I Wish You Love

By Steve Snow

Published on Nov 2, 2012


Ted finally regains his composure and signs the paperwork. David asks Morris to take him home. I speak briefly to Phil about Ted and his interaction with him and explain that I didn't really want him to sleep alone but only was trying to keep him away from the action but tell him that he really should have been there for the sake of his recovery if I'd only known. He looks at me quizzically. I excuse myself for a few minutes to stop and talk to each of the victims and wish them a good night and especially to tell Kenny that I am glad that he has started to open up to some of the others and talk about what had happened. I offer my ear if he needs it, anytime, give him a quick kiss and hug and then collect Phil and start off toward my room.

When we settle down in my bed, I start asking him in depth about what had happened. I wonder out loud how he has been able to make love with me the way he did last night after that kind of experience; seemingly unaffected. Phil says that the only adjustment he's had to make is that He'd made the choice that he would fuck me last night since he was still a bit too sensitive for me to fuck him yet though he hoped he'd be in shape for that soon since he is feeling impatient and is so looking forward to it... He is trying to figure out what exercises he can do to rehabilitate his poor sphincter faster and while speculating on what the form of the exercise would be, we both collapse into a giggle-fest.

Once we recover, I note he isn't nearly as down about the encounter as the other victims are. He explains that he reasoned that what happened was not nearly so much about him as it was about Ted and David and he was just the guy in the way. Sure, he is angry and hurt but he feels he needs to be upbeat and bounce back. I tell him he needs to talk to the other victims and explain what has helped him and that it might be good for them to think about and might help with their healing. He reluctantly agrees, though he can't quite see what is remarkable about his insight or how he can help. I tell him he'll see later...

Morris calls Grant just before he is ready to leave for home to let him know that he is hesitant to leave Ted alone for the night since he has had some crying jags and is on his pity potty. Grant is at first against the whole idea but Morris calms him down and explains that he can handle Ted and will stay so that he will be sure he gets to his first therapy meeting tomorrow. Grant asks him to stay alert throughout the night since he can sleep in at home later tomorrow. Morris vows to brew a pot of coffee and stay up all night. Grant decides there is really no reason to go home and he'll take the night shift since he is still wound up from the events of the day.

In the late morning, Morris calls Grant again to relay that he has delivered Ted to the first of his therapy sessions and describes what he thinks is a break-through moment: Ted has gotten up during the night and seems very agitated and hopeless and has come into the living room where Morris is lounging around and seems truly surprised to see him there. Morris starts to talk to Ted quietly and hopes he can calm him down. Ted doesn't seem to be too receptive to the idea but Morris finally persuades Ted to at least sit on the couch with him and try to reason with him. He reaches out his hand to help Ted down to the couch and Morris feels that he has calmed down some just by the act of sitting down. They continued to talk more intimately but Ted has chosen to sit relatively far from Morris on the couch. Morris scoots over so that he can be heard better by Ted. While they are talking, Morris automatically reaches over and brushes Ted's hair off

his face since he has been so distraught that his hair appears mussed-up. Ted immediately responds positively to this and leans over against Morris and says: "Mmm - that's nice, thank you" in a softer, higher pitched voice than Morris has ever heard from Ted. He is convinced that he has seen the first appearance of Beaver and that the trigger is the loving touch that may have evoked the memory of an earlier time and the sense-memory of his mother's touch so many years ago. Well, Morris decides that if it is working, why mess with it. So Morris encourages Ted to settle in on the couch with him while still maintaining that close human contact that has worked such a transformation on Ted. This is how they get through the night with Ted sleeping with his head on Morris' shoulder and with their hands entwined and Morris occasionally running his free hand across Ted's forehead or cheek. Ted occasionally would be restive and moan or writhe against

Morris while he sleeps but Morris' touch always restores his quiet sleep. In the morning, Ted awakes with the sun and tells Morris he hasn't had such a refreshing sleep in a long time but considers it odd that he finds himself so intimately entwined with Morris on the couch. He keeps observing "that's not like me" several times while they talk. Morris says that he only needed to encourage Ted to relax and lean on him and Ted took the lead. He assures Ted that he doesn't mind the intimacy and that he's enjoyed spending the night with him like that. This is only partially true since Morris is particularly sore where Ted has been sleeping against him and has been unable to move throughout the night. Ted goes into the bathroom to piss and then gets his shower underway. Morris starts his day by exercising his sore shoulder and pads into the kitchen to brew yet another pot of coffee. After sitting down in the kitchen and drinking that first

cup, Ted reappears in the kitchen dressed for the day. It seems to be the old self-assured Ted that has entered the kitchen but Morris can sense something has changed since Ted remarks that he hardly ever uses the coffee maker any more and always grabs a cup from the store around the corner but also says that he could get used to this. Morris smiles as he realizes that even for Ted, change is possible. They have some time to kill before Ted's appointment and Morris offeres to walk down to the corner and grab the paper while Ted is having his first cup. Ted is all for that and Morris walks down to the nearby convenience store and buys the paper Ted usually reads and returns. Ted is glad to get back to even that small part of his routine and becomes absorbed in the paper while they kill time. Morris is able to wander around a bit and he even is able to take time for his morning wash-up before he needs to drive Ted down to the therapist's

