I Wish You Love

By Steve Snow

Published on Nov 4, 2012


After seeing Grant off I sneak back into the house unobserved and proceed to look around for Phil. He is lounging around the main room and people-watching like mad. I join him and compare notes, careful to conceal where the information might have come from. I've said "heard through the grapevine" or "...rumor mill" or "...watercooler" a hundred times while we talk. Later we sit down to dinner and toward the end of the meal somebody has arranged for a special cake to be brought in and asks me to come up as the guest of honor for my service to the victims. I insist on introducing Phil to the victims and their extended "families" and ask if they wouldn't mind meeting together the next day so that he can tell them his story. They agree and we pick a time. Later I hear that David has been made aware of the plan and offers the use of the private dining room to meet. I am psyched! Later Phil and I go to bed and I am floating on a cloud hoping I can help bring some closure to the victims and possibly help ease their pain.

The next morning I go to the 'closet' as usual but note that there are fewer housemates there to speak on camera. I don't waste any thought on it and I don't mind so much because it is easier for me to do what I have to. I go in after two other housemates have "confessed" and I start the same routine as usual. I am met on the headphone by Grant but he tells me that David is in a meeting. He confides that David blames himself partially for what happened with Ted. David is in a conference with the producers (which is more like an ultimatum.) He has decided to move into Ted's room. This rocks my world. Grant also tells me that as a consequence, David has insisted they scrap plans for any 'elimination rounds'. He says he can't face the prospect of sending any of the 'beaus' home until he has made up his mind. I sign off with Grant (who's a little on edge, it seems.) I leave the 'closet' reeling and soon I can hear the Teamsters transferring David's stuff into Ted's old room. Sitting around the main room and thinking about it, I can see the whole dynamic is about to change. David is getting down off the pedestal. Soon we will see he's having breakfast and lunch with the 'beaus' every day and the occasional dinner when he doesn't have other dinner plans. Soon laughter will reign. He keeps an open door and encourages the housemates to visit him and talk. He takes a special interest in the victims and attends Phil's meeting with them. While there David makes special note of Kenny and later invites him to a private dinner. David observes that Phil is a keeper and I tell him "I'm way ahead of you..." I think that all these changes leave me at loose ends and I tell David so. David tells me he will still be leaning on me. He still has his nine-to-five job observing from the production center and planning upcoming activities. The house is finally coming around and functioning more normally. No more long faces. Even the victims are starting to enjoy the experience again.

Time passes quicker now. Finally, the long-awaited day has come: David chooses Kenny with Tommy a very close second. Afterward, while I'm congratulating the happy couple, David whispers to me: "It's too bad I missed the opportunity to make love to you..." I'm so happy then, I'm ready to cry. The wrap party is a real blast and, as predicted, Grant is mobbed. He gets quite a few kisses and hugs and more than a couple of propositions. He also has the chance to spend some private time with the victims. We are finally released from the house.

I move in with Phil since it was an easy choice... he's closer to my work and he's more attached to his than I am to my apartment. I never considered living separately and never even returned to my apartment except to pick up my things. I'm glad to see it go... Too many lonely memories...

Grant makes good on his promise and invites me and Phil over for dinner and dancing. Morris is really getting to know Phil and dancing with him a lot. Grant is the 'designated driver'. The rest of us get a good buzz on. We have a great time and when we return, Grant's significant glance over to Morris is returned with a smile. Morris puts a big bear hug on Phil and then picks him up and takes him off to the bedroom. Phil looks to me bewildered and I smile at him to show it's OK.

Once those two were out of earshot, I say to Grant: "Round up the wagons... It's an ambush!"

Grant laughs and says "Yes, I guess that's how it seems. Morris and I discussed the possibility of a foursome when we first invited you to dinner. I told Morris that he could make the final decision and give me a high sign when he had decided. I could see he was really getting into Phil on the dance floor and I am sure you know how he feels about you. I figured it was going to happen but I was only sure when Morris showed me that shit-eating grin of his. Then I knew. I hope you aren't upset by the surprise?"

