we looked out the windows we would see the coast of Scotland and we would be landing at Heathrow at 9:00 London time.


Next: Chapter 2

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