office. In his wanderings he notices that Ted has a nice assortment of semi-pro exercise equipment in an otherwise unused room and later remarks to Ted that he is envious about it. He has always wanted something like it. Ted says that he had been using the gym close to his workplace years ago but had been turned off by something-or-other and decided it would be more efficient to have his own set of equipment. This is how they spend the time waiting for his appointment. Finally, Morris is able to drive Ted over to the therapist's office and walk with him up to the suite and wait with him for his appointment. Once Ted has been ushered into the office, Morris takes pains to explain to the receptionist the situation from last night and the breakthrough he felt Ted had and she takes copious notes and promises she will pass the information on as soon as she is able. Morris goes home and calls Grant once he gets there. After talking to him for

a while, he gets into bed.

Later, David stops by Grant's desk and tells him he looks worn out and should take the rest of the day off. He also suggests that if he wants, he can take a shower in David's room and he'll be more refreshed and can better make the long drive back home. Grant thanks him and decides that would suit him fine. While Grant is showering, David sticks his head in and starts to talk to Grant about something but notices he has gotten preoccupied with something and says: "Earth to Grant... Earth to Grant... What ever has gotten into you?"

Grant snaps out of it and says: "I was just struck by the thought that you were standing there watching me taking a shower."

David says: "Wait a minute... I didn't..."

Grant interrupts: "No... what I mean is that all Ted's victims said they had interactions with Ted in the shower before their attacks. I only just put it together now. Ted must have fixated on them while they were in the shower together. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if Ted had a history of attacks even before he came to the house. I suspect by looking at him that some years ago Ted was a real gym rat and he probably was doing the same thing then. It would be interesting to find out that the attacks didn't start here but they ended here."

David takes up the thought: "That would be a relief. I'll call up his therapist and let him know about your idea. He's an old schoolmate of mine and he would be glad to have the extra information. I also will call up another old school chum who's a Private Investigator and I think he would do some quiet snooping into Ted's gym history pro-bono if I asked him to. Grant, you better get finished up in the shower; you're starting to get wrinkled in there... soon you'll be looking like a prune. If this works out, I'll have to get you your own loofah and let you take a shower in here anytime you want. You seem to get good ideas in the shower!"

Grant shoots back: "And I'll have to bring you up on charges of sexual harassment if you don't quit staring at me naked, you perv!"

David turns around and stalks out in a mock huff and Grant follows up with: "Love 'ya, Boss" and David says as he walks away: "Right back at 'ya!"

Grant is getting ready to leave when I appear in the Production Center. I motion him to join me and I ask if the small conference room is free. He said it is and then I ask him to follow me. Once Grant sits down, I get this serious face on and said "There's just one question I have for you... Are you gay?"

Grant seems a little shocked but says immediately: "I sure am - why do you ask?"

I respond: "That way it will be easier to do this..." I lean down to him and plant one of the biggest and wettest kisses I hope he had ever had on him. I keep the kiss up for quite a while and sit in his lap while I do so. Grant doesn't struggle so I'm not a bit worried. Finally I finish the kiss and break free but stay sitting where I am.

Grant finally catches his breath and asks "What was that for?"

"That is for all the guys in the house that aren't lucky enough to be able to do this themselves... I want to be the first. The way I'm feeling, if I thought nobody would misunderstand I'd have given you a blow job instead."

Grant laughs and says "I think I'll take a rain-check on that one. But I've come to think of you as family since you've had your hands all over my hubby lately."

I stammer: "Your hubby... who?" He indicates with his free hand a person of great stature and I take a second to recognize what he means. "You and... Morris? You're lovers? Oh, that makes so much sense now that I think of it... I just didn't know that Stretch has such good taste!"

"Yep we've been together for years now and I was just going home to crawl into bed with him."

"Well, don't let me stop you" I said.

Grant smiles and reflects for a minute and says: "Hearing you use that nickname for Morris with such loving and respect has made me think I'll go home and try it on him right away."

"Don't you think he might be upset?"

"I'll tell you, Morris is the one person I know that is completely comfortable in his own skin. I'm sure he'd love it. Thanks!"

"Grant, keep your dance card open because on that day when we have that wrap party and you'd better be there with us, there will be fourteen guys lined up to do the exact same thing to you I just did, I'm sure. Get those lip exercises going so you'll survive the experience." I kiss him briefly again before I let him stand up.

Grant says: "Thanks, stud. When this is over I'll have to invite you and Phil over to the house for dinner. Morris is a whiz on the grill. Then we can go out dancing 'til the wee hours. I think you two would fit right in."

I pat his ass as he walks past me and out of the office.

Author's note:

First up, please consider donating to nifty.org They are the founders of this feast and if not for them, what would all of us horny, voracious readers do? http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

You may contact me at snow.steve22_AT_yahoo.com if you have questions, suggestions, niggles, complaints, propositions or whatever. Just don't bother to spam me. I don't have the time or energy. Thank you.

Next: Chapter 7

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