"God, no! I just didn't dare think it would be possible. You and Morris must have a pretty open relationship."

"To tell you the truth, it hasn't ever come up. I sometimes wondered if he would ever want some outside influence but he never brought it up."

"Won't you be jealous? Won't he?"

"I don't think so. I think our love is like bedrock. Anything else is for fun and we still end up as one in the end."

"Don't think I'm not impressed. I hope I can be as clear-minded as you are."

"You'll do just fine. I see the bond between you two."

"Well, as long as they have left us alone, let's go over to the couch and get comfortable..."

Soon, Grant and I are getting into some serious canoodling and it's starting to get hot and heavy when we notice some strange sounds coming from the bedroom. It's a kind of guttural sound punctuated by brief shouts. Our curiosity gets the best of us and we have to go see what is going on. We stand by the bedroom doorway and are surprised to find that Morris is on his back and Phil is sitting above him and is getting seriously fucked. Phil is doing most of the work bouncing up-and-down on Morris' flagpole and it is Morris that is almost growling and occasionally shouting out when Phil comes to the top of his stroke. Don't get me wrong, Morris is giving as good as he is getting, thrusting up into Phil forcefully. I am glad Phil has his back to the door because I am sure if he could see us, he would become self-conscious. Morris, on the other hand, seems only semi-conscious and I am thinking just then that he isn't seeing much of anything in his condition. In a surprise to me, I start getting misty and soon tears start to run down my cheeks. Grant sees this and leads me back to the living room. He sits down with me on the couch and kisses away my tears.

When I have recovered, Grant says: "That was some scene, wasn't it?"

"That's a picture that will be in my mind for a long time..."

"I was a little surprised by your reaction."

"Well, Phil and I were in the same situation just a couple of days ago (but not in that position... I'll have to file that away for future reference...) Anyway, I knew in my heart that Phil was ready to get fucked since we had been going forward with his 'exercises' which mostly involved my tongue."

"Yes, I noticed."

"Well, I was pleased to be there for Phil and I knew he was ready and finally he asked me to fuck him and it went particularly well. But it never struck me until I saw him with Morris just now how complete his recovery was. I'm so lucky to have Phil in my life and I'm so happy to see the way he's bounced back."

"I can see how much you two are in love. I'm so glad for you."

"Just one observation: I was struck just now by looking at Morris... He's virtually hairless and that's not how I imagined him. Yes, I've been imagining your boyfriend naked, but before you get upset you should know that it was before I knew he was your lover; back when he first showed up to play my orderly, I was quite taken with him then... he overwhelmed me."

"Yep, me too... and to answer your question, Morris has received good genes from both his parents. His father is a Native American and his mother is a stunning blonde-haired anglo. They make quite the pair. I guess that's where he gets the hairless body from but his size came as a revelation to them as much as anybody. I guess it was God's little surprise birthday present to all of us. When I first made love to Morris, I was as dumbfounded as you just were. I must tell you, I really got into it and although you may have not noticed it, he does have a faint blonde down on his pubes that is just the best. I recommend it highly. I'm thinking of getting some electro to remove some of my hair since I was never really enthusiastic about it. I have always been attracted to the swimmer's bodies and I never expected to find it with Morris. It was one of the things that made me fall in love with him even on that first date."

"Grant, I have to tell you, I love you just the way you are and I suspect Morris does too. This is so you." I start running my fingers over his chest and trying to show him it is a pleasure to touch him in that way.

He says: "I just had a thought. I think you and Phil should come down with us to Flagstaff and meet Morris' parents. They are a real hoot and I think you'd love some time to get to know them."

"That is brilliant. If I didn't have a hardon now, I would have gotten one thinking about the four of us on a road-trip. That would be outstanding. I'll need to do some planning with vacation time for Phil and me but I'm really looking forward to it. I love the southwest anyway. You know that I'm an east Texas boy and so it's part of my nature. But now, I have something I need to do and I'll need your help."

"What's that?"

"I have a debt to pay off and it's time for us to get naked."

Grant and I open up the couch into a daybed and finally get down to it. I am going to redeem Grant's raincheck with interest. I start to give him that blowjob but Grant decides "What's good for the goose..." and silently changes position so that we can have a sixty-nine. I'm not objecting in the slightest. We are getting into it thoroughly when I feel hands on my ass. I don't take much notice but keep up the rhythm. I just hope that Grant isn't getting bored. It doesn't seem like that because he is thrusting with every move I make. Then I feel the sensation and know what is up. I feel those familiar butterfly kisses on my back and know Phil has joined us. I touch him with my free hand briefly and get back to business. I redouble my efforts and am also aware that Grant has become more passionate working on my cock. We climb up the stairway to paradise and climax nearly together. Grant rewards me with a sweet prize and I return the favor. We lay motionless for minutes and just revel in the afterglow. I know that Phil is near and when I finally surface, I smile at him. Grant also starts to stir and finds Phil's hand.

Phil says: "When you've recovered, Morris sent me to fetch you. He practically threw me out of the bedroom and told me I had worn him out. I didn't think he looked too worn down." Grant laughs and throws his arms around Phil's neck and hugs him. Phil is still naked as he was in the bedroom and I am pleased that he has gotten so comfortable with our new friends. I get up, kiss Grant, ruffle Phil's hair and go in to see Morris in the bedroom. I remember thinking: "I don't think we'll need to go home tonight."

I walk into the bedroom and say Hi to Morris. He says "So what did you two do?"

"We had a sixty-nine."

"Ahhh the humble blowjob, the old standby. I could worship at that shrine all day, every day. I think I could even give a blowjob in my sleep. In fact, I may have. Of course, I wouldn't know about that; you'd have to ask Grant." That got me giggling.

Then I say: "When you're first going to do it with someone you've never been with, I say it's polite to give a blow job. It's the gift everybody wants, returns are no problem and one size fits almost everyone."

"Tell me about it." We both have a good chuckle at that. Morris is wiped out by Phil's boundless energy and begs off from anything ambitious. While I'm showing Morris my love for him quietly, kissing him, stroking him and touching him in whatever way pleases me (and finding out where he is ticklish...) we get to talking about the things I never knew. Morris met Grant while he was working as an orderly at the local hospital and taking night courses. Grant had come in for a minor surgical procedure (a penile Frenectomy) and Morris had been assigned to prep him for surgery and look after him afterwards. Things progressed as they often do. It turns out Morris is now a Licensed Practical Nurse in real life and the orderly's uniform is Morris' own. (What other one would fit him?)

Morris relates that he and David had forged a closer working relationship. Morris had been having private meetings with David catching him up on what Ted had been doing and the progress he had been making. David came to regard Morris as so much more than just a bodyguard and actor. Recently he was expressing to Morris his frustration that he hadn't been able to prevent Ted's victimization of the housemates. He was saying "If only I hadn't been distracted from it; If only I had been paying closer attention... It's so frustrating being separated from the 'beaus' by the technology. I can spy on them but I can't relate to them. I really need to get closer to them and the way they live."

"Well, why don't you?"

"I can't do that - the producers wouldn't hear of it..."

"You just need to get in there and tell them it's what you want and when they hear your passion, they will realize that it's for the good of the show. Don't let them stand in your way. Stand up for your passion."

"You really think so?"

"Do this... you will regret it if you don't."

"I already regret all the time wasted and all the pain... I need to do this!"

So, Morris was largely responsible for David's move into the house... That's interesting, but it was what I could expect from him.

Morris has also been spending more time with Ted on-call and was instrumental in helping him cope. First, though, Morris asks that I not share what he is going to tell me with Grant. I understand.

Morris discusses Ted's most recent breakthrough: "Ted was agitated and humping the air in his sleep. I could see what the problem was but I was caught between a rock and a hard place. You know, when I was younger I became intimately aware of the phenomenon of 'blue balls' and it is a real issue. For the average guy, when it occurs, you just jerk off and problem solved for now. But in this case, Ted couldn't help himself that way. He was getting medication to help in his therapy and one of the unfortunate side effects was 'vivid dreams' and another side effect was that he was really out of it at night. Well, just my luck, Ted is having vivid sex dreams! I could see that for Ted to get any refreshing sleep, he would need to get off. Now this puts me in an ethical dilemma since I can't just reach down and jerk him off. Aside from the yecch factor, I need to follow standards for my profession and that is just not within the guidelines. So, I need to find a creative way to walk the thin line between what is good for my patient and what is ethical. I hit upon a solution: I can give Ted a hand massage... If his hand happens to be just over his swollen penis, then so much the better. Ted is in agony with this and thrashing around a bit but his hands are limp at his sides. I take his hand and place it where it will do the most good. I grip his hand with mine and start to massage the hand pushing and squeezing the hand to form the shape and provide some motion for the usual action. This seems to be working OK, so I continue. It goes well for some time but as his hand grows more tired, I notice he is splaying his fingers out more and more and my fingers are naturally dropping down between them. This isn't good... I might as well be doing it myself. The only thing between me and Ted now is his silk pajama bottoms. I rationalize that at least I'm not touching it directly and at least Ted's hand is in there somewhere. I keep up supplying the motion and soon I am rewarded. Ted has been able to get off and now he sleeps much better. Ted will sleep soundly through the end of my shift. I'm scheduled to come back the next night for the same duty. So, when I do arrive for my shift, I figure the same routine as before will work if it is needed. Only thing is I have this irrational impulse to pull on a vinyl glove before I start my shift. I think to myself, 'what a crazy idea. You don't need that; it will just get in the way.' Soon, Ted does get agitated again in the same manner as before and I figure 'Same old, same old...' I go about my duty to my patient and start to give him one more hand massage. Why not? You did it before, you should be able to do it again. And, remember, Ted gets a lot out of his hand massage, after all. He shows his appreciation so clearly... Well, I'm a little bored now and this is routine so I let my attention drift off while keeping up the pressure and the motion as needed to achieve the desired result. Well, this time is not the same in one important respect. The person on the shift before me who prepared Ted for bed didn't do as good a job of tying off the drawstring on Ted's silk pajamas. I'm distracted and I haven't noticed that the pajamas have slipped down while I've been massaging his hand and soon 'Boom - There it is.' I finally start paying attention and see immediately that Ted's nearly naked and his dick is there live and in person! I don't have the fiction that I never touched him directly to rely on any more and it soon becomes important that I keep my fingers up away from contact with it. In the meantime, my mind is in yecch overload! As much as I've been able to help Ted with his problems and see him improve day-by-day and I know in my heart that he is human but flawed, I am also intensely aware that he has done some foul things to people that I really like. I have been able to divorce the Florence Nightingale instinct in me from the revulsion I have for what Ted has done. However, now I'm faced with Ted's weapon of choice and it's getting a little too hard to separate the different feelings. Also, now I'm beating myself up over my earlier decision about the glove... 'Oh why were you such a weenie. I could really use that glove right now...' Well, this is the time Ted chooses to get a tired hand and starts to spread his fingers out. Now, alarm bells are going off in my brain and I'm rapidly approaching a landing. Soon it will be full-contact massage and I really don't look forward to that. I can feel the heat radiating from Ted's dick and ordinarily it would be comforting but now it's just not. I try to speed things up a bit to hasten Ted's progress. I hear in my head: 'It's a race to the finish and Seabiscuit is in the lead...' With just a silly millimeter left between me and damnation, Ted starts to cum. And now I have another problem: I don't really want to watch this... But I am watching this and I can't turn away. It's like watching the proverbial car accident; you can't take your eyes off it. Well, I would say that I got to know Ted better than I figured I would in that following fifteen or twenty seconds. I thought it would never end. But, like everything, it finally did. I pulled up Ted's fallen pajamas and made sure to tie off the drawstring carefully. Ted was now back into the restful sleep I had hoped for, but at what cost?

The rest of that shift was uneventful and I went home in the morning and fell into bed exhausted and a little appalled with myself. Later, I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing in my ear. I really don't want to get up and answer it but duty calls and I do anyway:


"Hi, Morris... this is Doctor Parsons... how have things been going with Ted the last couple of nights?"

What's this; does he know something?

"It's been pretty routine; nothing out-of-the-ordinary to report." Yeah, right...

"I just noticed that Ted has been more rested and I wonder if anything has changed?"

"I can't say what may have changed." I REALLY can't say...

"Ted has started showing more progress and is paying more attention. I think I can adjust his dosage down now and he won't be so troubled with the side-effects."

"That's a great outcome, doctor. May I make a suggestion?"

"Sure. You see him a lot more than I do, Morris, so sure..." Yeah, and I see a lot more of him, too.

"For the sake of Ted's progress, I think you need to enroll Ted with a surrogate."

"Well, I was planning that eventually but I think I can move Ted's schedule up a bit."

"Besides the clinical good it would do him, I think he's needing the release it could provide. I think he would sleep more soundly."

"That would be welcome. I'll try to schedule it right away. He's probably ready for it by now."

"Thank you, doctor."

"You know, Morris, I have made a bit of a hobby of studying the interactions I have with my patient advocates and service workers. I've observed that sometimes a report from another medical professional is more about what they don't say..."

"So I hear."

"I appreciate all you folks do every day. Keep up the good work! Get back to bed."

"Thanks, doctor."

Morris continued to tell me the backstory that David related to him from the reports: Ted was raped himself when he was 15 by a younger, smaller nerd who used trickery to tie Ted up. He could never forget it and never forgave Beaver for being raped. Ted figured it was Beaver's open and accepting personality that caused the misplaced trust. It was also his main motivation for starting at the gym.

Morris also had some more face time with Beaver: "I need your help with your brother Ted. He needs to learn how to have fun again. Can you show him how to have fun?"

"Ted's no fun any more."

"Please try to make Ted smile at least once a day."

"Maybe I could do that." and Morris has seen the two begin to reintegrate as he has seen Beaver slowly disappear separately but reappear in Ted's personality.

Morris also relates the Private Investigator's report on Ted's gym history: The clerk reported there had been a rash of 'unspecified ass-troubles' a few years ago among members who dropped out. The clerk was suspicious they were only excuses but they doubled and then tripled the disinfections being done between uses on the equipment and the facilities. Couldn't figure out why it didn't help. Pressure was on from the board to turn it over to the public health people but they decided to do a complete refurbishment instead in a desperate attempt to solve the problem. One added improvement: individual showers with 'modesty curtains'. Problems stopped immediately and Ted quit the gym!

Funny how two lovers can have different takes on the same subject. Grant was Ted's chief accuser and Morris is now his closest ally. Grant is even slowly turning around his opinions about Ted but remains skeptical.

I think: "We'll be spending this type of quality time with our friends more often" just before I fall asleep in the arms of my strong, sweet, giant Morris.

"Oh, one thing: I forgot to introduce myself back so long ago. I'm Tyrus "Tyke" Samuels and this is my story."

"Oh, one more thing. I found the love of my life... Now go out there and find yours! Hey, listen... I wish you love too, friend!"

Author's notes:

This story is dedicated to the memory of the LGBT women and men who died as a result of the attacks of 9/11/2001. You are so missed by those who knew you and by those you never knew. Rest in peace and know you were loved.

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You may contact me at snow.steve22_AT_yahoo.com if you have questions, suggestions, niggles, complaints, propositions or whatever. Just don't bother to spam me. I don't have the time or energy. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 8

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